What’s Going On Wednesday: June 7, 2017

It’s Wednesday again, and we’re back to give you another update on what’s happening with your state Cattlemen’s Association. It’s been a wet week around the state, and while we all may be a little behind on cutting, we can’t complain about having lots of rain and plenty of green grass. This time last year, we were praying for those two things. So take a break from greasing the cutter or cleaning out the baler in preparation for a few sunny days ahead and catch up on all things ACA.

Welcome, Michael Agar

This week we welcomed a new face into the office as Michael Agar joined 18839352_1052304401572229_1336944259240835039_nthe state staff team for his first week on the job. A recent graduate of Mississippi State University, Michael brings a thorough knowledge of beef cattle industry with him to the team. During college, he served as the president of the Collegiate Cattlemen’s Association, worked at the MSU Beef Unit and competed on the Livestock Judging Team. He completed an internship at Town Creek Farm in Mississippi.


He’s now moved back to Troy, AL in Pike County where his family raises registered Angus cattle, pecans and poultry. He looks forward to taking on the role of industry relations and youth programs and will work with intern Logan Strock this summer to plan the 11th Annual AJCA Round-Up.



Membership Update


The membership number of the day is 9,598!

The deadline for recruiting and having membership/monies into the state office is June 30th. Remember, the recruiter and the person recruited both get entered in the John Deere Gator drawing! Speaking of John Deere Gator, WE HAVE RAFFLE TICKETS!! Contact us if you’d like a book to sell or purchase for your chance to win the Gator! The deadline to have money and raffle tickets turned is before or at the summer board meeting. There will be a prize for the person who sells the most raffle tickets.  They come in books of 10 and Jessica can mail them out today! Email Jessica



FFA Week in Montgomery

18921798_1312042612245979_6594623234447002384_nIt’s a busy week in downtown Montgomery, and there’s a lot of National Blue and Corn Gold to be seen. That’s right! It’s FFA Week in town, and we’re proud to see so many young folks involved and excelling in agriculture. You’ll find us involved in many aspects of the week but the two most important involve the trade show and the Wall of Honor luncheon.


ACA’s Michael Agar and Logan Strock are manning a booth in the FFA Trade Show on Wednesday and Thursday. They’re signing up new members, educating young people on the upcoming AJCA Round-Up and selling ACA gear and the ever-popular BEEF tags! Stop by to say hi if you’re in town.


Another large role we have the week is our hosting the annual FFA Wall of 18952762_10212718625021793_4984119220334455740_nHonor luncheon. We’re excited today to have around 100 people on our third floor enjoying a steak luncheon as 11 new members will be inducted into the Alabama FFA Wall of Honor. We’re excited to have this crowd with us today, and we’re excited about the many FFA groups that will be touring The MOOseum this week as well!




18740495_1048031685332834_3162288122833280066_nBama’s Best Beef is underway and looking delicious! The Week #2 Photo Challenege winner was Barbecue Stop of Clay, AL All-American dish, “Brisket & Mac,” and now it will go head-to-head with the Week #1 winner, Old Town Stock House’s “Tteok Galbi” for the title of Bama’s Best Beef!


As a reminder, Barbecue Stop of Clay, AL “Brisket & Mac” is described as Asian- Tteok Galbi- Old Town Stock House“juicy, tender, slow-smoked brisket over homemade, melt-in-your-mouth, mac & cheese.” Old Town Stock House of Guntersville, AL “Tteok Galbi” is described as “Korean marinated beef served on house steam buns.”


These two are dueling it out on Facebook this week for the title! At the mid week check point, Barbecue Stop is taking the lead with about 30 more votes than OTSH. If they’re from your area, be sure to spread the word to VOTE on the Alabama Cattlemen’s Association Facebook page. Help us promote Alabama’s delicious and unique beef dishes!!




Before we talk about the excellent advertising opportunities in the July magazine, we’d like to note that the June issue is now available online. Check your inbox for a link and password!


49668274 - dollar sign vector iconNow, July. If you want the best advertising deal in town, call us today! July’s magazine reaches a circulation of over 20,000 people…that’s double our normal circulation…but advertising rates are the same! That’s twice the bang for your advertising buck, and we don’t want you to miss out. Give Nicky Bechard a call today at (334) 265-1867 or shoot her an email to learn more. Deadline is JUNE 15!!




AJCA Round-Up online fiestalogo5registration is now available through July 5 at 11:55 p.m. If your child interested in beef cattle, has a knack for cooking, an eye for graphic design, a competitive streak in volleyball or a love of speaking in public, you should consider signing them up for the 11th annual AJCA Round-Up. This year’s event comes with a “South of the Border” FIESTA theme and is sure to be a muy beuno time!


AJCA membership is required for entry into the Round-Up. Here’s all you need to know about this year’s event:


Dr. Powell at WCWS

18893111_10209436979584866_2538004668024672559_nThis week’s blog wouldn’t be complete without mentioning that Dr. Powell is enjoying his retirement gift while in Oklahoma City at the Women’s College World Series with his three sons, Greg, Matt and Will. Dr. Powell is a lifelong softball fan, so it was to his surprise that we sent him on a trip to enjoy some quality time with his sons while enjoying the sport he loves. He even got to visit the Cowboy Hall of Fame! Our hat’s off to you, Dr. Powell! Safe travels.




Here’s a Few Handy Links You May Enjoy:


Thanks for reading this week’s post!  Until we post again next week , we want to remind you that you can stay in touch with us by following us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. Have a great week!


What’s Going On Wednesday: May 31, 2017

Just like that, the month of May is over as quickly as the rest of this year has gone. The year 2017 is on the move, and we’re anxious to get going on a busy summer of activities, staff change-overs and beef promotion. June is sure to bring a lot of that, so keep reading to find out how we’re sending off May and welcoming the big month of June!

Membership Report

Final Statements went out in the mail and all remittances will come back to the state office.


