What’s Going On Wednesday: August 1

Well hello there, August. We see you’ve brought some wet weather along with your arrival! While the rain may slow down hay production, it won’t slow down work on the farm, nor will it slow down all the work happening here at the state office! Your Cattlemen’s Association is busy, busy this week with beef promotion, education, The MOOseum tours and planning for next week’s Board meeting. Keep reading to learn all about what’s happening at the ACA this week.

Bama’s Best Burger- 8 Regional Semifinalists Named!

It’s an exciting week as nominations have CLOSED for the 2018 Bama’s Best Burger contest and eight regional semifinalists have been named to move forward into the contest’s Facebook poll bracket challenge! The semifinalists are:

Region 1: Bentley’s Cheeseburger (Hartselle, AL)

Region 2: Union Jack Cafe’s Spicy Bacon BBQ Burger (Rainbow City)

Region 3: River Cafe’s Bacon Cheeseburger (Adger, AL)

Region 4: R & R Burgers’ T-Rex Burger (Springville, AL)

Region 5: Heard’s BBQ Signature Burger (Maplesville, AL)

Region 6: 82 West’s Cheeseburger (Union Springs, AL)

Region 7: Meat Boss’ Boss Burger (Mobile, AL)

Region 8: Our Place Diner’s Big Bopper Burger (Ozark, AL)


If one of these dives are in your local area, stop by, shake their hand, try the burger and get ready to vote beginning August 6 with a Facebook poll putting Bentley’s and Union Jack Cafe head-to-head for a seat in the final 4!  The remaining bracket challenges will follow.



  • July 23-29: Nominations
  • July 30- August 3: Obtain Semifinalist Photos
  • August 6-12: Region 1 vs Region 2 Facebook Poll
  • August 13-19: Region 3 vs Region 4 Facebook Poll
  • August 20-26: Region 5 vs Region 6 Facebook Poll
  • August 27- September 2: Region 7 vs Region 8 Facebook Poll
  • September 2-28: Anonymous Judging
  • October 2: Winner Announced



Off to Denver

For the remainder of this week, ACA Executive Vice President Erin Beasley will be joining ACA President-Elect Chris Langley, ACA Past President Richard Meadows and ACA Past President Jimmy Holliman in Denver for the NCBA summer meeting. At this meeting both policy and national checkoff decisions will be made in preparation for 2019. Chris represents Alabama as the policy director, Richard as the federation director and Jimmy is the policy chair for Region 2 which consists of the Southeastern states.



Beef Promo on the Road…Again!

On Tuesday, ACA Director of Education and Outreach Ali Cantrell has traveled to Destin, FL for the Alabama Grocers Convention to meet and learn from foodservice and retail groups. She took this opportunity to inform these groups about our services and educational programs such as BEEF 101. Upon leaving Destin, she traveled north to Birmingham for the ALACTE Summer Professional Development Conference where she presented to the Family and Consumer Science teachers about the Alabama Jr & Sr. High school state cookoff this spring and encouraged them to get their students involved.



Agriscience Educators

Screenshot 2018-08-01 11.29.04On Tuesday ACA Director of Industry Relations and Youth Programs Michael Agar traveled to Birmingham for the ALACTE Summer Conference to discuss AJCA programs with agriscience teachers from across the state. Michael spent much of his time promoting this year’s AJCA Round-Up as well as upcoming field days and the Junior Pasture to Rail program. We enjoy strong relationships with our ag teachers and appreciate all the effort that they put in to developing the next generation of Cattlemen.



Board Meeting Reminder

Board Members: Don’t forget about next week’s Summer Board of Directors Meeting on August 9 from 10 AM -2 PM. This is not a meeting to miss as we will be awarded red coats to Over the Top county presidents, prizes to our Top Hand Club members and drawing for the John Deere Gator sponsored by John Deere, SunSouth and TriGreen Equipment. If you haven’t already, you have until THIS FRIDAY to RSVP to Jessica Kennedy.


Back to School with Beef

It’s back to school season for little scholars and their teachers! We’d like to Shot_5_Breakfast_Taco_1904wish everyone Happy Back to School Wishes and encourage you to fuel those growing brains with the 10 vitamins and minerals found in delicious, nutritious beef! Whether it’s lean school lunches or brain-boosting family dinners you’re in the market for, Beef. It’s What’s For Dinner has all kinds of kid-friendly and delicious meals for families on the go during a new season! Check out theses recipe collections:


Kid-Friendly Fare


30 Minutes or Less




COST: $325/PERSON (Includes lodging, food and transportation)


Join us on a 3-day, 2-night tour of the beef cattle industry across Georgia, Screenshot 2018-07-25 11.24.55Florida and Alabama! This tour is a true “pasture to plate” experience as it starts off with a tour of Golden State Foods in Opelika where McDonalds burger patties are produced followed by a stop at Buckhead Beef in Atlanta, Georgia where wholesale beef cuts are further processed into cut steaks ready for the restaurant.

After learning what happens to beef once it leaves the farm, we’ll stop for a visit at the Georgia Cattlemen’s Association and then tour Chatel Farms, an FPL feeding facility, in Reidsville, Georgia. We will then head south to tour the Georgia Museum of Agriculture & Historic Village at ABAC, wake up to tour the North Florida Research & Education Center and round out the tour at Southern Cattle Company in Marianna, Florida.



Thursday, September 13
-Depart from Montgomery at 8 a.m.
-Tour of Golden State Foods in Opelika
See how a McDonald’s burger patty is produced
-Tour of Buckhead Beef in College Park, GA
Explore how beef is further processed into retail cuts
-Bunk in Macon, GA
Friday, September 14
-Start the Day at 7:30 a.m.
-Breakfast at the Georgia Cattlemen’s Association
-Tour of Chatel Farms in Reidsville, GA
Explore this FPL feeding facility in person
– Dinner and tour of the Georgia Museum of Agriculture & Historic Village at ABAC in Tipfton, GA
– Bunk in Bainbridge, GA
Saturday, September 15
– Tour of North Florida Research & Education Center at 8:30 a.m.
– Head out for Marianna, FL at 9:30 a.m.
– Tour Southern Cattle Company in Marianna, FL
SCC is a large-scale operation that has a hand in multiple
segments of the industry!
– Return to Montgomery, AL
Seats will be filled on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Deposits are non-refundable.
For more information, contact Michael Agar at (334) 265-1867 or magar@bamabeef.org.



Thanks for reading this week’s post! Until we post again, we want to remind you that you can stay in touch with us by following us on FacebookTwitter or Instagram.

What’s Going On Wednesday: July 25, 2018

We sure missed getting to update you last week, but as you can imagine, with a Round-Up on the way and much to do in preparation for the big event, the blog got the boot last week! That’s alright, though. All that means is you’ll get a bang-up double feature this week, so keep reading to learn more about what’s happening this week (and last!) at the ACA in downtown Montgomery! 

Junior Cattlemen Rocked the Round-Up

We are still in our seats from being knocked down by how much our Junior 32681109_1641942122589358_6681310864357720064_oCattlemen ROCKED the Round-Up. This year’s event ran seamlessly, had excellent participation and brought big reward for those who came and worked hard! Major kudos goes to ACA Director of Industry Relations and Youth Programs Michael Agar for organizing such an outstanding event and special thanks to all our sponsors and judges that made the weekend possible! Parents, you also deserve a round of applause for making sure your kids rocked the show.


Congratulations to Grand Champion Market Animal winner Anniston Bolding of Chilton County and to Supreme Champion Breeding Heifer winner Dow Boyd of Coffee County. We’d also like to commend Supreme Junior, Intermediate and Senior Competitors Rex Harrison (Cullman), Victoria Thompson (Lee) and Logan Strock (Autauga). Congratulations on a job well done all all our Junior Cattlemen participants!



Runoff Elections ✅

We had an important event happen in our state last week as the runoff election results showed that Rick Pate will be the next Commissioner of Agriculture and Industries winning by a margin of 57% over Gerald Dial.


Several key republican races were also finalized during the runoff including Congresswoman Martha Roby for the 2nd congressional district, Will Ainsworth for Lieutenant Governor, Steve Marshall for Attorney General, Chris McCool for Court of Criminal Appeals, Christy Edwards for Court of Civil Appeals and Sarah Stewart for Associate Justice of the Supreme Court.


The general election for the state will be Tuesday, November 6.



