If you joined us in Birmingham last weekend, you were one of 850+ attendees who experienced the Bama Beef Meet in person, and we want to say thank you for coming! The event hosted an excellent trade show, exceptional guest speakers, important business, delicious food, great networking opportunities, and a moment to pause and honor our past while celebrating the future! Keep reading for the complete rundown.
Friday’s events kicked off with the trade show opening its doors and a Board of Directors Meeting, followed by BQA Certification “Lunch & Learn” event. Then as an added event to this year’s agenda, Elite Livestock Marketing Group and Live Ag hosted a video auction live from the trade show floor where they sold more than 5,000 head of cattle! Later in the afternoon, we welcomed a large crowd to General Session 1 as we heard from a panel of experts discuss “Planning for the Future of the Farm,” a session dedicated to estate planning. Panelists included moderator Ken Kelley, Alabama Extension agribusiness; Dr. Kelli Russell, Alabama Extension economist; Kacy Atkinson, Wyoming rancher and estate planning advocate; Megan Spain, certified financial planner; and John DeShazo, agricultural lawyer. We then shifted gears into the evening entertainment as a Happy Hour prepared guests for an evening of fun at the Buckles & Bids Banquet featuring the 2025 Alabama BEEF PAC Auction where our generous buyers, donors, auctioneer Chuck Bradley and hardworking ring men raised more than $51,000 to benefit pro-agriculture candidates in Alabama’s legislature. It was an incredible night!
The fun didn’t stop there as Saturday kicked off bright and early with a Sunrise Breakfast, followed by the Annual Membership Meeting. At that meeting, we honored outgoing Regional Vice Presidents (RVPs) Chip Harrigan, Gene Pegues, Tim Pinckard, and Trouble Moody for their three years of outstanding service; and we welcomed four new RVPs into the role. They are Jimmy Trice, Fayette County; Lance Hogan, Cullman County; Jeremy May, Marengo County; and John Gibson, Jr., Choctaw County. In addition to RVPs, Carl Parker of Lauderdale County and Jack Hargett of Franklin County were named Honorary Lifetime Directors, while a new slate of officers was brought forth by the nominating committee and elected without a dissenting vote from the membership. They are Keith Glover of Hale County, president; Wyatt Sasser of Covington County, president-elect; Randy Moody of Madison County, vice president; and Richard Meadows of Houston County, treasurer.
Following the Annual Membership Meeting, members settled into their seats to enjoy another panel focused on “Diversifying Your Financials on the Farm,” which welcomed moderator Kent Stanford, who spoke on heifer development; Randa Starnes, who shared her experience with local beef sales; Del Ficke, who explored carbon credits; and Jerry Etheredge, who spoke on contract grazing. At noon, the annual Cattlemen’s Luncheon welcomed NCBA CEO Colin Woodall to the podium as he gave an update from the countryside of the American beef industry and shared his D.C. insights! Then the afternoon boasted more time in the trade show, two excellent Cattlemen’s Colleges and some networking time among cattlemen. To wrap up the weekend, the 2025 Cattlemen’s Heritage Banquet honored our past while celebrating the future. In addition to graduating the eleventh class of Young Cattlemen’s Leadership Program (YCLP) students and hosting a Changing of the Guard officer ceremony, the Alabama Livestock Hall of Fame also inducted two new members into its ranks. They are Bob Ebert and Richard Meadows. Congratulations to all!
We headed back to Montgomery on Sunday after enjoying an excellent weekend with members from each of Alabama’s 67 counties! Thanks to all who joined us and be sure to save the dates for 2026— March 6-7— in Mobile, AL. We can’t wait to see you there!
Be sure to tune into the Cattle Connect podcast in the coming weeks as host Kayla Greer grabbed a few interviews with our guest speakers on site at the event!
The 2025 Alabama Legislative Session kicked off Tuesday, February 4, marking the busiest 105 days in downtown Montgomery. Each year, the legislative session brings lawmakers to town and activates lobbyists across all industries to monitor legislation moving through the political process that could help, or harm, their respective industries. The Alabama Cattlemen’s Association (ACA) is no exception, as our mission states we exist (in part) to “protect the business climate of the beef cattle industry in Alabama.” Beginning Day 1, ACA lobbyists Erin Beasley and Kayla Greer went to work in the State House. With the month of March hosting two Legislative Spring Breaks during the weeks of March 10 and March 24, the February calendar wasted no time in conducting business.
