What’s Going On Wednesday- January 3, 2018

Happy New Year! We hope this post finds you well-rested after a busy and full holiday season. We also hope it finds you warm as Mother Nature has really turned down the thermostat in our home state…BUUURRRR. With unseasonably cold temperatures getting cattlemen out early in the mornings to feed hay and bust frozen water troughs, it’s these conditions that make our passion and animal husbandry shine. As we enter into the new year (Geez, 2018 already?!), your Alabama Cattemen’s staff resolves to work harder, promote heavier and go the extra yard for our cattlemen even more so in 2018 than in 2017. What did your New Year Resolutions include? 

The New Year brings a new calendar full of events, new programs in the Beef Checkoff Marketing Plan to accomplish and a legislative session to monitor. Keep reading to learn about all that’s happening this first week of 2018. 


January Magazine- Coming to a Mailbox Near You!

Boy, oh boy, do we have a treat for you! We’re not gonna say much, but be on the lookout for the January issue of the Alabama Cattleman magazine. They should be in your mailbox very soon…:)



Membership Report

ACA Membership Coordinator Jessica Kennedy is anxiously awaitingFacebooklogo_homepage your county leadership updates and county annual meeting photos. She needs the names and contact information of the newest county leaders in order to organize the updating of the magazine and website as well as provide the correct correspondence for important letters and emails pertaining to Board Members. Please send those updates to Jessica! She is also looking out for information on your upcoming county meetings. Send those dates, times and locations her way to get them included on our online calendar and to line up a state representative to attend the event. If you’d like a county meeting mailout done, please give Jessica TWO WEEKS notice. Those mailouts take a good bit of time to design, print and label, so please give us plenty of notice to do a clean, thorough job for your county.


Also- keep an eye out for renewal notices as the second renewal mailout is hitting mailboxes this month.


Last but certainly not least, the i4a membership software training webinars are still happening! If you have not signed up for training please send Jessica the days that are best for you and if you want a 12pm, 3pm, or 7pm slot.  Please choose multiple times and days of availability.  If you’re not a big emailer, give her a call at (334) 265-1867.



Legislative Session Kicks Off Next Week

The 2018 Alabama Legislative Session begins on January 9. ACA Executive Vice President Erin Beasley is ready to strap on her lobbyist boots and hike over to the State House to play a watchdog role for Alabama’s cattle producers. Leading up to the session, Erin will be participating in legislative seminars this week to gather insight into the upcoming session and meet with legislators on topics of interest to Alabama’s beef cattle industry. Stay tuned for any important updates.




FB BannerWe hope you’ll “Hoof It to Huntsville” on March 9-10 to join us at the 75th annual ACA Convention & Trade Show. We’ve got a great lineup of speakers, fun events and the Alabama cattle industry’s largest industry trade show in the works. Registration is now open at BamaBeef.org/Convention. Be on the look out in your January Alabama Cattleman magazine for more information, including a schedule of events! P.S.- Early Bird Prices are good though January 31. Don’t miss out!




The 61st annual SLE Rodeo is coming to town March 15-17 at Garrett sle-logoColiseum. PRCA 2017 Stock Contractor of the Year Frontier Rodeo Company’s elite bucking stock, PRCA Freestyle Bullfighting and hometown funny man Trent McFarland are sure to combine to make one excellent show for the whole family! Kids events will be available where your little buckaroo can play in the dirt like a real rodeo cowboy. If you’re in the market for an awesome stocking stuffer idea, you’re in luck. SLE Rodeo tickets are on sale now! Call us at 888-2RODEO2 or visit us online to order tickets to the show and to learn more about the 2018 SLE Rodeo!




young-cattlemen-logo_websizedThe Alabama Cattlemen’s Association recognizes the need to cultivate our future leaders of the association and industry. The Young Cattlemen’s Leadership Program (YCLP), funded in part by the Alabama State Beef Checkoff, aims to do just that by identifying the state’s top young cattlemen and developing them into leaders of the future.

The three primary goals of the YCLP are:

  • Provide participants with a “pasture to plate” experience of Alabama’s beef industry
  • Equip participants with the tools necessary to become an effective leader and to share their beef story with their peers
  • Create a network of young cattlemen who the ACA can depend on to help with beef promotion and issues management as well as become industry leaders in the future

The YCLP consists of six meetings dispersed across Alabama over the course of a year. The class will be selected by a committee based on applications submitted. Preference will be given to those nominees who are between the ages of 20 & 40, but do not be discouraged to nominate yourself or someone else who falls out of that range.

If you’re interested in the program or would like to nominate someone, find the form in the December issue of the Alabama Cattleman magazine or print the application.



Resolve to Eat Lean Beef

The new year often comes with resolutions associated with losing weight, eating healthier or changing your lifestyle altogether. Beef is just what you need to power through those resolutions without sacrificing flavor or fullness. Check out this recipe:




Thanks for reading this week’s post! Until we post again next week , we want to remind you that you can stay in touch with us by following us on FacebookTwitter or Instagram.

What’s Going On Wednesday: December 20, 2017

As the year comes to a close, and we all settle in our homes to enjoy the Christmas season with friends and family, your Alabama Cattlemen’s Association staff wanted to provide you with one, last update for 2017 and take the opportunity to wish you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. We hope you are blessed this Christmas and that the new year brings all the prosperity we hope for in our resolutions. We appreciate each of you for your membership, your involvement and the role you play in Alabama’s beef cattle industry.

Until 2018, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! 

HOliday Hours

With the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, your ACA staff will be taking a break to enjoy time with friends and family. The office will be closed Monday, Dec. 25- Monday, January 1. We will resume normal office hours on Tuesday, January 2 and appreciate the time granted to prepare for a busy start to 2018. Many of us, however, won’t get out of work as we will be taking on the life of a full-time cattleman as we trade our business slacks for blue jeans and enjoy a week on the farm. If you should need us, shoot us an email. We will be monitoring our emails throughout the week to provide continued attention to our cattlemen and members.



FB BannerWe hope you’ll “Hoof It to Huntsville” on March 9-10 to join us at the 75th annual ACA Convention & Trade Show. We’ve got a great lineup of speakers, fun events and the Alabama cattle industry’s largest industry trade show in the works. Registration is now open at BamaBeef.org/Convention. Be on the look out in your January Alabama Cattleman magazine for more information, including a schedule of events! P.S.- Early Bird Prices are good though January 31. Don’t miss out!




The 61st annual SLE Rodeo is coming to town March 15-17 at Garrett sle-logoColiseum. PRCA 2017 Stock Contractor of the Year Frontier Rodeo Company’s elite bucking stock, PRCA Freestyle Bullfighting and hometown funny man Trent McFarland are sure to combine to make one excellent show for the whole family! Kids events will be available where your little buckaroo can play in the dirt like a real rodeo cowboy. If you’re in the market for an awesome stocking stuffer idea, you’re in luck. SLE Rodeo tickets are on sale now! Call us at 888-2RODEO2 or visit us online to order tickets to the show and to learn more about the 2018 SLE Rodeo!