The deadline for recruiting is June 30th,and remember, the recruiter and the person recruited both get entered in the John Deere Gator drawing! Speaking of John Deere Gator, WE HAVE RAFFLE TICKETS!! Contact us if you’d like a book to sell or purchase for your chance to win the Gator! The deadline to have money and raffle tickets turned is before or at the summer board meeting. There will be a prize for the person who sells the most raffle tickets.  They come in books of 10 and Jessica can mail them out today! Email Jessica



AJCA Round-Up Registration Opens TOMORROW

With June comes the opening up of the AJCA Round-Up online fiestalogo5registration! If your child interested in beef cattle, has a knack for cooking, an eye for graphic design, a competitive streak in volleyball or a love of speaking in public, you should consider signing them up for the 11th annual AJCA Round-Up. This year’s event comes with a “South of the Border” FIESTA theme and is sure to be a muy beuno time!


AJCA membership is required for entry into the Round-Up. Here’s all you need to know about this year’s event:



Montgomery Wellness Forum at ACA

The Montgomery Wellness Forum is meeting at the Cattlemen’s Building today to discuss healthy workplace habits.  This group consists of representatives from Blue Cross Blue Shield, Alabama Diabetes Association, American Red Cross, and several different Montgomery companies.  This group gives us a chance to showcase our building and remind these groups that healthy beef recipes and research info is available at any time to help them reach their goals in wellness.



Beef for Father’s Day

Beef_FathersDayAlso happening today, we’ll be taking our annual trip over to the Capitol with our friends from Alabama CattleWomen’s Association to have the Beef for Father’s Day Proclamation Signing. Beef is a man’s best friend, and it’s #KingOfTheGrill this summertime. Fire up the grill and give your dad the gift of delicious beef this Father’s Day!



Culinary Fight Club- Blended Burger Battle Results

Last week, the beef checkoff funded the Culinary Fight Club competition18671095_1045354822267187_2135292039675498377_n featuring hamburgers at Central Restaurant in downtown Montgomery. This event showcased three outstanding chefs from the restaurants Corks & Cleavers, Sundown and Hamburger King in the Montgomery area. The winning chef, Hunter Harrison of Hamburger King, created a unique blended burger with Mexican chorizo and mushrooms, topped with candied bacon and a Creole aioli. By winning the competition, Chef Harrison will now compete in the World Food Championships this fall in Gulf Shores. We look forward to sponsoring a similar contest this summer featuring steak.



Bama’s Best Beef Week #2

18740495_1048031685332834_3162288122833280066_nBama’s Best Beef is underway and looking delicious! Following the Week #1 Photo Challenge whose winner was Old Town Stock House of Gunterville’s Asian dish, “Tteok Galbi,” the Week #2 Photo Challenge has kicked off, and the competition is fierce between our All-American and Other category finalists!


Barbecue Stop of Clay, AL “Brisket & Mac” is described as “juicy, tender, 18700252_1048031655332837_8223852171937169611_nslow-smoked brisket over homemade, melt-in-your-mouth, mac & cheese.” Bertolone’s Italian Cafe of Clanton, AL “Cannelloni” is described as “fresh pasta shells filled with seasoned ground beef, spinach and Italian cheeses topped with bolognese and bescamela sauces.”


These two are dueling it out on Facebook this week. At this point, it’s a close race with Bertolone’s taking the lead in the contest with 191 “reactions” vs Barbecue Stop’s 155 “reactions.” If they’re from your area, be sure to spread the word to VOTE on the Alabama Cattlemen’s Association Facebook page. Help us promote Alabama’s delicious and unique beef dishes!


July- Alabama Cattleman

Before we talk about the excellent advertising opportunities in the July magazine, we’d like to note that the June issue will be available online Monday, June 5. Be on the lookout for an email with a link and password this coming Monday!


49668274 - dollar sign vector iconNow, July. If you want the best advertising deal in town, call us today! July’s magazine reaches a circulation of over 20,000 people…that’s double our normal circulation…but advertising rates are the same! That’s twice the bang for your advertising buck, and we don’t want you to miss out. Give Nicky Bechard a call today at (334) 265-1867 or shoot her an email to learn more. Deadline is JUNE 15!!



The MOOseum

School’s out and The MOOseum is in…inside, that is! Beat the MOOseum COLOR logosummertime heat and rain by bringing your kiddos, daycare or church groups to explore Alabama’s beef cattle industry. Tours are lining up left and right, and the laughter of children is filling our first floor already at the early kick off of summer vacation. The best part is that they’ll be learning without even knowing it! We are open Monday-Friday 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Come see us!




Here’s a Few Handy Links You May Enjoy:


Thanks for reading this week’s post!  Until we post again next week , we want to remind you that you can stay in touch with us by following us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. Have a great week!

What’s Going On Wednesday: May 24, 2017

Happy Wednesday!

The rain is subsiding just in time to dry things off for a busy, beefy holiday weekend! You may not know it, but Memorial Day Weekend is one of the beefiest holidays of the year. Not only is it the kickoff of summer grilling season, but Sunday, May 28 is National Hamburger Day! May is also recognized as National Beef Month, National Burger Month and National BBQ Month. That in itself calls for a delicious celebration!! We hope your family has a happy and blessed long weekend. The Alabama Cattlemen’s Association would like to tip its hat to America’s fallen soldiers who paid the ultimate price for our freedom. As it has been said, “If you ate today, thank a farmer. If you ate in peace, thank a soldier.” There’s some powerful words for an important day of memorializing America’s finest. 

Before the long weekend arrives, though, we have to finish up the work week! Take a break from all the business around you to catch up on all that’s happening with the Alabama Cattlemen’s Association this week. 


Membership UPdate- Final notices

The membership renewal final notice will go out THIS Friday!  All membership remittances will come back to the state office, so be sure to send in all membership before Friday so paid members do not receive a renewal notice in the mail.  County leaders: check with the state office to utilize any county credits and expedite the process if available. Call Jessica Kennedy at (334) 265-1867.


We still have plenty of raffle tickets available for each of you to sell for the John Deere Gator drawing.  There will be a prize for the person who sells the most raffle tickets.  They come in books of 10 and Jessica can mail them out today! Email Jessica


AJCA Round-Up Planning Underway

fiestalogo5ACA Intern Logan Strock gathered AJCA directors in the Cattlemen’s Building yesterday under the charge of AJCA President Cameron Catrett to make some very important steps in the finalization of AJCA Round-Up planning. The 11th annual Round-Up will be held July 20-23 at the Garrett Coliseum, and it’s bringing a “South of the Border” flare to Montgomery to help celebrate 11 years of Round-Up fun!