Deep South Stocker Conference

The state beef checkoff sponsored the Deep South Stocker Conference in Greensboro and welcomed over 100 cattlemen for a day of educational programs. This conference rotates each year between Mississippi, Alabama and Georgia and provides pertinent information to attendees related to market conditions, nutrition and herd health for the stocker industry. Hats off to the Alabama Cooperative Extension System for a well-attended, informative program for producers.



BCIA Board Meeting

BCIAColorLogoLast Tuesday, the Alabama Beef Cattle Improvement Association (BCIA) held a board meeting to handle general business and provide a quarterly financial update. ACA’s Michael Agar attended on behalf of the Alabama Cattlemen’s Association and was given the mic for a few moments to provide an ACA update. During his discussion, he reminded board members about the upcoming checkoff referendum vote on October 24, put in a plug for the  August Board Meeting, gave a Round-Up update to mention our youth in livestock and and informed them about our upcoming Cattlemen’s Bus Tour.



Bama’s Best Burger

Nominations are open now through THIS SUNDAY in the 2018 Bama’s Best 18_HalfPageAd_FB-01Burger contest! If you’ve got a favorite burger joint with a jam-up burger worthy of a title, CLICK HERE to nominate it now. During this contest’s nominations process, the number of nominations matters most. Our committee won’t be studying the dishes to find the most unique like they do in the Best Beef contest, but instead, shear number of nominations is what will propel restaurants forward into the semifinals. Check out the eight regions of this year’s contest and out timeline of events!

  • Region 1: Lauderdale, Limestone, Colbert, Lawrence, Morgan, Marion, Winston and Cullman counties
  • Region 2: Madison, Jackson, Marshall, Dekalb, Blount, Etowah and Cherokee counties
  • Region 3: Lamar, Fayette, Walker, Pickens, Jefferson, Tuscaloosa, Jefferson and Bibb counties
  • Region 4: St. Clair, Calhoun, Cleburne, Shelby, Talladega, Clay, Cleburne and Randolph counties
  • Region 5: Sumter, Greene, Hale, Perry, Chilton, Autauga, Choctaw, Marengo, Wilcox and Dallas counties
  • Region 6: Coosa, Tallapoosa, Chambers, Elmore, Lee, Lowndes, Montgomery, Macon, Bullock and Russell counties
  • Region 7: Washington, Clarke, Monroe, Conecuh, Escambia, Mobile and Baldwin counties
  • Region 8: Butler, Crenshaw, Pike, Barbour, Covington, Coffee, Dale, Henry, Geneva and Houston counties



  • July 23-29: Nominations
  • July 30- August 3: Obtain Semifinalist Photos
  • August 6-12: Region 1 vs Region 2 Facebook Poll
  • August 13-19: Region 3 vs Region 4 Facebook Poll
  • August 20-26: Region 5 vs Region 6 Facebook Poll
  • August 27- September 2: Region 7 vs Region 8 Facebook Poll
  • September 2-28: Anonymous Judging
  • October 2: Winner Announced




Southeast Alabama Regional Meeting

On Tuesday of this week, Regional Vice President Rodney Logan held a working lunch for his five counties (Houston, Henry, Dale Coffee and Geneva) at McLin’s Steakhouse in Daleville. The lunch invited the county leadership from those counties to visit with Rodney and ACA staffers Erin Beasley and Jessica Kennedy to discuss association business and build stronger relationships with those counties. Hats off to Rodney for having a representative from all of his counties at the lunch!



Trump Announces Aid in Trade War

63b78d2c-382c-11e8-b161-65936015ebc3President Trump has announced a $12 billion aid for farmers who have been affected by the trade wars. NCBA released the following statement yesterday:


“NCBA appreciates the efforts of the Trump Administration to ease the pain of retaliation on U.S. farmers and ranchers. For many years, U.S. beef has been a target for high tariffs and restrictive trade policies from notorious actors like China and the European Union. We support a vigorous approach to tearing down trade barriers, including non-tariff barriers that are not based on science. Trade agreements and trade enforcement are the most effective long-term solutions to the challenges faced by U.S. beef producers. Removing China’s highly-restrictive barriers on U.S. beef exports could unlock the full potential of that market and result in $4 billion in annual sales.”



Fall BEEF 101 Programs Get Fired Up

On Thursday of this week ACA Director of Education and Outreach Ali Cantrell and the Auburn Meats Lab staff will host a BEEF 101 for the Alabama School Nutrition Association. The program will give the association the basics  of meat science including insight to the harvesting process, carcass evaluation and fabrication.  This checkoff-funded program will teach the story about beef from “pasture to plate” and kicks off a busy fall with a full calendar of similar events with high school and collegiate culinary students!



Cattlemen’s Bus Tour

COST: $325/PERSON (Includes lodging, food and transportation)

Join us on a 3-day, 2-night tour of the beef cattle industry across Georgia, Screenshot 2018-07-25 11.24.55Florida and Alabama! This tour is a true “pasture to plate” experience as it starts off with a tour of Golden State Foods in Opelika where McDonalds burger patties are produced followed by a stop at Buckhead Beef in Atlanta, Georgia where wholesale beef cuts are further processed into cut steaks ready for the restaurant.

After learning what happens to beef once it leaves the farm, we’ll stop for a visit at the Georgia Cattlemen’s Association and then tour Chatel Farms, an FPL feeding facility, in Reidsville, Georgia. We will then head south to tour the Georgia Museum of Agriculture & Historic Village at ABAC, wake up to tour the North Florida Research & Education Center and round out the tour at Southern Cattle Company in Marianna, Florida.



Thursday, September 13
-Depart from Montgomery at 8 a.m.
-Tour of Golden State Foods in Opelika
See how a McDonald’s burger patty is produced
-Tour of Buckhead Beef in College Park, GA
Explore how beef is further processed into retail cuts
-Bunk in Macon, GA
Friday, September 14
-Start the Day at 7:30 a.m.
-Breakfast at the Georgia Cattlemen’s Association
-Tour of Chatel Farms in Reidsville, GA
Explore this FPL feeding facility in person
– Dinner and tour of the Georgia Museum of Agriculture & Historic Village at ABAC in Tipfton, GA
– Bunk in Bainbridge, GA
Saturday, September 15
– Tour of North Florida Research & Education Center at 8:30 a.m.
– Head out for Marianna, FL at 9:30 a.m.
– Tour Southern Cattle Company in Marianna, FL
SCC is a large-scale operation that has a hand in multiple
segments of the industry!
– Return to Montgomery, AL
Seats will be filled on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Deposits are non-refundable.
For more information, contact Michael Agar at (334) 265-1867 or magar@bamabeef.org.



Thanks for reading this week’s post! Until we post again, we want to remind you that you can stay in touch with us by following us on FacebookTwitter or Instagram.

What’s Going On Wednesday: July 11, 2018

Things are heating up around the Cattlemen’s Building in Montgomery…and we don’t just mean the temperatures! With the end of July comes the AJCA Round-Up and an already-busy fall season filled with cattle sales, regional meetings, beef promotion and Cattlemen’s events. We look so forward to getting out on the road again as we visit with our favorite folks, Alabama’s cattle producers. Keep reading to learn more about where you’ll find us this week and next! 


AJCA Round-Up next week

It’s not hard to tell that the AJCA Round-Up is just around the corner…in 32681109_1641942122589358_6681310864357720064_ofact, it’s next week! ACA Director of Industry Relations & Youth Programs Michael Agar’s desk is drowning in a sea of white paper, the library is packed with prizes, phone lines are buzzing with parents calling to confirm registrations and staff is at work helping Michael put on this premier youth cattle event! Beginning next Thursday, the AJCA Directors and ACA staff are thrilled to welcome over 150 junior cattlemen, 60+ steers and 150+ heifers to the Garrett Coliseum as we ROCK THE ROUND-UP! Participants will battle it out in their respective age division throughout the weekend in 14 different contests and cattle shows. It’s sure to be a good time…and a really hot one!


If you’re in the neighborhood next Thursday, Friday, Saturday or Sunday, stop by the Garrett Coliseum livestock barns to show your support of Alabama’s Junior Cattlemen and this state checkoff-funded event. We’re proud to see our next generation hard at work developing career skills and learning more about Alabama’s beef cattle industry.



Roby hosts Rep. conaway in south alabama

36650081_1329999340469399_4908469628675555328_oLast Thursday, July 5, following a patriotic holiday, ACA staff joined cattlemen and farmers from across Alabama’s House District 2 as Congresswoman Martha Roby hosted House Ag Committee Chairman Rep. Mike Conaway (R-TX) to her home turf. The duo discussed the Farm Bill status and challenges we face getting final passage before September 30. Following the meeting, which was hosted by the Pike County Cattlemen’s Association and welcomed by Pike County President Jim Shavers, industry leaders, including ACA Vice President Larry Reeves and Exec Erin Beasley, joined Rep. Roby and Rep. Conaway in Dothan for a fundraiser luncheon at the Alabama Peanut Producers Association.