AJCA Directors Gather in Montgomery

AJCA President Cassidy Catrett and AJCA Adviser Michael Agar are excited to host the Alabama Junior Cattlemen’s Association 2017-2018 Board of Directors in Montgomery this week for their annual planning meeting. Th object of today and tomorrow’s meeting is to plan the 2018 Round-Up as well as discuss several ways to increase membership and make the AJCA more attractive to all youth interested in Alabama’s beef cattle industry.



Tax Bill Working Its Way to the Oval Office

The massive tax reform bill is well on its way to getting through final passage after the Senate approved the final version early this morning. The bill is now headed to the House for one more vote before it will make its way to President Trump’s office. This tax reform bill will have significant impact on small business and agriculture, including changes to the death tax. Stay tuned for updates on final version of the bill!



YCLP Class V Applications Now Available

young-cattlemen-logo_websizedThe Alabama Cattlemen’s Association recognizes the need to cultivate our future leaders of the association and industry. The Young Cattlemen’s Leadership Program (YCLP), funded in part by the Alabama State Beef Checkoff, aims to do just that by identifying the state’s top young cattlemen and developing them into leaders of the future.

The three primary goals of the YCLP are:

  • Provide participants with a “pasture to plate” experience of Alabama’s beef industry
  • Equip participants with the tools necessary to become an effective leader and to share their beef story with their peers
  • Create a network of young cattlemen who the ACA can depend on to help with beef promotion and issues management as well as become industry leaders in the future

The YCLP consists of six meetings dispersed across Alabama over the course of a year. The class will be selected by a committee based on applications submitted. Preference will be given to those nominees who are between the ages of 20 & 40, but do not be discouraged to nominate yourself or someone else who falls out of that range.

If you’re interested in the program or would like to nominate someone, find the form in the December issue of the Alabama Cattleman magazine or print the application.


Membership Update

ACA Membership Coordinator Jessica Kennedy is anxiously awaitingFacebooklogo_homepage your county leadership updates and county annual meeting photos. She needs the names and contact information of the newest county leaders in order organize the updating of the magazine and website as well as provide the correct correspondence for important letters and emails pertaining to Board Members. Please send those updates to Jessica!


Also- i4a membership software training webinars have begun! If you have not signed up for training please send Jessica the days that are best for you and if you want a 12pm, 3pm, or 7pm slot.  Please choose multiple times and days of availability.  She will be doing webinars while the office is closed next week and will be available via email as well. If you’re not a big emailer, give her a call at (334) 265-1867.



MOOey Christmas Was Udderly Holly Jolly

25188893_1185942548208413_4990884592713265915_oLast week’s 2nd annual MOOey Christmas event was great success! We had a pile of children through The MOOseum to enjoy cookies, cattle and a sit on Cowboy Santa’s lap. The MOOseum Coordinator Kara Harden wants to thank our Cowboy Santa, Bill Lipscomb, Cassidy and Perry Catrett for bringing up cattle for the kids to see, Jason King with Priefert for providing panels for a pen, the Lee County Cattlemen’s Association for the use of their cow barrels and all the schools that came out. We were proud to host Azalea Training Center’s special needs group, United Christian Academy, Carver Pre-K, and Maxwell AFB’s Wilson Elementary.



Holiday Recipe Inspiration

Need a quick idea for a meal centerpiece? What about a delicious and filling finger food or appetizer for one of the many holiday parties you’ll attend? Beef. It’s What’s for Dinner. has got your back with this Holiday Entertaining recipe collection. View it and enjoy Christmas with family, friends and beef! View the Collection 








Here are a Few Handy Links You May Enjoy:


Thanks for reading this week’s post! Until we post again next week , we want to remind you that you can stay in touch with us by following us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.

What’s Going On Wednesday: December 13, 2017

Who enjoyed the snow that arrived last Friday bringing with it all the white, glisteny cheer of Christmas?! If you or your herd were dreaming of a White Christmas, you certainly got it! We tend to think our four-legged bovine friends were a little less concerned with the snow and more concerned with getting some hay to eat, wouldn’t you agree? They were thinking, “[Snow] way we’re in Alabama.” Be on the lookout for cattle in snow photos in the January magazine and keep reading to get all your Alabama Cattlemen’s Association updates for the week.


County Annual Meeting Season

It’s county annual meeting season, and our Bama Beef Events Calendar is bursting with meeting dates. Check it out, and be sure to send ACA Membership Coordinator Jessica Kennedy your county annual meeting dates for us to share! After your meeting, PLEASE SEND JESSICA ANY PHOTOS YOU TOOK AND AN UPDATED LIST OF OFFICERS. 


Facebooklogo_homepageSpeaking of Jessica, she is still working to perfect the membership program. Stay tuned with more information from her and remember that we’re all learning how this new program works together! Secretaries who will be inputting membership can email Jessica or call (334) 265-1867 for their logins and website links.  Before beginning to enter membership, we encourage secretaries to sign up for a training webinar.  Jessica will begin scheduling webinars for next week.  The plan is to have a maximum of 10 people per webinar so that there isn’t an overwhelming amount of questions and so Jessica can provide her knowledge and assistance equally among those tuning in.  Flexibility will be key in signing up for these webinars as Jessica is having to coordinate the attendance of all 67 counties. If you cannot attend your scheduled webinar, you will have to catch the next! Never fear, you WILL NOT get left behind! The webinars will continue until everyone is trained. As always, Jessica will be available for questions and additional training following the webinars, as needed.



A Very MOOey Christmas

Well, the weather outside was frightful last week, and we had to postpone 16579819-santa-in-cowboy-shoes-sit-on-lucky-horseshoeour 2nd annual MOOey Christmas event to consider the safety of our attendees. The MOOey Christmas has been rescheduled for tomorrow Thursday, Dec. 14 from 9 AM-12 PM.  Cookies and milk, coloring activities, and of course The MOOseum tours will be available, and ACA Past President Bill Lipscomb will still be playing Cowboy Santa for a photo op.  Special thanks to AJCA Officers Cassidy and Cameron Catrett for bringing their cattle reindeer, Priefert for loaning us gates and the Lee County Cattlemen’s Association for allowing us to borrow their welded cattle for reindeer games. Open to all, bring the kids!



