What’s Going On Wednesday: June 13, 2018

Following a very busy week in Montgomery last week, this week is one for playing catch up and turning our sights toward new projects and programs. Next week bring a whole host of beef promotion, new faces around the office and some last calls before deadlines. Take a break from the summer sunshine, cool off from a busy day on the farm and take a moment to learn about all you need to know to stay updated with the ACA. 

Food Defense & Ag Security Meeting

The ACA took part in a Food Defense and Agriculture Security meeting today with the Department of Agriculture. Executive VP Erin Beasley and ACA Director of Industry Relations & Youth Programs Michael Agar attended the meeting to represent the beef cattle industry. The group discussed ways to improve food and ag security detail and educating producers on measures they can take to ensure a wholesome and safe food supply.




33362104_1690357047752123_5461200721028317184_nWe are excited to present the 2nd annual Slim’s Summer Picnic happening at The MOOseum on June 15 from 11 AM – 2 PM. The MOOseum Coordinator Kara Harden has been hard at work lining up events for little buckaroos to enjoy, and she’s excited to announce that Justalil’ Rodeo Company will be here hosting all their fun Western-themed games and activities. We’ll also be grilling burgers and having a fun competition for whoever brings the biggest crowd! If you’ve got little ones that want to enjoy the cowboy fun, give Kara a call at (334) 265-1867!



Summer Grilling Campaign Launches on Pandora Radio

If you’re a Pandora Radio fan, you may just hear the sound of the Pandora_Logo_RGB_thumbnail_new_largesizzle on your next advertisement. As of Friday, June 15, the Alabama Beef Checkoff will be sponsoring a two-month-long summer grilling promotional campaign that puts beef on consumers’ minds. The ad is targeted to reach millennial consumers in Alabama’s four main media markets including Madison, Jefferson, Montgomery and Baldwin counties and those who are out and about doing all the fun activities of summertime. The ad features the voice of the Beef. It’s What’s For Dinner. campaign and the iconic “Hoedown” tune nostalgically humming in the background. Display imagery will accompany the radio ad and features steak, the BIWFD logo and the Alabama Cattlemen’s Association logo. It is projected to reach over 68,000 around twice weekly throughout the lifetime of the campaign.




The membership total of the day is 9,750! Anyone who would like to have a list of non-renewed members from their county to call for renewals please let Membership Coordinator Jessica Kennedy know.


We are only 250 members away from 10,000. This is our last push for 2018, and we ask that you please send us any members you have. Please don’t hold them for 2019 because we want to make sure they start getting their magazine, and we definitely want to hit our goal of exceeding last year’s membership. Our strength is in numbers. Join the effort and call your counties’ non-renewed members before June 30. 



Policy Update

Transportation is still the lead topic coming out of D.C. Two new developments this week:

  1. Yesterday, Senators John Hoeven (R-N.D.) and Michael Bennet (D-Colo.) introduced the Modernizing Agricultural Transportation Act, bipartisan legislation to reform the Hours of Service (HOS) and Electronic Logging Device (ELD) regulations at the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT). Further, the enforcement of the ELD rule would be delayed until the reforms required under the bill are formally proposed by the U.S. Secretary of Transportation.
  2. Congressman Ted Yoho of Florida and 38 bipartisan original cosponsors, including Congressman Mike Rogers from Alabama, introduced the House version of the Transporting Livestock Across America Safely Act yesterday.  The only difference between the Senate bill- S. 2938 and the House version, is the House version includes those hauling live fish as well. (live fish includes fish not specifically for food) The hope is that this gathers even more support from our friends in the Southeastern part of the country.




Are you ready to rock?! Registration for the 12th annual AJCA Round-Up, 32681109_1641942122589358_6681310864357720064_ohappening July 19-22 is now open online at BamaBeef.org/Round-Up. Also on that site, you’ll find contest and show rules, a schedule of events and 2018-2019 AJCA director applications. The Round-Up is more than just a calf show! If you don’t show cattle, that’s okay! The great news about the Round-Up is that there’s a contest for anyone and everyone. Check it out:

  • Photography
  • Ad Design
  • Record Book
  • Poster
  • Essay
  • Public Speaking
  • Skill-A-Thon
  • Career Development
  • Volleyball
  • Carne Fiesta (Cooking Competition)
  • Sales Talk
  • Cattle Judging
  • Team Grooming
  • Showmanship
  • Prospect Market Show
  • Breeding Heifer Show


Don’t miss out on all the fun and awesome prizes! Join us in Montgomery to show what you know and make lifelong friends.


AJCA membership is required to participate in the AJCA Round-Up. If membership is not current by July 15, your credit card will be charged the membership fee of $15.


You can view the 2018 contest rules, a schedule of events or the director application by clicking the links below. Registration is now available online and closes June 29 at 11:55 p.m.