During yesterday’s meeting, directors finalized the show rules and schedule, discussed modifications to the contests and contest rules and planned prizes to be awarded for the contests. Logan would like it noted that there have been a few rule modifications to this year’s AJCA Round Up, so it is important to read the Round Up rules carefully.


Rules and a schedule will be posted online shortly while registration will open June 1 at 8:30 a.m. at www.bamabeef.org/roundup.



Bama’s Best Beef

Asian- Tteok Galbi- Old Town Stock House Bama’s Best Beef is underway and looking delicious! The Week #1 Photo Challenge has kicked off and the competition is fierce between our Asian and Hispanic category finalists!


Old Town Stock House of Gunterville’s “Tteok Galbi” is described as “Korean marinated beef served on house steam buns.” Tuco’s Tex Mex Ca18664316_1042070602595609_2795382560241313393_nntina in Auburn’s “Tex Mex Lasagna” is described as a “three-layer tortilla lasagna of seasoned ground beef, refried beans, and red chili sauce, topped with our delicious Monterey and cheddar blend cheese and finished with pico de gallo and a sprinkle of cotija cheese.”


These two are dueling it out on Facebook this week. At this point, Old Town Stock House is taking the lead in the contest with 189 “reactions” vs Tuco Tex Mex Cantina’s 118 “reactions.” If they’re from your area, be sure to spread the word to VOTE on the Alabama Cattlemen’s Association Facebook page. Help us promote Alabama’s delicious and unique beef dishes!


Culinary Fight Club Alabama “Blended Burger Battle”

Burger BattleThe Alabama Cattlemen’s Association is excited to sponsor the Culinary Fight Club Alabama “Blended Burger Battle” happening Thursday night from 6-9 p.m. at Central in downtown Montgomery. We’re sponsoring the beef as area chefs go head-to-head to craft the best burger in show. Our own Erin Beasley will be serving as a guest judge while staff attends to support the beef-centric event.


It’s sure to be a delicious time! The winner of this contest will move forward to compete on Alabama’s team in the World Food Championship’s Burger category in Orange Beach this November. The event is open to the public and tickets can be purchased here.



Headed East- Langley Farm Visit

Last but certainly not least, two ACA staffers are spending the day in Lafayette (Chambers County) with Vice President Chris Langley and family. Dr. Billy Powell and Erin Beasley headed east today to visit Langley Farms and explore its operations as well as spend time with Chris to discuss his new role as vice presdient of the association.


We are grateful to the Langley Family for hosting us today and will enjoy getting out of the office to visit a wonderful family and a beautiful farm. If you want to learn more about Chris and his family, click here.


MBA & YCLP Summertime Digital Tool Kit

NCBA_MBA_Logo-01MBA State Coordinator and ACA Director of Social Media & Communications Kayla Greer has been working to create a “digital took kit” for graduates of both the Young Cattlemen’s Leadership Program and the Masters of Beef Advocacy program to use during the summertime. The tool kit features graphics, captions, images and ideas about how to effectively post about all that goes on around the beef cattle industry during the summer months.


Recipients will be given beef imagery, tips on how to post about summer farm work such as baling and forage management and ideas on how to put a “face to the beef” by promoting beef as a cattle producer. If you’re an active or alumni YCLP or a graduate of the MBA program, be on the lookout for those to appear in your inbox today! Call Kayla at (334) 265-1867 with questions.


Until then, be sure to celebrate National Burger Day this Sunday, May 28 with a delicious Burger Bar!


Here’s a Few Handy Links You May Enjoy:


Thanks for reading this week’s post!  Until we post again next week , we want to remind you that you can stay in touch with us by following us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. Have a great week!

What’s Going On Wednesday: May 17, 2017

We took last week off form the blog because we had just spent the day before with all of our Board members providing updates and reports from the state office. We’re back at it today with more news and updates about all that’s happening at the ACA! Keep reading to learn more…


Membership Update

Board Members: Membership Coordinator Jessica Kennedy emailed an updated recruiting list out yesterday, so be sure to check those out and encourage your county members to continue recruiting and make it into our “Top Hand Club” with all those new and fun prizes! Just as a reminder, the deadline for recruiting new members is June 30th.


At the State Board meeting last week it was decided to close out the 2017 membership on May 25th. The state will then invoice all 2016 members who have not renewed, and renewal monies will come directly to the state. Be sure to send in all membership and payment no later than May 20th so that those members who have paid do not receive an invoice.



Bama’s Best Beef

We had some delicious-sounding, unique dishes nominated for this year’s 2nd annual Bama’s Best Beef contest! The nominations round closed Saturday, May 13 at midnight and this week has been spent narrowing down the top dish in each category and reaching out to those restaurants to accept the nomination and get us a picture of the beefy dish!


This year our contest features a dish in four ethnic categories: Asian, Hispanic, All-American and Other. Here’s the timeline for the rest of the contest:

May 22-27: Photo Challenge (Asian vs Hispanic)
May 29- June 3: Photo Challenge (All-American vs Other)
June 5-10: Final Round Photo Challenge (Week 1 Winner vs Week 2 Winner)


Be on the lookout next Monday for our Asian and Hispanic category finalists and be sure to VOTE by liking the picture that sounds the most delicious!


Welcome, Logan!

LS2We’ve got a new face in the office as Logan Strock has started his summer internship with the ACA this week! Logan is from White City in Autauga County and is a student at Mississippi State pursuing his degree in agriscience education. He’s with us this summer to help plan the 11th annual, Fiesta-themed AJCA Round-Up held at the Garrett Coliseum July 20-23. He’s already off to a great start as he’s lining up contest judges and preparing to host Junior directors for a planning meeting next Tuesday!


If you have any questions or would like to sponsor the event this year, you can contact Logan at intern@bamabeef.org or by calling him at (334) 265-1867.



YCLP Class IV held its first meeting May 8-9 at the ACA headquarters inyoung-cattlemen-logo_websized
downtown Montgomery. During the first day of the two-day meeting, the group tackled leadership styles, gained knowledge about the legislative process and enjoyed fellowship with classmates at a Montgomery Biscuits baseball game. The second day hosted further leadership training and the opportunity to participate in the ACA Spring Board of Directors Meeting which culminated in a trip to the State House to learn about the ongoing legislative session. You can meet our newest class by visiting www.bamabeef.org/yclp.