Visiting North Alabama Stockyards

AshvilleStockyard_web ACA Director of Industry Relations and Youth Programs Michael Agar took time this week to drive up north and visit the auction markets in Ashville and Arab, Ala. We want to thank Brad and Tilda Plunkett, owners of Ashville Stockyard, Inc. as well as Robbie Gibbs, owner of Arab Livestock Market, for taking time on a sale day to visit with Michael about the ArabStockyard_webassociation. On behalf of the ACA and th Alabama Beef Checkoff, each stockyard was presented with checkoff signage to display with their respective stockyard name on it as well as some ACA sorting flags for them to use in the pens.



U.S. Senate Special Election, Jones Elected

On December 12, voters in Alabama went back to the polls for the special election between Roy Moore (R) and Doug Jones (D). Jones beat Moore in a historic win, placing a Democrat in the Senate seat for the first time since 1992. The results have significant impact on the GOP’s ability to carry out President Trump’s major agenda items in Washington such as tax reform, by limiting the number in the Republican majority by one.



Bama Beef Stocking Stuffer Special

TSHIRT REDSanta Claus is coming to town, and he’s on the hunt for the perfect stocking stuffers for his cattlemen friends. Lucky for him, ACA T-shirts are now available and ON SALE for the Christmas season. Hop on over to our online store where you’ll find our new T-shirts, and be sure to use the code MOOLAH20 to get 20% each shirt. Our “Black & Red ACA Structured Hats” and BEEF Tags are also 20% with the code above.



Convention Registration Opens FRIDAY

FB BannerWe hope you’ll “Hoof It to Huntsville” on March 9-10 to join us at the 75th annual ACA Convention & Trade Show. We’ve got a great lineup of speakers, fun events and the Alabama cattle industry’s largest industry trade show in the works. Registration opens on THIS FRIDAY, December 15 at BamaBeef.org/Convention. Be on the look out in your January Alabama Cattleman magazine for more information, including a schedule of events!



SLE Rodeo Tickets Go On Sale FRIDAY

The 61st annual SLE Rodeo is coming to town March 15-17 at Garrett sle-logoColiseum. PRCA 2017 Stock Contractor of the Year Frontier Rodeo Company’s elite bucking stock, PRCA Freestyle Bullfighting and hometown funny man Trent McFarland are sure to combine to make one excellent show for the whole family! Kids events will be available where your little buckaroo can play in the dirt like a real rodeo cowboy. If you’re in the market for an awesome stocking stuffer idea, you’re in luck. SLE Rodeo tickets go on sale to the public on THIS FRIDAY, Dec. 15. Call us at 888-2RODEO2 or visit us online to order tickets to the show and to learn more about the 2018 SLE Rodeo!



Holiday Appetizer Recipe Inspiration



Here are a Few Handy Links You May Enjoy:


Thanks for reading this week’s post! Until we post again next week , we want to remind you that you can stay in touch with us by following us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.

What’s Going On Wednesday: December 6, 2017

MOOey…we mean Merry…Christmas!! As we get into the holiday season, our office is buzzing with Christmas cheer and big plans for the new year. We hope all of you are settling nicely into your winter feeding schedules, especially as this frigid air and wet weather moves into the South. If you’re looking to dodge the chill air for just a little while longer, take a minute to read up on all that’s happening at the ACA this week.


Membership Update- County Annual Meetings

It’s county annual meeting season, and our Bama Beef Events Calendar is bursting with meeting dates. Check it out, and be sure to send ACA Membership Coordinator Jessica Kennedy your county annual meeting dates for us to share! After your meeting, be sure to send her any photos and an updated list of officers.


Speaking of Jessica, she is still working to perfect the membership program. Stay tuned with more information from her and remember that we’re all learning how this new program works together! Secretaries who will be inputting membership can email Jessica or call (334) 265-1867 for their logins and website links.  Before beginning to enter membership, we encourage secretaries to sign up for a training webinar.  Send Jessica a list of days and times that work for best for you: Mon-Sun 8am, 12pm, 3pm, 7pm.



Talking Holiday Roasting on Talk of Alabama

Screenshot 2017-12-06 14.19.52Prime Rib was the talk of the town in the Birmingham area Tuesday morning as Jeff State Culinary Instructor Chef Kenneth Moore joined ACA’s Erin Beasley and Dining Out With Comedienne Joy host Joy King on ABC 33/40’s “Talk of Alabama” to promote holiday roasting with beef. The cooking segment featured Prime Rib and even offered great ideas for repurposing that roast into healthy and delicious meals after Christmas dinner. We got four different spots in the hour-long segment which provided a great educational and promotional outlet to viewers.


Even the hosts at “Talk of Alabama” gave this meal two thumbs up!



MOOey Christmas On Hold

Well, the weather outside is frightful, particularly this week. For those who 16579819-santa-in-cowboy-shoes-sit-on-lucky-horseshoehaven’t checked the weather forecast, you may want to pull out your heavy winter coat and put an extra bale of hay out for your herd. This weekend is going to get COLD. With that and the threat of snow flurries and icey roads in mind, we’ve decided to postpone our MOOey Christmas event to protect visitors from traveling difficulties and exposure to nasty weather. We hope to move the event to next week, so stay tuned for more information!



ACA T-Shirts On Sale Now!

TSHIRT REDSanta Claus is coming to town, and h’e on the search for the perfect stocking stuffers. Lucky for him,  ACA T-shirts are now available and ON SALE for the Christmas season. Hop on over to our online store where you’ll find our new T-shirts, and be sure to use the code MOOLAH20 to get 20% each shirt. Our “Black & Red ACA Structured Hats” and BEEF Tags are also 20% with the code above.



PAC, Finance and Nominating Committees Meet

There’s hustle and bustle in the office as our nominating, political action (PAC) and finance committees are meeting today. While the PAC committee seeks to select candidates to make financial contributions to, the nominating committee is working to select a new slate of officers to present at the 2018 Convention. All that meeting makes for one busy day.



Convention Registration Opens Dec. 15

FB BannerSpeaking of the 2018 Convention, save the dates! We hope you’ll “Hoof It to Huntsville” on March 9-10 to join us at the 75th annual ACA Convention & Trade Show. We’ve got a great lineup of speakers, fun events and an awesome Trade Show in the works. Registration opens on December 15 at BamaBeef.org/Convention. Be on the look out in your January Alabama Cattleman magazine for more information, including a schedule of events!



December Magazine Available Online

For those of you who are members, the December issue of the Alabama Cattleman magazine is now available online. There, you’ll find great educational content, checkoff and legislative updates and a delicious holiday recipe perfect for Christmas morning. Visit www.BamaBeef.org/Magazine to read enjoy it on your smart phone or tablet today. (Password required. If you’re a member and would like to read it, give us a call at 334-265-1867).