Get Out And Vote!

Speaking of politics, don’t forget to go vote in the runoff election next 5821213fb0faf.imageTuesday, July 17. Turnout will be a huge factor as voters decide many key positions across the state. Of note, Alabama will know its next Ag Commissioner next Tuesday night as there is no Democratic opponent in that race.



Cantrell Visits AU Meat Lab and Beef Teaching Unit

On Tuesday, Ali Cantrell toured the Auburn University Lambert- Powell Meat Lab and the Auburn main campus. She got to meet with Barney Wilborn, meat lab manager, and George Richburg, manager of the beef unit, to plan for the fall BEEF 101 programs. As director of education and outreach, she will be working closely with the meat science staff at Auburn in order to put on BEEF 101 programs as part of the National Checkoff program. BEEF 101 is  great opportunity for foodservice representatives, retailers, and culinary students to learn about beef from “pasture to plate.” Are you interested in getting involved with a BEEF 101 program this fall? Email Ali



Board Memo

save the dateBoard of Directors: Save the date for Thursday, August 9 and join us in Montgomery for the Summer Board Meeting! It’s going to be a good one as we award all of our Over the Top presidents their iconic Cattlemen’s red coats, sponsored by AgriLabs, hand out “Top Hand Club” prizes, courtesy of Alabama Ag Credit and Alabama Farm Credit, and draw for the John Deere Gator, sponsored by  SunSouth, John Deere and TriGreen Equipment!


You are not going to want to miss this meeting if you are a Board member. Be on the look out for a Board Memo coming in the mail your way and don’t forget to sell those Gator tickets. If you need some to sell, call Jessica at (334) 265-1867 today!



Beef Tips with Lawson State Community College

On Thursday, ACA Director of Education and Outreach Ali Cantrell will be traveling to Lawson State Community College in Birmingham to give a beef industry presentation to culinary students. She will describe how cattle are raised within the state of Alabama and how the harvesting process works to create a safe and wholesome beef product. At the end of the presentation she will then demonstrate how to cook a simple tenderloin recipe from the Beef. It’s What’s for Dinner website.




If you’re a Pandora Radio fan, you may just hear the sound of the Pandora_Logo_RGB_thumbnail_new_largesizzle on your next advertisement. As of Friday, June 15, the Alabama Beef Checkoff is sponsoring a two-month-long summer grilling promotional campaign that puts beef on consumers’ minds. The ad is targeted to reach millennial consumers in Alabama’s four main media markets including Madison, Jefferson, Montgomery and Baldwin counties and those who are out and about doing all the fun activities of summertime. The ad features the voice of the Beef. It’s What’s For Dinner. campaign and the iconic “Hoedown” tune nostalgically humming in the background. Display imagery will accompany the radio ad and features steak, the BIWFD logo and the Alabama Cattlemen’s Association logo. It is projected to reach over 68,000 around twice weekly throughout the lifetime of the campaign.




Learn more about the Junior Pasture to Rail program today by visiting www.BamaBeef.org/JP2R. The 2018 Junior Pasture to Rail program will be managed through the AJCA in conjunction with the current Alabama Cooperative Extension System (ACES) Pasture to Rail program. Youth will learn how to retain ownership on their cattle and how to market cattle on the grid. There will be four (4) educational programs beginning in fall 2018 to educate the participating youth about the cattle industry from pasture to plate.



Cattle will be gathered at central locations around Alabama and shipped to Hy-Plains Feedlot in Montezuma, KS. Ear notches will be pulled for BVD-PI testing and calves will be tagged, weighed and graded at that time (frame/muscle score, BCS). Data/results will be provided at the awards presentation for the 2018 Pasture to Rail program. Awards will be given to the top three (3) youth based on profitability in two categories: individual profitability of one (1) calf and the average profitability of a pen of three (3) calves.


Data provided will include carcass data as well as feedlot performance, medical expenses, feed costs, etc.


Program Requirements:

  • Youth must be of age 21 or younger by January 1, 2018 to participate
  • Youth must be an AJCA, FFA or 4-H member
  • Steers are preferred, heifers can be entered but will be at a disadvantage for the program.
  • Cattle must be 600-lbs. at minimum on the day of shipment, be weaned and pre-conditioned for 60 days (castrated, dehorned and healed, dewormed) and be vaccinated/boostered for Blackleg, PI3, BVD, BSRV and IBR (modified live).
  • A $200 participation fee will be incurred for pens of three (3) or less. A $75/head fee will be added for additional entries.
  • Youth must attend a minimum of three (3) of four (4) educational programs to be eligible for any awards.


Calves will be shipped at specified dates between August 2018 to March 2019. In order to ship, calves must meet the aforementioned pre-conditioning requirements. Ship dates and locations as well as educational programs will be communicated as determined.


Registration will close August 31 at midnight.
This program is sponsored by the Alabama Beef Checkoff Program.



Thanks for reading this week’s post! Until we post again , we want to remind you that you can stay in touch with us by following us on FacebookTwitter or Instagram.

Summertime Veggies & Beef: Enjoying Local, Summertime Flavors

By Jessica Ivey, RDN


This time of year backyard gardens, local farmers markets and roadside stands are bursting with fresh summer produce. Savor the flavors of summer by pairing fresh watermelon, tomatoes, peaches, corn and more with lean beef as part of a delicious and nutritious family meal.  


Summertime takes me back to visits at my grandparents’ house, where the one-and-a-half-acre garden kept us busy watering, weeding, picking, cleaning and cooking. Today my husband and I love growing our own produce during the summer in several raised beds, with varying degrees of success from year to year. The process of planting, caring for and harvesting the ultra-fresh veggies gives me a deeper appreciation for the hard work farmers put into producing our food.


Regardless of whether you have your own garden, visiting a local farmers market can be a fun and educational activity for the whole family. It’s also so much more than a shopping trip—it’s an opportunity to teach your kids to eat healthy vegetables and fruits, learn about where your food comes from and support your local economy. When I meet the farmer who grew my food, I tend to have a greater respect for it. I waste less and savor more. Don’t be afraid to ask farmers questions about how to select or prepare items or about their farming practices. Just like the rest of us, farmers are passionate about what they do and are usually more than happy to share.


Pairing lean beef with fresh summer vegetables and fruits makes for a light and well-balanced meal with the right mix of protein and fiber-rich carbohydrates to satisfy hunger while not leaving you feeling overly stuffed. If you’re grilling a top sirloin or flank steak, try throwing some veggies on the grill, like sliced yellow squash, zucchini, eggplant or bell peppers. This Italian Marinated Steak with Grilled Ratatouille combines some of my favorite flavors, featuring fresh basil, lemon and garlic, and could be made ahead for company. Making burgers? Shake things up with these Old South Burgers with Peach Compote. Featuring lean beef patties topped with a mixture of peaches and beer and served up on biscuits, these burgers are anything but ordinary. My ultimate summertime favorite is fresh watermelon, but have you ever tried grilling watermelon? Grilled Steak and Watermelon Salad sounds like a real winner in my book. Lastly, this Sonoma Ranch Steak Salad with a hearty spinach and butter bean puree is a delicious new way to enjoy those creamy fresh beans.


On BeefItsWhatsForDinner.com you’ll find plenty of recipes featuring your summertime favorites. I can’t wait to try this Pesto Steak & Arugula Pizza with pesto made from my fresh basil out back. I’ll be serving it up on the @alcattlemen Instagram story on Thursday, July 12. Join me for step-by-step instructions on this fun and flavorful meal!


State Checkoff color_nobackgroundThis article is funded by Alabama Beef Checkoff Program. Paid for by Alabama beef farmers and ranchers. 

What’s Going On Wednesday: June 27, 2018

Thunderstorms, heat, humidity…yep, that sounds like an Alabama summer. Whew it’s a hot one this week, cattlemen, so we encourage you to wear your sun gear and pack extra water as you head out to the hay fields or the weaning pens. Don’t overdo it! While the past couple of weeks have been relatively quiet compared to the usual madness here in downtown Montgomery, staff is enjoying a time to catch up, handle housekeeping tasks and prepare for a busy fall to come. Keep reading to learn more about what’s happening here at the state office and stay informed with the work your Cattlemen’s Association is up to on your behalf.


