Bama Beef News | February 2025

Welcome to the Bama Beef Blog, where you can check out the latest monthly news from the Alabama Cattlemen’s Association, the Alabama Beef Checkoff Program and the Southeastern Livestock Expo. Keep reading for more info!


If you joined us in Birmingham last weekend, you were one of 850+ attendees who experienced the Bama Beef Meet in person, and we want to say thank you for coming! The event hosted an excellent trade show, exceptional guest speakers, important business, delicious food, great networking opportunities, and a moment to pause and honor our past while celebrating the future! Keep reading for the complete rundown. 

Friday’s events kicked off with the trade show opening its doors and a Board of Directors Meeting, followed by BQA Certification “Lunch & Learn” event. Then as an added event to this year’s agenda, Elite Livestock Marketing Group and Live Ag hosted a video auction live from the trade show floor where they sold more than 5,000 head of cattle! Later in the afternoon, we welcomed a large crowd to General Session 1 as we heard from a panel of experts discuss “Planning for the Future of the Farm,” a session dedicated to estate planning. Panelists included moderator Ken Kelley, Alabama Extension agribusiness; Dr. Kelli Russell, Alabama Extension economist; Kacy Atkinson, Wyoming rancher and estate planning advocate; Megan Spain, certified financial planner; and John DeShazo, agricultural lawyer. We then shifted gears into the evening entertainment as a Happy Hour prepared guests for an evening of fun at the Buckles & Bids Banquet featuring the 2025 Alabama BEEF PAC Auction where our generous buyers, donors, auctioneer Chuck Bradley and hardworking ring men raised more than $51,000 to benefit pro-agriculture candidates in Alabama’s legislature. It was an incredible night!

The fun didn’t stop there as Saturday kicked off bright and early with a Sunrise Breakfast, followed by the Annual Membership Meeting. At that meeting, we honored outgoing Regional Vice Presidents (RVPs) Chip Harrigan, Gene Pegues, Tim Pinckard, and Trouble Moody for their three years of outstanding service; and we welcomed four new RVPs into the role. They are Jimmy Trice, Fayette County; Lance Hogan, Cullman County; Jeremy May, Marengo County; and John Gibson, Jr., Choctaw County. In addition to RVPs, Carl Parker of Lauderdale County and Jack Hargett of Franklin County were named Honorary Lifetime Directors, while a new slate of officers was brought forth by the nominating committee and elected without a dissenting vote from the membership. They are Keith Glover of Hale County, president; Wyatt Sasser of Covington County, president-elect; Randy Moody of Madison County, vice president; and Richard Meadows of Houston County, treasurer. 

Following the Annual Membership Meeting, members settled into their seats to enjoy another panel focused on “Diversifying Your Financials on the Farm,” which welcomed moderator Kent Stanford, who spoke on heifer development; Randa Starnes, who shared her experience with local beef sales; Del Ficke, who explored carbon credits; and Jerry Etheredge, who spoke on contract grazing. At noon, the annual Cattlemen’s Luncheon welcomed NCBA CEO Colin Woodall to the podium as he gave an update from the countryside of the American beef industry and shared his D.C. insights! Then the afternoon boasted more time in the trade show, two excellent Cattlemen’s Colleges and some networking time among cattlemen. To wrap up the weekend, the 2025 Cattlemen’s Heritage Banquet honored our past while celebrating the future. In addition to graduating the eleventh class of Young Cattlemen’s Leadership Program (YCLP) students and hosting a Changing of the Guard officer ceremony, the Alabama Livestock Hall of Fame also inducted two new members into its ranks. They are Bob Ebert and Richard Meadows. Congratulations to all! 

We headed back to Montgomery on Sunday after enjoying an excellent weekend with members from each of Alabama’s 67 counties! Thanks to all who joined us and be sure to save the dates for 2026— March 6-7— in Mobile, AL. We can’t wait to see you there!

Be sure to tune into the Cattle Connect podcast in the coming weeks as host Kayla Greer grabbed a few interviews with our guest speakers on site at the event! 


The 2025 Alabama Legislative Session kicked off Tuesday, February 4, marking the busiest 105 days in downtown Montgomery. Each year, the legislative session brings lawmakers to town and activates lobbyists across all industries to monitor legislation moving through the political process that could help, or harm, their respective industries. The Alabama Cattlemen’s Association (ACA) is no exception, as our mission states we exist (in part) to “protect the business climate of the beef cattle industry in Alabama.” Beginning Day 1, ACA lobbyists Erin Beasley and Kayla Greer went to work in the State House. With the month of March hosting two Legislative Spring Breaks during the weeks of March 10 and March 24, the February calendar wasted no time in conducting business.

General Fund (GF) and Education Trust Fund (ETF) Budgets

This year, the Fiscal Year 2026 (FY26) General Fund budget (HB186) began in the House, while the FY26 Education Trust Fund Budget (SB112) dropped first in the Senate. There are line items in both budgets that the ACA will monitor to ensure level or increased funding, including the budgets for the Alabama Department of Agriculture & Industries, career technical education and FFA programs, as well as the $40,000 line item for Junior Cattlemen programs appropriated originally during the 2024 Legislative Session. Additionally, a priority for ACA’s team will be lobbying for $500,000 in increased funding for the Conservation Incentive Program (CIP), housed in the Alabama Agricultural & Conservation Development Commission. 

Alfa Health Plans

The Alabama Farmers Federation is working toward legislation that will allow the organization to offer affordable health coverage to Alabama’s farmers and small business owners. SB84, sponsored by Sen. Arthur Orr, would authorize the Federation to offer Alfa Health Plans to those who qualify— a move Farm Bureaus in 10 other states have already successfully implemented. The ACA will work to support this legislation as it could greatly benefit members who do not have access to employer-provided health care plans and are burdened by the high costs of marketplace coverage.

Axle Weight Legislation

As it stands today, trucks are limited to loads with a total weight of 80,000 pounds plus the allowable 10 percent tolerance— but no more than 20,000 pounds per axle. SB110, sponsored by Sen. Jack Williams of Mobile County, will increase axle weights by 10 percent (to 22,000 pounds plus the allowable load tolerance), while the weight of a tandem axle would be limited to 44,000 pounds plus the allowable load tolerance. This legislation does not increase to total load weight but does allow trucks to reach the legal gross weight without getting ticketed on an over-loaded axle. It also limits the number of trucks that can be stopped at any given time at a portable weigh station to only three trucks, creating safer conditions for roadway patrons, truck drivers and ALEA officers. As this is written, SB110 has passed committee with only one dissenting vote and is awaiting its time on the Senate floor. 

Foreign Land Ownership

Under existing law passed during the 2024 Alabama Legislative Session, government entities from countries identified on any sanctions list of the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control are restricted from purchasing agricultural, forest and/or real property in the state. To date, this restriction applies to Russia, Iran, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela, Syria and China. HB68, sponsored by Rep. Scott Stadthagen, expands the current law to include individuals or companies from the aforementioned countries and further prohibits those entities from entering into a leasehold on any of these properties in the state. As this is written, HB68 has passed through the House Urban and Rural Development Committee and is awaiting its pick on the House Special Order Calendar.

Reclaiming Abandoned Roadways

Relating to highways, roads and bridges, SB42, sponsored by Sen. Tim Melson, would authorize the state to deed property that was once claimed or purchased for roadways back to the original landowner, if the road has been abandoned and is no longer used for its original purpose. As this is written, the bill has passed out of the Senate Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry Committee and is waiting for a vote on the Senate floor.   

While the team at ACA is monitoring several other bills— including a package of immigration bills— these pieces of legislation are highest on the radar for their effects on the beef cattle industry and its landowners. We will report back here each month during the Session, but in the meantime, if you have questions or concerns, please call our office and ask to speak with Executive Vice President Erin Beasley or Director of Communications and Legislative Affairs Kayla Greer. 


The SLE Rodeo and Livestock Week officially kicks off next week! For a full rundown of all events happening on the Garrett Coliseum grounds, please visit Make plans to join us for the ProRodeo March 14-16! Be sure to purchase your tickets in advance from the Garrett Coliseum Box Office so you can skip the long lines and move right on inside to visit with vendors and grab a bite to eat before the rodeo performance begins. Ticketing information is outlined on  New this year is the Alabama Select Horse Sale happening March 7-8 at the Crawford Arena. We can’t wait to see you there!


The ACA is aiming to go Over the Top again in 2025— help us get over 10,500 members! As we have entered a new membership year, we are proud to report that as of February 26, we represent 6,251 members and growing more with each county annual meeting that takes place. We are grateful for the grassroots efforts of our county organizations and look forward to another year of membership advocacy alongside you! 

Membership Deadlines to Remember

Remember, the Over the Top County Chapter deadline to earn your president a coveted ACA red coat is June 30. And believe us when we say that will be here before we know it! 

Membership Prizes Awarded

At Convention, we were thrilled to award our 2024 Top Hand recruitment prizes. The top recruiter was Patrick Shirley of St. Clair County, and was awarded ten 12’ Priefert panels, while St. Clair County Cattlemen’s won the head gate— both of which were donated by our friends at Priefert Ranch Equipment and Hartford Veterinary Supplies. The winner of the John Deere Gator was Rylee Hathcox of Chilton County— congrats on your new ride and special thanks to SunSouth, LCC, TriGreen Equipment and John Deere for making this prize possible! Also, all 35 counties who went Over the Top by the end of 2024 were in a drawing for the Priefert Squeeze Chute, also donated by Priefert Ranch Equipment and Hartford Veterinary Supplies. The winner of that chute was Jefferson County! Congrats to all and thank you for your grassroots efforts!

County Meetings

We need to know about your county meetings in more ways than one. First, we need to know when it will be! Please send the date, time, and location information to ACA Director of Membership Jessica Kennedy so we can list your upcoming meeting in the magazine and on our online events calendar. Second, following the meeting, we need to know about leadership changes. Submit the names and contact information of your county president and secretary also to Jessica Kennedy so they can be added to our correspondence list! 

BEEF 101

Spring 2025 Beef 101 sessions kicked off on February 12 in Auburn with a full group of culinary and agriculture students from Enterprise. In addition to the normal agenda complete with a pasture to plate education, beef carcass fabrication demonstration and an industry overview, students also heard from 2024 Geneva County Cattlemen’s Queen Mackenzie Alford on her experiences in beef education during her reign. If you are interested in this program, please reach out to Josie Jones at for more information. 


Congratulations to the more 60 young people who competed in the 82nd annual ACA Convention & Trade Show Youth Contests! Check out a list of all the winners, here. They really wow’d the crowd!!

The Alabama Junior Beef Expo will be held March 14-16 in conjunction with the SLE Rodeo. Junior cattlemen from across the state will come to Montgomery to exhibit their projects. More information on the show can be found online at

Save the date for Spring Youth Field Days, coming to north and south Alabama this April! The North Alabama Spring Youth Field Day is April 2 at the Blount County Multipurpose Center, and the South Alabama Spring Youth Field Day is April 9 at Parnell Farms in Stanton, AL. Those who participate will leave the event with a certification in Beef Quality Assurance (BQA). Learn more and register now online by clicking here. Registration for this FREE youth educational opportunity closes March 28. 


Young Cattlemen’s Leadership Program (YCLP) Class XII applications are now available online and will close March 17. The YCLP is funded by the Alabama Beef Checkoff and serves to develop young leaders in the state cattle industry. There will be six (6) YCLP sessions for a select group of young cattlemen between the ages of 22 and 40 looking to take on more leadership and responsibility within the Alabama Cattlemen’s Association and its county affiliates. Participants will network with other young cattlemen, tour diverse cattle operations, and develop advocacy and leadership skills as it relates to beef cattle production— all while learning more about the industry we represent. Applications and additional program details can be found at, or by contacting YCLP Coordinator Reid McGuire at 334-265-1867.


The Alabama Junior and Senior High School Beef Cookoff will be held on Friday, April 11 at the Riverchase Career Connection Center. This contest is open to the winning students (one junior division and one senior division) from each designated county beef cookoff hosted by Family and Consumer Science, Alabama Cattlemen’s Association, Alabama CattleWomen’s Association or Alabama Cooperative Extension System county contest coordinators. For more information about eligibility or to register your students, visit Registration closes Monday, March 3. 


Tune into the Cattle Connect podcast weekly on Friday mornings at 7AM. Listen is as staff discusses beef industry news, hits on a variety of educational topics and explores the many facets of the ACA! This podcast is available on Apple Podcast, Spotify, iHeart Radio, YouTube, Amazon Music and at Season 2 of the show aired January 3 and already features eight episodes full of timely information for cattlemen and members of our association!


Livestock producers experiencing depredation from black vultures may now apply for a no cost Black Vulture Depredation Sub-Permit through the Alabama Department of Agriculture & Industries. All approved applicants will be allowed to take up to three black vultures as long as the statewide take number has not exceeded 500. If 500 vultures are harvested in the state, applicants will receive an email notifying them that no more vultures may be taken during the permit period. For more information, visit


The Bama Beef Events Calendar ( is beginning to fill up with county cattlemen’s, youth and Extension activities as we look toward the spring months. Check it daily to make sure you don’t miss an event near you!