SLE Rodeo Tickets On Sale Dec. 15

The 61st annual SLE Rodeo is coming to town March 15-17 at Garrett sle-logoColiseum. Frontier Rodeo Company’s elite bucking stock, PRCA Freestyle Bullfighting and hometown funny man Trent McFarland are sure to combine to make one excellent show for the whole family! Kids events will be available where your little buckaroo can play in the dirt like a real rodeo cowboy. If you’re in the market for an awesome stocking stuffer idea, you’re in luck. SLE Rodeo tickets go on sale to the public on Dec. 15. Call us at 888-2RODEO2 or visit us online to order tickets to the show and to learn more about the 2018 SLE Rodeo!


AU Sausage Boxes on Sale Now

IMG_6326Are you looking for the perfect Christmas gift for the meat eater in your life? The AU Collegiate Cattlemen and Cattlewomen have got JUST what you need in their jam-packed with goodness sausage boxes. For only $30 you can 2-lbs of summer sausage, 1-lb. of jalapeño summer sausage and 1-lb. of a perfectly-paired cheese. Who wouldn’t love a gift like that?!


Proceeds from the sale of this year’s sausage boxes will aid in sending our collegiate cattlemen and cattlewomen to the 2018 NCBA Convention in Phoenix, Arizona. This is an outstanding educational and networking opportunity for our young people who will soon enter the industry. If you’re interested in ordering a box, call (334) 674-0569, email clb0012@auburn.edu or mail in this printer-friendly order form.



Weekly Recipe Inspiration- Maple Glazed Roast with Roasted Acorn Squash


Here are a Few Handy Links You May Enjoy:


Thanks for reading this week’s post! Until we post again next week , we want to remind you that you can stay in touch with us by following us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.



What’s Going On Wednesday: November 29, 2017

It’s officially the most wonderful time of the year! Not only has the Christmas season arrived, but bright fall leaves are painted across our farmscapes, new calves are on the ground, hay fills the rings in our pastures and turkeys make way for delicious holiday roasts on our tables. Like we said, it’s the most wonderful time of year!! As your state staff prepares to tie up all the ends of 2017, we are also looking forward to a big year in 2018. Keep reading to catch up on all that’s been going on in Alabama’s beef cattle industry and to get a few very important updates. 


Scholarship Application Deadline

Alabama Cattlemen’s Foundation scholarship applications are now APPLYavailable online at BamaBeef.org/Scholarships and the deadline to apply is THIS FRIDAY at midnight! We encourage you to visit the site and explore the many scholarship opportunities for high school and college students in Alabama. Each year, the AFC awards over $50,000 in scholarships to deserving students whose parents or grandparents are members of the Alabama Cattlemen’s Association.


Check out the many scholarship opportunities, and don’t forget- the deadline is Friday, Dec. 1 at midnight!



Young Cattlemen’s Leadership Program Industry Tour

23376572_1166127083523293_8904783250213821888_nThe Young Cattlemen’s Leadership Program (YCLP) Class IV took an industry tour of west Alabama cattle operations Nov. 10-11, and it was an excellent weekend of learning and networking. The tour started out at Alabama Livestock Auction, Inc. at the BCIA Fall Round-Up Bull Sale, headed west to tour Next Step Cattle Company’s bull development facility in Livingston with ACA Past President Jimmy Holliman and enjoyed dinner at Diamond Jims & Mrs. Donna’s. After a good night’s sleep in Demopolis, the crew toured Ralph Cole and family’s diversified cattle and catfish operation in Greensboro then rounded out the tour back in Uniontown where Jim and Jimmy Sealy offered marketing advice to the young cattlemen. Special thanks to all our hosts and all who attended!



Hot Topic Tuesday: YCLP Leadership Project Success!

Speaking of YCLP, Class IV students Matthew Brady and Blake Hamner 24131447_935034009996162_8307001623857685591_ncompleted their joint leadership project this week and did an excellent job! Sponsored by the Perry and Tuscaloosa Cattlemen’s Associations and Alabama Ag Credit, Blake and Matthew organized “Hot Topic Tuesday,” an event held at the Black Belt Experiment Center on November 28th. Extension Veterinarian Dr. Soren Rodning preformed a live estrus synchronization, a hands-on calving demonstration and presented on hot topics in the beef industry to around 25 attendees. After the program, lunch was provided by Alabama Ag Credit.


This is what the Young Cattlemen’s Leadership Program is all about. Congratulations on a job well done to Matthew and Blake. Special thanks to all who helped make the event a success!



County Annual Meetings & Membership Update

It’s county annual meeting season, and our Bama Beef Events Calendar is bursting with meeting dates. Check it out, and be sure to send ACA Membership Coordinator Jessica Kennedy your county annual meeting dates for us to share!


Speaking of Jessica, she is still working to perfect the membership reporting process. Stay tuned with more information from her and remember that we’re all learning how this new program works together! Secretaries who will be inputting membership can email Jessica or call (334) 265-1867 for their logins and website links.  Before beginning to enter membership, we encourage secretaries to sign up for a training webinar.  Send Jessica a list of days and times that work for best for you: Mon-Sun 8am, 12pm, 3pm, 7pm.



A Quick Legislative UpdateTRUCKS

We have been working diligently with leadership in D.C. this week in regards to the Electronic Logging Devices (ELD) bill. Last week, a 90-day waiver was granted for the livestock hauling sector of the industry to allow more time to formulate solutions to this mandate. ACA has been working with Livestock Marketing Association along with producers to discuss with Sen. Shelby and Congressman Rogers offices the details as to why ELDs cause issues for our industry from the standpoint of animal welfare. Stay tuned for details as they unfold.



Last week we met with the Ag Coalition to listen to details about an Agribusiness and Rural Jobs Act that will be presented in the legislature in the upcoming session. The bill expands access for private financing for small rural businesses who are either expanding or starting from the ground up.


Additionally, the Alabama BEEF PAC Committee will meet next Wednesday, Dec. 6 to evaluate all candidates in the upcoming election. The PAC Committee will decide which candidates will receive financial contributions.



Alabama Forage Conference

ACA Director of Industry Relations & Youth Programs Michael Agar spent time in Eufala this week at the Alabama Forage Conference. Special thanks to Drs. Kim Mullenix and Leanne Dillard for spearheading this event designed to help cattle produce high-quality forages for Alabama livestock.



A Very MOOey Christmas

The MOOseum is hosting its 2nd annual MOOey Christmas at the 16579819-santa-in-cowboy-shoes-sit-on-lucky-horseshoeCattlemen’s Building on Dec 8 from 9 a.m.-1 p.m.  Currently, we have 155 kiddos scheduled to come and give their Christmas wish list to our very own Cowboy Santa, Mr. Bill Lipscomb.  We have partnered with the United States Marine Corps to host a Toys 4 Tots drive, and we are having a competition for the schools scheduled. The school that brings the largest donation will receive a $50 The MOOseum gift certificate to use for merchandise for their classroom.  We will also be honored to have servicemen from the USMC to attend our event.