Are you ready to rock?! Registration for the 12th annual AJCA Round-Up, 32681109_1641942122589358_6681310864357720064_ohappening July 19-22 can be found at BamaBeef.org/Round-Up and CLOSES THIS FRIDAY AT MIDNIGHT. Also on that site, you’ll find contest and show rules, a schedule of events and 2018-2019 AJCA director applications. The Round-Up is more than just a calf show! If you don’t show cattle, that’s okay! The great news about the Round-Up is that there’s a contest for anyone and everyone. Check it out:

  • Photography
  • Ad Design
  • Record Book
  • Poster
  • Essay
  • Public Speaking
  • Skill-A-Thon
  • Career Development
  • Volleyball
  • Carne Fiesta (Cooking Competition)
  • Sales Talk
  • Cattle Judging
  • Team Grooming
  • Showmanship
  • Prospect Market Show
  • Breeding Heifer Show


Don’t miss out on all the fun and awesome prizes! Join us in Montgomery to show what you know and make lifelong friends.


AJCA membership is required to participate in the AJCA Round-Up. If membership is not current by July 15, your credit card will be charged the membership fee of $15.


You can view the 2018 contest rules, a schedule of events or the director application by clicking the links below. Registration is now available online and closes June 29 at 11:55 p.m.



Cold calls firing up

Cold calls to association non-renewed members are under way as we are only 100 members away from our 2018 membership goal!! Help us get there by sending in your county memberships you’ve been holding onto. Several phone conversations have revealed to us that alleged non-renewed members have, in fact, paid and the counties have not sent in those dues. yet! Memberships need to be entered or postmarked by Saturday to help us meet our 2018 goal!!



Alabama Agribusiness Council Annual Meeting

As a board member for the Alabama Agribusiness Council, Erin Beasley Image result for alabama agribusiness councilspent the first half of this week at the organization’s annual meeting. The council is comprised of a wide range of companies involved in agriculture and the conference featured several speakers in the industry. The awards dinner honored three very special individuals who have had a major impact on Alabama agriculture and rural Alabama. Gov. Kay Ivey received the AAC Distinguished Service Award, and Sen. Clay Scofield was named the Legislator of the Year. Retired ACA Executive Vice President Dr. Billy Powell was honored with the Heritage Award for his many contributions to the council since its inception. Congratulations Dr. Powell!



Environmental Management Commission

Erin will take part in interviews today for a position open on the Environmental Management Commission which sets statewide environmental policy. The position is looking replace a professional engineer who recently completed a term.



Livestock Marketing Association Annual Meeting Next Week

Image result for alabama livestock marketing associationACA’s Erin Beasley and Michael Agar will attend the Alabama Livestock Marketing Association meeting next week in south Alabama to provide an update about the association to stockyards. A new card was recently printed for stockyards to highlight benefits of the beef checkoff and tips from Alabama Extension on marketing calves. These cards will be provided to stockyard owners at this meeting. We appreciate the invite given to us by members of the Alabama LMA and look forward to visiting with our state’s livestock market owners.




If you’re a Pandora Radio fan, you may just hear the sound of the Pandora_Logo_RGB_thumbnail_new_largesizzle on your next advertisement. As of Friday, June 15, the Alabama Beef Checkoff is sponsoring a two-month-long summer grilling promotional campaign that puts beef on consumers’ minds. The ad is targeted to reach millennial consumers in Alabama’s four main media markets including Madison, Jefferson, Montgomery and Baldwin counties and those who are out and about doing all the fun activities of summertime. The ad features the voice of the Beef. It’s What’s For Dinner. campaign and the iconic “Hoedown” tune nostalgically humming in the background. Display imagery will accompany the radio ad and features steak, the BIWFD logo and the Alabama Cattlemen’s Association logo. It is projected to reach over 68,000 around twice weekly throughout the lifetime of the campaign.




Facebooklogo_homepageStill a little confused on how the new membership software works? Don’t worry. We’ve got your back! In preparation for the 2019 membership year heading our way July 1, ACA Member and Producer Contact Coordinator Jessica Kennedy began re-making i4a software tutorial videos. As many of you may remember, videos were made before then taken down because of necessary changes that had to be made in the program!


We’re over that hump now, though, and 4 new videos are in the works and include a software basics 101, how to add a new member, how to renew a member and a merging video. These will be handy to have once we start putting in ALL those new and renewed members in 2019!! As soon as they’re complete, Jessica will share the link with county leaders.




Learn more about the Junior Pasture to Rail program today by visiting www.BamaBeef.org/JP2R. The 2018 Junior Pasture to Rail program will be managed through the AJCA in conjunction with the current Alabama Cooperative Extension System (ACES) Pasture to Rail program. Youth will learn how to retain ownership on their cattle and how to market cattle on the grid. There will be four (4) educational programs beginning in fall 2018 to educate the participating youth about the cattle industry from pasture to plate.



Cattle will be gathered at central locations around Alabama and shipped to Hy-Plains Feedlot in Montezuma, KS. Ear notches will be pulled for BVD-PI testing and calves will be tagged, weighed and graded at that time (frame/muscle score, BCS). Data/results will be provided at the awards presentation for the 2018 Pasture to Rail program. Awards will be given to the top three (3) youth based on profitability in two categories: individual profitability of one (1) calf and the average profitability of a pen of three (3) calves.


Data provided will include carcass data as well as feedlot performance, medical expenses, feed costs, etc.


Program Requirements:

  • Youth must be of age 21 or younger by January 1, 2018 to participate
  • Youth must be an AJCA, FFA or 4-H member
  • Steers are preferred, heifers can be entered but will be at a disadvantage for the program.
  • Cattle must be 600-lbs. at minimum on the day of shipment, be weaned and pre-conditioned for 60 days (castrated, dehorned and healed, dewormed) and be vaccinated/boostered for Blackleg, PI3, BVD, BSRV and IBR (modified live).
  • A $200 participation fee will be incurred for pens of three (3) or less. A $75/head fee will be added for additional entries.
  • Youth must attend a minimum of three (3) of four (4) educational programs to be eligible for any awards.


Calves will be shipped at specified dates between August 2018 to March 2019. In order to ship, calves must meet the aforementioned pre-conditioning requirements. Ship dates and locations as well as educational programs will be communicated as determined.


Registration will close August 31 at midnight.
This program is sponsored by the Alabama Beef Checkoff Program.



Fourth of July Holiday

The Alabama Cattlemen’s Association and The MOOseum will be closed Image result for independence dayWednesday, July 4 in observance of Independence Day. Normal office hours will resume Thursday, but this means the blog will skip a week! We’ll catch back up with you on all the important updates on Wednesday, July 11. We pray your family has a safe holiday and enjoys lots of delicious, nutritious beef!



Thanks for reading this week’s post! Until we post again , we want to remind you that you can stay in touch with us by following us on FacebookTwitter or Instagram.

What’s Going On Wednesday: June 20, 2018

If someone told us that this week marked the first official day of summer…we’d absolutely believe it. WHEW! Someone turned up the heat and humidity here in Sweet Home, but that’s not anything to surprise us, right? Thankfully, fairly dry weather has allowed many-a hay bales to be rolled and stored away, and green grass and shady naps are keeping our cattle entertained most of the day. It can never be said enough, but we appreciate your work, especially during the dog days of summer! 

Your ACA staff is at work, too. We’ve got a lot going on and even have a new face in the office as of this week. Keep reading to learn more and stay cool out there! 


Welcome, Ali!

IMG_8311_WEBThis week, ACA staff is thrilled to welcome Ali Cantrell to the Cattlemen’s team here in Montgomery. A recent graduate of Texas A&M University where she earned a masters degree in meat science, Ali comes to us by way of her home in Weatherford, Texas. She will take on the role as the new “Beef Girl” and fill the big shoes left behind by Erin Beasley as director of education and outreach. We are very excited to have Ali on the team and know she will fit into her new role nicely!


We encourage you to send Ali a welcoming email introducing yourself and your farm. She’s a long way from home and a big dose of that “Southern hospitality” we Alabamians are famous for could do a girl some good!



Foodservice & Culinary Introductions

Ali didn’t waste any time this week getting introduced to her new job! On Tuesday and Wednesday, Erin Beasley loaded her up and hit the road to visit several retail, foodservice and culinary partners that work with the ACA. Ali will be introduced to Sysco Central Alabama, Western Supermarkets, Wood Fruitticher, Drake State Culinary School and take part in a ladies program given by the Madison County Cattlemen’s Association.