Thanks for reading this month’s post! Until we post again, we want to remind you that you can stay in touch with us by following us on Facebook or Instagram.

Bama Beef News | January 2025

Welcome to the Bama Beef Blog, where you can check out the latest monthly news from the Alabama Cattlemen’s Association, the Alabama Beef Checkoff Program and the Southeastern Livestock Expo. Keep reading for more info!

ACA Convention & Trade Show

Convention is just 23 days away! Make plans to join us for the 82nd annual ACA Convention & Trade Show February 21-22, 2025 at the Birmingham-Jefferson Civic Center (BJCC) in Birmingham, AL. In addition to vast networking opportunities, banquets featuring delicious beef meals and the Alabama beef industry’s largest trade show, the event will provide educational workshops, youth competitions and industry meetings. 

This year’s event will host several educational sessions and workshops, along with a first-ever event at the convention— a live video cattle auction, brought to you by Elite Livestock Marketing Group & LiveAg! Following a Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) certification training in the Trade Show, sponsored by Zoetis, General Session 1 will host an engaging panel discussion around the topic of succession planning for the family farm. Led by moderator Ken Kelley from the Alabama Cooperative Extension System, the panel will be comprised of an agricultural lawyer, financial advisor and a cattleman to speak candidly about what farm owners need to manage the succession planning process effectively. General Session 2 will host another panel discussion about ways producers can diversify their financial spreadsheet on the cattle operation. Topics covered will be related to direct-to-consumer sales, contract grazing, developing females and information about carbon credits. 

Cattlemen’s College 1, sponsored by Alfa Health, will be all about farm safety and life-saving tips in an emergency, while Cattlemen’s College 2, sponsored by Agrarian, will featured information about calf health on “Day One, Week One and Month One.”

These are just a few examples of what those interested in attending can expect to learn at this year’s event— and it doesn’t begin to include all the fun! It’s not too late to register. Just click one of the many links below to learn more!

Young Cattlemen’s Leadership Program Class XII- Apply Now!

Young Cattlemen’s Leadership Program (YCLP) Class XII applications are now available online. The YCLP is funded by the Alabama Beef Checkoff and serves to develop young leaders ages 22-40 in the state cattle industry. There will be six (6) YCLP sessions for a select group of young cattlemen looking to take on more leadership and responsibility within the Alabama Cattlemen’s Association and its county affiliates. Participants will network with other young cattlemen, tour diverse cattle operations, and develop advocacy and leadership skills, all while learning more about the industry we represent. Applications and additional program details can be found at Apps close March 17.

The YCLP Advisory Council is also accepting applications for alumni of classes 5, 7, 9, and 11. The application can be found at Apps close February 7. 

Membership Report

The ACA is aiming to go Over the Top again in 2025— help us get over 10,000 members! As we have entered a new membership year, we are proud to report that as of today we represent 5,432 members and growing more with each county annual meeting that takes place. We are grateful for the grassroots efforts of our county organizations and look forward to another year of membership advocacy alongside you! 

Membership Deadlines to Remember

Remember, the Over the Top County Chapter deadline to earn your president a coveted ACA red coat is June 30. And believe us when we say that will be here before we know it! We are also looking forward to awarding our 2024 Top Hand recruitment prizes during the upcoming ACA Convention & Trade Show. The top recruiter will be awarded ten 12″ Priefert panels, donated by our friends at Priefert Ranch Equipment. New members and their recruiter’s name will go into the drawing for a John Deere Gator— thanks to our friends at SunSouth, TriGreen Equipment and John Deere— and all 35 counties who went Over the Top by the end of 2024 are in a drawing for the Priefert Squeeze Chute, also donated by Priefert Ranch Equipment. Remember, a representative from the winning county must be present at the drawing in order to win. If there is no representation present at the meeting, another county will be drawn. Stay tuned for our winners!

County Meetings

We need to know about county meetings in more ways than one. First, we need to know when it will be! Please send the date, time, and location to ACA Director of Membership Jessica Kennedy so we can list your upcoming meeting in the magazine and on our online events calendar. Second, following the meeting, we need to know about leadership changes. Submit the names and contact information of your county president and secretary also to Jessica, so they can be added to our state correspondence list.

2025 Alabama Legislative Session

The 2025 Alabama Legislative Session will gavel in on Tuesday, February 4, kicking off the busiest 105 days in downtown Montgomery. While topics such as workforce development, overtime tax and healthcare will rule the hallways of the State House, the ACA’s legislative priorities will remain on task. ACA’s lobbyists Erin Beasley and Kayla Greer will primarily focus on budget priorities in both the General Fund (GF) and Education Trust Fund (ETF) relating to youth livestock programs, and the duo will be working to increase the line item for the Conservation Incentive Program (CIP) through the Alabama Agricultural and Conservation Development Commission. CIP is a voluntary rebate initiative designed to empower private landowners to implement conservation practices that protect and enhance Alabama’s soil, water, forests, and wildlife resources. By reducing the financial burden of conservation, CIP promotes responsible stewardship while ensuring long-term benefits for all Alabamians.

In November, Kayla Greer hosted an episode of the Cattle Connect podcast that highlighted CIP in depth with program coordinator Ashley Henderson. Tune in to learn more about how these programs can benefit your operation! 

Upcoming Junior Cattlemen Events: Youth Convention Scholarship Contests & SLE Judging Contest

Registration is now open for Youth Scholarship Contests at the 82nd Annual ACA Convention & Trade Show on Friday, February 21 at the BJCC in Birmingham, AL. Contest entry is FREE, and scholarship prizes will be awarded for winners in Public Speaking, Career Development and Quiz Bowl competitions. Interested youth ages 9-21 can learn more and register online by February 13. The 2025 Youth Scholarship Contests are sponsored by the Alabama Beef Checkoff Program.

Registration is also open for the 10th Annual Youth and Collegiate Livestock Judging Contest at the Southeastern Livestock Expo. This contest is open to youth contestants ages 9-18 as well as two-year and four-year colleges. Information and registration can be found at SLE Livestock Judging Contest. The contest is March 5, 2025, and the deadline to register is February 25.

Junior Cattlemen Board & YCLP Class XI Gather for Sessions

The Alabama Junior Cattlemen’s Association Board of Directors held its winter meeting in Guntersville December 19-20. The group heard from Rebecca Barnett, Deputy Commissioner for the Alabama Department of Agriculture and Industries, on beef industry and advocacy issues as well as the work of the Department of Ag. After meetings to plan for spring educational activities, they toured Dixie Grinders Inc. in Guntersville, a manufacturer of industrial meat grinding equipment.The Alabama Junior Cattlemen’s Association Board of Directors held its winter meeting in Guntersville December 19-20. The group heard from Rebecca Barnett, deputy commissioner for the Alabama Department of Agriculture and Industries, on beef industry and advocacy issues as well as the work of the Department of Ag. After meetings to plan for spring educational activities, they toured Dixie Grinders Inc. in Guntersville, a manufacturer of industrial meat grinding equipment.

The Young Cattlemen’s Leadership Program held its final session in Southwest Alabama January 17-18. The class began the weekend with a tour of the Port of Mobile, followed by a leadership workshop on Generations in the Workplace. The group ended the day at the Mobile County Cattlemen’s Annual Meeting. The session concluded with a tour of Tucker Farms in Uriah and lunch provided by the Monroe County Cattlemen’s Association.


The Alabama Junior and Senior High School Beef Cookoff will be held on Friday, April 11 at the Riverchase Career Connection Center. This contest is open to the winning students (one junior division and one senior division) from each designated county beef cookoff hosted by Family and Consumer Science, Alabama Cattlemen’s Association, Alabama CattleWomen’s Association or Alabama Cooperative Extension System county contest coordinators. For more information about eligibility or to register your students, visit Registration closes Monday, March 3. 


The 2025 Spring Semester Beef 101 program is now fully booked! This program is held at Auburn University and offers pasture to plate beef education for high school and collegiate culinary, hospitality, nutrition or agriculture students in a five-hour format. The agenda includes a beef production overview, a day in the life of beef cattle producers, a look at the industry from large animal veterinarians and a carcass fabrication demonstration in the Auburn Meat Lab. If you missed the chance this semester, don’t stress! There is a virtual version of this program for in-classroom use. Contact ACA Director of Consumer Outreach Josie Jones at for more information or to be put on the email list to be notified when dates go live for the Fall semester.

2025 SLE Rodeo, Coming to Town!

The 2025 SLE Rodeo is only 44 days away!  Check out the Official SLE Rodeo Video to fully understand the purpose of the Southeastern Livestock Exposition, and be sure to mark your calendars to join the fun in Montgomery at the Garrett Coliseum for the SLE Rodeo March 14-16, 2025! Tickets are ON SALE NOW at Check out the event schedule on for complete details of the SLE Rodeo and Livestock Week. We can’t wait to see you there!


ACA Director of Consumer Outreach Josie Jones kicked off the new year with some retailer education at a Central Alabama food show on January 22. During this event, Jones networked with independent grocery store owners, meat managers and beef suppliers from across Alabama. Through Beef. It’s What’s For Dinner and the Alabama Beef Checkoff Program, smaller grocery stores have access to beef cuts training for new employees, recipe and sustainability information for marketing and the resources to develop a more in-depth understanding of the beef industry.

Cattle Connect Podcast

Tune into the Cattle Connect podcast weekly on Friday mornings at 7AM. Listen is as staff discusses beef industry news, hits on a variety of educational topics and explores the many facets of the ACA! This podcast is available on Apple Podcast, Spotify, iHeart Radio, YouTube, Amazon Music and at Season 2 of the show aired January 3 and already features four episodes full of timely information for cattlemen and members of our association!

Black Vulture Depredation Sub-Permit

Livestock producers experiencing depredation from black vultures may now apply for a no cost Black Vulture Depredation Sub-Permit through the Alabama Department of Agriculture & Industries. All approved applicants will be allowed to take up to three black vultures as long as the statewide take number has not exceeded 500. If 500 vultures are harvested in the state, applicants will receive an email notifying them that no more vultures may be taken during the permit period. For more information, visit


The Bama Beef Events Calendar ( is filling up with county cattlemen’s, youth and Extension activities as we look toward the summer months. Check it daily to make sure you don’t miss an event near you!

Thanks for reading this month’s post! Until we post again, we want to remind you that you can stay in touch with us by following us on Facebook or Instagram.


Welcome to the Bama Beef Blog, where you can check out the latest monthly news from the Alabama Cattlemen’s Association, the Alabama Beef Checkoff Program and the Southeastern Livestock Expo. Keep reading for more info!


Make plans to join us for the 82nd annual ACA Convention & Trade Show February 21-22, 2025 at the Birmingham-Jefferson Civic Center (BJCC) in Birmingham, AL. In addition to vast networking opportunities, banquets featuring delicious beef meals and the Alabama beef industry’s largest trade show, the event will provide educational workshops, youth competitions and industry meetings. 

This year’s event will host several educational sessions and workshops, along with a first-ever event at the convention— a live video cattle auction, brought to you by Elite Livestock Services! Following a Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) certification training in the Trade Show, sponsored by Zoetis, General Session 1 will host an engaging panel discussion around the topic of succession planning for the family farm. Led by moderator Ken Kelley from the Alabama Cooperative Extension System, the panel will comprise of an agricultural lawyer, financial advisor and cattleman member to speak candidly about what farm owners need to manage the succession planning process effectively. General Session 2 will host another panel discussion about ways producers can diversify their financial spreadsheet on the cattle operation. Topics covered will be related to direct-to-consumer sales, contract grazing, developing females and information about carbon credits. These are just a few examples of what those interested in attending can expect to learn at this year’s event!

We’ll be beefin’ up the ‘Ham February 21-22, 2025, and we hope to see you there! 

Bender Joins the Association

Lee Bender recently joined the Alabama Cattlemen’s Association team as The MOOseum Coordinator. No stranger to the association, she has worked in a clerical role on a part-time basis the last two years. Now full-time, Lee will be the friendly voice on the phone and person you see as you enter The MOOseum. In addition to scheduling tours for The MOOseum, Lee will continue her clerical duties in bookkeeping and work in collections and compliance for Beef Checkoff programming. Please welcome Lee to the team in this new role!

YCLP Applications Open Now for Class 12

The Alabama Cattlemen’s Association is now accepting applications for producers between the ages of 22-40 to participate in Class 12 of the Young Cattlemen’s Leadership Program (YCLP). Those interested can expect six sessions throughout the year beginning in May 2025 and completing with graduation in February 2026. The class will spend the year networking, learning about the beef cattle industry and developing leadership skills to use for involvement in county cattlemen chapters. Information about the program can be found on along with the application. Cattlemen interested in applying are encouraged to talk with a YCLP graduate or with Reid McGuire from the ACA staff for more information. 

Cattle Connect Podcast Moves Into Studio Home

A new and popular tool in the ACA communications toolbelt, the Cattle Connect podcast first hit airwaves in January 2024. After production of a full season from staff offices, the team quickly realized a dedicated space to record and produce segments would enhance efficiency and quality of the podcast. A few new walls and many sound-proofing tiles later, a once-forgotten alcove on the second floor of the Cattlemen’s building has been repurposed into a studio space where staff can record and edit episodes, which air weekly on Friday mornings at 7 a.m. on Apple Podcast, Spotify and at

With the new space, listeners can expect to hear enhanced audio quality, which lends itself to new opportunities for growth on the platform. Cattlemen with ideas for content, improvement suggestions or any other feedback on the Cattle Connect podcast are encouraged to contact ACA staffer Kayla Greer at (334) 265-1867 or Don’t forget to tune in weekly as season two kicks off in January!


