What’s Going On Wednesday: October 3, 2018

Hello again to our friend, October Beef Month in Alabama! It’s a real treat for us to get to celebrate this delicious month of beef promotion and education throughout the state. Cattlemen are busy promoting beef and raising the beef as calving season is also in full swing across our great state! It’s a busy time…and we know you know all about it, so instead of wasting any more, we will get straight to the point on ALL that’s happening at the ACA this week. 


Young Cattlemen Gather in South Alabama

On Friday and Saturday, the ACA hosted the YCLP Class V group in Fairhope, AL during their third leadership development session. The group received BQA training from Extension Veterinarian Dr. Soren Rodning at the Gulf Coast Extension and Research Center and then after had the opportunity to tour the facilities with facility director Malcom Pegues. Dr. Mulvaney led leadership training activities throughout the whole trip that challenged our young leaders to think outside the box! To top off the trip, the young cattlemen toured Mark Kaiser’s diversified cattle, poultry and row crop operation and discuss his many ventures such as eggs, peanuts, hay, and his 600-head cattle operation. Overall, it was a successful trip filled with productive conversation about leadership in the beef industry and a ton of fun. Special thanks to all who volunteered their time to make this weekend’s session a success!


Bama’s Best Beef Winner Announced

8 Our Place Diner's Big BopperOur Place Diner in Ozark  has been named the winner of the 2018 Bama’s Best Burger contest with its dish, the Big Bopper Burger. A beef patty topped with bacon, multiple types of cheese, fried-to-perfection onion rings and all the fixings, the Big Bopper Burger was stout competition for contest finalists. One contest judge, who wishes to remain anonymous, touted midway through judging, “Our Place is gonna be hard to beat.”


The Bama’s Best Burger contest began July 23 on the Alabama Cattlemen’s Association Facebook page with a nominations round that earned over 500 burger nominations from restaurants across Alabama. The most-nominated burger from each of contest’s eight regions moved on to compete in Facebook poll challenges that put competing regions head-to-head as fans voted for their favorite restaurant’s burger.


Contest finalists were Bentley’s (Hartselle) Cheeseburger; R & R Burgers (Springville) T-Rex Burger; Heards BBQ & Soul Food (Maplesville) Signature Burger and Our Place Diner’s (Ozark) Big Bopper Burger.


Finalist restaurants were then visited anonymously by a panel of industry judges who secretly taste tested the burgers throughout the month of September.


Our Place Diner owners will receive a plaque presentation and media conference from the Alabama Cattlemen’s Association, bragging rights for one year and an influx of customers looking to try Alabama’s best burger. We know we’re excited to give it a try!!



Alabama National Fair Beef Shows

The weekend, ACA Director of Industry Relations & Youth Programs Michael Agar joined forces with the Alabama Farmers Federation to put on the Alabama National Fair Youth and Open Beef Shows. The event featured around 150 head of fine show calves exhibited by over 100 youth. Big congratulations are in order to Limestone County Junior Cattleman and District 1 Director Ashlyn Ruf who won Grand Champion Market Steer and Grand Champion Breeding Heifer. Congrats are also due to AJCA At Large Director Emma Merriman of Etowah County who won Grand Champion Senior Showman, Curt Williams of Marshall County who took the title of Grand Champion Intermediate Showman and Callie Rae Childers of Morgan County who was awarded the title of Grand Champion Junior Showman.


Great work to all these junior cattlemen and future leaders! Also, huge thanks to our AJCA directors who stepped up when needed to help in the ring and to make the show a success.



Policy Corner: Electronic logging & Trade

TRUCKSLivestock haulers have been granted an additional extension on the ELD delay until December 7, 2018. We will keep you current on what manifests from the remainder of the appropriations bills that need to be passed. These will include language and guidance for where we stand with ELDs in 2019. Stay tuned. In the meantime, trade negotiations continue as Mexico, Canada and the U.S. announced the USMCA this week to replace NAFTA. Details on this agreement will come out in the coming weeks and we will let you know how it immediately effects beef cattle. On the surface, the agreement is excellent news for the U.S. dairy industry.



Membership Update

Membership bailouts for the 2019 year are in the works. Be on the lookout for those to begin hitting mailboxes around November 1. ACA Membership Coordinator Jessica Kennedy will be sending out county contact information to leaders and will need to be notified of changes asap, so be watching those inboxes. We look forward to working with you as we head into a busy 2019 membership year!



BEEF 101 With Sysco Gulf Coast

On Monday, ACA Director of Education and Outreach Ali Cantrell hosted a BEEF 101 at Auburn with Gulf Coast Sysco’s saImageles representatives. They received an overview of the beef industry along with a tutorial of the fabrication process and a live cattle evaluation. The salesmen left with a better understanding of the purpose of each beef cut to increase their sales of beef products.



Cattlemen’s Convention & Industry Trade Show

Let’s Geaux to New Orleans!! ACA members can take advantage of a special discount code as they register for the Cattlemen’s Convention and NCBA Trade Show which will take place Jan.30-Feb.2, 2019 in New Orleans. Call the office or email krharden@bamabeef.org to confirm your membership status and receive the code for $75 OFF a regular registration and $25 OFF a trade show only pass. Registration for the event opened on October 1.




Check_Yes-01Cattle owners across the state will vote on October 24, 2018 to continue the $1.00 Alabama Beef Checkoff Program. Voting will take place for the referendum in every county Extension office in the state and will be open from 8 a.m.-4 p.m. on October 24. The Alabama Beef Checkoff Program is essential for beef promotion efforts, issues management, producer programs and youth involvement carried out each year throughout the state. The program has been in place since 1962 as one of the first in the country and was reactivated in 2004 as cattle numbers declined. To date, the program has contributed to thousands of youth being involved in the cattle industry, multiple generations of producers taking part in educational programs and enormous return on investment from research efforts focused on beef cattle production. The wide array of programs available for funding through the Alabama Beef Checkoff Program can be found at www.BamaBeef.org/Checkoff. For questions about how your dollars are used, contact the ACA office.



BEEF Hits Radio and Television

Beef Month in Alabama his radio waves across the state last week to help us as we kicked off this delicious month of beef promotion and education! If you listen to Rick and Bubba or any iHeart media affiliated radio station you should hear the “Beef. It’s What’s for Dinner” campaign coming through your speakers on a radio near you. Later this month on October 19, ACA’s Ali Cantrell and Bibb County cattleman Ashton Cottingham will be visiting the Rick and Bubba studio to grill up some juicy steaks and discuss October Beef Month and the impact of the cattle industry in Alabama. Also, be on the lookout for our TV commercials on news stations across Alabama specifically in the local Birmingham, Huntsville, Mobile and Montgomery stations. We hope you enjoy seeing BEEF on your screen!



Beef on ibotta

Ibotta App IconCalling all Ibotta shoppers! The popular consumer app now has a rebate for any fresh beef products at most Alabama retail chains that offers $0.25 back on your beef purchases. The Alabama Beef Checkoff Program is excited to offer this incentive for shoppers as a way to encourage increased beef sales throughout October Beef Month. Download the app and start shopping today!



Food Tours with Comedienne Joy

The Alabama Beef Checkoff has partnered up with Comedienne Joy to host Beef Food tours in the Birmingham area every Sunday this October. ACA Director of Education & Outreach Ali Cantrell and Birmingham-area food blogger Joy King will take people throughout Birmingham to try beef meals from four different restaurants and then conclude at Western Supermarket for a mini BEEF 101 course. This promotion will also be featured on Comedienne Joy’s show with Fox station.




The Alabama Cattlemen’s Foundation provides over $70,000 annually to TAG- Scholarship APPLYqualified high school and collegiate students, courtesy of funds raised through the purchase of the Cowboy vanity car tag and generous endowments. Scholarship applications for the 2019-2020 school year are NOW AVAILABLE online at BamaBeef.org/Scholarship.


Applications will close at midnight on November 1. Visit www.BamaBeef.org/Scholarship to review application requirements and to apply today!