CBS 42 Talks Tariffs

IMG_2183On Tuesday, Birmingham-based CBS 42 WIAT reporter Rashad Hudson called looking for a cattleman to interview about farmers’ concerns regarding the $200 billion worth of import tariffs on Chinese goods that was recently proposed by the Trump Administration. Past President Bill Lipscomb answered the call and represented Alabama’s farmers on a statewide evening news report where he spoke on the potential negative effects it could have on Alabama’s largest industry, agriculture. He was quoted saying, “The main thing we need is stability. We need to know where we are so can plan our inputs and costs.”


We appreciate Bill for his continued service to Alabama’s cattlemen. Hopefully a resolution will be made by July 6 as commodity prices are already reacting to the instability generated by these talks.



Additional Policy Update

Immigration is supposed to be voted on today in the House, and that should open up a pretty clear path for the Farm Bill to come back to the House floor for a vote later this week. The Senate is currently working on the bill as well. As many will remember, the House voted down the original Farm Bill proposal last month. The ACA is signed onto a letter, along with all other Cattlemen’s Associations across the nation, encouraging House members to vote YES when the bill reaches the floor.



Bama’s Best Beef Presentation

This afternoon, the Checkoff staff will gather at Smiley Brothers Specialty Foods in Pelham, Alabama along with Regional Vice President Jim Miller and Birmingham-based food critic Cassandra “Joy” King with Dining Out With Comedienne Joy. The group will visit with owners and chefs at the restaurant, present them with a plaque to commemorate the award and try out those delicious-looking filet kabobs. Be watching out for a photo in an upcoming issue of the Alabama Cattleman.




Erin Beasley and Ali Cantrell enjoyed a night spent with the Madison IMG_5810County Cattlemen’s Association. On Tuesday, the chapter hosted a Ladies Night at Henry’s Mustang Cafe where Chef Henry cooked up some delicious beef recipes from the Beef. It’s What’s for Dinner. website while Erin described the cuts used to create these appetizers. The night opened up with a great discussion about the nutritional benefits of beef and how to easily incorporate it into your tailgating menu.




Screenshot 2018-06-20 11.06.00Last week’s 2nd annual Slim’s Summer Picnic at The MOOseum was a hit!! We welcomed over 340 visitors to our event where we had games, hamburgers and even a photo op with a bull named Silver.  The MOOseum Coordinator Kara Harden would like to extend her gratitude to the Wyatt Sasser family of Convington County, Will Jordan and Silver the Brahman Bull of Clay County and Randy and Nancy Ray and the Justalil’ Rodeo Company team from Pike County for their help in making the event such a success!




If you’re a Pandora Radio fan, you may just hear the sound of the Pandora_Logo_RGB_thumbnail_new_largesizzle on your next advertisement. As of Friday, June 15, the Alabama Beef Checkoff is sponsoring a two-month-long summer grilling promotional campaign that puts beef on consumers’ minds. The ad is targeted to reach millennial consumers in Alabama’s four main media markets including Madison, Jefferson, Montgomery and Baldwin counties and those who are out and about doing all the fun activities of summertime. The ad features the voice of the Beef. It’s What’s For Dinner. campaign and the iconic “Hoedown” tune nostalgically humming in the background. Display imagery will accompany the radio ad and features steak, the BIWFD logo and the Alabama Cattlemen’s Association logo. It is projected to reach over 68,000 around twice weekly throughout the lifetime of the campaign.



i4a  Training Videos- Coming Soon to a Website Near You!

Facebooklogo_homepageStill a little confused on how the new membership software works? Don’t worry. We’ve got your back! In preparation for the 2019 membership year heading our way July 1, ACA Member and Producer Contact Coordinator Jessica Kennedy began re-making i4a software tutorial videos. As many of you may remember, videos were made before then taken down because of necessary changes that had to be made in the program!


We’re over that hump now, though, and 4 new videos are in the works and include a software basics 101, how to add a new member, how to renew a member and a merging video. These will be handy to have once we start putting in ALL those new and renewed members in 2019!! As soon as they’re complete, Jessica will share the link with county leaders.




Are you ready to rock?! Registration for the 12th annual AJCA Round-Up, 32681109_1641942122589358_6681310864357720064_ohappening July 19-22 is now open online at BamaBeef.org/Round-Up. Also on that site, you’ll find contest and show rules, a schedule of events and 2018-2019 AJCA director applications. The Round-Up is more than just a calf show! If you don’t show cattle, that’s okay! The great news about the Round-Up is that there’s a contest for anyone and everyone. Check it out:

  • Photography
  • Ad Design
  • Record Book
  • Poster
  • Essay
  • Public Speaking
  • Skill-A-Thon
  • Career Development
  • Volleyball
  • Carne Fiesta (Cooking Competition)
  • Sales Talk
  • Cattle Judging
  • Team Grooming
  • Showmanship
  • Prospect Market Show
  • Breeding Heifer Show


Don’t miss out on all the fun and awesome prizes! Join us in Montgomery to show what you know and make lifelong friends.


AJCA membership is required to participate in the AJCA Round-Up. If membership is not current by July 15, your credit card will be charged the membership fee of $15.


You can view the 2018 contest rules, a schedule of events or the director application by clicking the links below. Registration is now available online and closes June 29 at 11:55 p.m.




Learn more about the Junior Pasture to Rail program today by visiting www.BamaBeef.org/JP2R. The 2018 Junior Pasture to Rail program will be managed through the AJCA in conjunction with the current Alabama Cooperative Extension System (ACES) Pasture to Rail program. Youth will learn how to retain ownership on their cattle and how to market cattle on the grid. There will be four (4) educational programs beginning in fall 2018 to educate the participating youth about the cattle industry from pasture to plate.



Cattle will be gathered at central locations around Alabama and shipped to Hy-Plains Feedlot in Montezuma, KS. Ear notches will be pulled for BVD-PI testing and calves will be tagged, weighed and graded at that time (frame/muscle score, BCS). Data/results will be provided at the awards presentation for the 2018 Pasture to Rail program. Awards will be given to the top three (3) youth based on profitability in two categories: individual profitability of one (1) calf and the average profitability of a pen of three (3) calves.


Data provided will include carcass data as well as feedlot performance, medical expenses, feed costs, etc.


Program Requirements:

  • Youth must be of age 21 or younger by January 1, 2018 to participate
  • Youth must be an AJCA, FFA or 4-H member
  • Steers are preferred, heifers can be entered but will be at a disadvantage for the program.
  • Cattle must be 600-lbs. at minimum on the day of shipment, be weaned and pre-conditioned for 60 days (castrated, dehorned and healed, dewormed) and be vaccinated/boostered for Blackleg, PI3, BVD, BSRV and IBR (modified live).
  • A $200 participation fee will be incurred for pens of three (3) or less. A $75/head fee will be added for additional entries.
  • Youth must attend a minimum of three (3) of four (4) educational programs to be eligible for any awards.


Calves will be shipped at specified dates between August 2018 to March 2019. In order to ship, calves must meet the aforementioned pre-conditioning requirements. Ship dates and locations as well as educational programs will be communicated as determined.


Registration will close August 31 at midnight.
This program is sponsored by the Alabama Beef Checkoff Program.

Thanks for reading this week’s post! Until we post again next week , we want to remind you that you can stay in touch with us by following us on FacebookTwitter or Instagram


What’s Going On Wednesday: June 13, 2018

Following a very busy week in Montgomery last week, this week is one for playing catch up and turning our sights toward new projects and programs. Next week bring a whole host of beef promotion, new faces around the office and some last calls before deadlines. Take a break from the summer sunshine, cool off from a busy day on the farm and take a moment to learn about all you need to know to stay updated with the ACA. 

Food Defense & Ag Security Meeting

The ACA took part in a Food Defense and Agriculture Security meeting today with the Department of Agriculture. Executive VP Erin Beasley and ACA Director of Industry Relations & Youth Programs Michael Agar attended the meeting to represent the beef cattle industry. The group discussed ways to improve food and ag security detail and educating producers on measures they can take to ensure a wholesome and safe food supply.




33362104_1690357047752123_5461200721028317184_nWe are excited to present the 2nd annual Slim’s Summer Picnic happening at The MOOseum on June 15 from 11 AM – 2 PM. The MOOseum Coordinator Kara Harden has been hard at work lining up events for little buckaroos to enjoy, and she’s excited to announce that Justalil’ Rodeo Company will be here hosting all their fun Western-themed games and activities. We’ll also be grilling burgers and having a fun competition for whoever brings the biggest crowd! If you’ve got little ones that want to enjoy the cowboy fun, give Kara a call at (334) 265-1867!