Representing 10,414 members, the ACA is grateful for the grassroots efforts that got us over the top in 2024! As the first remittance statements of 2025 begin circulating, county leaders, please remember to input those renewing AFTER January 1.

County Meetings: Please send in county meeting dates ASAP if you would like them to run in the magazine or order a postcard to be sent. This is the easiest way to get the word out to your members! Send the date, time, and location information to ACA Director of Membership Jessica Kennedy with a minimum of two weeks notice. 

AJCA Board Meets This Weekend

The AJCA Board of Directors will hold its annual winter meeting in Guntersville on December 18-19. The board will plan Spring Field Days as well as convention contests. Any youth interested in participating in the Scholarship Contests at the ACA Convention can find information and registration here


Merry Christmas from the Southeastern Livestock Exposition! After the holidays, the officers and members will be full steam ahead and ready for the SLE Rodeo March 14-16 at the Garrett Coliseum! Check out the full event schedule and buy tickets now on Don’t forget about the exciting new addition the SLE Rodeo & Livestock Week: the Alabama Select Horse Sale. This sale will consist of a variety of horses suitable for different riding abilities and disciplines. Consignments are now open! Learn more about this event by visiting

Check out these SLE highlights from the first half of December. SLE President Linwood McClain, SLE President-Elect Galen Grace, and SLE Executive Director Sarah Hunter attended the PRCA Convention in Las Vegas where countless awards were given to recognize the best in the rodeo industry. Frontier Rodeo Company claimed the title of Stock Contractor of the Year for the 10th consecutive year! Shawn Calhoun was named Pickup Man of the Year. Eva Chadwick was named Secretary of the Year. Dusty Myers was nominated in the Top 5 for PRCA Rodeo Clown of the Year! These are all contract personnel that will be working together to make the 2025 SLE Rodeo a world-class experience for rodeo fans! Also to note while in Las Vegas at the PRCA Convention, Sarah Hunter was voted to serve a three-year term on the Association of Rodeo Committees (ARC) Board of Directors. This opportunity will provide great relationships and insight to continue to improve the SLE Rodeo.


The Beef 101 program for Spring 2025 is open for registration! This program is held at Auburn University and offers pasture to plate beef education in a five-hour format. The agenda includes a beef production overview, a day in the life of beef cattle producers, a look at the industry from large animal veterinarians and a carcass fabrication demonstration in the Auburn Meat Lab. If you know any culinary or nutrition classes, agriculture educators, or others interested in this program, please visit or contact ACA Director of Consumer Outreach Josie Jones at for more information.


As the end of the year approaches, cattlemen are encouraged to check their records and remit any private treaty beef checkoff collections that are due. By law, cattlemen are required to submit the $1 National Beef Checkoff and $1 Alabama Beef Checkoff for each head of cattle sold. This applies to any cattle sold off the farm through private treaty sale or direct to consumer. Online payment is accepted on Your compliance is greatly appreciated so beef education, marketing, research and youth programs can continue to be strong in Alabama.

Nationwide Preliminary Injunction Issued on Corporate Transparency Act

The U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas granted a nationwide preliminary injunction to halt the enforcement of the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA), a law that the U.S. Treasury Department is set to enforce on January 1, 2025. Under the CTA, certain businesses with 20 or fewer employees who report to the Secretary of State are required to disclose beneficial ownership information to the U.S. Treasury Department’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN). Failure to comply with CTA may result in fines of $500 per day and up to two years in prison.

In Texas Top Cop Shop Inc. v. Garland, the court held that the reporting requirements were likely unconstitutional, and implementation of the law may harm businesses. The court enjoined the CTA nationwide to prevent the enforcement of the law and its regulations. Media reports suggest the government is likely to appeal the ruling to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit. This decision is similar to National Small Business United vs. Yellen (U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Alabama) where the court sided with the plaintiffs but did not apply an injunction nationwide. That decision is on appeal to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit. However, two other federal district courts sided with the government and denied preliminary injunctions and challenges to the constitutionality of CTA, likely resulting in further appellate challenges.

While this court decision is a step in the right direction, a long-term solution with Congress and the incoming administration will be needed. In the meantime, you are strongly encouraged to consult with your attorney and/or tax professional to determine how the CTA impacts you.


Alabama’s Soil and Water Conservation Districts are reminding cattle producers that application sign-up for the Alabama Conservation Incentive Program (CIP) has begun! CIP supports several conservation practices for livestock and grazing including watering facilities, exclusion and cross fencing. corral systems and feed troughs. Eligible applicants can receive a 75 percent rebate on the cost of installation. Check with your local soil and water conservation district for price caps and application deadlines. For more information, visit


Livestock producers experiencing depredation from black vultures may now apply for a no cost Black Vulture Depredation Sub-Permit through the Alabama Department of Agriculture & Industries. All approved applicants will be allowed to take up to three black vultures as long as the statewide take number has not exceeded 500. If 500 vultures are harvested in the state, applicants will receive an email notifying them that no more vultures may be taken during the permit period. For more information, visit


Tune into the Cattle Connect podcast weekly on Friday mornings at 7AM. Listen is as staff discusses beef industry news, hits on a variety of educational topics and explores the many facets of the ACA! This podcast is available on Apple Podcast, Spotify, and at Tune in on your favorite streaming platform today to catch up on the first season and subscribe to get notifications when a new episode airs. Don’t miss the final episode of the year, Dec. 27 as the podcast team does a year-end review!


The Bama Beef Events Calendar ( is filling up with county cattlemen’s, youth and Extension activities as we look toward the summer months. Check it daily to make sure you don’t miss an event near you!

Thanks for reading this month’s post! Until we post again, we want to remind you that you can stay in touch with us by following us on Facebook or Instagram.


Welcome to the Bama Beef Blog, where you can check out the latest monthly news from the Alabama Cattlemen’s Association, the Alabama Beef Checkoff Program and the Southeastern Livestock Expo. Keep reading for more info!

Oh give thanks unto the Lord, for He is good. His faithful love endures forever.” -Psalm 136:1

Christmas From Cowboys

Give someone the gift of membership this holiday season! Gift your friends, family or colleagues a membership to the Alabama Cattlemen’s Association through the Christmas From Cowboys membership drive. For $50, the person who receives your gifted membership will receive all of our exclusive member benefits, including 12 issues of the Alabama Cattleman magazine. The promotion is now live, and is a great way to get a new member into the organization. To learn more and get gifting, visit


Make plans to join us for the 82nd annual ACA Convention & Trade Show February 21-22, 2025 at the Birmingham-Jefferson Civic Center (BJCC) in Birmingham, AL. In addition to vast networking opportunities, banquets featuring delicious beef meals and the Alabama beef industry’s largest trade show, the event will provide educational workshops, youth competitions and industry meetings.

While the 2025 event will bring back old favorites, it also welcomes some *NEW* features to the event, including: a Friday & SATURDAY Evening Happy Hour, earlier trade show hours on Friday, a Friday Lunch & Learn opportunity for BQA certification, and a LIVE Elite Livestock Sales video cattle auction in the trade show on Friday afternoon!

We’ll be beefin’ up the ‘Ham February 21-22, 2025, and we hope to see you there! 

Young Cattlemen’s Leadership Program Update

The Young Cattlemen’s Leadership Program (YCLP) Council went on an industry trip to Oklahoma in early November. The group— consisting of Daniel Adams, Bullock County; John Gibson, Choctaw County; William Morgan, Coffee County; Chris Bell, Monroe County; Michael Smith, Shelby County; Shelby Marsh, Hale County; and Aisling Walding, Dale County; and ACA President Dr. Terry Slaten— toured the Oklahoma State University Beef Unit, Oklahoma National Stockyards, National Cowboy and Western Heritage Museum, the Oklahoma State Capitol, and Bullnanza Collection Facility. They also enjoyed a meal and industry discussion at the Oklahoma Cattlemen’s Association.

Back home the following week, Class 11 of the YCLP held its fourth session in the Blackbelt region. The class toured Middle Creek Cattle Company in Minter, as well as Prairie Lakes Farms and Drury Catfish and Cattle in Greensboro. The young leaders also participated in a leadership workshop on organizational change as well as a workshop on soil and hay testing.

Applications for YCLP Class 12 will open Monday, December 2. Young people who are ACA members aged 22-40 are encouraged to apply at


Representing 10,381 members, we are grateful for the grassroots efforts that got us over the top in 2024! 

Membership Deadlines to Remember

We are in the last stretch to recruit new members for Top Hand prizes. The top recruiter will be awarded ten 12’ Priefert panels. Also, new members recruited will go into the drawing for a John Deere Gator and your name will be entered for each new member you recruit. Don’t forget, all county chapters who go Over the Top by year end will go into the drawing for the Priefert Squeeze Chute. Get those memberships entered or sent to the office by the deadline to count! Special thanks to our membership sponsors at SunSouth, LLC, TriGreen Equipment, John Deere, and Priefert Ranch Equipment for their generous support of our membership recruitment prizes.

County Meetings

We need your county meeting dates ASAP if you would like them to run in the magazine or order a postcard to be sent. This is the easiest way to get the word out to your members! Send the date, time, and location information to ACA Director of Membership Jessica Kennedy. 

County Cattlemen’s Give Generously During Relief Effort

Following the catastrophic landfalls of Hurricanes Helene and Milton, the Alabama Cattlemen’s Foundation organized clean up efforts, a fencing materials collection and facilitated monetary donations to cattlemen in Florida, Georgia and North Carolina. Thanks to the generosity of individuals and County Cattlemen’s chapters across the state, a total of $33,656 was donated to affected states. In addition, a truckload of materials was delivered to North Carolina for distribution, and a clean up team went to work in Georgia.

The County Cattlemen’s chapters who made monetary contributions were:

  • Autauga County
  • Bullock County
  • Clay County
  • Colbert County
  • Coosa County
  • Crenshaw County
  • Dekalb County
  • Elmore County
  • Hale County
  • Henry County
  • Limestone County
  • Macon County
  • Russell County
  • Winston County

Thank you, individuals and county chapters, for your generosity! 

Don’t Forget Private Treaty Remittance

As the end of the year approaches, cattlemen are encouraged to check their records and remit any private treaty beef checkoff collections that are due. By law, cattlemen are required to submit the $1 National Beef Checkoff and $1 Alabama Beef Checkoff for each head of cattle sold. This applies to any cattle sold off the farm through private treaty sale or direct to consumer. Online payment is accepted on Your compliance is greatly appreciated so beef education, marketing, research and youth programs can continue to be strong in Alabama.

Beef Promotion & Education Efforts Strong in November

BEEF 101

High school culinary students from Daphne, Opelika and Talladega rounded out the 2024 Beef 101 sessions at Auburn University’s Beef Unit and Meat Lab in November. Students learned about beef production from the pasture to the plate and furthered their culinary education during a carcass fabrication demonstration. Beef 101 session dates for Spring 2025 will be released soon! For more information about this program, contact Josie Jones at

Elberta Middle School

Elberta Middle School students in Baldwin County enjoyed a beef basics discussion with ACA’s Josie Jones on November 12. The students enjoyed pasture to plate and agriculture career discussions as part of their culinary education. For beef education resources in classrooms, contact Josie Jones at

Feeding Change Conference

ACA’s Josie Jones offered beef education to attendees of the 2024 Hunger Solutions Institute at Auburn University Feeding Change Conference in Montgomery, November 6-7. Major topics included agriculture education, food deserts and improving local food systems.  

Checkoff Task Force

Educators, Extension employees, cattle producers and other partners gathered for the Alabama Beef Checkoff Task Force meeting on November 21 to evaluate 2024 Alabama Beef Checkoff programming and brainstorm for programs in 2025. Thank you to everyone who participated!

Rollins Tapped for Secretary of Agriculture

The Alabama Cattlemen’s Association and the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA) would like to congratulate Brooke Rollins on her nomination for Secretary of Agriculture.

NCBA Vice President of Government Affairs Ethan Lane issued a statement regarding the nomination: “From her time as a college student studying agriculture development to her distinguished career in Texas and Washington, Brooke Rollins has a history of fighting for Main Street and rural America. America’s cattle producers need a Secretary of Agriculture who will protect family farms and ranches, roll back crushing regulations, and stand up for rural values—and we look forward to working with Secretary-Designate Rollins to make it happen.”


The 2025 SLE Rodeo is only 107 days away, and the organization is now accepting sponsor partners! If you are interested in helping to fulfill the SLE mission of supporting youth in agriculture through sponsorship of the SLE Rodeo, please take a moment to review through this 2025 SLE Rodeo Sponsorship Guide. Want to learn a little more? Check out our Official SLE Rodeo Video to fully understand the purpose of the Southeastern Livestock Exposition. If you have questions about sponsorships, don’t hesitate to reach out to SLE Executive Director Sarah Hunter.

