What’s Going On Wednesday: October 4, 2017

October Beef Month has arrived! We’ve kicked off the month with all kinds of exciting promotions, announcements and programs, all centered around our favorite protein- beef! Your state staff is extra busy promoting, preparing for a new membership year, building a magazine, planning upcoming events…all the exciting tasks that come with working for Alabama’s best folks, cattlemen. Keep reading to learn about how your checkoff dollars are at work this week and learn how you can get involved with all that’s happening!

Bama’s Best Burger Announced

AlabamaBurger_BlackRockBistroImagine a half-pound beef patty topped with made-from-scratch pimento cheese and a fried green tomato. If your mouth is watering at the thought of a burger of this caliber, then a trip to Black Rock Bistro in Jasper, Ala. is due in your future.


On Monday the 2017 Bama’s Best Burger contest culminated with the announcement of the winning burger, Black Rock Bistro’s “Alabama Burger.” This dish represented the contest’s central region while the Rattlesnake Saloon, Tuscumbia, “Duke Burger,” Montgomery-based Hamburger King’s “Deluxe Cheeseburger” and Our Place Diner’s, Ozark, “Bacon, Egg & Cheeseburger” represented the north, south and gulf regions.


Black Rock Bistro will get a visit from our staff as well as a plaque presentation, a year’s bragging rights and an influx of food enthusiasts looking to try Bama’s Best Burger! Congrats to the Black Rock Bistro team.




Membership Update

The new software is still in the works and will be available to all counties who wish to use it by November. ACA Membership Coordinator Jessica Kennedy is working on creating tutorial videos for counties to review.  These videos will focus on specific training in areas that county secretaries will be using to input membership, print reports and other options available should you choose to use those.  Also, Jessica will be leading some training webinars that county leadership can join in on their computers and ask questions live. County secretaries will be receiving information on electronic check option if the county opts to keep electronic check information or county bank card on file at the state office. This option will eliminate waiting on checks to be mailed and processing and will allow for more real time updated membership. You can choose to decline this option and continue to process membership via check by mail.  Also, counties will receive one login and it will be given to the county secretary who enters membership.  Those logins will be sent once we have everything set up and ready to go.  If you have any questions please send those to Jessica and stay tuned for all the exciting updates!


In other membership housekeeping: the 2018 dues statements will be mailed out November 1.  It is very important that you email Jessica with the name and address of the person who will be responsible for receiving those remittances.  If she doesn’t hear from you by October 15, the remittances will be defaulted to the state office. Email those addresses to Jessica by October 15. Also, Jessica has mailed membership cards to all counties who did not attend the regional meetings.  We ask that county leadership only issues those cards to the members who have paid their 2018 dues. Last but not least- don’t forget that October is Beef Month in Alabama! Please email Jessica photos of your county activities!



Beef 101 with Piggly Wiggly & Sysco

On Tuesday, 52 foodservice and retail representatives from Piggly Wiggly 22089787_1143993962403272_2008812051609725435_nand Sysco Gulf Coast joined us at the Auburn Beef Teaching Unit & Meats Lab to learn about beef from pasture to plate. ACA President Richard Meadows welcomed the group, helped lead a conversation about the beef life cycle and gave a background on his cattle operation. Jason and Dr. Misty Edmondson spoke to the group about beef production practices during a live animal evaluation then Meats Lab staff fabricated a beef carcass into retail cuts for the group to see. It was a great program and introduced many of those who sell our product to the production and meat  science aspects of the industry!



Buckhead Beef + Golden State Foods

PICThis week, ACA Executive VP Erin Beasley hosted NCBA Supply Chain Relationship Management Director Shelley Bradway to Alabama as she visited several distributors and participated in Beef 101. On Monday, Beasley and Bradway headed to Atlanta to visit Buckhead Beef to discuss educational opportunities and resources available to them through the beef checkoff. Following Beef 101 PICon Tuesday, Shelley along with program staff and AU Meat Sciences faculty toured the new Golden State Foods meat plant in Opelika. This
plant will produce fresh and frozen beef patties for McDonald’s locations across the Southeast, and we’re pleased with the new relationships with both of these beef companies.




Youth Production Field Day

Parents, teachers and county junior cattlemen advisers…stop what you’re doing and grab your calendar! Save the date for Nov. 11 at Langley Farms in Camp Hill for a Youth Production Field Day where Dr. Soren Rodning, Sarah Dickinson and Courteney Holland will teach on a variety of topics including BQA, calving demos, body conditioning scoring and forage testing. Registration is available at www.BamaBeef.org/ProductionFD. Lunch will be provided and a farm tour of Langley Farms will follow the morning’s learning opportunities.




Scholarship Apps- Now Available

Alabama Cattlemen’s Foundation scholarship applications are now tag-_scholarship_apply_copy_web(3)(2)(2)available online at www.BamaBeef.org/Scholarships. We encourage you to visit the site and explore the many scholarship opportunities for high school and college students in Alabama. Each year, the AFC gives over $50,000 in scholarships to deserving students whose parents or grandparents are members of the Alabama Cattlemen’s Association.


Check out the many scholarship opportunities, and don’t forget- the deadline is Dec. 1 at midnight!




Ibotta App IconOne week ago today we launched a statewide campaign with a consumer app called ibotta. This app offers rebates on groceries and household items, and starting today, you’ll find a $2 OFF roast coupon for any brand/variety of roasts purchased in most Alabama food retail stores. This campaign will sell over 5,000 roasts throughout the month and will provide consumers with great information about the beef industry!
So far, our stats tell us we’ve earned over 1,200 redemptions on this coupon. That means in just one week, this coupon has inspired the sale of over 1,200 roasts!






On Oct, 13 from 10-3 the Alabama Cattlemen’s Association will host a “Beef up the Blood Supply” campaign. We have partnered with Alabama Department of Ag and Industries and LifeSouth to bring a blood drive event to the Cattlemen’s Building in downtown Montgomery.


The ACA will be providing a steak sandwich to patrons of the event who donate blood.  With the recent natural disasters that have struck our fellow Americans, it is more important than ever to ensure we have an adequate blood supply. Rewarding donors with a steak sandwich grilled up by an Alabama cattle producer is an ideal opportunity to involve the community in this charitable effort while encouraging them to eat beef during October Beef Month.



Here are a Few Handy Links You May Enjoy:


Thanks for reading this week’s post! Until we post again next week , we want to remind you that you can stay in touch with us by following us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.

What’s Going On Wednesday: September 27, 2017

Welcome back to the blogosphere, cattlemen! ACA staff has been out and about in the state over the past several weeks as we’ve hosted regional meetings with county leadership. It was great to see so many familiar faces and meet new ones while learning from each other. Now, we’ve got your feedback in hand and are already busy at work planning ways to provide cattlemen with the educational programs, activities and information they want most! While we’ve been busy traveling, business has still been booming back at home base in Montgomery. Keep reading to learn more about what all has been happening and what’s to come.


Membership Update and Refresher from Regional Meetings

Screenshot 2017-09-27 15.13.07We had great participation and feedback from our Regional Meetings.  Thank you to all who attended!  Out of 67 counties we had 39 represented this year. One of the highlights from the meetings was revealing a little about the new membership software.  This new software will be available to all counties who wish to use it by November.  The new software will be much more user-friendly and is updated quite frequently to improve functionality.


In October Jessica will work with Kayla on creating tutorial videos for counties to review.  These videos will focus on specific training in areas that county secretaries will be using to input membership, print reports and other options available should you choose to use those.  Also, Jessica will be leading some training webinars that county leadership can join in on their computers and ask questions live. County secretaries will be receiving information on electronic check option if the county opts to keep electronic check information or county bank card on file at the state office. This option will eliminate waiting on checks to be mailed and processing and will allow for more real time updated membership. You can choose to decline this option and continue to process membership via check by mail.  Also, counties will receive one login and it will be given to the county secretary who enters membership.  Those logins will be sent once we have everything set up and ready to go.  If you have any questions please send those to Jessica and stay tuned for all the exciting updates!