Also, could it be a “MOOey” Christmas without the “Moo?” AJCA President Cassidy Catrett and AJCA Past President Cameron Catrett  are once again lending a hand and bringing live cattle to the building for the children to see. YCLP Class IV student and Lee County Cattleman Markie Hageman is bringing a few cattle reindeer props for photos, and of course, we will be serving cookies and milk! Come on out and celebrate with us…and don’t forget your Toys 4 Tots donations!!




IMG_6326Are you looking for the perfect Christmas gift for the meat eater in your life? The AU Collegiate Cattlemen and Cattlewomen have got JUST what you need in their jam-packed with goodness sausage boxes. For only $30 you can 2-lbs of summer sausage, 1-lb. of jalapeño summer sausage and 1-lb. of a perfectly-paired cheese. Who wouldn’t love a gift like that?!


Proceeds from the sale of this year’s sausage boxes will aid in sending our collegiate cattlemen and cattlewomen to the 2018 NCBA Convention in Phoenix, Arizona. This is an outstanding educational and networking opportunity for our young people who will soon enter the industry. If you’re interested in ordering a box, call (334) 674-0569, email clb0012@auburn.edu or mail in this printer-friendly order form.



SEC Championship Recipe Inspiration

Alabama’s own Auburn Tigers are taking on the Georgia Bulldogs this weekend in the SEC Championship and no matter who you cheer for, we can all agree on one thing…Beef. It’s What’s For Gameday. Cheer on your team with yummy steak nachos!



Here are a Few Handy Links You May Enjoy:


Thanks for reading this week’s post! Until we post again next week , we want to remind you that you can stay in touch with us by following us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.


Choose Nutrient-Rich Beef for Your Holiday Entertaining

By Jessica Ivey, RDN


During the holidays, we all want to enjoy family, friends and food, but all the get-togethers and events can make it easy to get off track with healthy eating goals. Lucky for you, beef is a nutrient-rich protein source that can be incorporated into appetizers, entrees and even side dishes for festive and nutritious entertaining.


Beef tops the charts of protein-rich foods, providing 25 grams of high-quality protein and just 150 calories in each 3oz. cooked serving of lean beef. To put that into perspective, you’d have to eat three cups of trendy quinoa to get that much protein, which would pack a whopping 666 calories! Research shows that people who eat a higher-protein diet (about 30% of daily calories from protein) feel more satisfied, which may help prevent overeating (1), so if you’re making an effort to maintain your weight this holiday season, lean beef is a smart choice!


In addition to protein, three ounces of cooked beef provides 36% of the daily value of zinc, which helps maintain a strong immune system to keep you from getting sick during the busy holiday season. Feeling exhausted? Each 3oz. serving of lean beef provides 22% and 44% of the daily value of Vitamin B6 and Vitamin B12 respectively, two nutrients that help give you energy. Beef is also a good source of iron, which helps transport oxygen in your blood.


If you’ll be attending or hosting a gathering with mostly appetizers and finger foods, be sure to include a source of protein to help satisfy hunger. These Mini Meatball Appetizers with Apricot Dipping Sauce can be made ahead and kept warm in a small slow cooker for an easy-to-transport option, or you can make these Spicy Steak and Avocado Bruschetta for a filling and flavorful twist on traditional bruschetta. For a foodie crowd, these Tapas-Style Pepper-Steak Parfaits are sure to impress.


We usually think of beef as being the star at the center of the plate, but have you ever thought about including beef in a side dish? This savory, sweet and tart Beef Stuffing with Apples and Cranberries is equally suited as a one-dish meal or a show-stealing side. Beef and Blue Cheese Stuffed Mushrooms deliver a punch of flavor in each poppable bite.


An elegant beef roast sets the stage for a special meal, no matter the occasion. Check back in December, when I’ll be sharing some fool-proof tips for the perfect holiday roast. Enjoy a happy and healthy start to your holiday season!



  1. Leidy HJ, et al. Beneficial effects of a higher-protein breakfast on the appetitive, hormonal, and neural signals controlling energy intake regulation in overweight/obese, “breakfast-skipping,” late-adolescent girls. Am J Clin Nutr 2013;97:677-88.
  • Westerterp-Plantenga MS, Luscombe-Marsh N, Lejeune MPGM, Diepvens K, Nieuwenhuizen A, Engelen MPKJ, Deutz NEP, Azzout-Marniche D, Tome D, Westerterp KR. Dietary protein, metabolism, and body-weight regulation: dose–response effects. Int J Obes 2006;30:S16-S23.
  • Leidy HJ, Bossingham MJ, Mattes RD, Campbell WW. Increased dietary protein intake consumed at breakfast leads to an initial and sustained feeling of fullness during energy restriction compared to other meal times. Br J Nutr. 2009;101:798-803.


(Photo: Beef. It’s What’s For Dinner. Funded by Beef Farmers & Ranchers.)

What’s Going On Wednesday: November 8, 2017

It’s a whirlwind time at the ACA as we are in the midst of the 2018 membership drive kickoff, board meeting preparations and in assembly mode on the 2018 Beef Checkoff Marketing Plan. Important tasks are in the works, but in a season when we pause to focus on all  we are thankful for, we’d like to simply say how thankful we are for Alabama’s cattlemen. We’re thankful for your hard work to make this industry what it is. We’re thankful for those that came before us and paved the way to make our industry and association what it is today. We’re thankful for today’s cattlemen who take risks, aren’t afraid to get their hands dirty, stay involved and work hard day in and out to raise a safe, wholesome and sustainable product. We’re thankful for our young people, for  it’s in them that we have hope for tomorrow’s industry. It is clear that we have a lot to be thankful for this year, but before we head into the holidays, we need to pause to keep our producers informed on what your cattlemen’s association is doing for you this week. Keep reading to learn more…


Membership Update

Membership renewal statements for 2018 went out November 1st!  If a member is in question, please call Jessica at (334) 265-1867 as we will be working out the kinks with members who have held memberships in multiple counties in previous years.

Board members: RSVP for the November board meeting! At this month’s meeting, secretaries will receive their login information for the new software as well as some other useful training information.  For those who are not able to attend, you will receive information after the board meeting.

Don’t forget this renewal incentive–> Anyone who renews for 2018 by December 31st will be entered into a drawing to win one of three cash prizes – $250, $150 or $100.  All county memberships will need to be in the state office no later than December 31st to qualify for this drawing.




State Checkoff color_nobackground Last week at the state office, the state beef checkoff team hosted the 2018 Checkoff Task Force Meeting, and it was a day full of great ideas, planning, brainstorming and exploring areas of growth for the beef checkoff program. During this meeting, cattlemen and industry influencers gathered to hear a recap of this year’s program successes, learned about national checkoff goals and perspectives from NCBA’s Season Solorio and offered input and desires for areas of the program such as producer communication and education, retail/foodservice, advertising and social media, youth and issues management. Staff is now busy typing up all the new ideas, budgeting and preparing our more important presentation of the year for the Alabama Cattlemen’s Association Executive Committee and Board of Directors. Look forward to all to come and thanks to all who took time out of their busy schedules to contribute their input on the Alabama beef checkoff program.