Be sure to mark your calendars to join us in Montgomery at the Garrett Coliseum for the SLE Rodeo March 14-16, 2025. Tickets will go on sale December 3 (rodeo tickets make great stocking stuffers for Christmas!). Be sure to only purchase tickets through the SLE or Garrett Coliseum box offices or online through the SLE website:


Alabama’s Soil and Water Conservation Districts are reminding cattle producers that application sign-up for the Alabama Conservation Incentive Program (CIP) has begun! CIP supports several conservation practices for livestock and grazing including watering facilities, exclusion and cross fencing. corral systems and feed troughs. Eligible applicants can receive a 75 percent rebate on the cost of installation. Check with your local soil and water conservation district for price caps and application deadlines. For more information, visit


Livestock producers experiencing depredation from black vultures may now apply for a no cost Black Vulture Depredation Sub-Permit through the Alabama Department of Agriculture & Industries. All approved applicants will be allowed to take up to three black vultures as long as the statewide take number has not exceeded 500. If 500 vultures are harvested in the state, applicants will receive an email notifying them that no more vultures may be taken during the permit period. For more information, visit


Tune into the Cattle Connect podcast weekly on Friday mornings at 7AM. Listen is as staff discusses beef industry news, hits on a variety of educational topics and explores the many facets of the ACA! This podcast is available on Apple Podcast, Spotify, and at Tune in on your favorite streaming platform today to catch up on the first 40 episodes and subscribe to get notifications when a new episode airs! 


The Bama Beef Events Calendar ( is filling up with county cattlemen’s, youth and Extension activities as we look toward the summer months. Check it daily to make sure you don’t miss an event near you!

Thanks for reading this month’s post! Until we post again, we want to remind you that you can stay in touch with us by following us on Facebook or Instagram.

Bama Beef News | October 2024

Welcome to the Bama Beef Blog, where you can check out the latest monthly news from the Alabama Cattlemen’s Association, the Alabama Beef Checkoff Program and the Southeastern Livestock Expo. Keep reading for more info!

October Beef Month State Promotion Activities

What a month of beef promotion it has been! Check out all that’s been happening from the state office as we celebrated 60 years of October Beef Month, a tradition that began in 1964!


Alabama Governor Kay Ivey proclaimed October to be Beef Month in Alabama for 2024 ahead of the many 60th October Beef Month festivities held across the state. 


October Beef Month kicked off in Alabama at Talladega Superspeedway for the YellaWood500 October 4-6! During the series weekend attended by 100,000 race fans, over 5,500 steak samples, coloring books, stickers, seasoning packets and education were shared by cattlemen and cattlewomen to help attendees celebrate the Alabama beef industry. We want to give a special thanks to Clay County Cattlemen and the Alabama Cattlewomen’s Association for their help!


The Alabama Beef Checkoff Program partnered with Restore Mobile for Mobtown Burger Week, October 4-13, to highlight beef in the southwest region of Alabama through restaurant highlights. Over 3,000 consumers participated in the burger stops and voting to crown Frank n’ Lola’s as the winner with their Supernova Burger.


Beef was at the center of the plate during the inaugural Smoke on the Farm event at Mason Hills Farm in Grand Bay, Alabama October 11-13. October Beef Month was highlighted during the steak cookoff, a burger eating contest, a team burger cookoff and on-site media coverage. Beef cookery resources and beef production education were provided for both competitive pitmasters and local consumers throughout the weekend. Special thanks to Baldwin County Cattlemen for their help!


The Alabama Beef Checkoff Program partnered with the Alabama National Fair to host three beef-centered contests on October 12 during the “11 Best Days of Fall” in Montgomery. Competitors filled three divisions – Gameday Beef Sliders, Beef Stew and Beef Tacos (youth) – with fall comfort food favorites.


October brings together two important promotions: Beef and Breast Cancer Awareness! During the Joy to Life Foundation’s Walk of Life on October 19, participants fueled up halfway through the 5K in Montgomery with Peanut Butter, Chocolate-Hazelnut and Chocolate Chip Beef Jerky Cookies. While families munched on these sweet and savory bites just outside The MOOseum, kids learned about beef production in Alabama.


Over 350 people gathered on October 29th along Bainbridge Street in Montgomery for the Bainbridge Block Party! This annual event is a partnership between the Alabama Cattlemen’s Association, Sweet Grown Alabama, the Alabama Poultry & Egg Association and the Alabama Forestry Association to familiarize Alabama consumers with the agricultural organizations housed on Bainbridge Street. Attendees enjoyed burgers, beef hotdogs, chicken wings, live music, and agriculture education just outside The MOOseum.

BEEF 101

Students from Alexander City Schools enjoyed a Beef 101 session in Auburn on October 19! Thanks to the Alabama Beef Checkoff Program, culinary students enjoyed a pasture to plate session, Q&A with industry experts, a beef-centered lunch and a beef carcass fabrication demonstration.


Alabama Beef Checkoff Program influencers highlighted beef recipes for families on social media and cooking segments on news outlets across the state! Kathy Adams Phillips with Kathy’s Southern Kitchen partnered with WSFA, WBRC and WTVY to share some of her 10 total beef-focused segments with consumers. Dietitian Jessica Ivey shared an easy beef burger slider on WBRC in Birmingham to highlight beef’s nutrition benefits. 


“Sixty Savory Years” of October Beef Month was highlighted through staff interviews and beef features with WSFA, WKRG, The Land Show and Capitol Journal. Additionally, October Beef Month features were placed on WSFA, WBRC, WHNT, and WKRG to encourage Alabama Consumer celebrations.


October Beef Month was highlighted through digital ads, Head2Head social media features, and connected TV and audio streaming commercials centered around SEC Football and NASCAR races during October across Alabama. 


As a spin-off of the original Bama’s Best Burger, Bama’s Best Steak, and Bama’s Best Beef contests, the 60 Savory Stops campaign was created to highlight 60 previous winning and finalist restaurants across the state. Consumers were encouraged to visit their local restaurants and partake in the award-winning beef dishes to celebrate Beef Month. This feature reached well over 1 million Alabama consumers through the ACA social platforms, local media outlets and restaurant shares. 

County Cattlemen Celebrate Big in Beef Month!

County Cattlemen’s chapters have also gone all out as they have activated promotions in their local communities, and we could not be more proud of the creative, fun and educational opportunities they have designed to promote October Beef Month. Follow us on Facebook to get the fifth and final week’s coverage of October Beef Month county activities, coming this Friday. 

Franklin County County Cattlemen’s

  • President Michael Pounders was a guest on the Hutty Radio Show to promote the many upcoming beef promotion activities in their county and explain the vital role farmers and ranchers play in raising cattle to produce beef. 
  • Participated in the Franklin County Agricultural Industry Tour by promoting beef, discussing scholarship opportunities, and connecting with youth through a farm tour. 
  • Passed out coloring books to kids and recipes to adults at the Pumpkin Palooza in Russellville. 
  • Franklin County Cattlemen visited local schools to encourage ag literacy among local elementary students.
  • Donated beef product to several local FACS classrooms to support beef education in their communities.
  • Participated in the Spirit of Hodges Festival, where they provided local consumers with beef education resources. 
  • Were guests on a local radio show to discuss the importance of the beef industry in Alabama. 
  • President Michael Pounders spoke with attendees of the Franklin County Senior Health Fair about including beef for a well-balanced diet thanks to its many benefits, including protein, Iron, and B-Vitamins.
  • Franklin County Cattlemen Phillip Hamilton and Madeline Cooper spent some time with third graders at Russellville Elementary talking about beef cattle production and reading Madeline’s new book highlighting the beef industry! 
  • Franklin County Cattlemen Phillip Hamilton and David DeFoor had fun and enjoyed great conversation while promoting beef at the Annual Spruce Pine Day Festival.
  • County cattlemen and cattlewomen enjoyed attending the Northwest Alabama RC&D Annual Meeting held at the AW Todd Centre. This event brought multiple stakeholders and leaders together to promote committed improvements in local communities.

Elmore County Cattlemen’s

  • Elmore County Cattlemen gave out all-beef hotdogs to attendees of the Farm City Festival in Wetumpka. 
  • Visited eight local classrooms to participate in the Cowboys in the Classroom program, which highlights agriculture literacy. 
  • Partnered with Stanhope Elmore FFA to host a steak sandwich sale with proceeds going back to the youth agriculture education program.

Lauderdale County Cattlemen’s

  • ·Cooked at their Annual Oktoberfest.
  • Partnered with the Lauderdale County Farmers Federation to provide the meal for the groundbreaking ceremony at the new Lauderdale County Ag Center.
  • Participated in the Lauderdale County 4-H Beef Cookoff by assisting with judges and prizes. 
  • Held its annual heifer show on October 19 to highlight the youth cattle projects they have been working on!  
  • Were featured throughout their local “October Beef Month” newspaper edition! 

Montgomery County Cattlemen’s

  • Local cattlemen enjoyed a delicious spread and bull selection education at the October Beef Breakfast hosted by Montgomery County Extension and sponsored by the Montgomery County Cattlemen’s Association.
  • President Eddie Westbrook hosted a group of FFA students to apply the hands-on cattle handling skills they have learned about. Students were able to practice working cattle in a chute, give injections and visit with a veterinarian to learn more about animal husbandry. 
  • Grilled a steak dinner pre-game meal for members of the Hooper Academy Colts varsity football team, cheerleaders and coaches. At the center of the plate was a ribeye steak, raised and processed locally by a Montgomery County cattle operation.

Morgan County Cattlemen’s

  • Morgan County kicked off their October Beef Month festivities with their quarterly membership meeting, where ACA President Dr. Terry Slaten was the guest speaker. 

Sumter County Cattlemen’s

  • Sumter County kicked off beef month festivities by placing a sign at their local school promoting October as Beef Month and encouraging students to post a picture with it on their way in every morning!
  • Visited a local school as part of the Cowboys in the Classroom program, where they read to almost 300 students.
  • Participated in BQA training at their local school, complete with a burger lunch and hands-on application. 

Dale County Cattlemen’s

  • Featured in their local paper highlighting their involvement in Farm-City. 
  • Visited a local school as part of the Cowboys in the Classroom program, where they read to eight classrooms. 

DeKalb & Jackson counties

  • DeKalb and Jackson County Cattlemen partnered to host the Livestock Wintering Strategies program for producers in their area, complete with steak sandwiches. 

Marengo County Cattlemen’s

  • Posted a billboard in their community encouraging consumers to celebrate October Beef Month and become a part of the association. 

St. Clair County Cattlemen’s

  • Partnered with others in their community to gather supplies for affected areas and provide transportation to deliver them. 
  • Provided steak samples to third graders and volunteers at the St. Clair County Soil and Water Conservation District annual Farm Day field trip. Board members held a station and educated students about the beef industry and provided a small steak sample for them to try. 

Walker County Cattlemen’s

  • Hosted its 2024 Beef Cookoff. 

Covington County Cattlemen’s

  • Hosted a group of local ag students for an on-farm field day. Students learned about hands-on agriculture production and had the opportunity to build relationships with local cattlemen who are established in the industry. 
  • Partnered with Covington County 4-H to sponsor their cooking club and the kids cooked hamburgers. Volunteers also talked to the kids about different cuts of meat and safe cooking temps.
  • Cooked steak sandwiches for 135 high school teachers to show appreciation to them and in honor of Beef Month. 

Cullman County Cattlemen’s

  • Joined Cullman Mayor Woody Jacobs to proclaim “October is Beef Month’’ in Cullman. 

Clay County Cattlemen’s

  • Clay County Cattlemen visited 12 local classes to participate in the Cowboys in the Classroom program, complete with live animal demonstrations. 
  • Hosted its Youth Beef Cookoff in celebration of October Beef Month. 

Pike County Cattlemen’s

  • Pike County Cattlemen’s Rodeo Queen, Junior Miss and Little Miss passed out beef samples at the Pike County Fair. 

Geneva County Cattlemen’s

  • Geneva County cattle producers took beef education to their kids during Mission Kids classes. 

Cattlemen’s Foundation Scholarships— Apps Closing Soon!

Alabama Cattlemen’s Foundation Scholarships are now open for application, brought to you by the Cowboy vanity car tag and many, generous endowment families! Opportunities are available for all stages of postsecondary education— from incoming freshmen to doctoral candidates who are members, or whose parents or grandparents are members, for at least two consecutive years. Explore these many opportunities and APPLY today at Applications close THIS Sunday, November 3.

Hurricane Relief Gives Big

Many states in the Southeast suffered catastrophic damage this month with two large hurricanes making landfall within two weeks of each other. Hurricane Helene hit the Florida Panhandle before trekking up through southeast Georgia and into the Carolinas, impacting cattle country through all the states. Following, Hurricane Milton hit south Florida with tremendous flooding and wind damage, again having huge impacts on cattle operations across the state. To assist those affected by the storms, the Alabama Cattlemen’s Foundation organized clean up crews in Georgia and donated to hurricane relief funds in states. Additionally, monetary donations equaling more than $17,000 and fencing materials were collected at drop points in Alabama and delivered to neighboring Cattlemen’s Associations for use in repairing cattle farms. A big thank you goes to each individual and county Cattlemen’s Association that gave to these efforts!