Thanks for reading this week’s post! Until we post again, we want to remind you that you can stay in touch with us by following us on FacebookTwitter or Instagram.

What’s Going On Wednesday: September 26, 2018

And just like that, September is riding off into the sunset. Time sure flies when you’re having fun, and promoting beef, attending producer events and planning ahead for big events sure make our top list of fun things to do on the job. This year is making a quick escape, but there’s still much left to do including October Beef Month, checking yes to the Alabama Beef Checkoff Program, planning for next year’s checkoff program and hosting another Board meeting. The last three months of the year sure keep us on our toes..just about as much as those calving mamas at your farm do you! Keep reading to learn more about what’s going on at the ACA this week and buckle up for a wild ride as we prepare to tackle the last quarter of 2018. 

Checkoff Referendum Vote- October 24

Check_Yes-01Cattle owners across the state will vote on October 24, 2018 to continue the $1.00 Alabama Beef Checkoff Program. Voting will take place for the referendum in every county Extension office in the state and will be open from 8 a.m.-4 p.m. on October 24. The Alabama Beef Checkoff Program is essential for beef promotion efforts, issues management, producer programs and youth involvement carried out each year throughout the state. The program has been in place since 1962 as one of the first in the country and was reactivated in 2004 as cattle numbers declined. To date, the program has contributed to thousands of youth being involved in the cattle industry, multiple generations of producers taking part in educational programs and enormous return on investment from research efforts focused on beef cattle production. The wide array of programs available for funding through the Alabama Beef Checkoff Program can be found at www.BamaBeef.org/Checkoff. For questions about how your dollars are used, contact the ACA office.



Membership Update

The Membership Task Force will meet in Montgomery on Thursday to further discuss details associated with the new membership year. These volunteer leaders have meet in-person and via conference call several times over the course of the last several months to hash out details associated with moving the membership fiscal year from July-June to January-December. We feel strongly that this move will be beneficial, but it will require transition as does any change. We ask that if you have any questions or concerns about this change to give us as call at the state office at (334) 265-1867.


Speaking of membership, the last of the membership cards have been mailed, so county secretaries should be on the lookout for their cards to hand out to renewed members at upcoming county meetings.  Keep in mind that on July 1, we began the 2019 membership year, so a majority of those members are not renewed yet. Secretaries, be sure to get a current report from the database before passing out 2019 membership cards. To access those reports, contact Jessica Kennedy at our office to get your report login and password.


Facebooklogo_homepageLast but certainly not least, all of the i4a membership software training videos are uploaded to our website!! From software basics, to renewals, to printing mailing labels, there’s a step-by-step video to help you navigate this new system. To learn how to gain access to these videos, contact Jessica at jkennedy@bamabeef.org or call her at (334) 265-1867.



Food & Wine Festival in Birmingham

This Friday, the Jefferson County Cattlemen’s Association will join in the fun at the Birmingham Food & Wine Festival and assist Western Supermarkets by handing out beef samples at the consumer event. Dubbed the “Food Mecca of the South,” Birmingham has quite the booming foodie culture, and beef has a front row seat to the show. We appreciate the leadership of the Jefferson County crew as they stepped up to help on a weekend where staff is going in many different directions!




The Alabama Cattlemen’s Foundation provides over $70,000 annually to TAG- Scholarship APPLYqualified high school and collegiate students, courtesy of funds raised through the purchase of the Cowboy vanity car tag and generous endowments. Scholarship applications for the 2019-2020 school year are NOW AVAILABLE online at BamaBeef.org/Scholarship.


Applications will close at midnight on November 1. Visit www.BamaBeef.org/Scholarship to review application requirements and to apply today!



YCLP Class V Heads South

ACA Director of Education and Outreach Ali Cantrell will be traveling to young-cattlemen-logo_websizedFairhope this weekend to head up the third session with YCLP Class V. On Friday, the class will earn BQA certification with the help of Extension Veterinarian and State BQA Coordinator Dr. Soren Roding  at the Gulf Coast Research and Extension Center. This certification course will include hands-on activities such as vaccinating and deworming heifers and the proper penning and handling of cattle. Following this, the class will tour the Research Center with Director Malcomb Pegues who was kind enough to host us for this meeting.


On Saturday, the group will begin in the classroom with a leadership lesson from Dr. Don Mulvaney before heading out to Mark Kaiser’s farm in Robertsdale for a tour of his diversified cattle and poultry operation. We look forward to a unique, hands-on learning opportunity with some of our future leaders in the cattle industry!



Sysco Fall Buying Expo

IMG_0328[1]ACA Director of Education & Outreach Ali Cantrell has spent her day at the Fall Buying Expo with Sysco Foodservice in Birmingham. While there, she will be serving up Ribeye steak samples and promoting the kickoff of October Beef Month the upcoming Monday. Her goal today is to encourage salesmen to increase their beef sales and answer any questions they might have about our favorite protein, BEEF!



Auburn Ag Round-Up This Weekend

Calling all Auburn Ag Alumni: Head on out to Ag Heritage Park this weekend to celebrate Homecoming with a Taste of Alabama. Ag commodity groups, including beef, will be represented at the event and handing out samples of their foods. The ACA has teamed up with the AU Meats Lab in Auburn to offer brisket sliders to event attendees. If you’re going to be on the Plains this weekend, be sure to stop by and see us!



Alabama National Fair Livestock Shows

This weekend, ACA Director of Industry Relations and Youth Programs Michael Agar will work alongside industry leaders to put on the Alabama National Fair Youth and Open Beef shows. Best of luck to all the competitors competing throughout the weekend!



Thanks for reading this week’s post! Until we post again, we want to remind you that you can stay in touch with us by following us on FacebookTwitter or Instagram.

What’s Going On Wednesday: September 19, 2018

Well, we’re halfway through September, and it is still hotter than blue blazes. On the plus side, maybe that means we can enjoy fall temperatures that much more when they do arrive, right? Unlike fall weather, fall calves have arrived and are starting to hit the ground across Alabama. We so enjoy this time of year alongside you as their tiny silhouettes begin to paint Alabama’s farmscapes. It’s a beautiful time. 

We’re also gearing up for a delicious time as October Beef Month is just weeks away. There’s so much beefy goodness coming our way that we can’t wait to share with you, so stay tuned an continue to learn more about what’s happening at the ACA…

ACA Hosts obesity task force

41907769_1409319219204077_4946669948274475008_oThis week the ACA office hosted the Alabama Obesity Task Force to begin developing its State Nutrition and Physical Activity Plan. The day was filled with great discussion on what we as a state can do to combat obesity and educate consumers on how to live a healthy lifestyle. ACA Director of Education and Outreach Ali Cantrell welcomed the group, discussed beef’s role in a healthy lifestyle and had the opportunity to explain the role that the ACA plays within the beef industry and how our programs impact education in health and nutrition.


A Visit to North Alabama Stockyards

On Monday, ACA Director of Industry Relations & Youth Programs Michael 41965131_1820968318020070_3866744191706988544_nAgar joined Phil Campbell High School agriscience students and their teach, Franklin County Cattleman Caleb Beason, on a trip to Northwest Alabama Livestock in Russellville where the group enjoyed the sale and heard from industry leaders including Agar on the ACA’s role in Alabama’s beef cattle industry. While at the yard, Agar also had the opportunity to present owners with customized Beef. It’s What’s For Dinner signage, sponsored by the Alabama Beef Checkoff Program. Great job to Caleb and his class for having such a beef-focused field day!


After leaving Phil Campbell, Michael headed east to Fort Payne Stockyard where he enjoyed the last sale to be hosted under its current owners, Glean and Mary Plunkett.




The Alabama Cattlemen’s Foundation provides over $70,000 annually to TAG- Scholarship APPLYqualified high school and collegiate students, courtesy of funds raised through the purchase of the Cowboy vanity car tag and generous endowments. Scholarship applications for the 2019-2020 school year are NOW AVAILABLE online at BamaBeef.org/Scholarship. To go along with last year’s addition of the Martha Davis Service Award, this year we are proud to introduce the John Williams Memorial Scholarship memorializing the life of a dedicated auctioneer to Alabama’s livestock industry.