Learn more about the Junior Pasture to Rail program today by visiting www.BamaBeef.org/JP2R. The 2018 Junior Pasture to Rail program will be managed through the AJCA in conjunction with the current Alabama Cooperative Extension System (ACES) Pasture to Rail program. Youth will learn how to retain ownership on their cattle and how to market cattle on the grid. There will be four (4) educational programs beginning in fall 2018 to educate the participating youth about the cattle industry from pasture to plate.



Cattle will be gathered at central locations around Alabama and shipped to Hy-Plains Feedlot in Montezuma, KS. Ear notches will be pulled for BVD-PI testing and calves will be tagged, weighed and graded at that time (frame/muscle score, BCS). Data/results will be provided at the awards presentation for the 2018 Pasture to Rail program. Awards will be given to the top three (3) youth based on profitability in two categories: individual profitability of one (1) calf and the average profitability of a pen of three (3) calves.


Data provided will include carcass data as well as feedlot performance, medical expenses, feed costs, etc.


Program Requirements:

  • Youth must be of age 21 or younger by January 1, 2018 to participate
  • Youth must be an AJCA, FFA or 4-H member
  • Steers are preferred, heifers can be entered but will be at a disadvantage for the program.
  • Cattle must be 600-lbs. at minimum on the day of shipment, be weaned and pre-conditioned for 60 days (castrated, dehorned and healed, dewormed) and be vaccinated/boostered for Blackleg, PI3, BVD, BSRV and IBR (modified live).
  • A $200 participation fee will be incurred for pens of three (3) or less. A $75/head fee will be added for additional entries.
  • Youth must attend a minimum of three (3) of four (4) educational programs to be eligible for any awards.


Calves will be shipped at specified dates between August 2018 to March 2019. In order to ship, calves must meet the aforementioned pre-conditioning requirements. Ship dates and locations as well as educational programs will be communicated as determined.


Registration will close August 31 at midnight.
This program is sponsored by the Alabama Beef Checkoff Program.


Thanks for reading this week’s post! Until we post again next week , we want to remind you that you can stay in touch with us by following us on FacebookTwitter or Instagram

What’s Going On Wednesday: June 6, 2018

We’re seeing blue…LOTS of it as those timeless blue corduroy jackets flood the streets of downtown Montgomery for the 90th annual Alabama FFA State Convention. Between luncheons, receptions, award presentations, contest judging and the career show, you could ALMOST say that this week’s theme is National Blue and Corn Gold. Why almost? You ask.

Well, it’s not like we had an important primary election across our state yesterday or anything. That being said, this week’s themes are FFA and Primary Elections, and between the two, your state staff has stayed boots-on-the-ground busy. Keep reading to learn more about what’s going on around Montgomery this week…


Primary Elections- A Recap

The primary election was held on Tuesday and several races are set up for interesting runoffs. Of note, here are a few takeaways:

  • Gov. Kay Ivey won without a runoff as predicted and will face Democrat Walt Maddox in November
  • Will Ainsworth has forced a runoff with Twinkle Cavanaugh in the Lt. Governor race
  • The heated Attorney General race will be a runoff between current Attorney General Steve Marshall and former Attorney General Troy King
  • The Commissioner of Ag race is going to a runoff between Rick Pate and Gerald Dial
  • Senator Paul Bussman (SD4, Cullman) was beat by Garlan Gudger
  • Newcomer Andrew Jones defeated State Rep. Mack Butler for the Senate District 10 seat (Cherokee and Cleburne Counties)
  • There will be 11 runoffs in the House of Representatives and 5 in the Senate



90th Annual Alabama FFA State Convention

Screenshot 2018-06-06 10.23.10There’s much happening this week in relation to those beloved blue jackets that’s keeping staff here at the ACA busy. First, we would like to congratulate three  Junior Cattlemen on an outstanding year serving as state FFA officers. Cameron Catrett (Crenshaw County) has served the past year as FFA State President. She will recite her retiring address entitled “Put On Your Perspectacles” at the Fifth General Session. Will Jordan of Clay County will hang up his FFA State Reporter jacket with his retiring address “Your Life Matters,” and Bryce Hendricks (Coffee County) will close out his term as FFA State Sentinel after offering his retiring address he has titled “Staying Committed.” Congrats to all three on their notable leadership and their bright futures ahead.


Aside from enjoying the General Sessions, ACA staff will be found hosting the FFA Wall of Honor Luncheon at the Cattlemen’s Building, holding down a booth at the career show and presenting the checkoff-sponsored Meat Evaluation contest award to this year’s winners. We also look forward to a full week of blue coats in The MOOseum as they explore the impact of Alabama’s beef cattle industry.


Welcome all FFA students, parents and teacher to Montgomery. The future sure looks bright!