Following last week’s first meeting of the year, ACA Director of Social Media & Communications Kayla Greer sent press releases and a head shot to each student’s hometown newspaper to increase exposure of the new class and the program as a whole!


Transition Time

ACA Executive Vice President Dr. Billy Powell has been working with ACA Assistant Executive Vice President Erin Beasley as they prepare to make the transition of roles effective July 1 upon Dr. Powell’s retirement. Dr. Powell has been introducing Erin to banking officials, legislative members, and covering all the basis of her new role.


This afternoon, they will meet with Clint Davis who has just retired from a long career as a livestock theft investigator with the Alabama Department of Agriculture and in the Rural Crime Unit with ALEA. The meeting will be a review of livestock laws in Alabama where Clint will explain these laws, the measures to which they are enforced and any changes he thinks need to be made.


Summer Grilling Video

Fire up the grills and get ready to celebrate Memorial Day Weekend with a perfectly-portioned Porterhouse for two! This is the first of four educational recipe videos produced by staff at the ACA. This video is now live on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter!


Here’s a Few Handy Links You May Enjoy:



Thanks for reading this week’s post!  Until we post again next week , we want to remind you that you can stay in touch with us by following us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. Have a great week!


What’s Going On Wednesday: May 3, 2017

May is here, and it’s brought along with it one delicious month ahead!

Summer Grilling Season. National Beef Month. National Burger Month. National BBQ Month. It’s a mouthwatering month to say the least, but that’s not all that’s happening around the ACA! We’re still keeping a sharp eye on politics, hosting meetings, planning upcoming events and promoting our favorite protein, beef, all while cattle producers across the state are managing the farm and getting prepared for baling season.

Take just a few minutes to learn about what’s happening in Downtown Montgomery this week.


PREIFERT SQUEEZE CHUTE WINNERS_webACA Membership Coordinator Jessica Kennedy wanted to make sure you all got the reminder that the year-end “Over the Top” deadline is the May 9th Board Meeting.  Counties who have gone “Over the Top” and have at least 100 members will be included in the drawing for the Priefert Chute. We have 20 counties who are within an arm’s length of going “Over the Top,” and your chance at a $5,000 Priefert squeeze chute should be encouragement enough! If that’s not enough, county presidents who go “Over the Top” will receive an award at the 2018 ACA Convention and TWO free banquet tickets.



Make sure to send in all membership before the Spring Board Meeting that our reports are as current as possible.  Following the Board Meeting, the state office will be mailing out the FINAL dues notices.  Those renewals will be routed to the state office.



Bama’s Best Beef Contest Kickoff

BBB- Facebook CoverIt’s an exciting week for social media! The 2nd annual Bama’s Best Beef contest has kicked off in search of Alabama’s most unique beef dish! The contest starts out with a nomination round which will be open until midnight on May 13. Following a week of deliberation to select a finalist in the Asian, Hispanic, All-American and Other categories, the final four dishes will go head-to-head in Facebook Photo Challenges with the hopes of being crowned “Bama’s Best Beef.”



We are proud to host the second annual contest after the contest proved its potential in 2016. Last year’s contest boasted a 327,571-person reach and 7,956 reactions, comments and shares. “Zack’s Tot Roast” from West End Grill in Huntsville took home the crown , and we are excited to try out another delicious beef dish from our home state. The Alabama Restaurant & Hospitality Association has even joined in on the fun to help co-sponsor the prizes and feature the winning dish/restaurant in their magazine!



It’s great exposure for Alabama restaurants and BEEF! Be sure to submit your nomination today at www.bamabeef.org/bestbeef



A Visit With the Governor

Monday afternoon took us to Goat Hill as ACA leaders Dr. Billy Powell and 18301148_1025974424205227_4534470258872427133_nErin Beasley enjoyed a nice visit with longtime friend of the Cattlemen’s Association, Gov. Kay Ivey. During the meeting, the trio discussed issues relating to the beef cattle industry and rural Alabama.



Welcome, Dr. Goodrich

Photo Credit: Brittany K. Goodrich

On Tuesday, ACA Assistant Executive VP Erin Beasley met with the new Extension Ag Economist, Dr. Brittney Goodrich, who will begin her position in August at Auburn.  Several industry stakeholders were invited to listen to her current research and provide input on key areas that she needs to concentrate on when she begins work.  This position, previously held by Dr. Walt Prevatt, has been vital to cattle producers and we will work with Dr. Goodrich to ensure she is aware of our cattlemen needs as she goes forward with research and outreach.




The Young Cattlemen’s Leadership Program (YCLP) Class IV will officially young-cattlemen-logo_websizedkick off next Monday and Tuesday for the year.  Twenty-five outstanding cattlemen between 21-40 years of age will commit to this program over the next year to learn more about the association, develop leadership skills and increase their overall knowledge of the cattle industry.  Moving forward, this program will continue to show its worth by seeing graduates move into leadership roles at the county and state level.




Screenshot 2017-04-26 11.43.05For those who may have missed the news last week, the ACA is excited to have Logan Strock in our office this summer as he has accepted an internship where he will lead the effort in putting on the 11th annual AJCA Round-Up. Logan is a current AJCA director and a student at Mississippi State University where he is studying agricultural education.



The dates for this year’s Fiesta-themed event are July 20-23 at fiestalogo5Montgomery’s Garrett Coliseum. Stay tuned as rules and registration information will be made available late May. We can’t wait to see you there!



Celebrate Cinco de Mayo with Beef!

Speaking of Fiesta, we can’t leave you without un poco de inspiracion para el Cinco de Mayo…in other words, a little inspiration for Cinco de Mayo! this Friday is Mexican Independence Day, and we’re celebrating with beef! Here’s some delicious inspiration…

What’s Going On Wednesday: April 26, 2017

Happy Wednesday!

April is escaping us just as quickly as the rest of 2017 has, and we are ready for the big month of May. We’ve got a lot to look forward to with the Spring Board Meeting, the kickoff of summertime grilling season and the 2nd annual Bama’s Best Beef contest. We know many of our cattlemen are busy raking in the first baling of the summer months to prepare for wintertime, but take a break from balers, rakes and BushHogs to find out what’s going on at the ACA this week.