Summer Grilling Campaign Launches on Pandora Radio

If you’re a Pandora Radio fan, you may just hear the sound of the Pandora_Logo_RGB_thumbnail_new_largesizzle on your next advertisement. As of Friday, June 15, the Alabama Beef Checkoff will be sponsoring a two-month-long summer grilling promotional campaign that puts beef on consumers’ minds. The ad is targeted to reach millennial consumers in Alabama’s four main media markets including Madison, Jefferson, Montgomery and Baldwin counties and those who are out and about doing all the fun activities of summertime. The ad features the voice of the Beef. It’s What’s For Dinner. campaign and the iconic “Hoedown” tune nostalgically humming in the background. Display imagery will accompany the radio ad and features steak, the BIWFD logo and the Alabama Cattlemen’s Association logo. It is projected to reach over 68,000 around twice weekly throughout the lifetime of the campaign.




The membership total of the day is 9,750! Anyone who would like to have a list of non-renewed members from their county to call for renewals please let Membership Coordinator Jessica Kennedy know.


We are only 250 members away from 10,000. This is our last push for 2018, and we ask that you please send us any members you have. Please don’t hold them for 2019 because we want to make sure they start getting their magazine, and we definitely want to hit our goal of exceeding last year’s membership. Our strength is in numbers. Join the effort and call your counties’ non-renewed members before June 30. 



Policy Update

Transportation is still the lead topic coming out of D.C. Two new developments this week:

  1. Yesterday, Senators John Hoeven (R-N.D.) and Michael Bennet (D-Colo.) introduced the Modernizing Agricultural Transportation Act, bipartisan legislation to reform the Hours of Service (HOS) and Electronic Logging Device (ELD) regulations at the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT). Further, the enforcement of the ELD rule would be delayed until the reforms required under the bill are formally proposed by the U.S. Secretary of Transportation.
  2. Congressman Ted Yoho of Florida and 38 bipartisan original cosponsors, including Congressman Mike Rogers from Alabama, introduced the House version of the Transporting Livestock Across America Safely Act yesterday.  The only difference between the Senate bill- S. 2938 and the House version, is the House version includes those hauling live fish as well. (live fish includes fish not specifically for food) The hope is that this gathers even more support from our friends in the Southeastern part of the country.




Are you ready to rock?! Registration for the 12th annual AJCA Round-Up, 32681109_1641942122589358_6681310864357720064_ohappening July 19-22 is now open online at BamaBeef.org/Round-Up. Also on that site, you’ll find contest and show rules, a schedule of events and 2018-2019 AJCA director applications. The Round-Up is more than just a calf show! If you don’t show cattle, that’s okay! The great news about the Round-Up is that there’s a contest for anyone and everyone. Check it out:

  • Photography
  • Ad Design
  • Record Book
  • Poster
  • Essay
  • Public Speaking
  • Skill-A-Thon
  • Career Development
  • Volleyball
  • Carne Fiesta (Cooking Competition)
  • Sales Talk
  • Cattle Judging
  • Team Grooming
  • Showmanship
  • Prospect Market Show
  • Breeding Heifer Show


Don’t miss out on all the fun and awesome prizes! Join us in Montgomery to show what you know and make lifelong friends.


AJCA membership is required to participate in the AJCA Round-Up. If membership is not current by July 15, your credit card will be charged the membership fee of $15.


You can view the 2018 contest rules, a schedule of events or the director application by clicking the links below. Registration is now available online and closes June 29 at 11:55 p.m.




Learn more about the Junior Pasture to Rail program today by visiting www.BamaBeef.org/JP2R. The 2018 Junior Pasture to Rail program will be managed through the AJCA in conjunction with the current Alabama Cooperative Extension System (ACES) Pasture to Rail program. Youth will learn how to retain ownership on their cattle and how to market cattle on the grid. There will be four (4) educational programs beginning in fall 2018 to educate the participating youth about the cattle industry from pasture to plate.



Cattle will be gathered at central locations around Alabama and shipped to Hy-Plains Feedlot in Montezuma, KS. Ear notches will be pulled for BVD-PI testing and calves will be tagged, weighed and graded at that time (frame/muscle score, BCS). Data/results will be provided at the awards presentation for the 2018 Pasture to Rail program. Awards will be given to the top three (3) youth based on profitability in two categories: individual profitability of one (1) calf and the average profitability of a pen of three (3) calves.


Data provided will include carcass data as well as feedlot performance, medical expenses, feed costs, etc.


Program Requirements:

  • Youth must be of age 21 or younger by January 1, 2018 to participate
  • Youth must be an AJCA, FFA or 4-H member
  • Steers are preferred, heifers can be entered but will be at a disadvantage for the program.
  • Cattle must be 600-lbs. at minimum on the day of shipment, be weaned and pre-conditioned for 60 days (castrated, dehorned and healed, dewormed) and be vaccinated/boostered for Blackleg, PI3, BVD, BSRV and IBR (modified live).
  • A $200 participation fee will be incurred for pens of three (3) or less. A $75/head fee will be added for additional entries.
  • Youth must attend a minimum of three (3) of four (4) educational programs to be eligible for any awards.


Calves will be shipped at specified dates between August 2018 to March 2019. In order to ship, calves must meet the aforementioned pre-conditioning requirements. Ship dates and locations as well as educational programs will be communicated as determined.


Registration will close August 31 at midnight.
This program is sponsored by the Alabama Beef Checkoff Program.


Thanks for reading this week’s post! Until we post again next week , we want to remind you that you can stay in touch with us by following us on FacebookTwitter or Instagram

Healthier Spins on the South’s Favorite Beef Recipes


By Jessica Ivey, RDN


Beef is the star of so many of the South’s most popular dishes for good reason. With a little know-how, you can make these favorites into healthy options you can feel good about feeding your family.


Country-Fried Steak, or “chicken-fried” steak, as it’s sometimes called, can be high in fat if deep fried and smothered in gravy. Cubed steak itself is generally made from lean, boneless muscles from the chuck, loin, rib or round primal cut with the internal and external fat removed. Mechanical tenderization is then used to make these leaner cuts more tender. To lighten up this down-home favorite, skip the deep frying, and pan-fry the breaded steaks in a heart-healthy oil, like canola or olive oil. Skip the gravy, and enjoy the golden-crisp texture of the steak, or add a lighter sauce, as in this recipe for Country-Fried Steaks with Tomato-Basil Sauce. Serve up your steak alongside a hefty serving of vegetables, rather than a high-fat creamy side dish, like mashed potatoes. Try this recipe for Parmesan-Crusted Cubed Steaks with Zucchini Ribbons for a summery option.


Meatloaf is a comforting classic that can be a healthy choice of you remember to choose lean ground beef and practice portion control. Ninety-three percent lean ground beef meets the government guidelines for “lean,” meaning is contains less than 10 grams of total fat, less than 4.5 grams of saturated fat, and less than 95 milligrams of cholesterol per three-ounce cooked serving. When preparing your meatloaf, consider vegetable mix-ins, like sautéed mushrooms, bell pepper, or zucchini or add raw vegetables, like shredded carrots and finely chopped bell pepper, celery or onion. Adding vegetables is a great way to boost the nutrition in any dish. Preparing mini meatloaves can be a helpful tool for practicing portion control. These Five-Way Mini Meatloaves made in a muffin pan are just the right size for little ones, and they cook quickly since the loaves are much smaller.


Pot roast is a go-to for Sunday suppers. This hearty, stick-to-your-bones dish can be lightened up by choosing a lean cut. Shoulder roast is an affordable option cut from the chuck primal with good flavor. After browning the meat, pour off the drippings and add a flavorful liquid, like low-sodium beef broth, and cover and simmer until the beef is tender. Try adding vegetables to the meat during braising, as in this recipe for North Woods Hearty Pot Roast, featuring red potatoes, carrots, parsnips and leeks, or serve the roast alongside vegetables and a serving of whole grains, as in this Horseradish-Braised Pot Roast with Barley and Kale. If you’ll be making a pan sauce, skim off the fat from the cooking liquid beforehand.


London broil is an American classic made from lean top round steak. This versatile cut benefits from  marinating six hours or even overnight before cooking, which will help to tenderize the beef. Grill or broil the steak, and serve with vegetables for a family-friendly and healthy meal. This Grilled London Broil is marinated in a heart-healthy vinaigrette, and served up with grilled asparagus and red onion for warm-weather cooking.