On another note, Jessica will be working to prepare for the first 2018 membership mailout.  It is extremely important that you provide her with the correct mailing address for your county contact to receive those remittances.  Last year we had several who went to a previous secretary/treasurer.  Email those addresses to Jessica by October 15.



Youth Field Days

21740525_1410882059028700_8897799717074976797_nYour Alabama Beef Checkoff dollars went to work to host a Cattle Judging Field Day on Saturday, Sep. 16 at CK Cattle in Hope Hull. We were excited to have 50 youth from counties all over the state join us for the day. To kick off the event, Jason P’Poole discussed the fundamentals and terminology involved in judging cattle. Following the discussion, youth took to the pens to judge three classes, including Angus heifers, SimAngus heifers and ChiAngus bulls. Participants then took a lunch break while scorecards were tallied, and the top three in each age division received prizes for their success. A farm tour of CK Cattle finished out the day. We would like to give a special thanks to ACA Vice President Chris Langley, AJCA Director Chelsea Langley and Regional VP Jim Jordan for attending this event and the folks at CK Cattle for allowing participants to learn from their outstanding cattle.

We encourage parents, teachers and county junior cattlemen advisers to save the date for Nov. 11 at Langley Farms in Camp Hill for a Youth Production Field Day. Dr. Soren Rodning, Sarah Dickinson and Courteney Holland will teach on a variety of topics including BQA, calving demos, body conditioning scoring and forage testing. Register your youth today at www.BamaBeef.org/ProductionFD.



Judge Roy Moore Wins Senate Race

September 26th marked the runoff election between U.S. Senator Luther Strange and former Judge Roy Moore for the U.S. Senate seat resulting in an overwhelming win for Moore, securing the nomination for the Republican party. Moore will now face Clinton era U.S. Attorney Doug Jones (D) in the general election on December 12. Moore is known for being a constitutional conservative and has served as Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court from 2000-2003 and 2013-2016.

Strange was appointed to the U.S. Senate seat when President Trump selected then U.S. Senator Jeff Sessions to serve as U.S. Attorney General. He served on the Senate Agriculture committee in that time.  One of Governor Ivey’s first acts was to hold a special election for the Senate seat, which has resulted in Moore becoming the Republican nominee for the general election in December.



ibotta app launch

Ibotta App IconIt’s an exciting day at the ACA as the first October Beef Month celebration kicked off! Today we launched a statewide campaign with a consumer app called ibotta. This app offers rebates on groceries and household items, and starting today, you’ll find a $2 OFF roast coupon for any brand/variety of roasts purchased in most Alabama food retail stores. This campaign will sell over 5,000 roasts throughout the month and will provide consumers with great information about the beef industry!




AFC Scholarships Available Soon

On Sunday, Oct. 1 Alabama Cattlemen’s Foundation scholarship applications will be available at www.BamaBeef.org/Scholarships. We encourage you to visit the site and explore the many scholarship opportunities for high school and college students in Alabama. Each year, the AFC gives over $50,000 in scholarships to deserving students whose parents or grandparents are members of the Alabama Cattlemen’s Association.


Check out the many scholarship opportunities, and don’t forget- the deadline is Dec. 1 at midnight!



International Visitors Stop by ACA

ACA staff was pleased to host representatives from the USDA Africa 21762251_1137067539762581_7624975855271140345_o-2Foreign Agricultural Service. The representatives have to come to Alabama from Kenya, Malawi and Tanzania to learn about American agriculture. ACA Executive Vice President Erin Beasley answered their many questions about the beef industry, led them on a tour of our building and even grilled up some delicious beef for them to try out!



Auctioneering Champion Visits Montgomery Stockyards

21751442_1135367606599241_7463567702811998713_nMontgomery Stockyards welcomed Livestock Marketing Association (LMA) World Champion Auctioneer Brian Curless from Pittsfield, Illinois last week to visit the area and sell cattle on sale day. ACA staff enjoyed the opportunity to visit the market, meet with Brian and hear his impressive chant. While in Alabama, Brian also took time to visit Autauga Farming Company with ACA Past President Bill Lipscomb.



Beef up the blood supply

On Oct, 13 from 10-3 the Alabama Cattlemen’s Association will host a “Beef up the Blood Supply” campaign. We have partnered with Alabama Department of Ag and Industries and LifeSouth to bring a blood drive event to the Cattlemen’s Building in downtown Montgomery.


The ACA will be providing a steak sandwich to patrons of the event who donate blood.  With the recent natural disasters that have struck our fellow Americans, it is more important than ever to ensure we have an adequate blood supply. Rewarding donors with a steak sandwich grilled up by an Alabama cattle producer is an ideal opportunity to involve the community in this charitable effort while encouraging them to eat beef during October Beef Month.



Beef 101 with Wood Fruitticher

The fall BEEF 101 programs kicked off last week and welcomed Wood 21752273_1137604979708837_2661577279766390005_nFruitticher (WF) Foodservice, based out of Birmingham. New salesmen from around the state gathered to learn about beef from Pasture to Plate in an effort to sell more product. WF has heavily increased their beef sales over the last two years by focusing on steak cuts and also introducing branded beef items. They primarily sell to restaurants in the state.  Next week, the checkoff is excited to partner with Certified Angus Beef (CAB) to offer BEEF 101 to 50 retail and foodservice people.


Remember, if you want to be apart of BEEF 101 or just attend for further education, let us know.  Upcoming dates are:

  • Tuesday, October 3 (10AM-3PM)
  • Thursday, October 12 (10AM-3PM)
  • Friday, October 20 (8AM-Noon)
  • Tuesday, October 24 (10AM-3PM)



Big News for JBE

For over 50 years the Junior Beef Expo has been hosted by the Southeastern Livestock Exposition (SLE) during the rodeo and livestock week in mid-March. Last month, Jimmy Parnell and Paul Pinyan presented a proposal for the Alabama Farmers Federation to manage the JBE under the umbrella of the SLE. The decision was unanimously accepted. The JBE will continue to be supported by the SLE as it always has, but managed and coordinated by Alabama Farmers Federation. The Alabama Cattlemen’s Association (ACA) will continue to provide support to the JBE through funding, volunteers and communication about show.




Here are a Few Handy Links You May Enjoy:


Thanks for reading this week’s post! Until we post again next week , we want to remind you that you can stay in touch with us by following us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.

What’s Going On Wednesday: August 30, 2017

Happy Wednesday! It’s a busy week with Auburn and Alabama kickoff games this weekend, calving season beginning and the fall months just around the corner. Cattlemen across the state are gearing up for a busy time of year, but we all need to stop for just a moment to send prayerful thoughts to our friends and neighbors to the west. Many Alabama cattlemen work closely with southeast Texas cattle producers, and as a close-knit community, we have to stand and work together during times of catastrophic loss. Keep reading to learn more about this week’s association work and how you can contribute to relief efforts relating to beef cattle.


Hurricane Harvey Relief Fund- Now Live

Credit: CNN
Photo Credit: CNN

As you read this, southeast Texas cattlemen are fighting to protect their herds today while lending a helping hand to community relief efforts. More than 1.2 million head of cattle in 54 Texan counties have been affected by the 46+ inches of rainfall accumulated in the wake of Hurricane Harvey. This historical catastrophe has left families evacuated from homes, interstates submerged in flood waters and cattlemen desperately pushing their cattle to high ground. Cattlemen helping cattlemen is a story known all too well by Alabama beef cattle producers who have been on the receiving end of generous donations during times of devastation in our own home state. That is why the Alabama Cattlemen’s Association has opened a Hurricane Relief Fund through the Alabama Cattlemen’s Foundation to raise money that will be donated to relief efforts relating to beef cattle production in southeast Texas. All donations are tax deductible as the ACF is a 501(c)(3) organization.