Membership Reminders

PREIFERT SQUEEZE CHUTE WINNERS_webACA Membership Coordinator Jessica Kennedy wanted to make sure you all got the reminder that the year-end “Over the Top” deadline is the May 9th Board Meeting.  Counties who have gone “Over the Top” and have at least 100 members will be included in the drawing for the Priefert Chute. We have 20 counties who are within an arm’s length of going “Over the Top,” and your chance at a $5,000 Priefert squeeze chute should be encouragement enough! If that’s not enough, county presidents who go “Over the Top” will receive an award at the 2018 ACA Convention and TWO free banquet tickets.


ACA Membership is currently at 9,400.  Be sure to send in all membership before the Spring Board Meeting that our reports are as current as possible.  Following the Board Meeting, the state office will be mailing out the FINAL dues notices.  Those renewals will be routed to the state office.


We wrapped up the May issue of the Alabama Cattleman magazine, our most exciting member benefit, this week. ACA Executive Vice President Dr. Billy Powell noted that he wrote his 381st column with this issue and has only one more to go. He wrote his first column in July 1985. With his retirement is set for June 30 of this year, he is looking forward to heading back to his home in Washington County where he will enjoy the company of his many grandchildren.



Beef 101

Today, ACA Assistant Executive Vice President and Beef Checkoff Director Erin Beasley is teaching future chefs about beef from pasture to plate at Auburn University’s state-of-the-art beef cattle teaching facilities! Erin, with the help of veterinarians, cattlemen and meat scientists, will be teaching this group about live animal production as well as how beef carcasses are harvested and fabricated into retail cuts. This is a gold mine of information for chefs who will be preparing the food we all eat in restaurants across the state!



Legislative Session Near End

We are in the short rows of the legislative session, and the General Fund and Education budgets have yet to pass. The gas tax, which would in part fund the re-paving of rural roadways, is hanging on by life support, but the Ag Commission is pleased to note that there aren’t any bills that would have a negative impact the cattle industry lingering behind the scenes.



SLE Rodeo- Coming Back for a 61st Year!

Last week, the Southeastern Livestock Exposition Executive Committeesle-logo met to discuss final reports on the 2017 SLE Rodeo and livestock week and to make decisions regarding the 2018 show. The committee is excited to announce that the 61st annual SLE Rodeo, along with Frontier Rodeo Company and PRCA Freestyle Bullfighting, will come bucking back to Montgomery March 15-17, 2018. Save the dates now!



AJCA Round-Up Dates and Intern

Screenshot 2017-04-26 11.43.05The ACA is excited to have Logan Strock in our office this summer as he has accepted an internship where he will lead the effort in putting on the 11th annual AJCA Round-Up. Logan is a current AJCA director and a student at Mississippi State University where he is studying agricultural education and plans to graduate in 2019.


The dates for this year’s Fiesta-themed event are July 20-23 at fiestalogo5Montgomery’s Garrett Coliseum. Stay tuned as rules and registration information will be made available late May. We can’t wait to see you there!



Facebook Success!

social_3-512The ACA Facebook page has reached another milestone this week as we broke through to 16,000 followers!! For those non-Facebookers out there, this means that we reach over 16,000 people a day with our positive message about beef and beef cattle production. This year’s goal is 25,000 so help us get there and spread the word to LIKE our page!



Here’s a Few Handy Links You May Enjoy:


Thanks for reading this week’s post!  Until we post again next week , we want to remind you that you can stay in touch with us by following us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. Have a great week!


What’s Going On Wednesday: April 19, 2017

Who turned on the heat?!


In true Alabama fashion, the threat of a late spring frost has lessened and the heat has turned up during April. This warm, sunny weather has cattlemen hitting the hay fields to get in the first cut of baling season while cattle graze on the beautiful green grass that’s come from a wet and warm few months. 


Your ACA staff is gearing up for the summer months ahead as we prepare for summertime beef promotions and continue educating producers and consumers about our favorite protein, beef. Keep reading to learn more about what the cattle folks in Downtown Montgomery are up to this week. 


Legislative Lookout

It’s been a busy couple of weeks around the ACA on the legislative front. We’ve had big names in the political world, including Twinkle Cavanaugh, Tommy Tuberville, Martha Roby and Luther Strange, by the office for visits or to have a luncheon. In light of the changing of the guard in government, the ongoing legislative session and upcoming elections, it’s important to stay close to our state and national leaders.


IMG_9015_lowOn Tuesday, the Ag Coalition met at the ACA to continue monitoring activity in the state legislature then ACA leaders Dr. Billy Powell and Erin Beasley spent this afternoon at the State House meeting with staff and visiting with elected officials. This afternoon, we were pleased to host a luncheon for Sen. Luther Strange as he is in town on his Spring Break. He gave us an update from Washington D.C. and made a few comments on the special election announced for August 15.



Future Communicators Stop By ACA

On Tuesday, the Auburn University Agricultural Communicators of 17952472_1277793099008522_8054079626406577653_nTomorrow stopped by today to visit The MOOseum and to learn more about our association. This is a crop of students at Auburn’s College of Agriculture who are studying under the Agricultural Communication curriculum and will become the marketing, PR, communication and  journalism leaders of the agricultural industry throughout their diverse careers.  After touring the building and meeting the staff, the group had a Q&A session with ACA Director of Social Media and Communications and Agricultural Communication alumna Kayla Greer.


This group isn’t the only that’s stopped by lately. With warm, springtime weather, we’ve been hosting many school and leadership groups who are touring Downtown Montgomery in The MOOseum. It continues to be a popular place! If you’ve got leadership or other extracurricular groups in your county, encourage them to visit The MOOseum so we can showcase the cattle industry in Alabama.



Beef 101: Back at it on Friday

We will have a BEEF 101 on Friday with Wallace State Culinary in Hanceville and McAdory Middle School FACS program.  President Richard Meadows will work with the group on live animal information, and ACA staffers Erin Beasley, Kayla Greer and Kim McBrayer will join the group to help out and answer questions.



BQA Certification Soars in April

Wiregrass (2)During April, the state beef checkoff has supported multiple hands-on BQA workshops at Research and Extension Centers across the state.  We anticipate that close to 200 cattlemen will become BQA certified through this effort, led by Dr. Soren Rodning who is the BQA coordinator for Alabama. Great work to Dr. Rodning and his team as well as the many cattlemen who have come out to learn and get certified!