What are some of your family’s favorite beefy dishes? My husband, Nathan, loves country-fried steak, so I can’t wait to try this recipe for Parmesan-Crusted Cubed Steaks with Zucchini Ribbons from BeefItsWhatsForDinner.com. It combines those down-home Southern flavors with a light, summery vibe making it a perfectly-balanced and nutritious meal at our house. 


State Checkoff color_nobackgroundThis article is funded by Alabama Beef Checkoff Program. Paid for by Alabama beef farmers and ranchers. 

What’s Going On Wednesday: June 6, 2018

We’re seeing blue…LOTS of it as those timeless blue corduroy jackets flood the streets of downtown Montgomery for the 90th annual Alabama FFA State Convention. Between luncheons, receptions, award presentations, contest judging and the career show, you could ALMOST say that this week’s theme is National Blue and Corn Gold. Why almost? You ask.

Well, it’s not like we had an important primary election across our state yesterday or anything. That being said, this week’s themes are FFA and Primary Elections, and between the two, your state staff has stayed boots-on-the-ground busy. Keep reading to learn more about what’s going on around Montgomery this week…


Primary Elections- A Recap

The primary election was held on Tuesday and several races are set up for interesting runoffs. Of note, here are a few takeaways:

  • Gov. Kay Ivey won without a runoff as predicted and will face Democrat Walt Maddox in November
  • Will Ainsworth has forced a runoff with Twinkle Cavanaugh in the Lt. Governor race
  • The heated Attorney General race will be a runoff between current Attorney General Steve Marshall and former Attorney General Troy King
  • The Commissioner of Ag race is going to a runoff between Rick Pate and Gerald Dial
  • Senator Paul Bussman (SD4, Cullman) was beat by Garlan Gudger
  • Newcomer Andrew Jones defeated State Rep. Mack Butler for the Senate District 10 seat (Cherokee and Cleburne Counties)
  • There will be 11 runoffs in the House of Representatives and 5 in the Senate



90th Annual Alabama FFA State Convention

Screenshot 2018-06-06 10.23.10There’s much happening this week in relation to those beloved blue jackets that’s keeping staff here at the ACA busy. First, we would like to congratulate three  Junior Cattlemen on an outstanding year serving as state FFA officers. Cameron Catrett (Crenshaw County) has served the past year as FFA State President. She will recite her retiring address entitled “Put On Your Perspectacles” at the Fifth General Session. Will Jordan of Clay County will hang up his FFA State Reporter jacket with his retiring address “Your Life Matters,” and Bryce Hendricks (Coffee County) will close out his term as FFA State Sentinel after offering his retiring address he has titled “Staying Committed.” Congrats to all three on their notable leadership and their bright futures ahead.


Aside from enjoying the General Sessions, ACA staff will be found hosting the FFA Wall of Honor Luncheon at the Cattlemen’s Building, holding down a booth at the career show and presenting the checkoff-sponsored Meat Evaluation contest award to this year’s winners. We also look forward to a full week of blue coats in The MOOseum as they explore the impact of Alabama’s beef cattle industry.


Welcome all FFA students, parents and teacher to Montgomery. The future sure looks bright!



Evans on YCC

YCLP Class II alumni and Lowndes County cattleman Bradfield Evans is representing Alabama this week on the Young NCBA_OfficeCattlemen’s Conference (YCC) that the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association hosts each year. This 10-day excursion across the country hosts over 60 producers from 25-40 years of age to experience the cattle industry like never before. They have seen farms, feedlots, packing plants, retailers, NCBA and are now spending a few days on the Hill in D.C. Bradfield is on several visits today with our congressional delegation, and we know he is prepared is represent Alabama as he discusses real on-farm concerns and thanks our leadership for the support they give us.




33362104_1690357047752123_5461200721028317184_nWe are excited to present the 2nd annual Slim’s Summer Picnic happening at The MOOseum on June 15 from 11 AM – 2 PM. The MOOseum Coordinator Kara Harden has been hard at work lining up events for little buckaroos to enjoy, and she’s excited to announce that Justalil’ Rodeo Company will be here hosting all their fun Western-themed games and activities. We’ll also be grilling burgers and having a fun competition for whoever brings the biggest crowd! If you’ve got little ones that want to enjoy the cowboy fun, give Kara a call at (334) 265-1867!



Membership Update

The membership total of the day is 9,750! Anyone who would like to have a list of non-renewed members from their county to call for renewals please let Membership Coordinator Jessica Kennedy know.  Our goal is to reach 10,100 or more.  Send in any membership you have so that we can reach our membership goal for 2018!!


Leadership: Jessica now has  all of the presidents coat sizes, but she need eight more shirt sizes from county secretaries.  An email has been sent regarding who those last few are, so please get that information submitted so we can proceed with ordering your prizes! Speaking of prizes, be looking out for an email on Friday with the updated recruiting for Top Hand prizes.




Are you ready to rock?! Registration for the 12th annual AJCA Round-Up, 32681109_1641942122589358_6681310864357720064_ohappening July 19-22 is now open online at BamaBeef.org/Round-Up. Also on that site, you’ll find contest and show rules, a schedule of events and 2018-2019 AJCA director applications. The Round-Up is more than just a calf show! If you don’t show cattle, that’s okay! The great news about the Round-Up is that there’s a contest for anyone and everyone. Check it out:

  • Photography
  • Ad Design
  • Record Book
  • Poster
  • Essay
  • Public Speaking
  • Skill-A-Thon
  • Career Development
  • Volleyball
  • Carne Fiesta (Cooking Competition)
  • Sales Talk
  • Cattle Judging
  • Team Grooming
  • Showmanship
  • Prospect Market Show
  • Breeding Heifer Show


Don’t miss out on all the fun and awesome prizes! Join us in Montgomery to show what you know and make lifelong friends.


AJCA membership is required to participate in the AJCA Round-Up. If membership is not current by July 15, your credit card will be charged the membership fee of $15.


You can view the 2018 contest rules, a schedule of events or the director application by clicking the links below. Registration is now available online and closes June 29 at 11:55 p.m.




Learn more about the Junior Pasture to Rail program today by visiting www.BamaBeef.org/JP2R. The 2018 Junior Pasture to Rail program will be managed through the AJCA in conjunction with the current Alabama Cooperative Extension System (ACES) Pasture to Rail program. Youth will learn how to retain ownership on their cattle and how to market cattle on the grid. There will be four (4) educational programs beginning in fall 2018 to educate the participating youth about the cattle industry from pasture to plate.



Cattle will be gathered at central locations around Alabama and shipped to Hy-Plains Feedlot in Montezuma, KS. Ear notches will be pulled for BVD-PI testing and calves will be tagged, weighed and graded at that time (frame/muscle score, BCS). Data/results will be provided at the awards presentation for the 2018 Pasture to Rail program. Awards will be given to the top three (3) youth based on profitability in two categories: individual profitability of one (1) calf and the average profitability of a pen of three (3) calves.


Data provided will include carcass data as well as feedlot performance, medical expenses, feed costs, etc.


Program Requirements:

  • Youth must be of age 21 or younger by January 1, 2018 to participate
  • Youth must be an AJCA, FFA or 4-H member
  • Steers are preferred, heifers can be entered but will be at a disadvantage for the program.
  • Cattle must be 600-lbs. at minimum on the day of shipment, be weaned and pre-conditioned for 60 days (castrated, dehorned and healed, dewormed) and be vaccinated/boostered for Blackleg, PI3, BVD, BSRV and IBR (modified live).
  • A $200 participation fee will be incurred for pens of three (3) or less. A $75/head fee will be added for additional entries.
  • Youth must attend a minimum of three (3) of four (4) educational programs to be eligible for any awards.


Calves will be shipped at specified dates between August 2018 to March 2019. In order to ship, calves must meet the aforementioned pre-conditioning requirements. Ship dates and locations as well as educational programs will be communicated as determined.


Registration will close August 31 at midnight.
This program is sponsored by the Alabama Beef Checkoff Program.


Thanks for reading this week’s post! Until we post again next week , we want to remind you that you can stay in touch with us by following us on FacebookTwitter or Instagram. Paid for by Alabama Beef Farmers. 

What’s Going On Wednesday: May 30, 2018

Ok, Alberto. You can leave now.