Christmas From Cowboys

Give someone the gift of membership this holiday season! Gift your friends or colleagues a membership to the Alabama Cattlemen’s Association through the Christmas From Cowboys membership drive. For $50, the person who receives your gifted membership will receive all of our exclusive member benefits, including 12 issues of the Alabama Cattleman magazine. The promotion is now live, and is a great way to get a new member into the organization. To learn more and get to gifting, visit

Alabama National Fair

Junior Cattlemen from across the state came to Montgomery October 3-4 to exhibit their cattle at the Alabama National Fair. Congratulations to the winners:

Junior Premier Exhibitor

1st: Camden Upchurch of Clay County

2nd: Claire Smith of Chilton County

3rd: Anthony Mezrano of Shelby County

4th: Collins Cofield of Randolph County

5th: Kandili McCain of Clay County

Intermediate Premier Exhibitor

1st: Caleb Cook of Autauga County

2nd: Lilly Smith of Chilton County

3rd: Mason Smith of Marshall County

4th: Kloee Sewell of Dale County

5th: Lily Downey of Autauga County

Senior Premier Exhibitor

1st: Shae McCain of Clay County

2nd: Rileigh Mears of Blount County

3rd: Lyndee Meadows of Randolph County

4th (tie): Ashbee Norman of Montgomery County

4th (tie): Amelia Thrower of Marshall County

Top 5 Market Animals

Champion: Mason Smith, Marshall

Reserve: Carson Fallin, Blount

3rd Overall: Emma King Armstrong, Dale

4th Overall: Sara Beth Faust, Blount

5th Overall: Jessi Maples, Lee

Top 5 Breeding Heifers

Supreme: Laura-Landers Franklin, Marshall

Reserve Supreme: Mary Elliot Martin, Lee

3rd Overall: Camden Upchurch, Clay

4th Overall: Sara Beth Faust, Blount

5th Overall: Laura-Landers Franklin, Marshall

Supreme Bred & Owned Heifer: Camden Upchurch, Clay

Reserve Supreme Bred & Owned Heifer: Cole Eubanks, Cullman

Saddle Up for the 2025 SLE Rodeo

The 2025 SLE Rodeo is only 135 days away, and we are now accepting sponsor partners! Countless cattlemen across the state are wonderful supporters of the Southeastern Livestock Exposition, and for that we are grateful! If you are interested in helping to fulfill the SLE mission of supporting youth in agriculture through sponsorship of the SLE Rodeo,  please take a moment to review through this 2025 SLE Rodeo Sponsorship Guide. Want to learn a little more? Check out our Official SLE Rodeo Video to fully understand the purpose of the Southeastern Livestock Exposition. If you have questions about sponsorships, don’t hesitate to reach out to SLE Executive Director Sarah Hunter.

Be sure to mark your calendars to join us in Montgomery at the Garrett Coliseum for the SLE Rodeo March 14-16, 2025. Tickets will go on sale December 3 (rodeo tickets make great stocking stuffers for Christmas!). Be sure to only purchase tickets through the SLE or Garrett Coliseum box offices or online through the SLE website:


We are proud to announce that the ACA has gone OVER THE TOP in 2024! Representing more than 10,339 members, we are grateful for the grassroots efforts that got us to this point, with time to spare in the membership year! We look forward to awarding Over the Top County presidents their iconic red coats at the Nov. 14 Board Meeting in Montgomery.

Membership Deadlines to Remember

We are in the last stretch to recruit new members for Top Hand prizes. The top recruiter will be awarded ten 12’ Priefert panels. Also, new members recruited will go into the drawing for a John Deere Gator and your name will be entered for each new member you recruit. Don’t forget, all county chapters who go Over the Top by year end will go into the drawing for the Priefert Squeeze Chute. Get those memberships entered or sent to the office by the deadline to count! Special thanks to our membership sponsors at SunSouth, LLC, TriGreen Equipment, John Deere, and Priefert Ranch Equipment for their generous support of our membership recruitment prizes.

County Meetings

We need your county meeting dates ASAP if you would like them to run in the magazine or order a postcard to be sent. This is the easiest way to get the word out to your members! Send the date, time, and location information to ACA Director of Membership Jessica Kennedy. 

Magazine Deadlines for County Meetings

December Magazine

  • Meetings on or before December 5 – Send information by Nov 5 for the magazine.

January Magazine

  • Meeting dates on or before January 10 – Need information by Nov 5 for the December magazine.
  • Meeting dates after January 10 – Need information by December 5 for the January magazine.

February Magazine

  • Meeting dates on or before February 10 – Need information by Dec 5 for the January magazine.
  • Meeting dates after February 10 – Need information by January 5 for the February magazine.

Beef Checkoff Task Force Meeting— You’re Invited! 

If you’re interested in engaging with the Alabama Beef Checkoff Program, join us at the upcoming Beef Checkoff Task Force Meeting. At this meeting, attendees from the beef cattle industry will work to develop ideas and programs for FY25 utilizing beef checkoff dollars. Any cattlemen is welcome to attend, but we do need to know you are coming so we can make sure to have enough lunch. The meeting will take place at 10:00AM at the Cattlemen’s building on November 21. This is the best way to have a direct voice in how beef checkoff dollars are spent in the upcoming year. Please let us know if you would like to attend by contacting Erin at the office,

Rebates Available on Livestock and Grazing Practices

Alabama’s Soil and Water Conservation Districts are reminding cattle producers that application sign-up for the Alabama Conservation Incentive Program (CIP) has begun! CIP supports several conservation practices for livestock and grazing including watering facilities, exclusion and cross fencing. corral systems and feed troughs. Eligible applicants can receive a 75 percent rebate on the cost of installation. Check with your local soil and water conservation district for price caps and application deadlines. For more information, visit


Livestock producers experiencing depredation from black vultures may now apply for a no cost Black Vulture Depredation Sub-Permit through the Alabama Department of Agriculture & Industries. All approved applicants will be allowed to take up to three black vultures as long as the statewide take number has not exceeded 500. If 500 vultures are harvested in the state, applicants will receive an email notifying them that no more vultures may be taken during the permit period. For more information, visit


Tune into the Cattle Connect podcast weekly on Friday mornings at 7AM. Listen is as staff discusses beef industry news, hits on a variety of educational topics and explores the many facets of the ACA! This podcast is available on Apple Podcast, Spotify, and at Tune in on your favorite streaming platform today to catch up on the first 30+ episodes and subscribe to get notifications when a new episode airs! 


The Bama Beef Events Calendar ( is filling up with county cattlemen’s, youth and Extension activities as we look toward the summer months. Check it daily to make sure you don’t miss an event near you!

Thanks for reading this month’s post! Until we post again, we want to remind you that you can stay in touch with us by following us on Facebook or Instagram.

Bama Beef News | September 2024

Welcome to the Bama Beef Blog, where you can check out the latest monthly news from the Alabama Cattlemen’s Association, the Alabama Beef Checkoff Program and the Southeastern Livestock Expo. Keep reading for more info!

Livestock Fencing Materials Exempt from State Sales Tax Starting October 1

Beginning October 1, up to $25,000 of the gross proceeds from the sale of fencing materials for livestock purposes will be exempt from state sales tax. This implementation comes from the passage of Senate Bill (SB)73, sponsored by Sen. Jack Williams, during the 2024 Alabama Legislative Session. Producers will be required to sign an affidavit when the purchase is made from the retailer to indicate that the materials will be used for livestock fencing purposes. Materials included are t-posts, wood posts, barbed wire, net wire, smooth wire, standard metal gates, and other like materials. Learn more with this Agricultural Fencing State Sales and Use Tax Exemption fact sheet.

Saddle Up for 60 Years of Savor—October is Beef Month in Alabama!

Gov. Kay Ivey recently signed a proclamation declaring “October is Beef Month in Alabama” for the traditional start of the largest promotional month of the year for the Alabama Cattlemen’s Association. In preparation to kick off the association’s favorite month for its 60th year, here is some history on this time-honored tradition, as written in It’s Great to Be Number One! by Dan Hollis:

“The year 1964 would provide to be another ‘red letter’ year in Alabama’s beef promotion effort…in September came the announcement of the first October Beef Month. Governor George Wallace issued an official proclamation designating ‘October Beef Month in Alabama’, and the promoters covered the state in October with more than 35,000 posters, charts, signs, hats, and flags…The ‘October Beef Month’ idea drew some attention outside the borders of Alabama. The following editorial was printed in the November 1964 issue of ‘Livestock Breeders Journal’…It was entitled: ‘Bama’s Beef Boosts Gets Our Vote’: ‘We like the method in force in Alabama during October. It requires a lot more work, perhaps more manpower (and womanpower), and certainly more money, but long-range, it is our solution. Folks in Alabama are putting on the biggest push for beef consumption that has ever been tried by a state cattlemen’s association in history. The market is loaded, and they are going to unload on the consumer with a selling job that has enlisted the press, the packers, the county associations, and all others that have come forward to help the cattlemen out of their fix. Some folks might minimize such efforts by saying it is not that easy to clear all the alleyways and feed lots of our surplus stock, but we contend it’s the best way, and it’ll work. Besides, you’re gaining allies all the time. Folks just prefer doing business with a fellow carrying a grin on his face and full of enthusiasm, rather than a man with a chip on his shoulder and a face that reflects contempt and bitterness.’ -Livestock Breeders Journal, excerpt from November 1964.”

Sixty years later, Alabama’s cattle producers are still celebrating October Beef Month.


Alabama Cattlemen’s Foundation Scholarships are now open for application, brought to you by the Cowboy vanity car tag and many, generous endowment families! Opportunities are available for all stages of postsecondary education— from incoming freshmen to doctoral candidates who are members, or whose parents or grandparents are members, for at least two consecutive years. Explore these many opportunities and APPLY today at close November 3.


As of today, the ACA is home to 10,270 members. That number is still growing, however, as renewals are rolling in from our third and final mail out of the year. Remember, if you recruit new members, you’ll qualify for one of several Top Hand Club prizes, thanks to our friends at SunSouth, TriGreen Equipment, John Deere and Priefert Ranch Equipment!

As we head into county annual meeting season, here’s a few reminders for our grassroots leaders. Send the date, time, and location information for your upcoming meeting to ACA Director of Membership Jessica Kennedy as soon as possible. In order to make it in the magazine, we need it in office no later than the 10th of the previous month, but the sooner the better! If you would like a postcard invitation sent out to your membership through our office, those requests must be made two weeks prior to the preferred send date. Contact Jessica for all your county meeting needs!

AJCA Fall Field Days, That’s a Wrap!

This month, the Alabama Junior Cattlemen’s Association (AJCA) hosted its fall field days. The first was held on Wednesday, September 11 in Troy, and the second was hosted today, September 25 in Cullman.

Between the two Alabama Beef Checkoff-funded events, more than 240 youth participated in a cattle judging clinic. Thanks to the help of the Auburn University Livestock Judging Team participants developed skills and took home tips in live evaluation, understanding EPD’s, note-taking, and presenting oral reasons.

Alabama Beef Checkoff Council Funds production research

The Alabama Beef Checkoff Council met in Montgomery on August 29 for its third quarterly meeting. The jam-packed agenda featured financial reviews, second quarter programming recaps and upcoming program overviews from Alabama Beef Checkoff staff, followed by a review and discussion of this year’s research grant proposals.

The following projects received funding for the 2024-2025 funding cycle:

  • Animal performance of steers impacted by mitigation of tall fescue toxicosis through interseeded red clover and various rates of byproduct feed, Dillard et. al
  • Auburn University Variety Selection Platform, Henry Jordan and Joshua Elmore
  • Determining Best Management Practices for Vaseygrass Weed Control in Forage Systems, Russell et. al
  • Strengthening Alabama cattlemen through enabling better fly control: Determining the gut microbiota in the horn fly as the first step to impairing it and preventing flies from thriving; Brandebourg et. al

Livestock Forage Program Triggered for 10 Counties

Ten counties in Alabama now qualify for the Livestock Forage Disaster Program (LFP): Colbert, Fayette, Lamar, Lauderdale, Limestone, Madison, Marion, Pickens, Walker, and Winston counties.

This program, offered through the Farm Service Agency (FSA), provides compensation to eligible livestock producers who have suffered grazing losses for covered livestock. It also covers producers of grazed forage crop acreage of native and improved pastureland with permanent vegetative cover or acreage planted specifically for grazing. For more information about this program or to sign up in one of the abovementioned counties, contact your local FSA office or visit

Out & About representing aca

On September 16, ACA Director of Field Services Reid McGuire represented ACA at the ribbon cutting ceremony for the Blount County Multi-Purpose Facility. The new facility features meeting space, a kitchen, an arena, and barn with equipment for use in advanced agriscience classes. In addition to use by Blount County Schools, the facility will be used for livestock shows and meetings of ag-related groups. 

Two days later, on September 18, Reid represented the ACA at the second annual East Alabama Careers in Ag Expo at Central Alabama Community College in Alexander City. The event was organized by Tallapoosa County Extension and featured exhibitors from Auburn University and businesses throughout East Alabama that offer career and educational opportunities for youth in agriculture. Over 500 youth attended the event.