Applications will close at midnight on November 1. Visit www.BamaBeef.org/Scholarship to review application requirements and to apply today!



Fall BEEF 101 Programs Kick Off

On Thursday, ACA Director of Education & Outreach Ali Cantrell will be traveling to Auburn to host a BEEF 101 for Lawson State University students and a group of our own cattlemen members. A little over 50 participants are expected to be there to learn more about raising cattle and the fabrication process.


In tow will be ACA Director of Social Media & Communications Kayla Greer as she joins in on the BEEF 101 program in the morning, then breaks away after lunch to lead a Bull Ad Workshop with the Beef Cattle Management class at Auburn. Special thanks to George Richburg and Dr. Sonia Bachamp for inviting us to participate in the discussion on how to market beef animals using print advertisements.




As we approach a busy time of year for counties, Membership Coordinator Jessica Kennedy wants to be sure you’re prepared and that all communication lines are open to make this the most successful year for county annual meetings and events yet!


County Meeting Scheduling

Please EMAIL JESSICA  your county meeting information (time, date, location, etc.) and anyone you request to speak/attend whether it be a staff member or state officer. If you would like for this information to appear in the magazine, it must be sent to Jessica by the 15th of the previous month!


Mailouts – Postcards/Letters

If you need a mailout done please let Jessica know 1-2 weeks prior to the actual date the mailout needs to go in the mail, not two weeks from the date of the meeting.



If you need supplies such as napkins and placemats prior to your meeting, please email Jessica the number of members you anticipate, and she will ship them to you.  Local counties may pick them up here at the ACA building.



REPORTS ARE COMPLETED! If you are your county’s president or secretary and would like access to your county’s report, contact Jessica Kennedy to get your login and password information. We’re thrilled to have this project complete just in time for meeting season!


Leadership Changes

County secretaries, it is your responsibility to make sure you send Jessica Kennedy the changes to your county leadership after your county meetings.  Jessica has to change these on mailing lists, in the magazine, online, etc. and needs all contact information – name, address, phone number and the very important email addresses!  Email is how we send a majority of our information.  If this information is not updated here at the ACA, then those officers are not getting the information they need and we have no line of communication.


October Beef Month Supplies

ACA Director of Education and Outreach Ali Cantrell introduced the reading book for our Cowboys in the Classroom program called “My Family’s Beef Farm.” Cowboys in the Classroom is an opportunity for producers to visit their local classrooms and educate youth about the beef they consume and where it comes from. One book will be donated to the library of the school for future access to the students. There has also been an addition to the Cowboys in the Classroom program where county leaders can also provide a Beef. It’s What’s For Dinner Coloring and Activity Book. These are two separate books that you can provide to the classroom for the students to enjoy.  If you want to participate in the Cowboys in the Classroom Program in your county, please let Ali know how many schools you plan to attend so she can send you these books in time for October.



Beef Throughout Alabama in October

Ibotta App IconYou may notice beef popping up everywhere throughout our great state in October. Whether it’s your magazine, your cell phone, your TV or your social media accounts, your checkoff dollars are going to work to get beef at centerstage throughout October Beef Month. We’ve been working this week with the popular consumer app, Ibotta, to develop a beef coupon for October. We’ve met with TV stations to have beef featured in news segments. We’ve typed up some beefy articles for the October Alabama Cattleman magazine, and we’ve got beef-centric events planned throughout the entire month. Be on the lookout next month, but you shouldn’t have to look too hard!!


Thanks for reading this week’s post! Until we post again, we want to remind you that you can stay in touch with us by following us on FacebookTwitter or Instagram.

What’s Going On Wednesday: September 12, 2018

September is zooming past and leaving a trail toward October in its wake. Before we know it, BEEF MONTH will be among us! All kinds of work centered around fall programs and planning are taking place around the state office, and your state staff is giddy with all the awesome events happening soon. While this week’s post may seem short, don’t be fooled. We are in planning and preparation mode, keeping us close to our desks this week! Keep reading to get your update from the ACA this week…


Alabama Beef Checkoff Hosts Successful Youth Event

Screenshot 2018-09-12 10.32.24Youth in livestock from across Alabama gathered at BJR Summerford Charolais in Falkville, AL Saturday morning for a lesson from Extension Specialist and Auburn University Livestock Judging Coach Jason P’Poole on assessing cattle from head to toe based on breed qualities and characteristics. After reviewing the basics, the students then spent the remainder of the morning practicing their new skills by judging four classes of Summerford cattle- Angus bulls, Charolais bulls, Charolais females and commercial females. The top three competitors from each age division- senior, intermediate and junior- where then awarded prizes based on their judging card submissions. The winners from each division were:


  • 1st Place: Michael Morrison, Clay County, AJCA president
  • 2nd Place: Nicole Towe, Limestone County
  • 3rd Place: Christian Meadows, Randolph County, AJCA District 2 director


  • 1st Place: Trace Strock, Autauga County
  • 2nd Place: Abbey James, Autauga County
  • 3rd Place: Abby Ellison, Limestone County


  • 1st Place: Jayden P’Poole, Lee County
  • 2nd Place: Ella Prince, Elmore County
  • 3rd Place: Layla Caver, Morgan County

Following the judging portion of the field day, the youth gathered inside the Summerford sale facility for hot-off-the-grill ribeye steak sandwiches, which were prepared by the cooking team of the Morgan County Cattlemen’s Association. After the meal, Summerford talked to the students about his family’s operation and bull marketing program. Special thanks to all who helped make this event successful!



The Alabama Cattlemen’s Foundation provides over $70,000 annually to TAG- Scholarship APPLYqualified high school and collegiate students, courtesy of funds raised through the purchase of the Cowboy vanity car tag and generous endowments. Scholarship applications for the 2019-2020 school year are NOW AVAILABLE online at BamaBeef.org/Scholarship. To go along with last year’s addition of the Martha Davis Service Award, this year we are proud to introduce the John Williams Memorial Scholarship memorializing the life of a dedicated auctioneer to Alabama’s livestock industry.


Applications will close at midnight on November 1. Visit www.BamaBeef.org/Scholarship to review application requirements and to apply today!




As we approach a busy time of year for counties, Membership Coordinator Jessica Kennedy wants to be sure you’re prepared and that all communication lines are open to make this the most successful year for county annual meetings and events yet!


County Meeting Scheduling

Please EMAIL JESSICA  your county meeting information (time, date, location, etc.) and anyone you request to speak/attend whether it be a staff member or state officer. If you would like for this information to appear in the magazine, it must be sent to Jessica by the 15th of the previous month!


Mailouts – Postcards/Letters

If you need a mailout done please let Jessica know 1-2 weeks prior to the actual date the mailout needs to go in the mail, not two weeks from the date of the meeting.



If you need supplies such as napkins and placemats prior to your meeting, please email Jessica the number of members you anticipate, and she will ship them to you.  Local counties may pick them up here at the ACA building.



REPORTS ARE COMPLETED! If you are your county’s president or secretary and would like access to your county’s report, contact Jessica Kennedy to get your login and password information. We’re thrilled to have this project complete just in time for meeting season!


Leadership Changes

County secretaries, it is your responsibility to make sure you send Jessica Kennedy the changes to your county leadership after your county meetings.  Jessica has to change these on mailing lists, in the magazine, online, etc. and needs all contact information – name, address, phone number and the very important email addresses!  Email is how we send a majority of our information.  If this information is not updated here at the ACA, then those officers are not getting the information they need and we have no line of communication.