General Fund (GF) and Education Trust Fund (ETF) Budgets
This year, the Fiscal Year 2026 (FY26) General Fund budget (HB186) began in the House, while the FY26 Education Trust Fund Budget (SB112) dropped first in the Senate. There are line items in both budgets that the ACA will monitor to ensure level or increased funding, including the budgets for the Alabama Department of Agriculture & Industries, career technical education and FFA programs, as well as the $40,000 line item for Junior Cattlemen programs appropriated originally during the 2024 Legislative Session. Additionally, a priority for ACA’s team will be lobbying for $500,000 in increased funding for the Conservation Incentive Program (CIP), housed in the Alabama Agricultural & Conservation Development Commission.
Alfa Health Plans
The Alabama Farmers Federation is working toward legislation that will allow the organization to offer affordable health coverage to Alabama’s farmers and small business owners. SB84, sponsored by Sen. Arthur Orr, would authorize the Federation to offer Alfa Health Plans to those who qualify— a move Farm Bureaus in 10 other states have already successfully implemented. The ACA will work to support this legislation as it could greatly benefit members who do not have access to employer-provided health care plans and are burdened by the high costs of marketplace coverage.
Axle Weight Legislation
As it stands today, trucks are limited to loads with a total weight of 80,000 pounds plus the allowable 10 percent tolerance— but no more than 20,000 pounds per axle. SB110, sponsored by Sen. Jack Williams of Mobile County, will increase axle weights by 10 percent (to 22,000 pounds plus the allowable load tolerance), while the weight of a tandem axle would be limited to 44,000 pounds plus the allowable load tolerance. This legislation does not increase to total load weight but does allow trucks to reach the legal gross weight without getting ticketed on an over-loaded axle. It also limits the number of trucks that can be stopped at any given time at a portable weigh station to only three trucks, creating safer conditions for roadway patrons, truck drivers and ALEA officers. As this is written, SB110 has passed committee with only one dissenting vote and is awaiting its time on the Senate floor.
Foreign Land Ownership
Under existing law passed during the 2024 Alabama Legislative Session, government entities from countries identified on any sanctions list of the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control are restricted from purchasing agricultural, forest and/or real property in the state. To date, this restriction applies to Russia, Iran, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela, Syria and China. HB68, sponsored by Rep. Scott Stadthagen, expands the current law to include individuals or companies from the aforementioned countries and further prohibits those entities from entering into a leasehold on any of these properties in the state. As this is written, HB68 has passed through the House Urban and Rural Development Committee and is awaiting its pick on the House Special Order Calendar.
Reclaiming Abandoned Roadways
Relating to highways, roads and bridges, SB42, sponsored by Sen. Tim Melson, would authorize the state to deed property that was once claimed or purchased for roadways back to the original landowner, if the road has been abandoned and is no longer used for its original purpose. As this is written, the bill has passed out of the Senate Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry Committee and is waiting for a vote on the Senate floor.
While the team at ACA is monitoring several other bills— including a package of immigration bills— these pieces of legislation are highest on the radar for their effects on the beef cattle industry and its landowners. We will report back here each month during the Session, but in the meantime, if you have questions or concerns, please call our office and ask to speak with Executive Vice President Erin Beasley or Director of Communications and Legislative Affairs Kayla Greer.
The SLE Rodeo and Livestock Week officially kicks off next week! For a full rundown of all events happening on the Garrett Coliseum grounds, please visit www.SLERodeo.com/events. Make plans to join us for the ProRodeo March 14-16! Be sure to purchase your tickets in advance from the Garrett Coliseum Box Office so you can skip the long lines and move right on inside to visit with vendors and grab a bite to eat before the rodeo performance begins. Ticketing information is outlined on www.SLERodeo.com/tickets. New this year is the Alabama Select Horse Sale happening March 7-8 at the Crawford Arena. We can’t wait to see you there!
The ACA is aiming to go Over the Top again in 2025— help us get over 10,500 members! As we have entered a new membership year, we are proud to report that as of February 26, we represent 6,251 members and growing more with each county annual meeting that takes place. We are grateful for the grassroots efforts of our county organizations and look forward to another year of membership advocacy alongside you!
Membership Deadlines to Remember
Remember, the Over the Top County Chapter deadline to earn your president a coveted ACA red coat is June 30. And believe us when we say that will be here before we know it!