Franklin County Youth Field Day

On Saturday, the Franklin County Junior Cattlemen hosted their first-ever 23130946_1896244823724248_4099305148016650878_nfield day. The juniors were educated on proper selection criteria when judging cattle, showing cattle in a pen show setting, took a skill-a-thon test indicating their basic knowledge about cattle, learned about the importance of farm safety and how to work as a team and enjoyed some great burgers. ACA Director of Industry Relations and Youth Programs Michael Agar was in attendance and offered his insight about cattle judging based on his experience with the Mississippi State University Livestock Judging Team. Special thanks to all involved and to Franklin County Junior Cattlemen Adviser Caleb Beason who planned and executed this event. Great work, Franklin County! We look forward to watching to event grow in the future.




Forage Conference AdvertisementThe Alabama Forage Conference will be held at Lakepoint State Park in Eufala on Nov. 28-29. Registration is now open for this conference on our website, and we encourage you to learn more and sign up! While you’re exploring through our online events calendar, be sure to check out all the many great Extension educational opportunities for cattlemen that are coming up. From QuickBooks for Farmers to Calving Season Emergencies to the Fall Beef-Forage Update and information on Silvopastures, there’s a class out there for everyone! This calendar is updated weekly with new events, courses, county meetings and cattle sales.


Be sure to follow it and stay up-to-date with all that’s happening in Alabama’s beef cattle industry.




Alabama Cattlemen’s Foundation scholarship applications are now APPLYavailable online at BamaBeef.org/Scholarships and the deadline to apply is less than a month away! We encourage you to visit the site and explore the many scholarship opportunities for high school and college students in Alabama. Each year, the AFC awards over $50,000 in scholarships to deserving students whose parents or grandparents are members of the Alabama Cattlemen’s Association.


Check out the many scholarship opportunities, and don’t forget- the deadline is Dec. 1 at midnight!




IMG_6326Are you looking for the perfect Christmas gift for the meat eater in your life? The AU Collegiate Cattlemen and Cattlewomen have got JUST what you need in their jam-packed with goodness sausage boxes. For only $30 you can 2-lbs of summer sausage, 1-lb. of jalapeño summer sausage and 1-lb. of a perfectly-paired cheese. Who wouldn’t love a gift like that?!


Proceeds from the sale of this year’s sausage boxes will aid in sending our collegiate cattlemen and cattlewomen to the 2018 NCBA Convention in Phoenix, Arizona. This is an outstanding educational and networking opportunity for our young people who will soon enter the industry. If you’re interested in ordering a box, call (334) 674-0569, email clb0012@auburn.edu or mail in this printer-friendly order form.




We are in the midst of cattle sale season in Alabama, our your state officer team and staff have been burning up the roads visiting the sales and networking with cattlemen from across the state. We’ve enjoyed the sites, the impressive cattle, strong prices and, of course, the hospitality shown by sale hosts. We hope to see you at one soon! View Our Cattle Sales Calendar Online Now



Stock Show U & BEEF U

Fall2017_Alabama_Grad_Program_page_1We’ve got two exciting youth events headed to Alabama, and we want to be sure you’ve got them on your calendar! Coming up on the calendar first is Sullivan Supply’s Stock Show U with instructors Taylor Harrison and Tad Harper. This event will be held at the Cullman County Ag Trade Center and is FREE to attend, compliments of Sullivan Supply. Be sure to register to attend by clicking here. Next up on Saturday, Dec. 9 is BEEF U led by Extension Specialist Jason P’Poole. This educational and hands-on workshop is for young people ages 5-18 and will be held at the Stanley P. Wilson Beef Teaching Unit at Auburn University. Learn more here




Here are a Few Handy Links You May Enjoy:


Thanks for reading this week’s post! Until we post again next week , we want to remind you that you can stay in touch with us by following us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.

What’s Going On Wednesday: November 1, 2017

That’s a wrap on October Beef Month 2017 and WOW what a GREAT month it was for beef promotion across our state. County chapters did an outstanding job getting out in the community while your state office implemented big campaigns online to put beef on consumers’ minds. Keep reading to learn more about those online results! 

This is the time of year when we shift focus here at the state office. We not only look back over the past year to evaluate which programs were successful or maybe need tweaking, but we also begin to think toward 2018, and the new membership year as it is now upon us! It’s a busy and exciting time in Montgomery, and we look forward to celebrating 2017 with you while making big plans for 2018.


2018 Membership Drive Kicks Off TODAY!

With the start of November comes the start of the 2018 membership drive, and we encourage every membership to re-up on their annual dues and to sign up a new member! Help us beat our 10,000 total membership from the 2017 membership year. Also- here’s some incentive…if you pay your dues by Dec. 31, you’ll be entered for an Early Bird Drawing for three cash prizes: $250, $150 or $100. Can you say return on investment?! Renew or Join Today


Facebooklogo_homepageThe new membership software is now complete, and ACA Membership Coordinator Jessica Kennedy has been working diligently to produce educational videos to help teach county leaders how to use the new program. County secretaries are encouraged to attend the November Board Meeting on Nov. 16 as Jessica will be assigning county login information and discussing where to access “how to” videos.



2018 Checkoff Marketing Plan…Under Construction

State Checkoff color_nobackgroundSpeaking of return on investment…let’s talk checkoff. This week at the state office, our theme is Alabama Beef Checkoff as we are hosting the 2018 Checkoff Task Force Meeting tomorrow. During this meeting, cattlemen and industry influencers will gather to hear a recap of this year’s program successes, learn about national checkoff goals and perspectives from NCBA’s Season Solorio and offer input and desires for areas of the program such as producer communication and education, retail/foodservice, advertising and social media, youth and issues management. Stay tuned for big plans and ideas, straight from the minds of Alabama’s cattle producers!



October Beef Month Success

Online promotion was the theme of this year’s October Beef Month, andScreenshot 2017-10-30 09.36.51 we’re proud to bring you the results of this year’s campaigns. Not only was every post centered around beef promotion and education, but we brought some big numbers to the board with digital advertising and couponing. Throughout the month we posted weekly carousel ads on Facebook that presented delicious beef imagery with direct links to recipes on the Beef. It’s What’s For Dinner website. Each week, the ads reflected the theme of recipe/cooking techniques we presented on our online properties- burgers/grilling, weeknight meals/skillet cooking, tailgating with beef and stews/chilis/slow cooking. Those ads had excellent reach of over 82,000 Alabamians, driving over 4,500 clicks to specific recipes on the Beef. It’s What’s For Dinner website. Post engagement and conversations were also very positive about beef, and Facebook users particularly enjoyed the stew/chili ads…which is expected this time of year!