October Beef Month Supplies

ACA Director of Education and Outreach Ali Cantrell introduced the reading book for our Cowboys in the Classroom program called “My Family’s Beef Farm.” Cowboys in the Classroom is an opportunity for producers to visit their local classrooms and educate youth about the beef they consume and where it comes from. One book will be donated to the library of the school for future access to the students. There has also been an addition to the Cowboys in the Classroom program where county leaders can also provide a Beef. It’s What’s For Dinner Coloring and Activity Book. These are two separate books that you can provide to the classroom for the students to enjoy.  If you want to participate in the Cowboys in the Classroom Program in your county, please let Ali know how many schools you plan to attend so she can send you these books in time for October.




Screenshot (2)If your county participated in the cost-share program to purchase a Cattlemen’s tent to use at events in your home county, be on the lookout for a very large shipment this week! Your tent is on its way, and we’re thrilled with how they turned out!! Elevated interest in this program has led us to start another list for a future order, so if you missed out on this order, don’t sweat it. Email ACA Director of Education & Outreach Ali Cantrell today to get on our list for the next go-round.


Thanks for reading this week’s post! Until we post again, we want to remind you that you can stay in touch with us by following us on FacebookTwitter or Instagram.

Tailgating with Beef

By Jessica Ivey, RDN


When I moved to Alabama in 2011, someone asked me on my first day of work, “Auburn or Alabama?” Not being an Alabama girl, I wasn’t really all that concerned about football, but I quickly learned that football is so much more than a sport in this state. During the fall, life revolves around the teams’ schedules, and people even told us we better not plan our wedding on a football Saturday. But as I was introduced to this whole new culture, I realized that football provides a great excuse to get together with people you love and enjoy good food… that’s something I can get behind!



Few things say football like a juicy burger. But there are so many additional crowd-pleasing, hunger-tackling ways to enjoy beef this fall.



Whenever you are taking food outside it’s important to remember food safety. Transport raw beef and other perishable foods, like potato salad and cheese, in an insulated cooler with plenty of ice. Store the raw meat in zip-top plastic bags to prevent leakage of juices onto other foods. Keep the meat in the cooler until you’re ready to cook, and be sure to take along a meat thermometer and cook your beef to the safe temperature. Also pack water and soap or sanitizing wipes to keep hands and surfaces clean, and eat cooked foods within 2 hours (or within 1 hour if the outside temperature is above 90°F).   



If you’re planning to set up a grill, burgers are a budget-friendly option to feed a crowd. I love these Lean Mean Cheeseburgers for a lighter spin on a classic. If you want to spice things up, try these Zesty Barbecue Cheeseburgers with pepper Jack cheese. Want to really step up your game for the big game? Make up these Classic Beef Kabobs with steak before leaving the house and grill on site for a festive option.  



If you’ll have access to power or a generator, a slow cooker can be the perfect tool for keeping food hot during the festivities. Plus, a slow cooker allows you to do all of the work at home ahead of time, leaving you free to enjoy the party. This Four-Way Slow Cooker Shredded Beef has four flavor variations to suit your tastes, and can be served up with sandwich rolls or tortillas, depending on the flavor. This Chilly Day Beef Chili is sure to warm you through before a cold evening game. For smaller bites, these Beef Pinwheels are will disappear quickly (who doesn’t like beef and puff pastry together?), or try these Easy Mexican Beef Sausage Cornbread Muffins.
For those mid-day games, tailgating starts early, so be ready with some protein-packed beefy breakfast dishes to keep you full and satisfying throughout the game. These Easy Beef Breakfast Rolls could be made in advanced and baked while you get ready and gather your supplies at home. Transport the rolls wrapped in foil in an insulated container to keep warm as you travel to your tailgating site. Or make up these Beef Sausage and Egg Muffin Cups up to three days in advance and reheat just before leaving home. Again, remember to ensure hot food stays hot and eat within 2 hours.



What are you planning for your first tailgate of the season? I’m excited to try these Mini Meatball Appetizers with Apricot Dipping Sauce! Join me as I take over the @alcattlemen Instagram Story tonight to show you, step-by-step, how to make this beefy game day appetizer.



State Checkoff color_nobackgroundThis article is funded by Alabama Beef Checkoff Program. Paid for by Alabama beef farmers and ranchers. 

What’s Going On Wednesday: September 5

Hello, September. Hello, Tropical Storm Gordon. Hello, football season.

Hello, busy fall season!! 

With the arrival of September brings the close out of another successful summer and the welcoming of a whole host of cattlemen’s events, beef promotion opportunities and cattle sales…and that’s not all! We’re excited to hit the road this fall to visit with you, our favorite cattlemen. Keep reading to learn about what’s coming up and to get an update from the state office this week. 

Alabama Cattlemen’s Foundation Scholarships- Now Open for Application

The Alabama Cattlemen’s Foundation provides over $70,000 annually to TAG- Scholarship APPLYqualified high school and collegiate students, courtesy of funds raised through the purchase of the Cowboy vanity car tag and generous endowments. Scholarship applications for the 2019-2020 school year are NOW AVAILABLE online at BamaBeef.org/Scholarship. To go along with last year’s addition of the Martha Davis Service Award, this year we are proud to introduce the John Williams Memorial Scholarship memorializing the life of a dedicated auctioneer to Alabama’s livestock industry.


Applications will close at midnight on November 1. Visit www.BamaBeef.org/Scholarship to review application requirements and to apply today!



Tropical Storm Gordon

In the wake of Tropical Storm Gordon, our thoughts and prayers are with our southwest Alabama cattle producers who have suffered loss or difficulty due to flooding and wind damage, as well as power outages. We pray damages are minimal and that all is restored quickly and safely following the storm! Please contact us at the state office if we can be of service in any way. Otherwise, know our prayers go with you in your work.




As we approach a busy time of year for counties, Membership Coordinator Jessica Kennedy wants to be sure you’re prepared and that all communication lines are open to make this the most successful year for county annual meetings and events yet!


County Meeting Scheduling

Please EMAIL JESSICA  your county meeting information (time, date, location, etc.) and anyone you request to speak/attend whether it be a staff member or state officer. If you would like for this information to appear in the magazine, it must be sent to Jessica by the 15th of the previous month!


Mailouts – Postcards/Letters

If you need a mailout done please let Jessica know 1-2 weeks prior to the actual date the mailout needs to go in the mail, not two weeks from the date of the meeting.



If you need supplies such as napkins and placemats prior to your meeting, please email Jessica the number of members you anticipate, and she will ship them to you.  Local counties may pick them up here at the ACA building.



REPORTS ARE COMPLETED! If you are your county’s president or secretary and would like access to your county’s report, contact Jessica Kennedy to get your login and password information. We’re thrilled to have this project complete just in time for meeting season!


Leadership Changes

County secretaries, it is your responsibility to make sure you send Jessica Kennedy the changes to your county leadership after your county meetings.  Jessica has to change these on mailing lists, in the magazine, online, etc. and needs all contact information – name, address, phone number and the very important email addresses!  Email is how we send a majority of our information.  If this information is not updated here at the ACA, then those officers are not getting the information they need and we have no line of communication.


October Beef Month Supplies

ACA Director of Education and Outreach Ali Cantrell introduced the reading book for our Cowboys in the Classroom program called “My Family’s Beef Farm.” Cowboys in the Classroom is an opportunity for producers to visit their local classrooms and educate youth about the beef they consume and where it comes from. One book will be donated to the library of the school for future access to the students. There has also been an addition to the Cowboys in the Classroom program where county leaders can also provide a Beef. It’s What’s For Dinner Coloring and Activity Book. These are two separate books that you can provide to the classroom for the students to enjoy.  If you want to participate in the Cowboys in the Classroom Program in your county, please let Ali know how many schools you plan to attend so she can send you these books in time for October.



ACA Tents

Screenshot (2)If your county participated in the cost-share program to purchase a Cattlemen’s tent to use at events in your home county, be on the lookout for a very large shipment this week! Your tent is on its way, and we’re thrilled with how they turned out!! Elevated interest in this program has led us to start another list for a future order, so if you missed out on this order, don’t sweat it. Email ACA Director of Education & Outreach Ali Cantrell today to get on our list for the next go-round.