SLE Executive Meeting

On Friday, the Southeastern Livestock Expo Executive Committee is sle-logomeeting to review the 2017 SLE Rodeo and Livestock Week many activities and discuss figures relating to attendance and expenditures. This meeting will decide the plans for the 2018 show, so stay tuned for more information!



Spring Board Meeting

save the dateBoard Members: Please don’t forget that the Spring Board Meeting is set for Tuesday, May 9. Make plans to attend as it will be a great meeting and day spent at the State House meeting elected officials from your districts!




Here’s a Few Handy Links You May Enjoy:


Thanks for reading this week’s post! We’ll be back next week- same time, same place. Until then, we want to remind you that you can stay in touch with us by following us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. Have a great week!

What’s Going On Wednesday- April 12, 2017

This is the time of year where your Checkoff dollars really get put to work. We’re gearing up for summertime beef promotions and all the educational events and social media contests come with it. Just this past week alone, you’re Checkoff dollars have put on a beef cook-off, BQA certification courses and a Beef 101 program. You can learn about these programs and all the other events happening by continuing to read this week’s blog update. 

Membership Update

We are excited to brag this week on all of our “Over the Top” counties! Greene, Clay, Chambers, Houston. St. Claire, Baldwin, Elmore, Henry Cherokee and Dekalb counties have all earned their presidents a red coat for their great work in recruiting members! We look forward to presenting those and acknowledging our county chapters hard work. Thanks to all of our hardworking counties, our membership is looking to be around 9,200 to date!


Don’t forget to save the date for the Spring Board Meeting in Montgomery- May 9. Also, your state leaders are always on the job. They’ll be meeting via conference call today to get a final push for membership and to catch up on all important matters centered around the state association.


Alabama Junior/Senior High School Beef Cook-Off

Overall Winning Dish (1)_website
“Best in Beef” overall winning dish, The LA Cheesesteak, prepared by Carol Ann Salter of Baldwin County.

Saturday was a big day for the Alabama Beef Checkoff as the ACA and ACWA teamed up to host around 30 young and talented Family and Consumer Science students for the 58th annual Alabama Junior/Senior High School Beef Cook-Off at Carver High School in Montgomery. After making their submissions, students enjoyed Q&A sessions about Beef Myths and Careers in the Industry while the judges faced the daunting task of selecting winners for each division. These students truly brought the best of beef in an impressively prepared and plated fashion.


Carol Ann Salter of Baldwin County was awarded the title, “Best of Beef” Overall Winner with her dish, The LA Cheesesteak, which was noted by a chef and contest judge as “restaurant quality.”


Congrats to all our winners from this past weekend’s statewide beef cook-off.
1st Place- Matt Sanders, Blount County
2nd Place- Megan Lovell, Limestone County
3rd Place- Morgan Shyanne, Lauderdale County
1st Place- Carol Ann Salter, Baldwin County
2nd Place- Aiden Smith, Montgomery County
3rd Place- Cassidy Renfroe, Russell County
1st Place- Grant Ezekiel, Jefferson County
2nd Place- Victoria Hamilton, Limestone County
3rd Place- Alexandria Driver, Walker County
1st Place- Acadia Thomas, Dallas County
2nd Place- Avery Fuller, Shelby County
3rd Place- Braswell McMeans, Baldwin County


Click Here to view the winners’ pictures and to get a copy of their outstanding recipes!


Keeping A Sharp Eye on Politics

As politics heat up across the street from the ACA building with conversations about Gov. Bentley’s resignation, announcements of who has decided to enter the governerial race and reaching the halfway point of the legislative session, your state association is steadily monitoring bills and ongoing conversations to protect your best interests. On Tuesday, the Ag Coalition met in the ACA Building to discuss this week’s political news and welcomed special guest, Rep. Martha Roby, as she visited to hear about the concerns of cattle producers in her district.


Also on the political front, Dr. Billy Powell joined in on a luncheon of association executives with Congressman Gary Palmer on Tuesday where Palmer sought to learn about the concerns and interests of associations in the state.


BQA Certification

Sand Mountain REC BQA trainees learning about the proper use of vaccination syringes.

More and more producers across the state are becoming BQA certified thanks to your checkoff dollars and the hard work of Dr. Soren Rodning with Auburn University and his team of Extension specialists. We’ve already seen great return at both the Sand Mountain and Black Belt Research and Extension Centers and are looking forward to two programs this week at Gulf Coast and Wiregrass Research and Extension Centers on Thursday and Friday.


It’s not too late to register today for your chance to become BQA certified. Visit bamabeef.org/bqa to learn more about a program near you!


The MOOseum’s Special Guests

MOOseum COLOR logoThis week we are excited to host a special group of youngsters to The MOOseum as the First Family brings a group from their home county. ACA President Richard Meadows will be joining his youngest, Luke, and his fourth grade class from Houston Academy as they tour The MOOseum today. This is a busy time of year in our children’s educational center as fourth graders from across the state are traveling to Montgomery to put their entire year’s worth of Alabama History education to the test by touring Capitol Hill.


We truly have an asset in The MOOseum, and children always enjoy their time learning and playing in an interactive way. They are able to ask questions and experience the life of a cattleman in a fun atmosphere! Thanks, Houston Academy, for stopping by!


Beef 101

ACA Vice President Chris Langley and wife, Elizabeth, talking about their cattle operation with Trenholm State Culinary program at Beef 101.

April is a big month for Beef 101. This week, on Monday ACA’s Erin Beasley hosted a group of culinary students from the Trenholm State Culinary Arts Program to experience beef from pasture to plate. We appreciate the partnership we have with the Beef Unit and Meat Lab staff Auburn University in organizing these outstanding programs and our state leaders who come out to help give a cattleman’s perspective on things. This week, ACA Vice President Chris Langley and his wife, Elizabeth, did an excellent job in answering questions from the culinary students. Thanks, Chris and Elizabeth!


Throughout April, the checkoff-funded program will host over 200 individuals from culinary students to Extension personnel who all share an interest of learning more about beef.  Cattlemen are encouraged to attend if they are interested.  The remaining dates are April 21 and 26.  Contact Erin if you would like more information or if you would like to attend.