Ibotta App IconOn another digital front, our ibotta coupon- which offered $2 OFF a roast of any brand or variety purchased at most Alabama grocers- encouraged the sale of over 5,700 roasts, provided educational beef messaging to over 16,900 app users and reached more than 539,200 Alabama residents. This coupon featured prominent checkoff logos and well-represented Alabama’s beef cattle producers. Great work, team!



Alabama Forage Conference & Other Extension Programs for Cattlemen

Forage Conference AdvertisementThe Alabama Forage Conference will be held at Lakepoint State Park in Eufala on NOv. 28-29. Registration is now open for this conference on our website, and we encourage you to learn more and sign up! While you’re exploring through our online events calendar, be sure to check out all the many great Extension educational opportunities for cattlemen that are coming up. From QuickBooks for Farmers to Calving Season Emergencies to the Fall Beef-Forage Update and information on Silvopastures, there’s a class out there for everyone! This calendar is updated weekly with new events, courses, county meetings and cattle sales.


Be sure to follow it and stay up-to-date with all that’s happening in Alabama’s beef cattle industry.




Alabama Cattlemen’s Foundation scholarship applications are now APPLYavailable online at BamaBeef.org/Scholarships. We encourage you to visit the site and explore the many scholarship opportunities for high school and college students in Alabama. Each year, the AFC awards over $50,000 in scholarships to deserving students whose parents or grandparents are members of the Alabama Cattlemen’s Association.


Check out the many scholarship opportunities, and don’t forget- the deadline is Dec. 1 at midnight!



Auburn University Collegiate Cattlemen & Cattlewomen Sausage Boxes

IMG_6326Are you looking for the perfect Christmas gift for the meat eater in your life? The AU Collegiate Cattlemen and Cattlewomen have got JUST what you need in their jam-packed with goodness sausage boxes. For only $30 you can 2-lbs of summer sausage, 1-lb. of jalapeño summer sausage and 1-lb. of a perfectly-paired cheese. Who wouldn’t love a gift like that?!


Proceeds from the sale of this year’s sausage boxes will aid in sending our collegiate cattlemen and cattlewomen to the 2018 NCBA Convention in Phoenix, Arizona. This is an outstanding educational and networking opportunity for our young people who will soon enter the industry. If you’re interested in ordering a box, call (334) 674-0569, email clb0012@auburn.edu or mail in this printer-friendly order form.



Cattle Sale Season

We are in the midst of cattle sale season in Alabama, our your state officer team and staff have been burning up the roads visiting the sales and networking with cattlemen from across the state. We’ve enjoyed the sites, the impressive cattle, strong prices and, of course, the hospitality shown by sale hosts. We hope to see you at one soon! This Friday ACA’s Kayla Greer and Michael Agar will be at Frank Turner and Sons in Hayneville  while this past weekend, staff enjoyed heading out to the CK Cattle Headquarters Sale, Michael enjoyed a trip to The Oaks sale in Grantville, GA while ACA Executive Vice President Erin Beasley headed north to the Debter Hereford sale in Horton, AL.


View Our Cattle Sales Calendar Online Now



Auburn ANSC Students Learn About ACA and Checkoff Program

ACA Director of Industry Relations and Youth Programs Michael Agar was a guest speaker for Animal Science Orientation at Auburn last Thursday. Michael spoke about the national and state checkoff, BQA and about the work of our association. As a recent graduate himself, he also discussed what he did as a college student to prepare for a professional career in the cattle industry. Many of the students expressed interest in the presentation and stayed after class to ask him questions about the association.




Here are a Few Handy Links You May Enjoy:


Thanks for reading this week’s post! Until we post again next week , we want to remind you that you can stay in touch with us by following us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.

Pull Out Your Slow Cooker… It’s Crocktober!

By Jessica Ivey, RDN



Between work and school, extra-curricular activities, and of course, football season, fall is a busy time for most of us Alabamians, but a full schedule doesn’t have to mean fewer home-cooked meals. A slow cooker is one of my favorite secrets for preparing hot, homemade meals ready when we are. Check out my tips for making the most of this versatile kitchen tool.

  • Choose the right cut. Lean cuts of beef, like bottom round roast and shoulder pot roast, become tender when cooked low and slow in a small amount of liquid. Convenient beef stew meat is another good option that can be an economical choice.
  • Get rid of excess fat. Before putting your roast into the slow cooker, be sure to trim away the excess fat. For recipes calling for ground beef, brown the beef in a skillet before adding to the slow cooker using a slotted spoon to drain away the fat. This will result in a lower-fat and more appealing final product.
  • Include vegetables, beans, and/or whole grains. For a well-balanced complete meal, be sure to add a serving of vegetables to your slow cooker. Heartier vegetables, like potatoes and sweet potatoes, onions, carrots, bell peppers and kale, can be added at the beginning of the cooking time. Add more tender vegetables, like squash, zucchini, and fresh spinach, during the last 30 minutes of cooking to ensure a crisp-tender result. Fiber-rich whole grains and beans are an easy addition to round out a meal and provide additional nutrients.
  • Prep ingredients in advance. Cutting meat and chopping vegetables in advance can help set you up for faster meals on especially busy days. Place prepared ingredients in large zip-top plastic bags or air-tight containers, and store in the refrigerator up to three days. If you have a slow cooker with a removable insert, you can even assemble the recipe in the insert and refrigerate the whole thing overnight; in the morning all you have to do is slip the insert into the base and turn it on.
  • Reinvent leftovers. Instead of serving the same recipe twice, turn last night’s leftovers into a fun new dish. For example, make this After Work Beef Pot Roast Dinner early in the week, and later stuff the remaining meat and vegetables into a loaf of French bread cut in half lengthwise. Top with slices of provolone or mozzarella cheese and bake until the sandwiches are hot and the cheese is melted.

What’s your favorite beefy slow cooker meal? Let us know in the comments or post a picture of your Crocktober creation on Facebook or Instagram. Be sure to tag @alcattlemen.

What’s Going On Wednesday- October 25, 2017

We hope it’s evident that it has been quite a busy month in our office since the blog has taken a back seat to October Beef Month for the past two weeks! Never fear, however, because we’re back and ready to report.

Cooler temperatures are finally finding their way into our state, and hay is beginning to hit the ground, much like new calves. We’ve seen some great pictures of cattlemen welcoming their newest arrivals and have very much enjoyed seeing those with unique markings. Keep reading and be sure to check out the November magazine to see a few the most-uniquely marked heifers that are new to the Alabama cow herd.