Web_JudgingFieldDay-01This Saturday, the Alabama Junior Cattlemen’s Association will host a Cattle Judging Field Day at Summerford Charolais in Falkville, AL. Extension Specialist and Auburn Livestock Judging Team Coach Jason P’Poole will be teaching our youth the basics of livestock judging beginning at 9:00 a.m., and after a brief how-to, the participants will judge three classes of livestock (bulls and heifers) and answer questions about them. Youth will then be treated to lunch by the Morgan County Cattlemen’s Association and then participate in a farm tour led by the crew at Summerford Charolais.

Thank you to our generous hosts, Robert and Alan Summerford, and to the cooking crew with the Morgan County Cattlemen’s Association!



BAMA’S BEST BURGER Final 4 announced

The Bama’s Best Burger contest has officially named its four finalists as a 40685566_1399631076839558_7325400115869384704_oresult of four weeks of successful Facebook poll challenges. The finalists are:

  • Bentley’s Cheeseburger- Hartselle, AL
  • R & R Burgers T-Rex Burger- Springville, AL
  • Heard’s BBQ & Should Food Signature Burger- Maplesville, AL
  • Our Place Diner’s Big Bopper Burger- Ozark, AL

With this announcement comes the Final 4 Taste Test Challenge where we have given a panel of industry judges marching orders to anonymously visit each joint to try out the finalist burgers. They’ll submit their picks back to us just in time for us to announce the winner to kick off October Beef Month in Alabama! To learn more about the contest, click HERE to check out our promotion on Southeast AgNet with Randall Weiseman.



Thanks for reading this week’s post! Until we post again, we want to remind you that you can stay in touch with us by following us on FacebookTwitter or Instagram.

What’s Going On Wednesday: August 29, 2018

Hello August. Goodbye August.

It sure feels like it came and went that quickly, and now we are barreling forward head first toward September and a busy fall season! Fall is not only busy for us with all the activities centered around beef promotion, but it’s a busy time for you as those fall calves start hitting the ground and county events start firing up! We’re excited to hit the roads toward those events, county meetings and cattle sales as it means we’ll get to see you out and about! Keep reading to learn what we’ve been up to this week and what we’ve got in the works here at the ACA state office.


Checkoff Funds Beef Cattle Research

The Alabama Beef Checkoff places a high priority on funding practical cattle production research that will assist producers in the state. Recently, researchers across the College of Agriculture at Auburn University submitted cattle research proposals totaling 15 projects for consideration of funds. After evaluation of the projects, five stood out and received funding to begin work this fall. They are:

  1. An Economic Analysis of Productivity and Efficiency of AL Cattle Industry: Best Management Practices and Growth Opportunities (V. Hartarska, D. Nadolnyak, G. Richburg, B. Goodrich, M. Runge)
  2. Cottonseed Assessment for Improvement of Beef Cattle Feed Recommendations (K. Mullenix, J. Koebernick)
  3. Improving the Reproductive Efficiency of Heifers Using a Combination of Estrus Synchronization, Natural Service and Fixed-Time Artificial Insemination (S. Rodning, S. Dickinson, L. Marks, J. Elmore, M. Elmore, M. Edmondson, J. Gard, F. Biase, P. Dyce, P. Walz)
  4. On-Farm Demonstration of Biofertilization in Pastures (D. Held, L. Dillard, R. Muntifering, J. Kloepper)
  5. Eradication of Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus Using Novel Antiviral Drugs (J. Wower, S. Rodning, P. Walz, J. Sztuba-Solinska, I. Wower)



A Weekend Full of Cattlemen Fun

40137688_1974812282577263_4147726320920428544_nThis past weekend, ACA Director of Education and Outreach Ali Cantrell got the opportunity to see how Alabama puts on a rodeo when she went to both the Pike and Clay County Cattlemen’s rodeos. Both rodeos had a sell-out crowd and a grand ole time. In between the two rodeos, she also attended the ACWA Youth Ag Day and joined in on the fun activities going on with the youth of Wedowee, Alabama. Special thanks to AJCA President Michael Morrison, District 2 Director Christian Meadows and District 2 Director Chelsea Langley for being involved with this event!


ACA Director of Industry Relations & Youth Programs Michael Agar also 40058918_2217490088261316_2711907024311943168_njoined in on the fun but was bested by a mechanical bull at the Pike County Cattlemen’s Western Festival where he drew 3rd place in their Celebrity Bull Ride. He enjoyed attending the event where he met up with ACA President-Elect Chris Langley fellow staffer, Ali Cantrell.


Michael completed his weekend by attending the Alabama & Mississippi Simmental Sale in Uniontown, AL which featured 17 consignors. Great prices and buyers from across the country made for an excellent sale!



Regional Meetings

On Monday night, Regional Vice President Gene Fernandes gathered his counties for a meeting in Southwest Alabama with ACA staff. Each RVP has been tasked with planning a time and place for county leadership to meet and work with staff. Membership, October Beef Month and grassroots involvement highlight the conversation. The next meeting will be for RVP Jim Jordan’s counties on September 6 at 6:00PM at Western Sizzlin’ in Oxford.



Rep. Bradley Byrnes Reception

Last night, ACA VP Larry Reeves and Erin Beasley attended a roundtable discussion and reception for Congressman Bradley Byrnes in Dothan. Farmers surrounded the table and were given a chance to discuss key issues for the agriculture industry including Farm Bill, trade and for us in livestock, Hours of Service for transporting cattle. Congressman Byrne sits on the important Rules committee in the House of Representatives which decides which bills will make it to the floor calendar.




As we approach a busy time of year for counties, Membership Coordinator Jessica Kennedy wants to be sure you’re prepared and that all communication lines are open to make this the most successful year for county annual meetings and events yet!


County Meeting Scheduling

Please EMAIL JESSICA  your county meeting information (time, date, location, etc.) and anyone you request to speak/attend whether it be a staff member or state officer. If you would like for this information to appear in the magazine, it must be sent to Jessica by the 15th of the previous month!


Mailouts – Postcards/Letters

If you need a mailout done please let Jessica know 1-2 weeks prior to the actual date the mailout needs to go in the mail, not two weeks from the date of the meeting.



If you need supplies such as napkins and placemats prior to your meeting, please email Jessica the number of members you anticipate, and she will ship them to you.  Local counties may pick them up here at the ACA building.



WE’VE GOT AN UPDATE ON REPORTS! At the county meeting, we had mentioned that the new membership year would affect our ability to supply reports until January 2019. THANKS TO THE DEDICATED WORK OF JESSICA KENNEDY, WE THINK THIS ISSUE IS SOLVED! Now she is busy at work creating individualized county reports. Once they are completed, Jessica will send county presidents and secretaries an email announcing their availability!


Leadership Changes

County secretaries, it is your responsibility to make sure you send Jessica Kennedy the changes to your county leadership after your county meetings.  Jessica has to change these on mailing lists, in the magazine, online, etc. and needs all contact information – name, address, phone number and the very important email addresses!  Email is how we send a majority of our information.  If this information is not updated here at the ACA, then those officers are not getting the information they need and we have no line of communication.


October Beef Month Supplies

ACA Director of Education and Outreach Ali Cantrell introduced the reading book for our Cowboys in the Classroom program called “My Family’s Beef Farm.” Cowboys in the Classroom is an opportunity for producers to visit their local classrooms and educate youth about the beef they consume and where it comes from. One book will be donated to the library of the school for future access to the students. There has also been an addition to the Cowboys in the Classroom program where county leaders can also provide a Beef. It’s What’s For Dinner Coloring and Activity Book. These are two separate books that you can provide to the classroom for the students to enjoy.  If you want to participate in the Cowboys in the Classroom Program in your county, please let Ali know how many schools you plan to attend so she can send you these books in time for October.



