What’s Going On Wednesday: June 6, 2018

We’re seeing blue…LOTS of it as those timeless blue corduroy jackets flood the streets of downtown Montgomery for the 90th annual Alabama FFA State Convention. Between luncheons, receptions, award presentations, contest judging and the career show, you could ALMOST say that this week’s theme is National Blue and Corn Gold. Why almost? You ask.

Well, it’s not like we had an important primary election across our state yesterday or anything. That being said, this week’s themes are FFA and Primary Elections, and between the two, your state staff has stayed boots-on-the-ground busy. Keep reading to learn more about what’s going on around Montgomery this week…


Primary Elections- A Recap

The primary election was held on Tuesday and several races are set up for interesting runoffs. Of note, here are a few takeaways:

  • Gov. Kay Ivey won without a runoff as predicted and will face Democrat Walt Maddox in November
  • Will Ainsworth has forced a runoff with Twinkle Cavanaugh in the Lt. Governor race
  • The heated Attorney General race will be a runoff between current Attorney General Steve Marshall and former Attorney General Troy King
  • The Commissioner of Ag race is going to a runoff between Rick Pate and Gerald Dial
  • Senator Paul Bussman (SD4, Cullman) was beat by Garlan Gudger
  • Newcomer Andrew Jones defeated State Rep. Mack Butler for the Senate District 10 seat (Cherokee and Cleburne Counties)
  • There will be 11 runoffs in the House of Representatives and 5 in the Senate



90th Annual Alabama FFA State Convention

Screenshot 2018-06-06 10.23.10There’s much happening this week in relation to those beloved blue jackets that’s keeping staff here at the ACA busy. First, we would like to congratulate three  Junior Cattlemen on an outstanding year serving as state FFA officers. Cameron Catrett (Crenshaw County) has served the past year as FFA State President. She will recite her retiring address entitled “Put On Your Perspectacles” at the Fifth General Session. Will Jordan of Clay County will hang up his FFA State Reporter jacket with his retiring address “Your Life Matters,” and Bryce Hendricks (Coffee County) will close out his term as FFA State Sentinel after offering his retiring address he has titled “Staying Committed.” Congrats to all three on their notable leadership and their bright futures ahead.


Aside from enjoying the General Sessions, ACA staff will be found hosting the FFA Wall of Honor Luncheon at the Cattlemen’s Building, holding down a booth at the career show and presenting the checkoff-sponsored Meat Evaluation contest award to this year’s winners. We also look forward to a full week of blue coats in The MOOseum as they explore the impact of Alabama’s beef cattle industry.


Welcome all FFA students, parents and teacher to Montgomery. The future sure looks bright!



Evans on YCC

YCLP Class II alumni and Lowndes County cattleman Bradfield Evans is representing Alabama this week on the Young NCBA_OfficeCattlemen’s Conference (YCC) that the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association hosts each year. This 10-day excursion across the country hosts over 60 producers from 25-40 years of age to experience the cattle industry like never before. They have seen farms, feedlots, packing plants, retailers, NCBA and are now spending a few days on the Hill in D.C. Bradfield is on several visits today with our congressional delegation, and we know he is prepared is represent Alabama as he discusses real on-farm concerns and thanks our leadership for the support they give us.




33362104_1690357047752123_5461200721028317184_nWe are excited to present the 2nd annual Slim’s Summer Picnic happening at The MOOseum on June 15 from 11 AM – 2 PM. The MOOseum Coordinator Kara Harden has been hard at work lining up events for little buckaroos to enjoy, and she’s excited to announce that Justalil’ Rodeo Company will be here hosting all their fun Western-themed games and activities. We’ll also be grilling burgers and having a fun competition for whoever brings the biggest crowd! If you’ve got little ones that want to enjoy the cowboy fun, give Kara a call at (334) 265-1867!