Alabama’s Soil and Water Conservation Districts are reminding cattle producers that application sign-up for the Alabama Conservation Incentive Program (CIP) has begun! CIP supports several conservation practices for livestock and grazing including watering facilities, exclusion and cross fencing and herd health.  New to the program are corral systems, squeeze chutes, and feed troughs. Eligible applicants can receive a 75 percent rebate on the cost of installation. Check with your local soil and water conservation district for price caps and application deadlines. For more information, visit

Beef Education Efforts Strong across alabama

Beef at Trash Pandas: The Alabama Cattlemen’s Association and the Madison County Cattlemen’s Association took to Toyota Field on August 30 for the final baseball beef education event of 2024. Fans enjoyed learning about beef cookery methods, unique cut options and beef production in Alabama!

Auburn Ag Round-Up: Thanks to the Auburn Collegiate Cattlemen’s Association and the Lee County Cattlemen’s Association, attendees of the Auburn Agriculture Alumni Club Ag Roundup on September 14th enjoyed brisket samples as a part of the event highlighting agriculture commodities in Alabama before the Auburn University football game facing The University of New Mexico.

BEEF 101: Students from Geneva City Schools enjoyed a beef education day in Auburn as attendees of Beef 101 on September 20th . Highlights for this group of culinary students included a pasture to plate talk, Q&A with beef producers and a carcass fabrication demonstration.


Join us and our friends from the Alabama Poultry & Egg Association, the Alabama Forestry Association and Sweet Grown Alabama as we host an afternoon block party filled with food and fun on Bainbridge Street Tuesday, October 29 from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m.! This event will feature a Sweet Grown Alabama farmer’s market, tours of The MOOseum, burgers and chicken wings and a host of agricultural vendors and is a celebration of Alabama’s agricultural trade organizations housed on Bainbridge Street in downtown Montgomery. We’ll see you there!

Beef Wagon on Display

The 1968 Dodge Beef Wagon that has been an iconic symbol of the Alabama Cattlemen’s Association can now be spotted in a prominent location as you turn into the parking lot of our building. Designed to be a photo backdrop for those visiting The MOOseum, the Beef Wagon is now permanently located on a new concrete pad in the northeast corner of the parking lot. Please be sure to grab a photo the next time you are at the building and tag us on social media for everyone to enjoy!


Make plans to join us for the 82nd annual ACA Convention & Trade Show February 21-22, 2025 at the BJCC in Birmingham, AL. In addition to vast networking opportunities, banquets featuring delicious beef meals and the Alabama beef industry’s largest trade show, the event will provide educational workshops, youth competitions and industry meetings. Be on the lookout for registration, lodging and schedule information to release in November!


Livestock producers experiencing depredation from black vultures may now apply for a no cost Black Vulture Depredation Sub-Permit through the Alabama Department of Agriculture & Industries. All approved applicants will be allowed to take up to three black vultures as long as the statewide take number has not exceeded 500. If 500 vultures are harvested in the state, applicants will receive an email notifying them that no more vultures may be taken during the permit period. For more information, visit


Tune into the Cattle Connect podcast weekly on Friday mornings at 7AM. Listen is as staff discusses beef industry news, hits on a variety of educational topics and explores the many facets of the ACA! This podcast is available on Apple Podcast, Spotify, and at Tune in on your favorite streaming platform today to catch up on the first 30+ episodes and subscribe to get notifications when a new episode airs! 


The Bama Beef Events Calendar ( is filling up with county cattlemen’s, youth and Extension activities as we look toward the summer months. Check it daily to make sure you don’t miss an event near you!

Thanks for reading this month’s post! Until we post again, we want to remind you that you can stay in touch with us by following us on Facebook or Instagram.

Bama Beef News | August 2024

Welcome to the Bama Beef Blog, where you can check out the latest monthly news from the Alabama Cattlemen’s Association, the Alabama Beef Checkoff Program and the Southeastern Livestock Expo. Keep reading for more info!

SUbmit your farm’s drought conditions to cmor

Conditions are dry across Alabama, and the Alabama State Climate Office needs your “boots on the ground” data to ensure your area’s drought status is accurately represented on the U.S. Drought Monitor (USDM) Map. These maps, not drawn by demographers in Alabama, are crucial for producers because some USDA relief funding is contingent upon the USDM. Start capturing that data now to avoid being up against deadlines this fall! Submit feedback through the Condition Monitoring Observer Reports (CMOR) software now by visiting

As we look in the face of drought, we encourage producers in need of hay— or those who have ample hay to sell— to visit the Alabama Hay Listing webpage housed by our friends at the Alabama Department of Agriculture & Industries. The hay listing webpage provides Alabama cattle producers a platform to search for hay to purchase or for hay producers to list hay for sale. Through the listings, farmers who have hay available for sale can list available bales under a variety of categories including type, size, quality and quantity available. Farmers in need of hay can search using those categories within their region. Alabama Hay Listing »

Fall Youth Field Days, Coming Up!

The Alabama Junior Cattlemen’s Association will be hosting two field days in September, brought to you by the Alabama Beef Checkoff Program. Youth ages 9-18 will have the opportunity to attend a program in Troy on September 11 and in Cullman on September 25. Both events will feature a cattle judging clinic, where attendees will learn about evaluating live cattle as well as EPD’s, terminology, and oral reasons. Attend the one closest to you! Registration for both dates is available here.


Football season is finally here in Alabama! The Auburn Tigers Football team kicked off the season in the best way possible – with BEEF! Cattlemen from the Elmore County Cattlemen’s Association, the Montgomery County Cattlemen’s Association and the Lee County Cattlemen’s Association gathered on campus to grill up steaks for the annual Auburn Football Family Dinner August 3rd. Good luck to all our Alabama athletes as they take to the field this fall!

Membership Report

As of today, the ACA is home to 10,165 members. THANK YOU for helping us go Over the Top in the 2024 membership year! That number is still growing, however, as renewals are beginning to roll in from our third and final mail out of the year.

As we head into county annual meeting season, here’s a few reminders for our grassroots leaders. Send the date, time, and location information for your upcoming meeting to ACA Director of Membership Jessica Kennedy as soon as possible. In order to make it in the magazine, we need it in office no later than the 10th of the previous month, but the sooner the better! If you would like a postcard invitation sent out to your membership through our office, those requests must be made two weeks prior to the preferred send date. Contact Jessica for all your county meeting needs!


Alabama Cattleman Magazine Managing Editor Nicky Godwin and ACA Director of Consumer Outreach Josie Jones enjoyed attending the Ag Media Summit in Kansas City, Missouri, August 4-6! Highlights of the conference for our staffers included networking with other agriculture advocacy professionals and attending educational sessions covering practical communication skills to reach today’s consumers.

Junior Cattlemen Board MEETING

Earlier in August, the AJCA Board of Directors met to recap the 18th Annual AJCA Round-Up and plan fall events. This meeting was in conjunction with a visit from Tennessee Junior Cattlemen members, where both groups learned about the beef industry in Alabama and ACA through several interactive activities, as well as a tour of The MOOseum and Alabama State Capitol.  

YCLP Class XI Completes Second Session of the Year

The Young Cattlemen’s Leadership Program (YCLP) held its second session of the year August 16-17. The group went to the Sand Mountain Research and Extension Center for an overview of the facility as well as a talk on winter grazing from Kent Stanford. Jarrod Eubanks from the Alabama Department of Ag and Industries provided led a session on understanding market reports as well feeder cattle grading, and Dr. Adam Cletzer from Auburn University’s College of Agriculture led a leadership workshop. The session closed with class members participating in mock county board meetings— where they learned about conducting a meeting— and planned an annual meeting and fundraiser. Thanks to our speakers and hosts for working with this group!

Gator Delivered

Each year— thanks to generous support from our friends at TriGreen Equipment, SunSouth LLC and John Deere— we have the unique opportunity to award a John Deere Gator to one lucky winner as part of our membership recruitment incentives. To qualify for the prize drawing, you must join the ACA as a new member or recruit a new member!

The 2023 winner, drawn at the 2024 ACA Convention & Trade Show, was Jonathan Underwood, a recruiter from the Colbert County Cattlemen’s Association! Pictured left to right are TriGreen Equipment reps Kelsey Faivre & Boyd Trulove; Ben Gotcher, Colbert County president; Underwood; and ACA Regional Vice President Junior Riner.

Congrats, Jonathan, and special thanks to our longtime partners for their generous support of this membership prize!


The Alabama Beef Checkoff Program and Bama-Q TV partnered to host a Brisket Class at BBQ Hill in Pike Road, August 17th. The sold-out class was taught by award-winning pitmasters from across the US, who encouraged Alabama consumers to step outside of their comfort zone and cook this delicious beef product with their new skills.

Bainbridge Block Party

Join us and our friends from the Alabama Poultry & Egg Association, the Alabama Forestry Association and Sweet Grown Alabama as we host an afternoon block party filled with food and fun on Bainbridge Street Wednesday, Sept. 12 from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m.! This event will feature a Sweet Grown Alabama farmer’s market, tours of The MOOseum, burgers and chicken wings and a host of agricultural vendors and is a celebration of Alabama’s agricultural trade organizations housed on Bainbridge Street in downtown Montgomery. We’ll see you there!

2025 Convention- Save the Date!

Make plans to join us for the 82nd annual ACA Convention & Trade Show February 21-22, 2025 at the BJCC in Birmingham, AL. In addition to vast networking opportunities, banquets featuring delicious beef meals and the Alabama beef industry’s largest trade show, the event will provide educational workshops, youth competitions and industry meetings. Be on the lookout for registration, lodging and schedule information to release in November!


Beef was the name of the game for the August 23rd Birmingham Baron’s home game against the Biloxi Shuckers!

Cowboy hats were seen throughout the ballpark as members of the Jefferson County Cattlemen’s Association promoted beef by serving over 500 ribeye samples to fans. The ACA was also highlighted on the field when 2024 ACA President Dr. Terry Slaten threw the first pitch of the game.

BEEF 101

The Fall Beef 101 program kicked off on August 26th in Auburn! Students from Geneva County Schools joined Alabama CattleWomen’s Association groups from Geneva County and Baldwin County for a fun day packed with beef education. Attendees learned about pasture to plate beef production, beef animal health and participated in a carcass fabrication demonstration.

The Fall Beef 101 sessions are completely booked at this time, but there will be availability again in the spring. Anyone interested in attending the program can contact Josie Jones at


Beef was at the center of the plate for Golden State Foods employees August 14th at the Beef Tips event hosted by the College of Agriculture at Auburn University!

ACA Director of Consumer Outreach Josie Jones joined beef producers Dr. Misty Edmondson and Jason Edmondson to teach the beef industry overview, hot topics in beef production and day in the life of a cattle producer educational sessions. Attendees also learned about carcass grading, food safety, meat carcass fabrication and beef packaging.


October is Beef Month in Alabama, and the festivities are quickly approaching! This year marks 60 years of Beef Month, so we want to celebrate BIG across the state. The county associations are encouraged to begin considering how they can promote beef consumption this October in their communities. If ideas or promotional items are needed, please contact ACA Director of Consumer Outreach Josie Jones at for assistance.


Livestock producers experiencing depredation from black vultures may now apply for a no cost Black Vulture Depredation Sub-Permit through the Alabama Department of Agriculture & Industries. All approved applicants will be allowed to take up to three black vultures as long as the statewide take number has not exceeded 500. If 500 vultures are harvested in the state, applicants will receive an email notifying them that no more vultures may be taken during the permit period. For more information, visit


Tune into the Cattle Connect podcast weekly on Friday mornings at 7AM. Listen is as staff discusses beef industry news, hits on a variety of educational topics and explores the many facets of the ACA! This podcast is available on Apple Podcast, Spotify, and at Tune in on your favorite streaming platform today to catch up on the first 20+ episodes and subscribe to get notifications when a new episode airs! 


The Bama Beef Events Calendar ( is filling up with county cattlemen’s, youth and Extension activities as we look toward the summer months. Check it daily to make sure you don’t miss an event near you!

Thanks for reading this month’s post! Until we post again, we want to remind you that you can stay in touch with us by following us on Facebook or Instagram.

Bama Beef News | July 2024

Welcome to the Bama Beef Blog, where you can check out the latest monthly news from the Alabama Cattlemen’s Association, the Alabama Beef Checkoff Program and the Southeastern Livestock Expo. Keep reading for more info!

18th Annual AJCA Round-UP

The 18th Annual AJCA Round-Up was held July 18-21 at the Garrett Coliseum in Montgomery. More than 125 youth competed in educational contests and exhibited 143 head of cattle. The event also featured industry-renown agricultural spokesperson Amanda Radke with an inspiring talk on preparing young people for the workforce and life. This event is sponsored by the Alabama Beef Checkoff, Alabama Cattlemen’s Foundation, as well as funding from the Alabama Legislature and generous donors throughout the state. Thanks to all who made this premier youth livestock event happen! Look for extended coverage in the September issue of the Alabama Cattleman magazine.

For now, we would like to highlight the show champions and the newly-elected AJCA Board of Directors. Congrats to all!