The Bama’s Best Burger contest is in its last week of narrowing down our Region5_Meme-01eight regional semifinalists to the final four. Last week’s Facebook poll challenge opened up the dual between Heard’s BBQ & Soul Food (Maplesville, AL) Signature Burger vs 82 West (Union Springs, AL) Cheeseburger. Heard’s BQ & Soul Food secured their seat in the finals with 595 votes throughout the week, and now the Meat Boss (Mobile) Boss Burger is going head-to-head with Our Place Diner’s (Ozark) Big Bopper Burger. So far in the voting, Our Place Diner is in the lead!


Next week kicks off the Final 4 Taste Test Challenge with a panel of industry judges who will anonymously visit each joint to try out the finalist burgers, which are (as a reminder) Bentley’s Hartselle’s Cheeseburger, R & R Burgers (Springville) T-Rex Burger, Heard’s BBQ & Soul Food’s (Maplesville) Signature Burger with one more to determine this week!


To participate in the voting, visit the Alabama Cattlemen’s Facebook page and simply click the photo of the burger you’d like to vote for!



Early Childhood Nutrition Summit

On Tuesday, staffer Ali Cantrell participated in the Early Childhood Nutrition Summit and met with dieticians and nutritionist that are leading the way in assuring child health and well-being in Alabama. She also joined the Obesity Task Force in order to ensure that beef is included in the plan for a healthy lifestyle.




Web_JudgingFieldDay-01On September 8, the Alabama Junior Cattlemen’s Association will host a Cattle Judging Field Day at Summerford Charolais in Falkville, AL. This youth event is FREE and open to all young cattlemen below the age of 21. Extension Specialist and Auburn Livestock Judging Team Coach Jason P’Poole will be teaching our youth the basics of livestock judging beginning at 9:00 a.m., and after a brief how-to, the participants will judge three classes of livestock (bulls and heifers) and answer questions about them. Lunch will be provided at noon with a farm tour led by Robert Summerford to follow.


To register, visit www.BamaBeef.org/Judge.



Tailgating Treasures

Break out the shakers, grab your lucky shirt and practice those battle Tailgatecries…college football season is one again among us! Don’t forget to fuel your game day spirit with the protein-packed goodness of beef. Beef makes a delicious ingredient in those go-to tailgate foods. Got a good queso dip? Add ground beef to include protein in that next bite. Want to make a sandwich or burger? Don’t forget about beloved sloppy joes which …BONUS stay warm in a slow cooker. Need something handheld? Meatballs are the way to go. And don’t forget to throw some beef on top of those nachos! BeefItsWhatsForDinner.com is home to thousands of delicious beef recipes and even a collection built around those Saturdays in a college town. Tailgating Treasures Try out these delicious recipes for kickoff weekend!



Thanks for reading this week’s post! Until we post again, we want to remind you that you can stay in touch with us by following us on FacebookTwitter or Instagram.


What’s Going On Wednesday: August 22, 2018

What’s that?! Some relief? A break in the rain? Lower humidity? Is this even Alabama? Is it even August?

Ha! These upper-80 temps are just a little teaser as we head into the fall season. There’s so much to look forward to…especially when considering the fall brings even more exciting elements than football, pumpkins and pretty landscapes to cattlemen. It means calving season!! It’s a time when all the labor is rewarded with new, healthy calves on the ground and wagging tails filling the farmscape as those newborns learn to suck. It’s a rewarding time, an exciting one…and one that we look forward to each year here at the state office. Keep reading to learn more about what our week (and the upcoming fall season) brings for us working every day on your behalf.


Young Leaders Gather for a Weekend in Auburn

Screenshot 2018-08-22 11.41.14YCLP Class V met for their second session of the year on August 17-18 in Auburn. Friday’s agenda was packed with team-building and leadership exercises performed by Dr. Mulvaney as well as the instructors from the AU Challenge Course. The instructors encouraged our young leaders step outside their comfort zone by attempting some of the high-rope exercises at the Challenge Course, which really helped build camaraderie and trust within the group. Collins Farm in Cusseta then hosted the group for a farm tour and dinner at La Cantina in Opelika. We would like to thank Jim Collins and his family for talking to the group not only on his cattle and restaurant but the beef industry as a whole. Saturday’s events consisted of the AU Beef Cattle Conference where the group was introduced to the crowd and able to attend the various industry presentations including a stockmanship demonstration by industry-renown livestock handler Curt Pate.


We look forward to the third session with this group in September. It is amazing how close they have become in such a short amount of time!



Bama’s Best Burger Update

Region 4_meme-01The Bama’s Best Burger contest is well on its way to narrowing down our eight regional semifinalists to the final four. Last week’s Facebook poll challenge open up the dual between River Cafe and Sports Bar (Adger, AL) Bacon Cheeseburger vs R & R Burgers (Springville, AL) T-Rex Burger. R & R Burgers secured their seat in the finals with over 1,200 votes throughout the week, and now Heard’s BBQ & Soul Food’s (Maplesville) Signature Burger is going head-to-head with 82 West’s (Union Springs) Cheeseburger. So far in the voting, Heard’s BBQ & Soul Food is in the lead!


Next week’s final Facebook poll competition will put Meat Boss of Mobile against Our Place Diner of Ozark in a dualmfor their seat in the Final 4 Taste Test Challenge.


To participate in the voting, visit the Alabama Cattlemen’s Facebook page and simply click the photo of the burger you’d like to vote for!



The County Leader Run-Down

As we approach a busy time of year for counties, Membership Coordinator Jessica Kennedy wants to be sure you’re prepared and that all communication lines are open to make this the most successful year for county annual meetings and events yet!


County Meeting Scheduling

Please EMAIL JESSICA  your county meeting information (time, date, location, etc.) and anyone you request to speak/attend whether it be a staff member or state officer.


Mailouts – Postcards/Letters

If you need a mailout done please let Jessica know 1-2 weeks prior to the actual date the mailout needs to go in the mail, not two weeks from the date of the meeting.



If you need supplies such as napkins and placemats prior to your meeting, please email Jessica the number of members you anticipate, and she will ship them to you.  Local counties may pick them up here at the ACA building.



WE’VE GOT AN UPDATE ON REPORTS! At the county meeting, we had mentioned that the new membership year would affect our ability to supply reports until January 2019. THANKS TO THE DEDICATED WORK OF JESSICA KENNEDY, WE THINK THIS ISSUE IS SOLVED! Now she is busy at work creating individualized county reports. Once they are completed, Jessica will send county presidents and secretaries an email announcing their availability!


Leadership Changes

County secretaries, it is your responsibility to make sure you send me the changes to your county leadership after your county meetings.  I have to change these on mailing lists, in the magazine, online, etc.  I need all contact information – name, address, phone number and the very important email addresses!  Email is how we send a majority of our information.  If this information is not updated here at the ACA, then those officers are not getting the information they need and we have no line of communication.


October Beef Month Supplies

ACA Director of Education and Outreach Ali Cantrell introduced the reading book for our Cowboys in the Classroom program called “My Family’s Beef Farm.” Cowboys in the Classroom is an opportunity for producers to visit their local classrooms and educate youth about the beef they consume and where it comes from. One book will be donated to the library of the school for future access to the students. There has also been an addition to the Cowboys in the Classroom program where county leaders can also provide a Beef. It’s What’s For Dinner Coloring and Activity Book. These are two separate books that you can provide to the classroom for the students to enjoy.  If you want to participate in the Cowboys in the Classroom Program in your county, please let Ali know how many schools you plan to attend so she can send you these books in time for October.




Web_JudgingFieldDay-01On September 8, the Alabama Junior Cattlemen’s Association will host a Cattle Judging Field Day at Summerford Charolais in Falkville, AL. This youth event is FREE and open to all young cattlemen below the age of 21. Extension Specialist and Auburn Livestock Judging Team Coach Jason P’Poole will be teaching our youth the basics of livestock judging beginning at 9:00 a.m., and after a brief how-to, the participants will judge three classes of livestock (bulls and heifers) and answer questions about them. Lunch will be provided at noon with a farm tour led by Robert Summerford to follow.


To register, visit www.BamaBeef.org/Judge.