Membership Update

The membership total of the day is 9,750! Anyone who would like to have a list of non-renewed members from their county to call for renewals please let Membership Coordinator Jessica Kennedy know.  Our goal is to reach 10,100 or more.  Send in any membership you have so that we can reach our membership goal for 2018!!


Leadership: Jessica now has  all of the presidents coat sizes, but she need eight more shirt sizes from county secretaries.  An email has been sent regarding who those last few are, so please get that information submitted so we can proceed with ordering your prizes! Speaking of prizes, be looking out for an email on Friday with the updated recruiting for Top Hand prizes.




Are you ready to rock?! Registration for the 12th annual AJCA Round-Up, 32681109_1641942122589358_6681310864357720064_ohappening July 19-22 is now open online at BamaBeef.org/Round-Up. Also on that site, you’ll find contest and show rules, a schedule of events and 2018-2019 AJCA director applications. The Round-Up is more than just a calf show! If you don’t show cattle, that’s okay! The great news about the Round-Up is that there’s a contest for anyone and everyone. Check it out:

  • Photography
  • Ad Design
  • Record Book
  • Poster
  • Essay
  • Public Speaking
  • Skill-A-Thon
  • Career Development
  • Volleyball
  • Carne Fiesta (Cooking Competition)
  • Sales Talk
  • Cattle Judging
  • Team Grooming
  • Showmanship
  • Prospect Market Show
  • Breeding Heifer Show


Don’t miss out on all the fun and awesome prizes! Join us in Montgomery to show what you know and make lifelong friends.


AJCA membership is required to participate in the AJCA Round-Up. If membership is not current by July 15, your credit card will be charged the membership fee of $15.


You can view the 2018 contest rules, a schedule of events or the director application by clicking the links below. Registration is now available online and closes June 29 at 11:55 p.m.




Learn more about the Junior Pasture to Rail program today by visiting www.BamaBeef.org/JP2R. The 2018 Junior Pasture to Rail program will be managed through the AJCA in conjunction with the current Alabama Cooperative Extension System (ACES) Pasture to Rail program. Youth will learn how to retain ownership on their cattle and how to market cattle on the grid. There will be four (4) educational programs beginning in fall 2018 to educate the participating youth about the cattle industry from pasture to plate.



Cattle will be gathered at central locations around Alabama and shipped to Hy-Plains Feedlot in Montezuma, KS. Ear notches will be pulled for BVD-PI testing and calves will be tagged, weighed and graded at that time (frame/muscle score, BCS). Data/results will be provided at the awards presentation for the 2018 Pasture to Rail program. Awards will be given to the top three (3) youth based on profitability in two categories: individual profitability of one (1) calf and the average profitability of a pen of three (3) calves.


Data provided will include carcass data as well as feedlot performance, medical expenses, feed costs, etc.


Program Requirements:

  • Youth must be of age 21 or younger by January 1, 2018 to participate
  • Youth must be an AJCA, FFA or 4-H member
  • Steers are preferred, heifers can be entered but will be at a disadvantage for the program.
  • Cattle must be 600-lbs. at minimum on the day of shipment, be weaned and pre-conditioned for 60 days (castrated, dehorned and healed, dewormed) and be vaccinated/boostered for Blackleg, PI3, BVD, BSRV and IBR (modified live).
  • A $200 participation fee will be incurred for pens of three (3) or less. A $75/head fee will be added for additional entries.
  • Youth must attend a minimum of three (3) of four (4) educational programs to be eligible for any awards.


Calves will be shipped at specified dates between August 2018 to March 2019. In order to ship, calves must meet the aforementioned pre-conditioning requirements. Ship dates and locations as well as educational programs will be communicated as determined.


Registration will close August 31 at midnight.
This program is sponsored by the Alabama Beef Checkoff Program.


Thanks for reading this week’s post! Until we post again next week , we want to remind you that you can stay in touch with us by following us on FacebookTwitter or Instagram. Paid for by Alabama Beef Farmers.