Black Rock Bistro AWarded Plaque

BlackRockOn Wednesday, Oct. 11 ACA checkoff staff joined ACA President-Elect Jack Batts, Regional Vice President Jay Buckley and Walker County President Tyler McClendon in Jasper to award Black Rock Bistro with its Bama’s Best Burger winning plaque.


The 2017 Bama’s Best Burger contest culminated with the announcement of the winning burger, Black Rock Bistro’s “Alabama Burger.” This dish features a 1/2-pound burger patty topped with homemade pimento cheese and fried green tomato. It’s as delicious as it sounds, and it paired nicely with the sample of brisket restaurant owner Greg Kilgore smoked up for us to enjoy! Black Rock Bistro truly earns two thumbs up.



Beef Up the Blood Supply

On Friday, Oct. 13 the Alabama Cattlemen’s Association partnered up with Bloodthe Alabama Department of Agriculture and Industries to host a Beef Up the Blood Supply event with LifeSouth. All who donated blood earned a ribeye steak sandwich grilled up by ACA staff! We surpassed LifeSouth’s donor goal by five donors…just another way to show that cattlemen care!


Special thanks goes to Butler County President James Allen Stinson who drove all the way from Georgiana to donate! We appreciated his dedication and involvement.



Worlds of Work

WOWOn Oct. 12-13, ACA Director of Industry Relations and Youth Programs Michael Agar headed west to set up a booth in the Worlds of Work “Ag World” at Shelton State Community College where over 4,000 8th grade students came by to see him and the beef cuts trailer over the two-day period. Michael had a table of beef cattle byproducts, and the youth were full of questions not having previously known there was “cow” in their favorite makeup, lotions, sporting equipment, vehicles and even in their marshmallows. (That’s always a fan favorite!)



Partners in Action: Beef Checkoff Relaunches Beef. It’s What’s For Dinner. Brand

During the middle week of the month, ACA Executive Vice President Erin Beasley and Director of Social Media and Communications Kayla Greer took a quick trip to Denver to visit NCBA and hear next year’s checkoff promotion plans and learn how to implement those programs within our state.


The most exciting part of the trip was learning about the work and tools associated with the new Beef. It’s What’s For Dinner brand relaunch that hit airwaves on Oct. 9. This relaunch included in a new website that combines information about beef from pasture to plate. Not only can consumers visit this site to find delicious beef recipes and explore beef cuts, but they can also meet the farmers and ranchers behind the beef with in-depth feature articles and beautiful videos that transport the consumer to the farm. If you haven’t already, check out the new website and visit the Rethink the Ranch page.

BIFWD_ Horizontal_Full Color




The National Young Farmers Education Association funded a RISE event on the campus of the University of West Alabama in Livingston where ACA staffer Michael Agar was asked to speak on beef cattle production. Being that Michael is not far removed from the classroom, he had lots of advice for the 11th and 12th grade students as they turn their heads toward college and potentially choosing a career in the cattle industry.



Eclectic Child Development Earns Cookout from Elmore County Cattlemen

A special thank you goes out to Dr. Nealy and Justin Barrett and the Elmore
Elmore County Cattlemen’s Association for grilling up a delicious beef lunch for the youngsters at Eclectic Community Day Care, sponsored by the Alabama Cattlemen’s Association. This group won a catered lunch for bringing the largest group to our summertime event, Slim’s Picnic, and enjoyed ribeye steak sandwiches grilled up by local cattle producers. Great work!




Parents, teachers and county junior cattlemen advisers…stop what you’re doing and grab your calendar! Register now for for a Youth Production Field Day on Nov. 11 at Langley Farms in Camp Hill. Dr. Soren Rodning, Sarah Dickinson and Courteney Holland will teach on a variety of topics including BQA, calving demos, body conditioning scoring and forage testing. Registration is available at www.BamaBeef.org/ProductionFD. Lunch will be provided and a farm tour of Langley Farms will follow the morning’s learning opportunities.



Alabama Calf goes viral

DMxOdJsX4AYFD2MAuburn fan and Lauderdale County cattleman Dan Goode could not believe his eyes when we found this Shorthorn heifer in his pasture. Marked clearly with an Alabama “script A,” this calf was born a fan, by default, of the Crimson Tide. Her markings have made her quite popular and have even spread as far as ESPN, Fox Sports, Sports247, SEC Country, thanks to a little push from Paul Finebaum.


This little heifer calf, born on Indian Camp Creek Stock Farms in Florence, will be raised to be shown in 4H, FFA and AJCA shows across the state by the Goode children. Keep an eye out for her, and Alabama fans be sure to give her a “Roll Tide” in passing.



Scholarships Now Available

Alabama Cattlemen’s Foundation scholarship applications are now tag-_scholarship_apply_copy_web(3)(2)(2)available online at www.BamaBeef.org/Scholarships. We encourage you to visit the site and explore the many scholarship opportunities for high school and college students in Alabama. Each year, the AFC gives over $50,000 in scholarships to deserving students whose parents or grandparents are members of the Alabama Cattlemen’s Association.


Check out the many scholarship opportunities, and don’t forget- the deadline is Dec. 1 at midnight!



October Beef Month Activities:Hats Off to County Chapters

ShelbyBeef has been the talk of the town this October Beef Month thanks to the work of county chapters across the state! We at the state office have had an influx of great pictures from counties who have participated in  Cowboys in the Classroom, hosted steak sandwich sales, educated about beef cattle at farm/ag days and even from restaurant-owning cattlemen who have offered a beefy special in their eateries throughout the month. Great job, cattlemen! View photos here or here.


At the state office, we’ve hosted the Beef Up the Blood Supply community MAGARevent in partnership with the Alabama Department of Ag and worked hard to educate influencers, such as Auburn City Schools food service representatives and culinary students, through multiple Beef 101 programs. Besides getting out and promoting beef, we’ve amp’d up our social media footprint through beef-specific advertisements and posts such as recipes, beef facts, production practice infographics, how-to videos, cooking tips and more. We’ve worked hard to point people back to the checkoff-funded BeefItsWhatsForDinner.com. Our website even took on a new look for the month as it features beef imagery in the background, an “October is Beef Month in Alabama” banner across the top and scrolls through delicious, themed recipes each week throughout the month. So far, we’ve promoted burgers, easy weeknight meals and tailgating appetizers, and this week is all about stews and chilis as fall weather brings a welcomed chill to the state!


Ibotta App IconWe also took a leap into unknown territory this month as we partnered with the Ibotta couponing app to drive a $2 OFF roast rebate to consumers across Alabama. WOW at its results! This campaign has been exposed to over 400,000 people and has earn over 4,500 rebates to date. With just a week left in the campaign, we expect to meet our goal of encouraging the sale of over 5,000 roasts of any brand or variety across Alabama grocers. That’s YOUR checkoff dollars at work putting beef on consumers’ tables!