October Beef Month Planning in the Works

slow-cooker-pot-roast-soup-horizontal.tifOctober Beef Month is just around the corner, as we’ve already mentioned a few times but this week we’re really putting boots on the ground for preparation! On Monday, program staffers traveled to Birmingham to meet with the Visitors Bureau to discuss restaurants to participate in a Birmingham Beef Week event. Today, Ali Cantrell and Erin Beasley met with the Montgomery Dept. of Public Safety Director Ron Sams to select a group to honor for our Beef Day event here in town. Thursday will bring a delightfully tasty day as Ali Cantrell and Kayla Greer will spend the day preparing recipes and doing food photography and videography for some neat recipe videos to feature on social media during October!




COST: $325/PERSON (Includes lodging, food and transportation)



Join us on a 3-day, 2-night tour of the beef cattle industry across Georgia, Screenshot 2018-07-25 11.24.55Florida and Alabama! This tour is a true “pasture to plate” experience as it starts off with a tour of Golden State Foods in Opelika where McDonalds burger patties are produced followed by a stop at Buckhead Beef in Atlanta, Georgia where wholesale beef cuts are further processed into cut steaks ready for the restaurant.

After learning what happens to beef once it leaves the farm, we’ll stop for a visit at the Georgia Cattlemen’s Association and then tour Chatel Farms, an FPL feeding facility, in Reidsville, Georgia. We will then head south to tour the Georgia Museum of Agriculture & Historic Village at ABAC, wake up to tour the North Florida Research & Education Center and round out the tour at Southern Cattle Company in Marianna, Florida.



Thursday, September 13
-Depart from Montgomery at 8 a.m.
-Tour of Golden State Foods in Opelika
See how a McDonald’s burger patty is produced
-Tour of Buckhead Beef in College Park, GA
Explore how beef is further processed into retail cuts
-Bunk in Macon, GA
Friday, September 14
-Start the Day at 7:30 a.m.
-Breakfast at the Georgia Cattlemen’s Association
-Tour of Chatel Farms in Reidsville, GA
Explore this FPL feeding facility in person
– Dinner and tour of the Georgia Museum of Agriculture & Historic Village at ABAC in Tipfton, GA
– Bunk in Bainbridge, GA
Saturday, September 15
– Tour of North Florida Research & Education Center at 8:30 a.m.
– Head out for Marianna, FL at 9:30 a.m.
– Tour Southern Cattle Company in Marianna, FL
SCC is a large-scale operation that has a hand in multiple
segments of the industry!
– Return to Montgomery, AL
Seats will be filled on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Deposits are non-refundable.
For more information, contact Michael Agar at (334) 265-1867 or magar@bamabeef.org.



Thanks for reading this week’s post! Until we post again, we want to remind you that you can stay in touch with us by following us on FacebookTwitter or Instagram.

What’s Going On Wednesday: August 15, 2018

August is just scooting by us faster than we know. Before long, stadium seats will be filling up with the sounds of eager fans and cracking helmets, the leaves will change, the temperatures will cool down…wow, that just all sounds like a dream, doesn’t it? Well soon enough that dream will arrive as time moves faster than you think. To keep the time full, your ACA staff is busy planning for those busy fall months. Between county meetings firing up, cattle sale season kicking off soon and our beloved October Beef Month, there is A LOT to think about in preparation. We’re excited about it all, though, and look forward to see you at the many upcoming events. Keep reading to learn more about what’s going on at the ACA this week… 


Board Meeting Follow Up

ACA logo- meme size copyWe enjoyed seeing representatives from 44 of our county chapters at last week’s Board meeting! It was a great time of updates, good food and rewarding the hard work of county presidents, secretaries and Top Hand recruiters. We also would like to congratulate Scott McElfresh of Fayette County on winning the John Deere Gator, sponsored by John Deere, SunSouth and TriGreen Equipment! To follow up on other meeting information offered, keep reading these notes from Membership Coordinator Jessica Kennedy!


County Meeting Scheduling

Please EMAIL me (Jessica) your county meeting information (time, date, location, etc.) and anyone you request to speak/attend whether it be a staff member or state officer.


Mailouts – Postcards/Letters

If you need a mailout done please let me know 1-2 weeks prior to the actual date the mailout needs to go in the mail, not two weeks from the date of the meeting.  To be sure your postcards/letters get sent in a timely manner, I really do need time to prepare them and give your members ample time to prepare to attend so your meeting is a success!



If you need supplies such as napkins and placemats prior to your meeting, please email me the number of members you anticipate, and I will ship them to you.  Local counties may pick them up here at the ACA building.



Unfortunately due to the membership year change, reports will not be available for you to pull until after the first of the year.  Until that time please give me a heads-up as to when you need one, so that I can have them to you a couple of days before your meetings.


Leadership Changes

County secretaries, it is your responsibility to make sure you send me the changes to your county leadership after your county meetings.  I have to change these on mailing lists, in the magazine, online, etc.  I need all contact information – name, address, phone number and the very important email addresses!  Email is how we send a majority of our information.  If this information is not updated here at the ACA, then those officers are not getting the information they need and we have no line of communication.


Tents and October Beef Month Supplies

If you’re interested in cost sharing a canopy tent for your county, the ACA is Screenshot (2)excited to offer a deal that would get you a shiny, red canopy tent featuring the ACA logo and “Beef. It’s What’s For Dinner.” tagline for ONLY $250 to the county. If you’re interested in seeing the tents or purchasing one for your county, contact Ali Cantrell at 334-265-1867 by August 20 if you’d like to get in on the order.


To go under those tents you may need some promotional material to hand out during your October Beef Month event. Please contact Ali at (334) 265-1867 if you have an event during October where you might need a box of beef promotional material. Explain what the event is and its purpose along with what you might need in the box in order to make your event successful.


Also, at the board meeting,  Ali introduced the reading book for our Cowboys in the Classroom program called “My Family’s Beef Farm.” Cowboys in the Classroom is an opportunity for producers to visit their local classrooms and educate youth about the beef they consume and where it comes from. One book will be donated to the library of the school for future access to the students. There has also been an addition to the Cowboys in the Classroom program where county leaders can also provide a Beef. It’s What’s For Dinner Coloring and Activity Book. These are two separate books that you can provide to the classroom for the students to enjoy.  If you want to participate in the Cowboys in the Classroom Program in your county, please let Ali know how many schools you plan to attend so she can send you these books in time for October.




Bama’s Best Burger Contest Update

The Bama’s Best Burger contest is well on its way to narrowing down our REGION 1_meme-01eight regional semifinalists to the final four. Last week’s Facebook poll challenge open up the dual between Bentley’s Hartselle’s Cheeseburger and Union Jack Cafe’s Spicy BBQ Bacon Cheeseburger. Bentley’s Hartselle secured their seat in the finals with almost 1,000 votes throughout the week, and now River Cafe of Agder’s Bacon Cheeseburger is going head-to-head with R & R Burger’s (Springville) T-Rex Burger. So far in the voting, R & R Burgers is in the lead!


Next week’s competition will put Heard’s BBQ of Maplesville against 82 West of Union Springs in a dual, while the last week of the month will bring our southernmost competitors, Meat Boss (Mobile) and Our Place Diner (Ozark), to the stage to fight for their seat in the Final 4 Taste Test Challenge.


To participate in the voting, visit the Alabama Cattlemen’s Facebook page and simply click the photo of the burger you’d like to vote for!



Sales Meeting with Wood Fruitticher

ACA Director of Education and Outreach Ali Cantrell traveled to Birmingham on Tuesday to meet with Wood Fruitticher about increasing promotions for October Beef Month. Wood Fruitticher is dedicated to increasing their beef sales during the month of October and enhancing their beef knowledge by sending their new salesmen to a Beef 101 at Auburn on October 23. On Friday, Ali will head to Calera to meet with Sysco for their sales meeting to discuss beef promotion and attend some of their educational breakout sessions afterwards.