Congrats to Chris and Elizabeth Langley, 2017 Farm of Distinction

Photo: Alabama Farmers Federation
Photo: Alfa Farmers

Speaking of the Langley Family, we’d like to offer our congrats to them on being named the 2017 Alabama Farmers Federation Farm of Distinction. This honor came with $12,000 in cash and prizes and the responsibility to represent our state in the Swisher Sweets/Sunbelt Expo Southeastern Farmer of the Year contest at the Sunbelt Ag Expo in Moultrie, Georgia. Learn More


Jackson County Group at the ACA

Dr. Billy Powell is excited to host a group of outstanding young leaders from northeast Alabama today. Jackson County Leadership will be visiting the building for a tour and to learn more about our association and the impact of the beef cattle industry in Alabama. The group with tour The MOOseum and have a Q&A with Dr. Powell before heading out to visit other associations in the downtown area.



fiestalogo5Take a break from your summertime siesta to join us in Montgomery for a fiesta! That’s right. The 11th annual AJCA Round-Up will be taking on a “South of the Border” theme at Garrett Coliseum’s livestock barns July 20-23. Stay tuned for registration information. We look forward to seeing you there!



Here’s a Few Handy Links You May Enjoy:


Thanks for reading this week’s post! We’ll be back next week- same time, same place. Until then, we want to remind you that you can stay in touch with us by following us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. Have a great week!

What’s Going On Wednesday: March 29, 2017

It’s hard to believe that our annual convention and the SLE Rodeo have already come and gone for the year. Those events always create quite a bit of chaos around the workplace, but also are exciting ways to kick off a new year. With those events behind us, we are looking forward to all that the spring and summertime bring. In the coming months, we are focused on beef promotion, educating consumers and industry influencers at various courses and demonstrations and the big transition that lies ahead with Dr. Billy Powell’s retirement. We’re also gearing up for summertime youth events and taking on some new projects in the office.

Keep reading to learn more about all that’s happening this week and what lies ahead for the ACA!

NCBA Legislative Conference

Our fearless state leaders are taking on our nation’s capital this week to attend the NCBA Legislative Conference, also known as the #DCBeefMeet. ACA Executive VP Dr. Billy Powell and Assistant EVP Erin Beasley have joined State President Richard Meadows in Washington D.C. to catch up on federal government activity involving the cattle industry and meet with Alabama’s senators and representatives.


Today our leaders will be meeting with Congresswoman Martha Roby, Congressman Robert Aderholt, Congressman Gary Palmer, Congressman Mike Rogers, Congressman Bradley Byrne, Sen. Luther Strange and Sen. Richard Shelby. This has great effects on Alabama’s beef cattle industry!



Membership Reminders

Don’t forget to get those memberships AND checks into the state office or postmarked by this Friday, March 31 to meet our extended “Over the Top” Deadline. Counties that go “Over the Top” earn your president a red coat, and who doesn’t want one of those iconic ACA staples? Check out who’s already in the winner’s circle: Greene, Clay, Chambers, Houston, St Clair, Elmore and Dekalb counties. Great work!!



BQA Registration on BamaBeef.org

AL BQABe sure to check out all of the BQA trainings that will be held during April and May at the Research & Extension Centers across the state.  All of these will be hands-on, interactive trainings to achieve BQA certification. Earning your BQA certification has never been easier, so don’t miss out on the opportunity. Visit us online to learn more. Registration is now open on for all sessions.


Questions about certification? Call Erin at (334) 265-1867.


A Busy Month of BEEF 101 Programs

The month of April will be spent educating influencers about beef atIMG_3987_website Auburn University.  The checkoff-funded program, BEEF 101, will host over 200 individuals from culinary students to Extension personnel who all share an interest of learning more about beef from pasture to plate.  Cattlemen are encouraged to attend if they are interested.  The dates are April 5, 10, 21 and 26.  Contact Erin if you would like more information or if you would like to attend.



Bringing Recipe Videos to Social Media

Screenshot 2017-03-29 09.18.54Who’s seen one of those catchy recipe videos produced by Buzzfeed Tasty? They’re quick, fun and make preparing even the most difficult dishes look like a breeze. Well, your Beef Checkoff here in Alabama is jumping on the recipe video bandwagon. Last week, Checkoff staffers Kayla Greer and Erin Beasley set up shop to film four different recipes perfect for different times of the year including summertime, back to school season, tailgating and the holidays.


This week, Kayla Greer is hanging out behind the computer screen working to produce those videos. Stay tuned for those to post on the ACA’s social media outlets throughout the year!



Wildfire Relief Fund

A catastrophe of dire measure struck our friends to the west as wildfires swept across the Texas Panhandle, Oklahoma, Kansas and Colorado starting the early morning hours of Monday, March 6. Over 1 million acres have burned leaving 500,000+ acres in Texas, 833,000+ acres in Oklahoma, 630,000+ acres in Kansas and 35,000+ acres in Colorado left scorched and barren. Tens of thousands of cattle have fallen victim to the raging wildfires that were fueled by 60 mph winds, and a known seven people have lost their lives. Thousands have lost homes, fences, barns, hay…entire homesteads…in a matter of hours.


The Alabama Cattlemen’s Association has a long history of offering relief to cattle producers who have experienced catastrophe. Cattlemen helping cattlemen is a story known all too well by Alabama beef cattle producers who have been on the receiving end of generous donations during times of devastation in our home state. That is why the Alabama Cattlemen’s Foundation has opened a Wildfire Relief Fund to raise money that will be donated to relief efforts in affected states.


Those interested in making donations can click here or by mailing a check to:

Alabama Cattlemen’s Foundation- Wildfire Relief Fund
201 South Bainbridge Street
Montgomery, AL 36104


RASCOWe would like to remind you to keep these fellow cattle families in your prayers. We would also like to give a shout out to Cullman County cattleman Cody Rasco and his team of volunteers for answering the cry for help out west. Cody worked to gather fencing supplies and organized a team to take the load out west to donate and offer a helping hand. In his Facebook post, Cody said, “We had donations from North Carolina, and all over the Southeast. Words in these situations are hard to come by but your actions have spoken loud and clear. I’m honored and proud to be a small part of taking supplies to those ranchers in Wheeler, TX. We supplied them with 1,100 t posts, 43 wood posts, 40 or 50 rolls of wire, and thousands of clips and insulators.” Great work, Cody. Thank you for your outstanding representation of Alabama cattlemen.