Click Here to Donate –> www.BamaBeef.org/HurricaneRelief




save the date

The staff is busy preparing for regional meetings which starting next week.  We ask that all county officers try to attend these meetings as we will be doing the following:

  • A survey for you to complete to help us plan for convention, magazine and website
  • County secretaries will get the first look and some training on the brand new web-based membership program that will be used for the upcoming membership year

We’ll also be bringing October Beef Month supplies, updates, software training and open discussion to your back yard. If you’re interested in an October Beef Month box, you must contact Jessica.


Here are the dates:

9/5 Marshall County Dinner

6:30 p.m. Guntersville Extension Office

9/6 Lawrence County Breakfast

7:30 a.m. Mel’s Stockyard (Moulton)

9/12 Tallapoosa County Dinner

6:30 p.m. First Baptist Church of Dadeville

9/13 Tuscaloosa County Breakfast

7:30 a.m. Heritage House (Tuscaloosa)

9/19 Clarke County Dinner

6:30 p.m. Big Mike’s Steak House (Thomasville)

9/20 Pike County Breakfast

7:30 a.m. Julia’s Restaurant (Troy)


For those planning to attend next week’s meetings in north Alabama, we have to guarantee meals by THIS FRIDAY. If you do not RSVP by Friday afternoon, we cannot guarantee a meal. If you plan to attend, please RSVP to Jessica Kennedy.



Meeting with ADEM

On Tuesday, ACA Executive Vice President Erin Beasley and ACA Director of Industry Relations & Youth Programs Michael Agar attended an Alabama Department of Environmental Management (ADEM) meeting to receive updates regarding environmental programs.  Topics such as WOTUS were apart of the conversation. Submit your comments on WOTUS here.



Roanoke Stockyard Visit

Today, Beasley and Agar met with with ACA Vice President Chris Langley fileto visit Roanoke Stockyard. This is just stop on a quest to visit every stockyard in the state over the next six months. It’s a packed house today, despite the dreary weather! Special thanks to Chad, Cal and Don Green for many years of great business.




17190968_1464115086931899_4242343227110361099_n(1)Join the 40+ youth who have already registered for this event! On September 16, youth across Alabama are invited to participate in a cattle judging class with Auburn University Livestock Judging Coach Jason P’Poole, judge a few classes, learn during a questions class and get feedback on their reason-giving skills from P’Poole and ACA’s Michael Agar, an alumni of the Mississippi State Livestock Judging Team. This event is FREE to all youth, and while AJCA membership is not required, it is encouraged.
Registration for the event is now available online. To learn more or to register, visit BamaBeef.org/JudgingFieldDay


Also- save the date for our upcoming Youth Production Field Day as well! This event will be held November 11 from 9AM-3PM at Langley Farms in Camp Hill, AL. We look forward to seeing you at this event!




Get ready for an exciting month of beef promotion! October Beef MonthIbotta App Icon plans are coming together nicely…and we are bringing big things to this year’s month-long promotion efforts.  The following programs are planned and will take place during the busy month:

  • Ibotta beef coupon promotion
  • Social Media takeover on Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter and Instagram
  • Beef Up the Blood Drive at the ACA office in partnership with the Dept. of Agriculture
  • Beef Week in Montgomery featuring beef at 5 downtown restaurants
  • Beef 101 educational programs
  • Cowboys in the Classroom reading program (if you want to request books, contact Jessica at the ACA office)



Here are a Few Handy Links You May Enjoy:


Thanks for reading this week’s post!  Until we post again next week , we want to remind you that you can stay in touch with us by following us on FacebookTwitter or Instagram.

What’s Going On Wednesday: August 23, 2017

Hello again to our dedicated blog readers and fellow Alabama cattle producers. While Bama fever and Tiger pride is beginning to grip our hearts and minds, your state Cattlemen’s team is gearing up for a busy fall season ahead. Preparations are being made for our upcoming regional meetings, October Beef Month, Beef 101 programs and all the other exciting events that come when the leaves start to change. While we work away on beef promotion efforts, you’re preparing for fall calving season, your annual sale and fall weaning. Let’s all take a break from the madness to update on all that’s happening with your state cattlemen’s association this week.


Membership Software – Loading Now!

Facebooklogo_homepageACA Membership Coordinator Jessica Kennedy is buried under 50,000 membership profiles and many, long-winded training programs as she works toward launching our new membership software. She is working throughout the day to get herself trained on this new program so that she can train you at our upcoming regional meetings. The plan is to have the software up and running by the kickoff of the November membership drive, with training and plenty of time for questions before the launch.


Note: We are asking that NO MORE information be submitted to the Ag Returns software. If you have new county information to submit, please contact Jessica Kennedy



Bama’s Best Burger- Fiery 4

After an impressive Elite 8 round of the Bama’s Best Burger contest, the 20620882_1101617759974226_3117528004350948988_nFiery 4 finalists have been named. Before we tell you who made it to the top, we want to update you on the scale this contest reached during the week-long tenure of the Elite 8 round. In just seven days, we were able to garner a reach of over 223,500 Facebook users, generate over 26,800 post engagements, encourage over 22,100 clicks on the contestants’ photos and earn 1,149 new page likes on top of the 1,124 from the previous round. This puts us 105 likes away from reaching 20,000 Facebook followers!

Check out who made the Elite 8 cut from each region:


  • Rattlesnake Saloon’s “The Duke Burger” (Tuscumbia)


  • Black Rock Bistro’s “Alabama Burger” (Jasper)


  • Hamburger King’s “Deluxe Cheeseburger” (Montgomery)


  • Our Place Diner’s “Bacon, Egg & Cheese Burger” (Ozark)

Now the fun part is underway! Judges (who shall not be named) are traveling across the state to each venue to try their popular burgers. That’s a pretty good gig! These judges will submit their judging cards at the end of September is just enough time for us to announce the winner of the Bama’s Best Burger contest on October 2 to kickoff Beef Month in Alabama!




save the date

The staff is busy preparing for regional meetings which start the first week in September.  We ask that all county officers try to attend these meetings as we will be doing the following:

  • A survey for you to complete to help us plan for convention, magazine and website
  • County secretaries will get the first look and some training on the brand new web-based membership program that will be used for the upcoming membership year

We’ll also be bringing October Beef Month supplies, updates, software training and open discussion to your back yard. If you’re interested in an October Beef Month box, contact Jessica.


Here are the dates:

9/5 Marshall County Dinner

6:30 p.m. Guntersville Extension Office

9/6 Lawrence County Breakfast

7:30 a.m. Mel’s Stockyard (Moulton)

9/12 Tallapoosa County Dinner

Location/Time TBD

9/13 Tuscaloosa County Breakfast

7:30 a.m. Heritage House (Tuscaloosa)

9/19 Clarke County Dinner

6:30 p.m. Big Mike’s Steak House (Thomasville)

9/20 Pike County Breakfast

7:30 a.m. Pig Cafe (Troy)


If you plan to attend, please RSVP to Jessica Kennedy.



Monroe/Conecuh Counties cattlemen tour

From what we hear from Monroe County cattleman Tim Tucker, the Monroe and Conecuh Cattlemen’s Tour was a great success! The group of 60 visited four outstanding cattle operations, a rock quarry and Bogs and Boulders ATV park. They enjoyed a hamburger supper at C. R. Pate’s Camp and were joined by many more county members for the meal as well as District Judge Jack Weaver and the Conecuh County sherriff. The county leaders want to say a big thanks to all involved and  to the farms and friends who hosted them throughout the tour!