Bred & Owned Top 5 Heifers:

Supreme: Lou Lou Thompson, Pike County

Reserve Supreme: Brooklyn Price, Lee County

3rd Overall: Makayla Waler, Madison County

4th Overall: Amelia Thrower, Marshall County

5th Overall: Brooklyn Price, Lee County

Top 5 Heifers:

Supreme: Camden Upchurch, Clay County

Reserve Supreme: Annabelle Wesley, Pike County

3rd Overall: Laura-Landers Franklin, Marshall County

4th Overall: Olivia Maddox, DeKalb County

5th Overall: Claire Smith, Chilton County

Top 5 Prospect Market:

Champion: Kane Fallin, Blount County

Reserve Champion: Mason Smith, Marshall County

3rd Overall: Jessi Maples, Lee County

4th Overall: Caleb Cook, Autauga County

5th Overall: Mason Smith, Marshall County

Progress Market:

Champion: London Steele, Mobile County

Reserve Champion: Emma King Armstrong, Dale County


Grand Champion: Brooklyn Price, Lee County

Reserve Champion: Camden Upchurch, Clay County

2024-2025 AJCA Board of Directors:

President- Amelia Thrower, Marshall County

Vice President- Annabelle Wesley, Pike County

Secretary- Lyndee Meadows, Randolph County

Treasurer- Abby Burgess, Blount County

Ex Officio- Alyvia Watson, Mobile County

District 2- Shae McCain, Clay County

District 3- Lily Smith, Chilton County

District 3 – Gus Ashley, Montgomery County

At-Large- Rex Harrison, Cullman County

At-Large- Cooper Burgess, Blount County

Trash Pandas Ag Night

ACA Director of Consumer Outreach Josie Jones joined members of the Madison County Cattlemen’s Association to promote beef as part of the Alabama Farm Credit Ag Night at the Rocket City Trash Pandas’ baseball game on July 11. Fans had the opportunity to visit with a variety of agriculture groups from across Alabama to learn about local farms and food production during this home run event!

Mullenix Named Head of AU Department of Animal Sciences

Contributed: Auburn University

Dr. Kim Mullenix will serve as the next head of the Auburn University Department of Animal Sciences, effective Aug. 19. She has been a member of the department’s faculty since 2014, currently serving as an associate professor, Extension beef systems specialist and program team coordinator for the Alabama Extension Animal Science and Forages Team.

Mullenix said her goals for the department include seeing it become a regional leader in animal agriculture research and a premier information source for animal science practices. She also plans to work with the department to foster a dynamic learning environment for students while engaging alumni, stakeholders and students throughout the department, the College of Agriculture and the university. 

Mullenix earned bachelor’s and master’s degrees in animal sciences from Auburn and a doctorate in agronomy from the University of Florida.

As department head, she will succeed Wayne Greene, who has served in the role since 2005 and is returning to a research and teaching position in the department.

OVER THE TOP Membership Update

We are proud to report that we are OVER THE TOP, representing 10,078 members! We are grateful for the grassroots efforts of our county organizations and look forward to another year of membership advocacy alongside you! 

Congratulations to the counties who went Over the Top by deadline, earning their presidents an iconic ACA red coat: Bibb, Bullock, Butler, Chambers, Cherokee, Choctaw, Clarke, Coffee, Conecuh, Covington, Crenshaw, Cullman, Dale, Dallas, Dekalb, Franklin, Geneva, Greene, Hale, Henry, Jefferson, Lauderdale, Limestone, Lowndes, Madison, Marengo, Mobile, Pike, Randolph, Russell, St Clair, Sumter, Washington, Wilcox and Winston counties!


The 2024 Regional Cattlemen’s Cookouts kicked off in June, and the ACA and its officers would like to thank everyone who joined us in Scottsboro, Oxford and Greensboro, Wetumpka, Russellville and Ozark! In addition to dinner and a state office update, this year’s events featured the Livestock Marketing Association’s Producer Profitability Initiative, a grassroots movement started and led by cattle producers who have a vision to create a sustainable future for the American livestock industry. 

The last remaining meeting will be held in southwest Alabama in conjunction with the Gulf Coast Cattlemen’s Conference on August 9 in Atmore. Beginning at 8AM, attendees can enjoy an excellent conference agenda, then lunch will host the Cattlemen’s Cookout and Producer Profitability Initiative.

It’s not too late to register. Visit the conference website and sign up today!

Educators Conference

ACA Director of Field Services Reid McGuire and Director of Consumer Outreach Josie Jones enjoyed time spent with Alabama culinary, nutrition, and agriculture educators at the Alabama CTE Summer Professional Development Conference in Mobile July 24-26! During this event, staffers led Alabama Beef Checkoff Program resource sessions, participated in a workforce development panel, and provided beef education materials before teachers head back to the classroom in August.


While we are fortunate to have received a great deal of rain across the state in recent weeks, in Alabama, we are never more than 10 days away from a drought. The Alabama State Climate Office needs your “boots on the ground” data to ensure your area’s drought status is accurately represented on the U.S. Drought Monitor (USDM) Map. These maps are crucial for producers, because some USDA relief funding is contingent upon the USDM. Start capturing that data now to avoid being up against deadlines this fall!

Submit feedback through the Condition Monitoring Observer Reports (CMOR) software now by visiting

AGA Conference

ACA Director of Consumer Outreach Josie Jones attended the 2024 Alabama Grocers Association Annual Show in Destin, July 29-30, to network with retail partners and provide beef resources for consumer education, marketing support, and employee training. This event is always a highlight of the summer not only because of its fun atmosphere, but because it is a great platform to visit with the grocery retail sector of the beef industry from across the state all in one, convenient location!

Beef 101

The Beef 101 program for this fall semester opened for registration on July 24 during the Alabama CTE Summer Professional Development Conference and over 280 students are already enrolled to participate in the pasture to plate educational sessions over the next four months! If you know any culinary or nutrition classes, agriculture educators, or others interested in this program, please contact ACA Director of Consumer Outreach Josie Jones at for more information.

October Beef Month

October is Beef Month in Alabama, and the festivities are quickly approaching! This year marks 60 years of Beef Month, so we want to celebrate BIG across the state. The county associations are encouraged to begin considering how they can promote beef consumption this October in their communities. If ideas or promotional items are needed, please contact ACA Director of Consumer Outreach Josie Jones at for assistance.


Livestock producers experiencing depredation from black vultures may now apply for a no cost Black Vulture Depredation Sub-Permit through the Alabama Department of Agriculture & Industries. All approved applicants will be allowed to take up to three black vultures as long as the statewide take number has not exceeded 500. If 500 vultures are harvested in the state, applicants will receive an email notifying them that no more vultures may be taken during the permit period. For more information, visit


In January of this year, the Cattle Connect podcast hit streaming platforms to launch the 2024 season, and it airs weekly on Friday mornings at 7AM. Listen is as staff discusses beef industry news and explores the many facets of the ACA! This podcast is available on Apple Podcast, Spotify, and at Tune in on your favorite streaming platform today to catch up on the first 23 episodes and subscribe to get notifications when a new episode airs! 


The Bama Beef Events Calendar ( is filling up with county cattlemen’s, youth and Extension activities as we look toward the summer months. Check it daily to make sure you don’t miss an event near you!

Thanks for reading this month’s post! Until we post again, we want to remind you that you can stay in touch with us by following us on Facebook or Instagram.

Bama Beef News | June 2024

Welcome to the Bama Beef Blog, where you can check out the latest monthly news from the Alabama Cattlemen’s Association, the Alabama Beef Checkoff Program and the Southeastern Livestock Expo. Keep reading for more info!

AJCA Round-Up Registration Closing Soon!

Registration for the 2024 AJCA Round-Up closes on Wednesday, July 3. Registration for the cattle show and educational contests is open to all AJCA members that live or attend school in the State of Alabama. Registration and further information can be found here. Youth who are not AJCA members can join or renew membership here. New to this year’s event, the AJCA will host author, rancher, and businesswoman Amanda Radke as a guest speaker at the AJCA membership meeting on Friday July 19 at 4PM in the Ed Teague Arena at the Garrett Coliseum. You don’t want to miss it! Register Now

Please note: If registering cattle, in order to avoid technical hiccups and webpage timeouts, please have all cattle registration information on hand at the onset of registration. This information includes, but is not limited to, registration number, a digital version of registration papers, EID tag #, tattoos, dam and sire information, birthdate, etc.


The 2024 Regional Cattlemen’s Cookouts kicked off in June, and the ACA and its officers would like to thank everyone who joined us in Scottsboro, Oxford and Greensboro so far! In addition to dinner and a state office update, this year’s events feature the Livestock Marketing Association’s Producer Profitability Initiative, a grassroots movement started and led by cattle producers who have a vision to create a sustainable future for the American livestock industry. 

Remaining meeting dates and locations include:

Wetumpka Civic Center, Wetumpka, Alabama – June 27

A.W. Todd Center, Russellville, Alabama – July 16

The Warehouse, Ozark, Alabama – July 23

Grace Fellowship Church, Atmore, Alabama *IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE GULF COAST CATTLEMEN’S CONFERENCE* – August 9 

Learn more about the meetings:

Meals are FREE to current ACA members. Guest plates are $25/adult, $15/child. RSVP now at or by calling (334) 265-1867.

FFA Convention Brings Blue Jackets to Town

The Alabama Cattlemen’s Association and the Alabama Beef Checkoff Program were proud to sponsor the 2023-2024 Alabama FFA Association Livestock Evaluation CDE and Beef Production Proficiency Awards. Winners were awarded in June at the 96th annual Alabama FFA Convention in Montgomery. Congratulations to the top teams and individuals:

1st Place: AP Brewer FFA

2nd Place: Susan Moore FFA

3rd Place: Holly Pond FFA

4th Place: Billingsley FFA

1st Place Entrepreneurship: Connor Wright, Millry FFA

2nd Place Entrepreneurship: Alyx Johnson, Woodland FFA

3rd Place Entrepreneurship: Hudson Manning, Billingsley FFA

4th Place Entrepreneurship: Elizabeth MacAloney, Dale County FFA

1st Place Placement: Logan Bush, Ariton FFA

2nd Place Placement: Hudson Manning, Billingsley FFA

3rd Place Placement: Caleb Cook, Billingsley FFA

4th Place Placement: Hayden Stell, George W Long FFA

Adams Represents Alabama at YCC

Young Cattlemen’s Leadership Program (YCLP) Council Chairman and Class VII member Daniel Adams from Bullock County attended the 2024 Young Cattlemen’s Conference (YCC) with 66 other beef industry advocates and leaders during the month of June. YCC gives these individuals the opportunity to explore beef production across the nation and build lasting industry relationships to strengthen both current and future industry voices.

“My favorite stops on this trip were the Tyson packing plant that processes 5,000 head of cattle a day and the Five Rivers Kuner Feedlot. These were so interesting to see up close and learn about,” said Adams. “The trip itself was defined by the people though. We entered it as a group of strangers and by the end of the ten days you would think we had known each other our entire life. It was a trip of a lifetime.”

In addition to the packing plant and feedyard, Adams had the opportunity to tour NCBA Headquarters, Greeley Hat Works, and Certified Angus Beef Headquarters. He also spent time in Washington D.C. receiving further education on current policy and advocating amongst House and Senate officials.

Governor Declares Beef for Father’s Day

The ladies of the Alabama CattleWomen’s Association trekked to the State Capitol in June for an official ceremony where Gov. Kay Ivey declared “Beef for Father’s Day.” A timeless tradition, Alabama’s cattlewomen have been promoting beef for Father’s Day with the governor’s proclamation now for 69 years. There are some traditions that can’t be beat!

Membership Update

We are proud to report that we currently represent 9,742 members, but we want to see ourselves go over 10,000! We are grateful for the grassroots efforts of our county organizations and look forward to another year of membership advocacy alongside you! 

Membership Deadlines to Remember

The Over the Top County Chapter deadline to earn your president a coveted ACA red coat is THIS SUNDAY, June 30. Membership must be in the office or entered in the database by June 30. Congratulations to the counties who have already gone Over the Top in 2024 – Bibb, Clarke, Covington, Franklin, Geneva, Hale, Henry, Lauderdale, Lowndes, Madison, Marengo, Mobile, St Clair, Sumter, Washington, and Winston counties!

National Grazing Management Survey

The U.S. beef industry protects natural resources and biodiversity all while feeding the world. But as you know, the world does not realize all the great work producers are doing on the landscape, with activists and others creating a negative impression with our consumers. To assist in correcting that impression, we need your help. You are invited to complete a short, anonymous survey designed to gain new information on the current use of grazing management plans in the United States beef industry.

Click here to access the National Grazing Management Survey:

Participation in the survey is both entirely voluntary and highly encouraged. All responses will be kept in strict confidence, with the data analysis being released in summary form only and no identifying information included. Information collected during this survey will not be used or distributed for future research studies. The survey should take approximately 10 minutes to complete and includes questions related to your cattle operation and grazing management practices. The study is being conducted by Kansas State University faculty and graduate student researchers.

Thank you for your valuable assistance with this important project. With your help, the industry will be better positioned to communicate their efforts of producing beef in a sustainable, efficient manner. If you have any questions or comments, you may contact Merri Day at Kansas State University at If you have ethical concerns about this research, please contact Dr. Lisa Rubin at

Ag Interns Stop by ACA

During the third week of June, summer interns from the Alabama Department of Agriculture and Industries, Alabama Ag Credit, and the Alabama Farmers Federation visited the Cattlemen’s building as a part of an Ag Interns Tour Day organized by Alabama Ag Credit. We enjoyed visiting with these young leaders about the work ACA does through the association, foundation and the Beef Checkoff. We wish them the best in their career endeavors!