Save the Dates! 11th Annual AJCA Round-Up

fiestalogo5Take a break from your summertime siesta to join us in Montgomery for a fiesta! That’s right. The 11th annual AJCA Round-Up will be taking on a “South of the Border” theme at Garrett Coliseum’s livestock barns July 20-23. Stay tuned for registration information. We look forward to seeing you there!



Here’s a Few Handy Links You May Enjoy:


Thanks for reading this week’s post! We’ll be back next week- same time, same place. Until then, we want to remind you that you can stay in touch with us by following us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. Have a great week!



What’s Going On Wednesday: March 8, 2017

Who’s ready to ride?
It’s rodeo season in Montgomery, Alabama, and your Cattlemen’s staffers are wearing their cowboy hats this week as we double as players on the SLE Rodeo team. We are handling last minute details from printing banners, offering media interviews, sponsorships, Junior Beef Expo, designing the program and everything in between. We are also gearing up for meeting our membership goal, Extension forage workshops, BQA trainings, Beef 101s, YCLP Class IV and the many summer beef promotions that your Beef Checkoff funds. 

It’s any exciting and busy time. Keep reading to learn more…


sle-logoThe members and staff of the Southeastern Livestock Exposition are preparing for the big event headed to Montgomery March 16-18. Staff has kicked off social media, radio, television and outdoor advertisements and has started making on-air appearances at WSFA-12, WBAM 98.9 and WACV 93.1 and WTXT 107.5 so far this week. On Thursday, rodeo clown Trent McFarland and staffer Kayla Greer will be spending the morning at the Montgomery Zoo as the duo attend the mayor’s weekly media briefing with Executive Director Dr. Billy Powell heads over to WAKA to record a tv spot followed by a radio interview at WTXT. SLE Livestock Week events kick off officially on Thursday as more than 230 registered participants compete in the SLE Livestock Judging Contest at the Garrett Coliseum. Jason P’Poole is pleased that for the second year, we’ve seen an increase in participation!


Following Thursday’s high school and collegiate livestock judging contest, rodeo events will begin over the weekend as we welcome the Alabama High School Association Cinch Rodeo and NBHA Barrel Races to Garrett Coliseum grounds. We are thrilled to have support from the Poarch Band of Creek Indians and to welcome Elder Billy Smith to the high school rodeo as he presents $100 scholarships to each of the young competitors.


There’s so much going on, and you can find all the info you need by visiting www.slerodeo.com. Here’s a brief rundown of all you can expect:

  • Thursday Night at 7 p.m.- Children 12 and under enter FREE
  • Friday Night at 7 p.m.- Family 4-Pack (4 tickets for $40!)
  • PRCA Freestyle Bullfighting will take place Thursday, Friday, Saturday nights with bulls from Hurricane Hookers Ranch in Louisiana
  • WORLD-CLASS bucking stock from PRCA Top Stock Contractor Frontier Rodeo Company from Freedom, Oklahoma
  • Stick Horse Rodeo for the kiddos each night at 5:45 p.m.
  • Western Festival on Saturday from 10 a.m. until noon

Call us today to get your tickets! 1-888-2RODEO2


National Anthem Contest Winners

CONGRATS to our SLE Rodeo National Anthem vocalist Sarah Gracenational anthem Chandler of Titus, Ala. Sarah Grace is 14 years old and has a beautiful voice you can all hear at the Friday night performance of the show. Not only was Sarah Grace’s audition outstanding, we had many!! So many, in fact, that the committee elected to select an entry for each show! We are excited to have Sydni Sikes with her sign language interpretation to perform at Wednesday’s Miracle Rodeo, Ella Langley of Hope Hull perform Thursday night, Sarah Grace Chandler on Friday and Mary Kate McPherson of Faunsdale at the Saturday matinee show.


Each of these outstanding young ladies will help kick off the rodeo in true patriotic fashion and help lead up to welcome Hope Hull’s Charity Bowden at the Saturday night show. Charity is headed to the Miss Alabama stage after performing on Team Miley on NBC’s The Voice- Season 11.


Come support these young ladies and check out their outstanding singing abilities!


Monitoring the Legislative Session

Ag Coalition met on Tuesday to monitor legislation being discusses in the Legislative Session as it moves into passing bills and working on the two budgets. The prison reform bill and the hearing on the impeachment of Gov. Robert Bentley are the two biggest topics in the two chambers this week. Stay tuned for more updates.


Keeping Up With State Leaders

ACA staff will be hosting a conference call with our state officers and regional vice presidents this week to encourage membership and plan meetings for the coming spring months. With the “Over the Top” deadline on the horizon it is an important time for counties to keep recruiting members to help us get to the 12,000 member goal. Remember, you can sign members up online too! We are at 8,600 members with several counties nearing “Over the Top” status. Big congrats to Clay, Greene and Chambers counties on their “Over the Top” status. Great work!



BQA Registration on BamaBeef.org

AL BQABe sure to check out all of the BQA trainings that will be held during April and May at the Research & Extension Centers across the state.  All of these will be hands-on, interactive trainings to achieve BQA certification.  Registration is now open on for all sessions.


Questions about certification? Call Erin at (334) 265-1867.


Beef 101’s Lining Up

The month of April will be spent educating influencers about beef atIMG_3987_website Auburn University.  The checkoff-funded program, BEEF 101, will host over 200 individuals from culinary students to Extension personnel who all share an interest of learning more about beef from pasture to plate.  Cattlemen are encouraged to attend if they are interested.  The dates are April 5, 10, 21, 26.  Contact Erin if you would like more information or if you would like to attend.


Black & White Spring Forward Sale

We look forward to spending time this weekend at the Garrett Coliseum and at ACA President Richard Meadows’ Black & White Spring Forward sale happening at Montgomery Stockyards. You’ll find staff buzzing around the barns at both venues as we meet and mingle with cattle families from across the state!



Thanks for reading this week’s post! We’ll be back next week- same time, same place. Until then, we want to remind you that you can stay in touch with us by following us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. Have a great week and don’t forget to purchase your SLE Rodeo tickets!