MCCA Group(1)

Tuscaloosa County Summer Meeting

Tuscaloosa County Cattlemen’s Association held its summer meeting last Saturday, August 19 at the Tuscaloosa County Extension Office.  A strong crowd of 130 people were in attendance, and President Steve Ballard had ACA Executive Vice President Erin Beasley come speak to the group.  YCLP representative, Blake Hamner, also gave a report on the program.  A strong cake auction raised close to $2,500 for the junior cattlemen program in Tuscaloosa County.



Franklin County Sells Big at Watermelon FEestival

Did someone say watermelon? All we heard about were those delicious steak sandwiches!! The Franklin County Cattlemen’s Association knocked it out of the park this past weekend at the Watermelon Festival in Russellville. The event hosted 40,000 people, and the cattlemen sold an incredible 3,200 steak sandwiches at the event. WOW! Money raised from this fundraiser goes to provide at least two scholarships at each of the six public schools across the county. Excellent work, Franklin County!

Sen. Allen Fundraiser

ACA Executive VP Erin Beasley attended a fundraising reception for Sen. Gerald Allen last week.  Senator Allen is a longtime friend of the ACA and represents Tuscaloosa, Lamar and Pickens counties.  You may recognize him by his famous homemade biscuits that he makes each spring at the senators breakfast held at the ACA building!


17190968_1464115086931899_4242343227110361099_n(1)Join the 30+ youth who have already registered for this event! On September 16, youth across Alabama are invited to participate in a cattle judging class with Auburn University Livestock Judging Coach Jason P’Poole, participate in a cattle judging clinic, learn during a questions class and get feedback on their reason-giving skills from P’Poole and ACA’s Michael Agar, an alumni of the Mississippi State Livestock Judging Team. This event is FREE to all youth, and while AJCA membership is not required, it is encouraged.
Registration for the event is now available online. To learn more or to register, visit BamaBeef.org/JudgingFieldDay



October Beef Month- Bringing the BEEF to Alabama

Get ready for an exciting month of beef promotion! October Beef MonthIbotta App Icon plans are coming together nicely…you’ll even notice a few changes to the promo game plan.  The following programs are planned and will take place during the busy month:

  • Ibotta beef coupon promotion
  • Social Media takeover on Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter and Instagram
  • Beef Up the Blood Drive at the ACA office in partnership with the Dept. of Agriculture
  • Beef Week in Montgomery featuring beef at 5 downtown restaurants
  • Beef 101 educational programs
  • Cowboys in the Classroom reading program (if you want to request books, contact Jessica at the ACA office)



Fall Armyworms in Alabama

Damaging populations of fall armyworms have been found in army-worm-660x330eight Alabama counties. While that is far fewer counties than last summer, it is important to check valuable forage grasses. Armyworm caterpillars are detrimental to cattlemen and forage producers. The damage can seem to appear overnight.


(Excerpt from Extension Daily article. Continue Reading.)




Here are a Few Handy Links You May Enjoy:


Thanks for reading this week’s post!  Until we post again next week , we want to remind you that you can stay in touch with us by following us on FacebookTwitter or Instagram.

What’s Going On Wednesday: August 16, 2017

Howdy, cattlemen! August is scooting past us quickly and bringing the fall months with it. While your staff gears up for an extra busy time of year, we know each of you are preparing for county annual meetings, fall calving season, cattle sales and…let’s be real, this is important…football season. Before we get too focused on touchdowns and newborn calves, get your weekly update from the ACA.

Amping Up Membership…Software Style!

Facebooklogo_homepageIf you’re looking for ACA Membership Coordinator Jessica Kennedy, she’s buried under 50,000 membership profiles dating back to 2005. What are we talking about, you ask? She’s making a huge leap this week toward activating our new membership software. This week held the big import which moves all our data from the old software (Ag Returns) to the new, web-based program! The plan is to have the software up and running by the kickoff of the November membership drive, and we’ll train our county leaders at our upcoming regional meetings.


Note: We are asking that NO MORE information be submitted to the Ag Returns software. If you have new county information to submit, please contact Jessica Kennedy


Before we finish up our membership update, we’d like to take just oneScreenshot 2017-08-16 13.54.26 more opportunity to congratulate Franklin, Limestone and Lauderdale counties on being the three largest county chapters in 2017. For those who missed the fun at last week’s board meeting, our largest county with 582 members (Franklin County) was awarded a shiny new outdoor tent and “Beef. It’s What’s for Dinner” banner, while Limestone County (502 members) was awarded the same banner. Coming in at third place with 350 members, Lauderdale County was awarded a $50 merchandise credit. Congrats to all three hard-working counties!


ACA Regional Meetings

save the dateIf you’re a leader in your county cattlemen’s chapter, be sure to save the date for our upcoming regional meetings. We’ll be bringing October Beef Month supplies, updates, software training and open discussion to your back yard. If you’re interested in an October Beef Month box, contact Jessica. Here are the dates:

9/5 Marshall County Dinner

6:30 p.m. Guntersville Extension Office

9/6 Lawrence County Breakfast

7:30 a.m. Mel’s Stockyard (Moulton)

9/12 Tallapoosa County Dinner

Location/Time TBD

9/13 Tuscaloosa County Breakfast

7:30 a.m. Heritage House (Tuscaloosa)

9/19 Clarke County Dinner

Location/Time TBD

9/20 Pike County Breakfast

7:30 a.m. Pig Cafe (Troy)


Board Sales

Screenshot 2017-08-16 13.13.46Cattle sale season is rapidly approaching and board sales have already begun to kick off around the state. This Thursday, ACA Director of Industry Relations & Youth Programs Michael Agar is attending the Piedmont Cattle Marketing Association Board Sale at the ALFA home office at noon in Montgomery. For those interested, the sale can be viewed live at here. Speaking of cattle sales and ALFA, Michael also enjoyed visiting Montgomery Stockyard this Monday with Nate Jaeger of the Alabama Farmers Federation.



BAMA’S BEST BURGER Elite 8 Challenge

After five successful years of the Alabama’s Best Steak contest and the20620882_1101617759974226_3117528004350948988_n implementation of the #ALSteakTrail, your beef checkoff program is switching its focus to burgers. After a buzzing week of nominations which garnered a reach of over 241,000 Facebook users, the Bama’s Best Burger contest welcomed over 1,000 nominations, which made the task of finding the eight most-nominated even more daunting than usual. Nevertheless, we did, and now our Facebook Photo Challenge is well underway! Check out who made the Elite 8 cut from each region:


  • Rattlesnake Saloon’s “The Duke Burger” (Tuscumbia)
  • Big Chief Drive In’s “Chuck Burger” (Glencoe)


  • Black Rock Bistro’s “Alabama Burger” (Jasper)
  • Deano’s Grill’s “Deano Burger” (Jacksonville)


  • Hamburger King’s “Deluxe Cheeseburger” (Montgomery)
  • Sheila C’s Burger Barn’s “Cheeseburger” (Auburn)


  • Fish River Grill’s “Swamp Burger” (Foley)
  • Our Place Diner’s “Back, Egg & Cheese Burger” (Ozark)

*Those in italics are currently leading the votes in their district* Get involved with our contest, especially for those who share a home county with a contestant. Share our contest on Facebook and submit you vote today! Click Here to check out photos of each contestant’s burger and to vote. The voting window closes at midnight THIS Sunday, and we will shortly after announce the Fiery 4 finalists!



Flying High with YCLP

Screenshot 2017-08-16 13.42.27Last week’s Young Cattlemen’s Leadership Program (YCLP) session was a true adventure. The objective of our second gathering can be defined into one word- teamwork. The young cattlemen kicked off the weekend by joining at the Beef Teaching Unit at Auburn University for lunch then traded their boots for sneakers as they headed out to the AU Challenge Course. All throughout the hot August afternoon, the future leaders participated in ropes course challenges to learn all about working together as a team, encouragement and how to rely and trust on your fellow cattlemen. The afternoon wrapped up with a delicious dinner at La Cantina, owned by Jim Collins of Cusseta, Alabama, followed by a tour of DCJ Ranch, led by farm manager Cal Whatley.