Membership Prizes Awarded
At Convention, we were thrilled to award our 2024 Top Hand recruitment prizes. The top recruiter was Patrick Shirley of St. Clair County, and was awarded ten 12’ Priefert panels, while St. Clair County Cattlemen’s won the head gate— both of which were donated by our friends at Priefert Ranch Equipment and Hartford Veterinary Supplies. The winner of the John Deere Gator was Rylee Hathcox of Chilton County— congrats on your new ride and special thanks to SunSouth, LCC, TriGreen Equipment and John Deere for making this prize possible! Also, all 35 counties who went Over the Top by the end of 2024 were in a drawing for the Priefert Squeeze Chute, also donated by Priefert Ranch Equipment and Hartford Veterinary Supplies. The winner of that chute was Jefferson County! Congrats to all and thank you for your grassroots efforts!
County Meetings
We need to know about your county meetings in more ways than one. First, we need to know when it will be! Please send the date, time, and location information to ACA Director of Membership Jessica Kennedy so we can list your upcoming meeting in the magazine and on our online events calendar. Second, following the meeting, we need to know about leadership changes. Submit the names and contact information of your county president and secretary also to Jessica Kennedy so they can be added to our correspondence list!
BEEF 101
Spring 2025 Beef 101 sessions kicked off on February 12 in Auburn with a full group of culinary and agriculture students from Enterprise. In addition to the normal agenda complete with a pasture to plate education, beef carcass fabrication demonstration and an industry overview, students also heard from 2024 Geneva County Cattlemen’s Queen Mackenzie Alford on her experiences in beef education during her reign. If you are interested in this program, please reach out to Josie Jones at josie@bamabeef.org for more information.
Congratulations to the more 60 young people who competed in the 82nd annual ACA Convention & Trade Show Youth Contests! Check out a list of all the winners, here. They really wow’d the crowd!!
The Alabama Junior Beef Expo will be held March 14-16 in conjunction with the SLE Rodeo. Junior cattlemen from across the state will come to Montgomery to exhibit their projects. More information on the show can be found online at JrLivestockExpo.com.
Save the date for Spring Youth Field Days, coming to north and south Alabama this April! The North Alabama Spring Youth Field Day is April 2 at the Blount County Multipurpose Center, and the South Alabama Spring Youth Field Day is April 9 at Parnell Farms in Stanton, AL. Those who participate will leave the event with a certification in Beef Quality Assurance (BQA). Learn more and register now online by clicking here. Registration for this FREE youth educational opportunity closes March 28.
Young Cattlemen’s Leadership Program (YCLP) Class XII applications are now available online and will close March 17. The YCLP is funded by the Alabama Beef Checkoff and serves to develop young leaders in the state cattle industry. There will be six (6) YCLP sessions for a select group of young cattlemen between the ages of 22 and 40 looking to take on more leadership and responsibility within the Alabama Cattlemen’s Association and its county affiliates. Participants will network with other young cattlemen, tour diverse cattle operations, and develop advocacy and leadership skills as it relates to beef cattle production— all while learning more about the industry we represent. Applications and additional program details can be found at www.BamaBeef.org/YCLP, or by contacting YCLP Coordinator Reid McGuire at 334-265-1867.
The Alabama Junior and Senior High School Beef Cookoff will be held on Friday, April 11 at the Riverchase Career Connection Center. This contest is open to the winning students (one junior division and one senior division) from each designated county beef cookoff hosted by Family and Consumer Science, Alabama Cattlemen’s Association, Alabama CattleWomen’s Association or Alabama Cooperative Extension System county contest coordinators. For more information about eligibility or to register your students, visit BamaBeef.org/Cookoff Registration closes Monday, March 3.
Tune into the Cattle Connect podcast weekly on Friday mornings at 7AM. Listen is as staff discusses beef industry news, hits on a variety of educational topics and explores the many facets of the ACA! This podcast is available on Apple Podcast, Spotify, iHeart Radio, YouTube, Amazon Music and at www.BamaBeef.org/Podcast. Season 2 of the show aired January 3 and already features eight episodes full of timely information for cattlemen and members of our association!
Livestock producers experiencing depredation from black vultures may now apply for a no cost Black Vulture Depredation Sub-Permit through the Alabama Department of Agriculture & Industries. All approved applicants will be allowed to take up to three black vultures as long as the statewide take number has not exceeded 500. If 500 vultures are harvested in the state, applicants will receive an email notifying them that no more vultures may be taken during the permit period. For more information, visit agi.alabama.gov.
The Bama Beef Events Calendar (www.BamaBeef.org/Events) is beginning to fill up with county cattlemen’s, youth and Extension activities as we look toward the spring months. Check it daily to make sure you don’t miss an event near you!
Thanks for reading this month’s post! Until we post again, we want to remind you that you can stay in touch with us by following us on Facebook or Instagram.