Rep. Martha Roby Visits The MOOseum

39153070_1817817235006103_4259815728871374848_oCongressman Martha Roby took time out of her schedule to visit The MOOseum today. The MOOseum Coordinator Kara Harden invited Rep. Roby to visit as a part of the Invite Congress to Your Museum 2018 initiative hosted by the National Alliance of Museums. We enjoyed the opportunity to tour Rep. Roby around the facility and spend a little time getting some updates from D.C.



Regional Meetings Underway

Regional Vice Presidents are working to get their counties together for a fall regional meeting to visit with ACA staff. Last night, Ashley Catrett organized her counties for a dinner and discussion at the cattlemen’s building in Montgomery. So far, these meetings are being well received as a small setting for the county leaders and state office to discuss strengths, weaknesses and needs. We thank everyone for taking time to organize and attend these dinners. If you are a county president, be on the lookout for your RVP to contact you in the coming months about a meeting. Not sure who your RVP is? You can check them out at www.bamabeef.org/RVP.



State Checkoff Funds Beef Cattle Research

The Alabama State Beef Checkoff will be funding several cattle production State Checkoff color_nobackgroundprojects at Auburn University in the coming year. This is one of the valuable program areas that the state dollars can fund. We received 16 practical, collaborative proposals from professors across the College of Agriculture this year, which made the decision on projects to fund very difficult. Proposals focused on reproduction, forage quality, feeding, economics and animal health. Researchers will be notified today if their project has received funding from the committee.



Cattle Judging Field Day

Web_JudgingFieldDay-01On September 8, the Alabama Junior Cattlemen’s Association will host a Cattle Judging Field Day at Summerford Charolais in Falkville, AL. This youth event is FREE and open to all young cattlemen below the age of 21. Extension Specialist and Auburn Livestock Judging Team Coach Jason P’Poole will be teaching our youth the basics of livestock judging beginning at 9:00 a.m., and after a brief how-to, the participants will judge three classes of livestock (bulls and heifers) and answer questions about them. Lunch will be provided at noon with a farm tour led by Robert Summerford to follow.


To register, visit www.BamaBeef.org/Judge.




It’s back to school season for little scholars and their teachers! We’d like to Shot_5_Breakfast_Taco_1904wish everyone Happy Back to School Wishes and encourage you to fuel those growing brains with the 10 vitamins and minerals found in delicious, nutritious beef! Whether it’s lean school lunches or brain-boosting family dinners you’re in the market for, Beef. It’s What’s For Dinner has all kinds of kid-friendly and delicious meals for families on the go during a new season! Check out theses recipe collections:


Kid-Friendly Fare


30 Minutes or Less




COST: $325/PERSON (Includes lodging, food and transportation)


Join us on a 3-day, 2-night tour of the beef cattle industry across Georgia, Screenshot 2018-07-25 11.24.55Florida and Alabama! This tour is a true “pasture to plate” experience as it starts off with a tour of Golden State Foods in Opelika where McDonalds burger patties are produced followed by a stop at Buckhead Beef in Atlanta, Georgia where wholesale beef cuts are further processed into cut steaks ready for the restaurant.

After learning what happens to beef once it leaves the farm, we’ll stop for a visit at the Georgia Cattlemen’s Association and then tour Chatel Farms, an FPL feeding facility, in Reidsville, Georgia. We will then head south to tour the Georgia Museum of Agriculture & Historic Village at ABAC, wake up to tour the North Florida Research & Education Center and round out the tour at Southern Cattle Company in Marianna, Florida.



Thursday, September 13
-Depart from Montgomery at 8 a.m.
-Tour of Golden State Foods in Opelika
See how a McDonald’s burger patty is produced
-Tour of Buckhead Beef in College Park, GA
Explore how beef is further processed into retail cuts
-Bunk in Macon, GA
Friday, September 14
-Start the Day at 7:30 a.m.
-Breakfast at the Georgia Cattlemen’s Association
-Tour of Chatel Farms in Reidsville, GA
Explore this FPL feeding facility in person
– Dinner and tour of the Georgia Museum of Agriculture & Historic Village at ABAC in Tipfton, GA
– Bunk in Bainbridge, GA
Saturday, September 15
– Tour of North Florida Research & Education Center at 8:30 a.m.
– Head out for Marianna, FL at 9:30 a.m.
– Tour Southern Cattle Company in Marianna, FL
SCC is a large-scale operation that has a hand in multiple
segments of the industry!
– Return to Montgomery, AL
Seats will be filled on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Deposits are non-refundable.
For more information, contact Michael Agar at (334) 265-1867 or magar@bamabeef.org.



Thanks for reading this week’s post! Until we post again, we want to remind you that you can stay in touch with us by following us on FacebookTwitter or Instagram.

Healthy Beef for All Stages of Life

By Jessica Ivey, RDN


From birth, good nutrition is essential for providing the nutrients needed for normal growth and development and for laying the foundation for optimal health across the lifespan.  The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that babies be exclusively breastfed for about the first six months of life, continuing through the first year of life or beyond alongside complementary foods. To determine when your child is ready for you to introduce complementary foods, assess whether they are able to sit up without support and move the food to the back of the mouth and swallow. By the time a child reaches six months of age, breastmilk alone is no longer sufficient to meet their needs for iron, zinc and calcium, and carefully selected complementary foods can help to fill that gap.



Single grain cereals are a common first food, but the AAP recommends that meats, including lean beef, should be introduced early on. Research shows that beef is well tolerated by infants and can help to improve iron and zinc levels. Lean beef provides heme iron, which is the more readily-absorbed form of iron. Iron plays a vital role in making red blood cells, which carry oxygen throughout the body, and sufficient iron helps promote strong immunity and the growth of good bacteria in the infant’s gut. Iron deficiency is the most common nutrient deficiency in infants worldwide, and it can be prevented by early introduction of lean beef (which contains twice as much iron as chicken and pork) and iron-rich vegetables and cereals.



Zinc is another essential nutrient for growth and development, immunity and wound healing. Meats contain a higher amount of zinc in a more bioavailable form than cereals, vegetables, and fruits, and lean beef contains twice as much zinc as compared to turkey, chicken or pork.



If you’re ready to introduce your child to beef, start by offering pureed beef, which you can make yourself in a blender or purchase as prepared baby food. Once your child gets more teeth and is able to chew, try small pieces of tender beef, like ground beef or pot roast.



As your child continues to grow and develop, a healthy diet provides essential nutrients. Introducing a wide variety of foods will help to ensure that your child is getting everything they need to be as healthy as possible. Lean beef provides protein, iron and zinc, which can all be lacking in kids’ diets. Pair lean beef with a variety of vegetables, fruits, whole grains and low-fat dairy to create balanced meals. If your child is a picky eater, try incorporating healthy ingredients, like lean beef and vegetables, into dishes they already like, like pasta. This One Pot Lasagna has all the appeal of traditional lasagna and includes a hefty dose of protein from lean ground beef and a serving of vegetables, thanks to the addition of zucchini and tomato sauce. Hoisin BBQ Kabobs with Pineapple Salsa features the fun of kabobs paired with pineapple for a serving of fruit, as well as red bell pepper and cucumber. Try adding chopped vegetables, like bell pepper, onion, carrot or celery to lean ground beef when making tacos, spaghetti sauce, or Sloppy Joes. My Barbecue Sloppy Joe Stuffed Potatoes feature three vegetables – bell pepper, onion, and potatoes, in a kid-friendly and simple dinner recipe.



Although I’m not a mom yet, I hope to be one day, and as a dietitian, I’ll be looking to do my best to teach my child to eat a healthy and well-balanced diet featuring a variety of foods. I know it’s not always easy, but keep offering healthy choices, realizing that you’re setting your child up for a lifetime of healthy habits.
Looking for quick and easy, crowd-pleasing recipes to make during the busy back-to-school season? Check out the Kid-Friendly Fare  or the Best. School. Lunch. Ever recipe collections at BeefItsWhatsForDinner.com, and join me on the @alcattlemen Instagram story on Thursday, August 9 as I share step-by-step instructions for making my Barbecue Sloppy Joe Stuffed Potatoes.