Day #2 of the session was spent at the Beef Cattle Conference hosted at Screenshot 2017-08-16 13.42.36the Ham Wilson Livestock Arena in Auburn. The group listened to several guest speakers then joined breakout groups to participate in a calving demonstration, an estrus synchronization discussion and carcass/fabrication evaluations.



17190968_1464115086931899_4242343227110361099_n(1)Save the date for our upcoming Cattle Judging Field Day! On September 16, youth across Alabama are invited to participate in a cattle judging class with Auburn University Livestock Judging Coach Jason P’Poole, participate in a cattle judging clinic, learn during a questions class and get feedback on their reason-giving skills from P’Poole and ACA’s Michael Agar, an alumni of the Mississippi State Livestock Judging Team. This event is FREE to all youth, and while AJCA membership is not required, it is encouraged.
Registration for the event is now available online. To learn more or to register, visit BamaBeef.org/JudgingFieldDay



October Beef Month Planning Underway

October may be a couple months away but your checkoff promotions team already has big plans in the works for October Beef Month in Alabama! While ACA Executive Vice President Erin Beasley spearheads Beef 101 programs and a restaurant-focused “Beef Week,” ACA Director of Social Media & Communications Kayla Greer is pulling out all the stops on digital promotion efforts. Expect to see catchy Facebook advertising, Snapchat takeovers and a statewide ibotta coupon!



Here are a Few Handy Links You May Enjoy:


Thanks for reading this week’s post!  Until we post again next week , we want to remind you that you can stay in touch with us by following us on FacebookTwitter or Instagram.

What’s Going On Wednesday: August 2, 2017

Happy Wednesday, cattlemen! We have officially wrapped up July and are barreling forward toward the end of summer. Your ACA staff is constantly at work on upcoming meetings, promotions and serving the needs of our cattle producers. In fact we’ve been so busy that’s it has been hard to keep up with the blog, so today’s post features TWO weeks worth of ACA activities. Keep reading to learn what’s happening at the ACA this week and last and stay in touch with your state staff.


AJCA Round-Up: That’s a Wrap

Two weekends ago brought great success at the 11th annual AJCA Round-directorsUp. Junior cattlemen from across the state joined to exhibit and expand their knowledge of the beef cattle industry. We were thrilled to host over 150 young people in 14 different contests. YOU can still experience all the fun we had at Round-Up by visiting the Alabama Junior Cattlemen’s Association Facebook page and checking out all our videos. Congrats to all who took home a prize and to our newly-elected directors. Check it out:

  • Grand Champion Market Heifer: Lillie Anne Stagner
  • Grand Champion Market Steer: Payton Allen
  • Supreme Champion Breeding Heifer: Dow Boyd

2017-2018 Board of Directors
Adviser: Michael Agar
President & District 4: Cassidy Catrett, Crenshaw County
Vice President & District 1: Reagan Murphree, Blount County
Treasurer & District 1: Cheyenne Ritter, Lauderdale County
Secretary & District 2 Director: Michael Morrison, Clay County
Ex Officio: Cameron Catrett, Crenshaw County
District 2: Tanner Wakefield, Clay County
District 3: Chelsea Langley, Chambers County
District 3: Anniston Bolding, Chilton County
District 4: Bryce Hendricks, Coffee County
At Large: Lakin Whatley, Montgomery County
At Large: Harmon Butler, Dale County
At Large: Sarah Parker, Chambers County



Ag Media Summit: Website Wins National Award

20258468_1095183907284278_848698245846806497_nAWARD “SITING”: Last week, your ACA publications and marketing staffers Nicky Bechard and Kayla Greer traveled west to Salt Lake City, Utah to participate in the Ag Media Summit (AMS). This largely-attended event hosts over 500 agricultural editorials, marketers and photographers to participate in workshops designed to hone their craft. Each year, the Livestock Publications Council (LPC) hosts its annual membership meeting and contest awards ceremony during AMS. Your association website, BamaBeef.org, brought home first place in the “Association Website” contest category. This national recognition draws attention to the cleanliness, speed and extensive information offered to Alabama’s cattle producers and those looking to learn more about the beef cattle industry. We’re proud to offer such a website to our cattlemen!



Market & Farm Visit

Last Tuesday, July 25, ACA Executive Vice President Erin Beasley and Director of Industry Relations & Youth Programs Michael Agar stopped by Mid State Stockyard in Letohatchee to visit with market owners and enjoy the sale. After leaving, the duo stopped in at CK Cattle in Hope Hull, Alabama where Michael was introduced to the crew and given the general layout of the operation so he can more effectively plan the Cattle Judging Field Day to be hosted there on September 16.


Slim’s Summer Picnic Success

Last Thursday brought tons of fun to The MOOseum as more than 130 20264874_1381386091982555_5653729672246249705_nlittle buckaroos stopped by to participate in Slim’s Summer Picnic. It was a staff effort to execute the event, but the mastermind behind the fun and games was The MOOseum Coordinator Kara Harden. Courtesy of SunSouth Montgomery, we had a John Deere tractor photo op and special thanks to Justalil’ Rodeo Company for bringing all the fun cowboy games!! On top of all that excitement, attendees also got a hamburger lunch and toured The MOOseum!


Special shout out to Eclectic Child Development Center for bringing a whopping 49 lil buckaroos and winning a catered beef lunch for their center! We look forward to visiting with them soon.




GATORWE HAVE RAFFLE TICKETS AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE!! Contact us if you’d like a book to sell or purchase for your chance to win the John Deere Gator! The deadline to have money and raffle tickets turned in is before or at the summer board meeting. There will be a prize for the person who sells the most raffle tickets. They come in books of 10 and Jessica can mail them out today! Email Jessica


Board of Directors: Don’t forget our Board Meeting to be held August 10 at the ACA Building in downtown Montgomery. We look forward to seeing each of you and updating you on all we’ve done this summer as well as telling you what to look forward to in the fall! To RSVP, email Jessica or call her today at (334) 265-1867. If you’re in our “Top Hand Club” for membership recruitment (below) and will be in attendance to receive your prize, let us know!

  • Mac Strickland
  • Michael Jordan
  • Terry Slaten
  • Terry Wallace
  • Brenda Glover
  • James Robert Parnell
  • Bill Walding
  • Jack Batts
  • James Phillips
  • Clifton Garrett
  • Orland Britnell
  • Daveen Stanford
  • David Welborn
  • Richard Meadows
  • Jim Jordan
  • Joe Bradley
  • Otis Dickerson




After five successful years of the Alabama’s Best Steak contest and the20620882_1101617759974226_3117528004350948988_n implementation of the #ALSteakTrail, your beef checkoff program is switching its focus to burgers. That’s right! This past Monday kicked off the first-ever Bama’s Best Burgers contest. We are on the hunt for the best burger our great state has to offer, and we need your help finding it! Share our contest on Facebook, submit a nomination and stay tuned to continue voting. Contest structure will follow that of last year’s Alabama’s Best Steak contest where we accept nominations, announce a top eight and then ask your help participating in our photo bracket challenges online.


The contest is already off to a great start with over 430 nominations submitted and an online reach of over 75,000 in just TWO DAYS. Visit BamaBeef.org/BestBurger to submit your nomination now through Sunday, August 6.