While we appreciate the rain you left behind, an excess of 5″ in some areas is a little much. That being said, we are mindful of how fortunate we are to have rain; however in the midst of the heavy rainfall over the past few days, we must keep our friends in the west/central parts of Alabama in our thoughts and prayers today as they experience severe flash flooding. Our friends and neighbors in Marion, AL experienced 3″ of rain in just one hour’s time this morning leaving their hometown in the wake of heavy flood waters. Please pause today to say a prayer for our fellow cattlemen who are in the midst of weather-born crisis. 

Though the rain falls, your state staff remains busy in good ole’ Montgomery town as we prepare for a busy week and summer season ahead. Keep reading to learn more…


Membership Update

With 9,595 members for the 2018 year, we are SO CLOSE to reaching our membership goal of 10,000 members. Help us keep the grassroots effort strong by getting involved in your county. To gently nudge those who haven’t joined or renewed their membership in 2018, ACA Membership Coordinator Jessica Kennedy is getting ready to kick start her cold calling campaign where she will individually call each non-renewed member to request their renewal. This campaign has been a success for us in the past, so we are going to give it another try. Want to join in on the effort? Give Jessica an email or call at (334) 265-1867 to obtain a list of cattlemen from your area who might like to hear from you!

Bama’s Best Beef- Winner Announced!

From the press release sent to the Pelham Reporter:

winner_meme-01The Filet Kabobs dish from Smiley Brothers Specialty Foods, Pelham, has been named Bama’s Best Beef in a contest sponsored by the Alabama Cattlemen’s Association and the Alabama Beef Checkoff Program.


The contest, driven by fan interaction on Facebook, seeks out a unique beef dish served at an Alabama restaurant or food truck. Upon its nomination in the “Variety” category of the contest, the Filet Kabobs went head-to-head in a series of bracket challenges to earn their way to the title of Bama’s Best Beef. During the first week of photo challenges, the dish earned a win over “Roast” category finalist, Claunch Café’s (Tuscumbia) Roast Beef Sandwich. After securing their spot in the final round, the kabobs sat out a week as “Brisket” finalist, Big D’s Butts N’ Stuff’s (Monroeville) Brisket Panini, battled it out against “Steak” finalist, SALT at San Roc Cay’s (Orange Beach) 45-Day House Dry-Aged Mishima Reserve Wagyu Tomahawk Ribeye. After the Brisket Panini earned its spot in the final round, the Variety and Brisket representatives battled it out for the title, and after falling behind the Brisket Panini in reactions (votes), the Filet Kabobs came back late in the week and won by nearly 400 votes.


Following the first round of photo challenges, the team at Smiley Brothers Specialty Foods wrote on their Facebook page, “We are so humbled and thankful for such [amazing] and positive support from our community and friends! There were votes on both pictures from all over the country and even around the world. What a positive thing for Alabama to draw so much attention to local businesses across the state!”


Throughout the lifetime of the contest, the four finalists received extensive exposure on social media as the contest reached over 454,500 Facebook users, garnered 211 nominations, over 29,000 reactions, comments and shares and earned over 14,500 photo clicks.


The restaurant— new to the Pelham dining scene after Criss Smiley recently retired from 35 years in national food and beverage industry— focuses on food and family. On the restaurant’s “About Us” webpage it reads, “In this family, a passion for food is basically genetic. We aim to provide our customers with the highest quality food and a staff that is knowledgeable and passionate about amazing food.” Others on the team at the specialty butcher shop and deli which offers meats, cheeses and ready-to-heat meals are Executive Sous Chef Joshua Swinford and Sous Chef Jon Green.


“The edge Smiley Brothers has is their locally-sourced beef and aging process to give you a mouth-watering bite time after time with every cut of their meat,” said personality behind Dining Out With Comedienne Joy and Birmingham food critic Joy King.



Beef for Father’s Day

Today we are joined by the lovely leaders of the Alabama CattleWomen’s Association as we take a trip to Capitol Hill to visit with Gov. Kay Ivey. While visiting, we will present the governor with steaks and watch as she signs an official State of Alabama proclamation stating BEEF is what’s for Father’s Day. This tradition is over 50 years old as it began in the days of Mrs. E.H. (Louise) Wilson, and we’re proud to continue the effort of promoting beef on a statewide level.




33362104_1690357047752123_5461200721028317184_nWe are excited to present the 2nd annual Slim’s Summer Picnic happening at The MOOseum on June 15 from 11 AM – 2 PM. The MOOseum Coordinator Kara Harden has been hard at work lining up events for little buckaroos to enjoy, and she’s excited to announce that Lil Boots Rodeo will be here hosting all their fun Western-themed games and activities. We’ll also be grilling burgers and having a fun competition for whoever brings the biggest crowd! If you’ve got little ones that want to enjoy the cowboy fun, give Kara a call at (334) 265-1867!




Are you ready to rock?! Registration for the 12th annual AJCA Round-Up, 32681109_1641942122589358_6681310864357720064_ohappening July 19-22 is now open online at BamaBeef.org/Round-Up. Also on that site, you’ll find contest and show rules, a schedule of events and 2018-2019 AJCA director applications. The Round-Up is more than just a calf show! If you don’t show cattle, that’s okay! The great news about the Round-Up is that there’s a contest for anyone and everyone. Check it out:

  • Photography
  • Ad Design
  • Record Book
  • Poster
  • Essay
  • Public Speaking
  • Skill-A-Thon
  • Career Development
  • Volleyball
  • Carne Fiesta (Cooking Competition)
  • Sales Talk
  • Cattle Judging
  • Team Grooming
  • Showmanship
  • Prospect Market Show
  • Breeding Heifer Show


Don’t miss out on all the fun and awesome prizes! Join us in Montgomery to show what you know and make lifelong friends.


AJCA membership is required to participate in the AJCA Round-Up. If membership is not current by July 15, your credit card will be charged the membership fee of $15.


You can view the 2018 contest rules, a schedule of events or the director application by clicking the links below. Registration is now available online and closes June 29 at 11:55 p.m.




Speaking of Junior Pasture to Rail, learn more about the program today by visiting www.BamaBeef.org/JP2R. The 2018 Junior Pasture to Rail program will be managed through the AJCA in conjunction with the current Alabama Cooperative Extension System (ACES) Pasture to Rail program. Youth will learn how to retain ownership on their cattle and how to market cattle on the grid. There will be four (4) educational programs beginning in fall 2018 to educate the participating youth about the cattle industry from pasture to plate.



Cattle will be gathered at central locations around Alabama and shipped to Hy-Plains Feedlot in Montezuma, KS. Ear notches will be pulled for BVD-PI testing and calves will be tagged, weighed and graded at that time (frame/muscle score, BCS). Data/results will be provided at the awards presentation for the 2018 Pasture to Rail program. Awards will be given to the top three (3) youth based on profitability in two categories: individual profitability of one (1) calf and the average profitability of a pen of three (3) calves.


Data provided will include carcass data as well as feedlot performance, medical expenses, feed costs, etc.


Program Requirements:

  • Youth must be of age 21 or younger by January 1, 2018 to participate
  • Youth must be an AJCA, FFA or 4-H member
  • Steers are preferred, heifers can be entered but will be at a disadvantage for the program.
  • Cattle must be 600-lbs. at minimum on the day of shipment, be weaned and pre-conditioned for 60 days (castrated, dehorned and healed, dewormed) and be vaccinated/boostered for Blackleg, PI3, BVD, BSRV and IBR (modified live).
  • A $200 participation fee will be incurred for pens of three (3) or less. A $75/head fee will be added for additional entries.
  • Youth must attend a minimum of three (3) of four (4) educational programs to be eligible for any awards.


Calves will be shipped at specified dates between August 2018 to March 2019. In order to ship, calves must meet the aforementioned pre-conditioning requirements. Ship dates and locations as well as educational programs will be communicated as determined.


Registration will close August 31 at midnight.
This program is sponsored by the Alabama Beef Checkoff Program.




33427279_1291610117641655_7030586693019238400_nLast week’s membership drawing giveaway winner was Lynn Lambeth of Escambia County. Lynn is amping up her “grilliance” with a package that includes an ACA Tervis Tumbler, an “I Love Beef” apron and a Beef. It’s What’s For Dinner. silicon oven mitt. This week’s contest will feature an ACA ball cap, a Beef. It’s What’s For Dinner. bumper sticker, mug, pop socket and koozie and an ACA iwallet. Those interested can enter the drawing by joining or renewing their membership throughout the week. The winner will be drawn Tuesday, June 5 during the lunch hour.



Thanks for reading this week’s post! Until we post again next week , we want to remind you that you can stay in touch with us by following us on FacebookTwitter or Instagram. Paid for by Alabama Beef Farmers.