Earlier in June, summer interns and members of the Alabama Farmers Cooperative Future Leaders Program also stopped by the ACA for a similar tour and disucssion!


During the month of June, SLE Executive Director Sarah Hunter attended the Alabama State FFA Convention to represent the Southeastern Livestock Exposition as a sponsor of the Meats Evaluation CDE. Congratulations to Thorsby, Pell City, Priceville, and Cedar Bluff FFA chapters for placing in this competition!

On Saturday, June 15, SLE Vice President Galen Grace, Board Members Stinson Ellis and William Martin, Miss SLE Rodeo Isabella Atwood, and Executive Director Sarah Hunter attended the Atlanta Braves baseball game to promote the PRCA and SLE Rodeo by producing a small western festival for a fan engagement experience. Also in attendance to this event were two PRCA champion bareback riders: Tim O’Connell and Kade Sonnier. Though the day was spent in the extreme Georgia heat, baseball fans enjoyed riding bouncy horses and learning to rope in the Truist Park Plaza!

To wrap up the month of June, Sarah Hunter also attended the Alabama Agribusiness Council Annual Meeting in Orange Beach. This was a great opportunity to hear from industry leaders and network with other representatives in the agriculture community. Sarah took this opportunity to announce the SLE’s latest project in hopes of expanding the opportunities within the new SLE platform: The goal of this webpage is to become a landing place to aid students who wish to study agriculture in finding courses of study, scholarships, internships, and additional training that may not require a two or four year degree. If your company provides these types of opportunities (in the state of Alabama), please email Sarah Hunter ( with details so she may add it to this webpage. Please also share this link within your network to help spread the word about this new platform!

National Rural Grocery Summit

Establishing positive relationships with beef retailers is just one of the many ways the Alabama Beef Checkoff Program works to strengthen the future of the beef industry. This week, ACA Director of Consumer Outreach Josie Jones represented Alabama’s cattlemen as an attendee of the 2024 National Rural Grocery Summit in Montgomery. She was thrilled to report overwhelming support of agriculture by attendees of the nationwide event as she was there to promote the Beef. It’s What’s For Dinner brand and make herself available as a resource for all things beef to rural retailers.


Livestock producers experiencing depredation from black vultures may now apply for a no cost Black Vulture Depredation Sub-Permit through the Alabama Department of Agriculture & Industries. All approved applicants will be allowed to take up to three black vultures as long as the statewide take number has not exceeded 500. If 500 vultures are harvested in the state, applicants will receive an email notifying them that no more vultures may be taken during the permit period. For more information, visit


In January of this year, the Cattle Connect podcast hit streaming platforms to launch the 2024 season, and it airs weekly on Friday mornings at 7AM. Listen is as staff discusses beef industry news and explores the many facets of the ACA! This podcast is available on Apple Podcast, Spotify, and at So far, this season has featured information on the history of the ACA, The MOOseum, 2024 Legislative Priorities and recap, a convention recap, the SLE Rodeo’s unique mission, spring culinary activities, youth event highlights, introductions to some of our association leaders, influencer spotlights, junior cattlemen information and more! Tune in on your favorite streaming platform today to catch up on the first 20 episodes and subscribe to get notifications when a new episode airs! 


The Bama Beef Events Calendar ( is filling up with county cattlemen’s, youth and Extension activities as we look toward the summer months. Check it daily to make sure you don’t miss an event near you!

Thanks for reading this month’s post! Until we post again, we want to remind you that you can stay in touch with us by following us on Facebook or Instagram.

Bama Beef News | May 2024

Welcome to the Bama Beef Blog, where you can check out the latest monthly news from the Alabama Cattlemen’s Association, the Alabama Beef Checkoff Program and the Southeastern Livestock Expo. Keep reading for more info!


The 2024 Regional Cattlemen’s Cookouts are rapidly approaching! In addition to dinner and a state office update, this year’s events will feature Livestock Marketing Association’s Producer Profitability Initiative, a grassroots movement started and led by cattle producers who have a vision to create a sustainable future for the American livestock industry. 

Meeting dates and locations include:

Goosepond Civic Center, Scottsboro, Alabama – June 11

Oxford Civic Center, Oxford, Alabama – June 20

The Greensboro Armory, Greensboro, Alabama – June 25

Wetumpka Civic Center, Wetumpka, Alabama – June 27

A.W. Todd Center, Russellville, Alabama – July 16

The Warehouse, Ozark, Alabama – July 23

Grace Fellowship Church, Atmore, Alabama *IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE GULF COAST CATTLEMEN’S CONFERENCE* – August 9 

Learn more about the meetings:

Meals are FREE to current ACA members. Guest plates are $25/adult, $15/child. RSVP now at or by calling (334) 265-1867.


After a gauntlet of a session, the Alabama Legislature adjourned sine die on May 9th, completing all 30 days of the session. In a session that amassed hundreds of bills and several large items at play, including gaming, school choice, and the Working for Alabama workforce package, the association had a very successful session. To begin, no legislation was passed that would negatively impact the beef cattle industry, which is always the first goal of the session.  

Additionally, several positive pieces of legislation passed that affect our industry.  

  • The association’s priority bill to exempt fencing materials for livestock from sales tax received final passage. Sponsored by Sen. Jack Williams and Rep. Danny Crawford, the bill was amended before passage to have a gross sales cap of $25,000 annually per livestock producer. This will go into effect on October 1, 2024.  
  • The property tax cap bill, sponsored by Sen. David Sessions and Rep. Phillip Pettus, passed, and will provide a 7% cap on annual property tax reappraisals.  
  • The bovine liability bill, sponsored by Senator Randy Price, passed. This bill provides producers hosting independent activities, like sales and field days, on their farm general liability coverage should something happen to an attendee.  
  • A bill banning the sale and distribution of lab-grown proteins (also known as “fake meat”), sponsored by Sen. Jack Williams and carried by Rep. Danny Crawford in the house, passed. 
  • The legislation to establish the board for the Alabama Farm Center, sponsored by Sen. Shay Shelnutt and Rep. Danny Crawford, received final passage.  
  • Several budgetary items in the education trust fund passed, including new funding for junior cattlemen’s educational activities, and continued funding for FFA memberships, the Auburn University livestock judging coach, and a youth livestock specialist. 
  • In the general fund, the Alabama Department of Agriculture and Industries received additional funding for the animal disease and diagnostics office.  


The USDA recently released a much-anticipated final rule for animal disease traceability. The USDA final traceability rule amends a previous 2013 rule that requires sexually intact cattle 18 months of age or older – specifically rodeo, exhibition, and dairy cattle – moving interstate to have an official form of animal identification. The 2013 rule, which cattle producers already comply with, instituted visual ID tags for interstate movement. The new final rule switches producers to electronic identification (EID) tags, which are easier to read and would yield a faster traceability response during a foreign animal disease outbreak. This rule has no bearing on feeder calf movement. For years, Alabama has been preparing for this rule change that moves to utilize EID tags. The state veterinarian’s office has been working with stockyards in the state to use EID tags provided for free on required cattle. The association has been committed to ensuring that the use of these tags will not be set on the backs of cow-calf producers or slow down the speed of commerce. There is funding secured in both the state and federal budgets to allow tags to be given free of charge for cattle that require official animal identification. 


On Friday, May 3, the Alabama Cattlemen’s Foundation (ACF) awarded over $113,000 to 110 deserving students from across Alabama. These scholarships would not be possible without those who have purchased the Cowboy vanity car tag and the generous endowment families. We wish these students the best in their future endeavors and appreciate the involvement of their parents or grandparents in our association, which is a requirement for qualification for an ACF scholarship award! 


The Alabama Junior Cattlemen’s Association (AJCA) held its second and final Spring Field Day for 2024 on Wednesday, May 8 at the Covington Center Arena in Andalusia. Youth attendees enjoyed a BQA certification course, a roping demonstration and hands-on herd health activities.

AJCA Round-up registration is open

The Alabama Junior Cattlemen’s Association is hosting its 18th Annual Round-Up, July 18-21, 2024, in Montgomery! This Alabama Beef Checkoff-funded event features 14 youth cattle shows and contests— including a heifer show, steer show, bull show, showmanship, cattle judging, skill-a-thon, salesmanship, photography, poster, golden pitchfork, record book, ad design, battle of the beef, and team grooming. Additionally, author, speaker, and rancher Amanda Radke will be speaking at the AJCA Membership Meeting on July 19th. Registration closes July 3. For more information or to register, visit


ACA staff will be participating in the FFA Career Expo June 5-6 as a part of the State FFA Convention. Any students or teachers wishing to learn about the educational resources and opportunities offered by the ACA and the Beef Checkoff Program are welcome to come by our booth.


Young Cattlemen’s Leadership Program (YCLP) Class XI kicked the year off in May in conjunction with the Spring Board of Directors Meeting. The crew of young leaders spent time with our volunteer leaders from across the state to learn more about the association’s involvement and membership recruitment. Following, they toured the Alabama Department of Agriculture and Industries and Alabama Farmers Federation facilities before wrapping up the evening with beef education at BBQ Hill in Pike Road. The next day, they traveled to Auburn to participate in a leadership training session with Dr. Adam Cletzer, followed by a tour of the Auburn University Lambert-Powell Meats Laboratory. To learn more about this year’s class, visit


The Garrett Coliseum has experienced personnel changes within the last year. Bill Hardin (Coliseum Manager) passed away in July 2023, and Connie Luckie (Coliseum Office Manager) retired in May 2024. Two new employees are now in place, so SLE and ACA invited the new Garrett Coliseum staff to the Cattlemen’s building for lunch in May. This was a great opportunity to get to know our new colleagues and discuss ideas for future improvements throughout the Coliseum grounds. They were open to suggestions of how to make the facilities more usable during the SLE Rodeo & Livestock Week and the AJCA Round-Up. This was a very positive meeting, and we look forward to working with them on future events.


The ACA is aiming to go Over the Top again in 2024— help us get over 10,000 members! We are proud to report that we currently represent 9,341 members. We are grateful for the grassroots efforts of our county organizations and look forward to another year of membership advocacy alongside you! 

Membership Deadlines to Remember

Remember, the Over the Top County Chapter deadline to earn your president a coveted ACA red coat is June 30. Membership must be in the office or entered in the database by June 30. Congratulations to the counties who have already gone Over the Top in 2024 – Bibb, Franklin, Geneva, Hale, Henry, Madison, Mobile, and Sumter counties!

County Meetings

As most counties across Alabama have held local chapter membership meetings, we encourage county leaders to send in updated officer information following the meeting. Submit the names and contact information of your county president and secretary to Jessica Kennedy so they can be added to our correspondence list for upcoming meetings and pertinent membership information!


The Spring Board of Directors Meeting was held in May, welcoming several new county presidents to the ACA headquarters building. At the meeting, board members heard an extensive report from Associate State Veterinarian Dr. Misty Edmondson about the Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) situation in dairy cattle and the newly released USDA final rule for animal disease traceability. Following updates from association staff about the legislative session and spring beef checkoff programming, members were engaged by ACA President Terry Slaten regarding membership growth. During this discussion, information was shared about retaining members, recruiting new members and how county chapters already do activities in their communities. The board meeting also included the new Young Cattlemen’s Leadership Program (YLCP) class as they learned about association business. Thank you to everyone who attended, and we look forward to seeing you in August!


Livestock producers experiencing depredation from black vultures may now apply for a no cost Black Vulture Depredation Sub-Permit through the Alabama Department of Agriculture & Industries. All approved applicants will be allowed to take up to three black vultures as long as the statewide take number has not exceeded 500. If 500 vultures are harvested in the state, applicants will receive an email notifying them that no more vultures may be taken during the permit period. For more information, visit


The Alabama Agricultural Development Authority (AADA) is now accepting applications for low interest loans intended to support meat and poultry processing businesses in Alabama. Loans can be used to purchase or construct new facilities, expand existing facilities, purchase new equipment, cover start-up costs and hire additional employees. 

Phase II applications are now open and will close June 14. For more information and loan application details, visit


In January of this year, the Cattle Connect podcast hit streaming platforms to launch the 2024 season, and it airs weekly on Friday mornings at 7AM. Listen is as staff discusses beef industry news and explores the many facets of the ACA! This podcast is available on Apple Podcast, Spotify, YouTube and at So far, this season has featured information on the history of the ACA, The MOOseum, ACA’s 2024 Legislative Priorities and recap, a convention recap, the SLE Rodeo’s unique mission, Spring culinary activities, youth event highlights and introductions to some of our association leaders. Tune in on your favorite streaming platform today to catch up on the first 16 episodes and subscribe to get notifications when a new episode airs! 


The Bama Beef Events Calendar ( is filling up with county cattlemen’s, youth and Extension activities as we look toward the summer months. Check it daily to make sure you don’t miss an event near you!

Thanks for reading this month’s post! Until we post again, we want to remind you that you can stay in touch with us by following us on Facebook or Instagram.