Cattle Judging Field Day

17190968_1464115086931899_4242343227110361099_n(1)Save the date for our upcoming Cattle Judging Field Day! On September 16, youth across Alabama are invited to participate in a cattle judging class with Auburn University Livestock Judging Coach Jason P’Poole, participate in a cattle judging clinic, learn during a questions class and get feedback on their reason-giving skills from P’Poole and ACA’s Michael Agar, an alumni of the Mississippi State Livestock Judging Team. This event is FREE to all youth, and while AJCA membership is not required, it is encouraged.
Registration for the event is now available online. To learn more or to register, visit BamaBeef.org/JudgingFieldDay


Thank You, Agriscience Teachers

Today, ACA Executive Vice President Erin Beasley and ACA Director of Industry Relations and Youth Programs Michael Agar are attending the Agriscience teacher summer meeting to present certificates to every teacher that completed Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) with their students in the 2016-2017 school year.  The top three schools who certified the most kids were: Foley High School, East Limestone High School and Eufaula High School.  We would like to thank every teacher that utilized BQA in their class room last year and look forward to continuing the program this year.  Michael will also be discussing his upcoming youth field days to try and recruit teachers to bring students to learn and get involved with AJCA!



NCBA Stockmanship & Stewardship Conference

Tomorrow, Erin and Michael will attend the NCBA Stockmanship & Stewardship Conference in Starkville, Mississippi.  Erin will be a speaker on the program doing a talk on “Consumer Perceptions of Production Practices and Animal Welfare” which will feature the latest consumer market research from the national beef checkoff and programs that we implement in Alabama to teach people about beef production.



Here are a Few Handy Links You May Enjoy:


Thanks for reading this week’s post!  Until we post again next week , we want to remind you that you can stay in touch with us by following us on FacebookTwitter or Instagram

What’s Going On Wednesday: July 12, 2017

Howdy there, cattlemen! After a long weekend and quite the turnaround in the office, we missed getting to chat with you last week. To make up for it, we’ll make this post extra informative and make sure you have all the information you need to stay in touch with your state cattlemen’s association. As July is scooting by at a rapid rate, we’re busy will all the many preparations and planning that is required for our many fall promotions and events. Fall…sheesh. When did half of 2017 get away? 

Nevertheless, we know you’re busy with cutting, baling, raking and all the many other jobs of being a cattleman, but beat this humid noontime heat with a break on our blog! 

Last Week Recap


Beasley Takes Over as Exec

Beasley0225ret5x7When staff arrived in the office last Wednesday after a welcomed long weekend celebrating July 4, the crew was under new leadership. Longtime staff member and former Director of Checkoff Programs Erin Beasley took over her new role as executive vice president of the Alabama Cattlemen’s Association. Since taking on this role in the past week, Erin has moved on up to the big office and gracefully transitioned into her leadership role. Our association is surely in great hands as Erin has an expansive knowledge of the beef cattle industry and a team of great volunteer leaders to work alongside. The future is bright!



Bama’s Best Beef presentation

ACA Checkoff staff Erin Beasley, Kayla Greer and Michael Agar had 19732109_1077206119082057_2959443200181307506_nthe pleasure of visiting BBQ Stop in Jefferson County last Wednesday to present its plaque for winning our 2nd annual Bama’s Best Beef contest. They were joined by ACA Vice President Chris Langley and his wife Elizabeth who spoke during the the presentation and enjoyed the delicious “Brisket & Mac” dish.


The ACA representatives were also joined by press staff of the Trussville Tribune and Birmingham-based food critic and friend of the beef industry Comedienne Joy. Both outfits did print and video stories on our winning restaurant.


On top of meeting new friends of beef, we had the opportunity to learn about the owners of BBQ Stop, Cliff & Debbie Mortimer. Alabama transplants by way of Ohio, this duo makes a perfect restaurant-owning team. While Cliff is the head pitmaster who has won over 250 barbecue cook-offs across the nation, Debbie handles all the aesthetics and public relations needed to promote a family-owned restaurant. The food was outstanding! The brisket got two thumbs up from our beef-loving team and Chris and Elizabeth even purchased a bottle of their award-winning “Southern Peach” bbq sauce. If you ever find yourself in Clay, swing by and give them a try!



AJCA Round-Up- registration closed

fiestalogo5Last Wednesday, registration for the 11th annual AJCA Round-Up closed, and we are proud to have over 150 young cattlemen from across the state heading to Montgomery next week for a FIESTA good time. They’ll participate not only in cattle shows, but cattle judging, team grooming, public speaking, essay, career development, ad design, a cook-off and so many more fun contests!


Director applications have also been submitted, and we’re proud to have so many qualified young cattlemen running for a leadership role. We’ll have elections for one seat in each district during the 3-day event. Check out our candidates…

District 1:

  • Emma Merriman
  • Reagan Murphree
  • Ashley Ruf

District 2:

  • Will Jordan
  • Michael Morrison

District 3:

  • Nathan Gullatt
  • Chelsea Langley
  • Sarah Parker

District 4:

  • Josh Graham
  • Bryce Hendricks
  • Jacob Meadows


10,000 Members And Counting

After a major membership drive run by the state team and with the help of county chapters across the state, the ACA met its 2017 goal of having 10,000 members! In fact, the membership final count for 2017 was 10,024! That being said, the 2017 membership year is now closed and all memberships sent in to the state office will be applied to 2018.


Strides are being made toward the application of our new membership software, I4A. The software is in testing and will be up and running in the fall. ACA Membership Coordinator Jessica Kennedy mentioned that anything entered in the old database will not be processed moving forward, so send all membership to the state office in a spreadsheet with member name and number along with money.


JOHN DEERE GATOR TICKETS: We have John Deere Gator drawing tickets GATORfor sale now, and we need to sell many more than we have! Tickets are $10 or 3 for $20. Just think…$10 and you could be the proud winner of a John Deere Gator XUV 560. Give Jessica a call today to purchase your tickets over the phone or have her mail you a booklet!  The drawing will be held at the August 10 Board of Directors Meeting.



Washington County Field Day

19748712_1079902742145728_9128988431301403067_nACA Director of Industry Relations and Youth Programs Michael Agar enjoyed spending this past Saturday in Fruitdale, AL with Washington County cattlemen while learning about the benefits of sun hemp, rotational grazing and livestock mixes from Richard and Steven Petcher. We appreciate Tommy Fuller and the Washington County leadership team for the invite and for hosting a great field day for producers.



Now for This Week…


Simmental Junior Nationals

On Monday, ACA’s Michael Agar got the opportunity to break out his 19990147_1347785428671697_6618780154380963085_nlivestock judging skills as he took the Intermediate Division reasons at the Simmental Junior Nationals Youth Livestock Judging Contest in Hattiesburg, MS. We were proud to have numerous AJCA members compete within this division. These kids were challenged to rank four head of cattle from best to worst in six classes, including cow/calf pairs, bulls and replacement heifers and keep/cull.


Following the judging portion of the contest the participants gave a brief set of reasons to judges that briefly described what they saw and their reasoning for placing the class the way they did. Michael noted that he was very impressed by the youth involved in the contest as a whole and particularly within the state of Alabama. Great job, juniors!


ACAE Lunch & Learn

The ACA was proud to host the Alabama Council of Association Executives during their monthly luncheon on Tuesday as the group discussed the work being done to establish a conference center in Gulf Shores. Association execs from across Alabama joined in our building to learn about these new opportunities.


NCBA Summer Conference

ACA President Richard Meadows, Past President Bill Lipscomb and Executive Vice President are on a plane to Denver as we type! The trio will be in Denver until Saturday attending the NCBA Summer Conference where they’ll be updated on all the work happening out of our parent organization.


Stocker Conference

Friday, July 14th, ACA’s Michael Agar will travel to Hale county for the Stocker Cattle Shortcourse which has been organized by REA Brenda Glover. We will head on on Thursday to Hale County to meet with ALFA’s District VI Director Wallace Drury where they’ll spend the day visiting with a variety of cattle producers. Michael is looking forward to meeting with West Alabama cattle producers!




save the dateBoard of Directors: Don’t forget our Board Meeting to be held August 10 at the ACA Building in downtown Montgomery. We look forward to seeing each of you and updating you on all we’ve done this summer as well as telling you what to look forward to in the fall!



Here are a Few Handy Links You May Enjoy:


Thanks for reading this week’s post!  Until we post again next week , we want to remind you that you can stay in touch with us by following us on FacebookTwitter or Instagram

What’s Going On Wednesday: June 28, 2017

Happy Wednesday, cattlemen! Who’s excited to see some sunshine and get back in the cab of a tractor this week? We’ve enjoyed seeing photos of cattlemen back to work pulling a cutter or a baler. As June wraps up and July is rapidly approaching, the ACA state staff calendar is filling up with all kinds of beef promotion, youth and county cattlemen’s meetings. While we prepare for all that’s to come, take a break to catch up with what your state staff is up to this week.


Membership UPdate

GATORSPECIAL NOTICE: We are only 150 members shy of our 10,000 member goal for the 2017 year. To get us to the goal, we’re offering a chance at $150 to anyone who joins or renews by THIS Friday, June 30. Just visit www.bamabeef.org/join to get in on this deal!!


Help us break 10,000 by the end of the membership year! The deadline for recruiting and having membership/monies into the state office is June 30th. Remember, the recruiter and the person recruited both get entered in the John Deere Gator drawing! Speaking of John Deere Gator, WE HAVE RAFFLE TICKETS!! Contact us if you’d like a book to sell or purchase for your chance to win the Gator! The deadline to have money and raffle tickets turned is before or at the summer board meeting. There will be a prize for the person who sells the most raffle tickets. They come in books of 10 and Jessica can mail them out today! Email Jessica


West Alabama Trip

Tuesday and Wednesday are days spent on the road for a few of the young 19510261_1069914393144563_3929875061869691256_nstaffers of the ACA. Staffers Kayla Greer, Michael Agar and intern Logan Strock are on the road visiting cattlemen in west Alabama and east Mississippi as the trio made its way to Town Creek Farm in West Point, MS to conduct an interview and cover shoot for the October issue of the Alabama Cattleman magazine. A focus on fertility and performance in over 200 docile Brangus bulls made for a great afternoon at Town Creek Farm. Thanks to Milton Sundbeck, Joy Reznicek and Clint Ladner for an afternoon of scenic views and learning more about the Brangus breed!


19554392_1070479649754704_5881233277545240773_nWhile making their way west, the staffers stopped in Uniontown to visit Alabama Livestock Auction’s Tuesday sale. Kayla took the opportunity to introduce our newest staffer, Michael, to Jimmy and Jim Sealy while enjoying time on the market scene. On their way back after staying the night in Starkville, the group will visit with cattlemen in Pickens County including Mike Dee at Dee River Ranch. To follow them along their trip, follow the ACA on SnapChat (alcattlemen).



Montgomery County Cattlemen’s Meeting

ACA Assistant Executive Vice President Erin Beasley enjoyed stopping by the Montgomery County Cattlemen’s Board Meeting Tuesday night to spend time with the county leaders as they make plans for a busy fall season ahead. She was excited to hear how the county is working to increase its exposure and promote beef during October Beef Month. Great work, Montgomery County, and thanks for having us out!




AJCA Round-Up online fiestalogo5registration is now available through July 5 at 11:55 p.m. If your child is interested in beef cattle, has a knack for cooking, an eye for graphic design, a competitive streak in volleyball or a love of speaking in public, you should consider signing them up for the 11th annual AJCA Round-Up. This year’s event comes with a “South of the Border” FIESTA theme and is sure to be a muy beuno time!


AJCA membership is required for entry into the Round-Up. Here’s all you need to know about this year’s event. SPECIAL ONE-DAY BONUS: If you register your child by midnight tonight, they’re entered into a drawing for a Fiesta-themed gift basket including a $15 beef gift certificate!


Alabama Agribusiness Council Meeting

This week, Dr. Billy Powell attended an Alabama Agribusiness Council annual meeting where he was recognized as a one of five founding directors from 27 years ago. He completed his term as a board member and was pleased that Erin Beasley was elected as a new director.


Dr. Powell will also be attending the Alabama Agricultural Development Authority board meeting today at Department of Agriculture.

The Cowboy Rides Away

On Friday, June 30th we will say goodbye to Dr. Powell and Erin Beasley will take the reins of the ACA. Thanks for everything Dr. Powell. You leave the ACA in excellent shape for the staff to continue on its traditions and successes.




The ACA office will be closed on Monday and Tuesday in observance of the Fourth of July holiday. Anyone that has Round-Up questions over the weekend can email magar@bamabeef.org or intern@bamabeef.org and they will call you back to help. Don’t forget to enjoy some delicious beef this weekend, and we wish everyone a safe and Happy Fourth of July!




save the dateBoard of Directors: Don’t forget our Board Meeting to be held August 10 at the ACA Building in downtown Montgomery. We look forward to seeing each of you and updating you on all we’ve done this summer as well as telling you what to look forward to in the fall!



Thanks for reading this week’s post! Until we post again next week , we want to remind you that you can stay in touch with us by following us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.

What’s Going On Wednesday: June 21, 2017

Who else is beginning to forget what the sunshine looks like? It’s a wet one in Alabama as we are sopping with inches and inches of fall rain. While it may be delaying baling season and making a big, muddy mess, all it takes is a trip down memory lane to this time last year when this is the very thing we all sought.

As June is rapidly coming to an end, and July is peeking its head around the corner, we’re gearing up for a busy late summer and fall season. On the agenda, we’ve got the changing of the guards here at the state office as Dr. Powell’s retirement takes effect next week, our 11th annual AJCA Round-Up, Ag Media Summit for a few of our staffers, August Board Meeting and plenty of beef promotion and producer events in between. Keep reading to learn all about what’s happening around the ACA this week.


Membership- Deadline Approaching!

As the membership deadline quickly approaches, don’t miss out on the opportunity to win some great recruiting prizes!  There are already a few winners and some who are very close. Click Here to See If You Are!  Please notify those in your county who are close so that they may have the opportunity to obtain one of these great prizes.

GATORAs for today, the membership number is 9,779. Help us break 10,000 by the end of the membership year! The deadline for recruiting and having membership/monies into the state office is June 30th. Remember, the recruiter and the person recruited both get entered in the John Deere Gator drawing! Speaking of John Deere Gator, WE HAVE RAFFLE TICKETS!! Contact us if you’d like a book to sell or purchase for your chance to win the Gator! The deadline to have money and raffle tickets turned is before or at the summer board meeting. There will be a prize for the person who sells the most raffle tickets.  They come in books of 10 and Jessica can mail them out today! Email Jessica



Stopping By the Pike County Invitational

Director of Industry Relations and Youth Programs Michael Agar has taken 19260331_1325569177559989_747684159926536856_non his role with a busy agenda! Last Friday, he attended the Pike County Invitational at Cattleman Park in Troy and had the opportunity to meet with many Pike County Cattlemen, including none other than Mr. Ed Whatley. He was also introduced to several Juniors, their families and producers. It was a great show with 93 head of cattle shown, roughly 30 of which were steers and 60 heifers.


Pictured L-R are AJCA Directors Harmon Butler and Josh Graham; ACA President Richard Meadows; ACA Director of Industry Relations & Youth Programs Michael Agar; AJCA Director Anniston Bolding and Pike County Cattleman Ed Whatley.



South Poll Field Day

Screenshot 2017-06-21 13.20.03Saturday, Michael traveled to Sumners Farm in Boaz, AL for the 9th annual South Poll Field Day. The field day featured speakers such as Teddy Gentry, who developed the South Poll breed and Richard Petcher who spoke primarily on the benefits of grazing sunn hemp. Sumners Farm has a model rotational grazing system and their high-quality grass fed cattle certainly reflect that.  Juniors within the breed were challenged to speak in front of the crowd of nearly 200 people to tell their own farm story. The field day was followed by lunch and a sale featuring 32 lots of South Poll cattle. We enjoyed the opportunity to visit with South Poll breeders and our north Alabama cattlemen.



BQA & Agriscience Teachers- Your Checkoff Dollars at Work

On Monday, we had the pleasure of hosting over 30 agriscience teachers19225288_1063448917124444_472304276707779854_n from across the state at Auburn’s Beef Unit as they earned their BQA certification, five continuing education hours and a beef lesson plan to take back to their classrooms, courtesy of the Alabama Beef Checkoff Program. As a new school year approaches, these teachers are now more equipped to teach our next generation about cattle production practices and the beef industry from “pasture to plate.” This is your checkoff dollars at work!


A special thanks goes out to Alabama BQA Coordinator Dr. Soren Rodning and his team of Extension specialists for leading the training.



State Farmer’s Market Tomato Sandwich Lunch

Today, ACA staffers enjoyed a visit with Commissioner John McMillan and friends at his annual tomato sandwich luncheon which celebrates Alabama-grown produce. The lunch included BLT sandwiches, fresh ears of corn, Gold Flake Chips and Bud’s Best Cookies. Oh yeah, can’t forget the Milo’s Sweet Tea!



Southeastern Regional Hereford Show

Screenshot 2017-06-21 13.46.46Last Friday and Saturday, ACA staffers Kayla Greer, Michael Agar and Logan Strock served on the Southeastern Regional Hereford Show Operations Committee and enjoyed helping ACA Regional Vice President Dr. Don Mulvaney execute the regional show. Michael helped out in the ring while Kayla and Logan provided photographic services for the show and kept a master list of the division and overall winners. Excellent Hereford cattle and even better junior cattlemen exhibitors where in attendance! We even got to see a few of our own AJCA members and congratulate them on wins.


  • Grand Champion Hereford Steer: Mary Hannah Gullatt, Lee County
  • Reserve Mini Hereford Calf Champion: Rose Hodnett, Tallapoosa County
  • Reserve Mini Hereford Senior Champion: Gracie Wakefield, Clay County
  • Champion Mini Hereford Bull: Jewel Thompson, Lee County
  • Champion Mini Hereford Cow/Calf Pair: Jewel Thompson, Lee County
  • Reserve Supreme & Supreme Mini Hereford Female: Victoria Thompson, Lee County
  • Bred & Owned Junior Heifer Division Champion: Mary Hannah Gullatt, Lee County
  • Owned Junior Yearling Division Champion: Grace Gullatt, Lee County
  • Owned Junior Yearling Reserve Division Champion: Bryce Hendricks, Coffee County
  • Reserve Champion Senior Showman: Grace Gullatt, Lee County
  • Third Overall Junior Showman: Victoria Thompson, Lee County
  • Third Overall Intermediate Showman: Bryce Hendricks, Coffee County
  • Third Overall Senior Showman: Kelsey Faulkner, Limestone County




AJCA Round-Up online fiestalogo5registration is now available through July 5 at 11:55 p.m. If your child is interested in beef cattle, has a knack for cooking, an eye for graphic design, a competitive streak in volleyball or a love of speaking in public, you should consider signing them up for the 11th annual AJCA Round-Up. This year’s event comes with a “South of the Border” FIESTA theme and is sure to be a muy beuno time!


AJCA membership is required for entry into the Round-Up. Here’s all you need to know about this year’s event. SPECIAL ONE-DAY BONUS: If you register your child by midnight tonight, they’re entered into a drawing for a Fiesta-themed gift basket including a $15 beef gift certificate!



August Board Meeting- Save the Date

save the dateBoard of Directors: Don’t forget our Board Meeting to be held August 10 at the ACA Building in downtown Montgomery. We look forward to seeing each of you and updating you on all we’ve done this summer as well as telling you what to look forward to in the fall!



Here are a Few Handy Links You May Enjoy:


Thanks for reading this week’s post!  Until we post again next week , we want to remind you that you can stay in touch with us by following us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram


What’s Going On Wednesday: June 14, 2017

It’s Wednesday again, and we’re back to update our favorite group of folks with what’s happening at the state office. We hope you’ve had a successful week of cutting and baling and have said an extra prayer of thanksgiving for the abundance of rain and green grass! With Father’s Day coming up this Sunday, we’d also like to take a minute to express our appreciation for all the dads out there who are raising up the next generation of Alabama cattlemen and cattlewomen. Happy Father’s Day in advance! Now, take a break from the cutter, the rake, the baler or the last-minute Father’s Day shopping spree to catch up with your Cattlemen’s Association. Don’t forget- dads love beef! 


Brisket & Mac for the Win!!

18740495_1048031685332834_3162288122833280066_nBeef lovers have spoken and Clay, AL’s Barbecue Stop is the newest home to Bama’s Best Beef! Their winning dish, Brisket & Mac, is described as “juicy, tender, slow-smoked brisket over homemade, melt-in-your-mouth mac & cheese.” Next time you’re passing through Jefferson County, be sure to stop by, give it a try, and shake their hands for helping promote our favorite protein, beef!


This year’s contest boasted a reach of over 316,000 Facebook fans, more than 17,400 post engagements and over 6,700 photo/link clicks. The best part? It also accumulated 815 new page likes which means 815 new Facebook users will be exposed to our beef cattle message on a daily basis. Thanks to this contest, we now have over 17,000 Facebook followers!


This is good news for cattlemen and even better news for the beef checkoff program!





The membership number of the day is 9,664. Help us break 10,000 by the end of the membership year!


The deadline for recruiting and having membership/monies into the state office is June 30th. Remember, the recruiter and the person recruited both get entered in the John Deere Gator drawing! Speaking of John Deere Gator, WE HAVE RAFFLE TICKETS!! Contact us if you’d like a book to sell or purchase for your chance to win the Gator! The deadline to have money and raffle tickets turned is before or at the summer board meeting. There will be a prize for the person who sells the most raffle tickets.  They come in books of 10 and Jessica can mail them out today! Email Jessica




AJCA Round-Up online fiestalogo5registration is now available through July 5 at 11:55 p.m. If your child is interested in beef cattle, has a knack for cooking, an eye for graphic design, a competitive streak in volleyball or a love of speaking in public, you should consider signing them up for the 11th annual AJCA Round-Up. This year’s event comes with a “South of the Border” FIESTA theme and is sure to be a muy beuno time!


AJCA membership is required for entry into the Round-Up. Here’s all you need to know about this year’s event:



Auburn President Reception

ACA’s Dr. Billy Powell and Erin Beasley attended a reception Tuesday evening for the new Auburn University President Dr. Steven Leath. Dr. Leath comes from Iowa State and has owned cattle in the past. After learning this piece of information, Dr. Leath was invited to come tour the Cattlemen’s Building and learn more about the state’s cattle industry.



Transition Period

As June 30 creeps closer and closer, Dr. Powell and Erin Beasley have WEBJune-1 COVER copybeen spending a lot of time going over the various aspects of managing the ACA including magazine, administration, accounting, staff, etc. Erin Beasley will promote to the role of executive vice president effective July 1. Dr. Powell will not entirely hang up his hat, though. He will be taking on a change of title to become the new “SLE Rodeo General Manager” where he will still maintain the responsibility of putting on the 61st annual SLE Rodeo coming to town March 15-17, 2018.



Beef for Father’s Day

Beef_FathersDayBeef is king of the grill, and dad is king of the household. It’s no wonder the two go hand-in-hand. Be sure to wish your dad a Happy Father’s Day with a juicy steak or a delicious, hot-off-grill burger. Happy Father’s Day to all the great dads out there!






Here are a Few Handy Links You May Enjoy:


Thanks for reading this week’s post!  Until we post again next week , we want to remind you that you can stay in touch with us by following us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. Happy Father’s Day- enjoy beef!