Evans on YCC

YCLP Class II alumni and Lowndes County cattleman Bradfield Evans is representing Alabama this week on the Young NCBA_OfficeCattlemen’s Conference (YCC) that the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association hosts each year. This 10-day excursion across the country hosts over 60 producers from 25-40 years of age to experience the cattle industry like never before. They have seen farms, feedlots, packing plants, retailers, NCBA and are now spending a few days on the Hill in D.C. Bradfield is on several visits today with our congressional delegation, and we know he is prepared is represent Alabama as he discusses real on-farm concerns and thanks our leadership for the support they give us.




33362104_1690357047752123_5461200721028317184_nWe are excited to present the 2nd annual Slim’s Summer Picnic happening at The MOOseum on June 15 from 11 AM – 2 PM. The MOOseum Coordinator Kara Harden has been hard at work lining up events for little buckaroos to enjoy, and she’s excited to announce that Justalil’ Rodeo Company will be here hosting all their fun Western-themed games and activities. We’ll also be grilling burgers and having a fun competition for whoever brings the biggest crowd! If you’ve got little ones that want to enjoy the cowboy fun, give Kara a call at (334) 265-1867!



Membership Update

The membership total of the day is 9,750! Anyone who would like to have a list of non-renewed members from their county to call for renewals please let Membership Coordinator Jessica Kennedy know.  Our goal is to reach 10,100 or more.  Send in any membership you have so that we can reach our membership goal for 2018!!


Leadership: Jessica now has  all of the presidents coat sizes, but she need eight more shirt sizes from county secretaries.  An email has been sent regarding who those last few are, so please get that information submitted so we can proceed with ordering your prizes! Speaking of prizes, be looking out for an email on Friday with the updated recruiting for Top Hand prizes.




Are you ready to rock?! Registration for the 12th annual AJCA Round-Up, 32681109_1641942122589358_6681310864357720064_ohappening July 19-22 is now open online at BamaBeef.org/Round-Up. Also on that site, you’ll find contest and show rules, a schedule of events and 2018-2019 AJCA director applications. The Round-Up is more than just a calf show! If you don’t show cattle, that’s okay! The great news about the Round-Up is that there’s a contest for anyone and everyone. Check it out:

  • Photography
  • Ad Design
  • Record Book
  • Poster
  • Essay
  • Public Speaking
  • Skill-A-Thon
  • Career Development
  • Volleyball
  • Carne Fiesta (Cooking Competition)
  • Sales Talk
  • Cattle Judging
  • Team Grooming
  • Showmanship
  • Prospect Market Show
  • Breeding Heifer Show


Don’t miss out on all the fun and awesome prizes! Join us in Montgomery to show what you know and make lifelong friends.


AJCA membership is required to participate in the AJCA Round-Up. If membership is not current by July 15, your credit card will be charged the membership fee of $15.


You can view the 2018 contest rules, a schedule of events or the director application by clicking the links below. Registration is now available online and closes June 29 at 11:55 p.m.




Learn more about the Junior Pasture to Rail program today by visiting www.BamaBeef.org/JP2R. The 2018 Junior Pasture to Rail program will be managed through the AJCA in conjunction with the current Alabama Cooperative Extension System (ACES) Pasture to Rail program. Youth will learn how to retain ownership on their cattle and how to market cattle on the grid. There will be four (4) educational programs beginning in fall 2018 to educate the participating youth about the cattle industry from pasture to plate.



Cattle will be gathered at central locations around Alabama and shipped to Hy-Plains Feedlot in Montezuma, KS. Ear notches will be pulled for BVD-PI testing and calves will be tagged, weighed and graded at that time (frame/muscle score, BCS). Data/results will be provided at the awards presentation for the 2018 Pasture to Rail program. Awards will be given to the top three (3) youth based on profitability in two categories: individual profitability of one (1) calf and the average profitability of a pen of three (3) calves.


Data provided will include carcass data as well as feedlot performance, medical expenses, feed costs, etc.


Program Requirements:

  • Youth must be of age 21 or younger by January 1, 2018 to participate
  • Youth must be an AJCA, FFA or 4-H member
  • Steers are preferred, heifers can be entered but will be at a disadvantage for the program.
  • Cattle must be 600-lbs. at minimum on the day of shipment, be weaned and pre-conditioned for 60 days (castrated, dehorned and healed, dewormed) and be vaccinated/boostered for Blackleg, PI3, BVD, BSRV and IBR (modified live).
  • A $200 participation fee will be incurred for pens of three (3) or less. A $75/head fee will be added for additional entries.
  • Youth must attend a minimum of three (3) of four (4) educational programs to be eligible for any awards.


Calves will be shipped at specified dates between August 2018 to March 2019. In order to ship, calves must meet the aforementioned pre-conditioning requirements. Ship dates and locations as well as educational programs will be communicated as determined.


Registration will close August 31 at midnight.
This program is sponsored by the Alabama Beef Checkoff Program.


Thanks for reading this week’s post! Until we post again next week , we want to remind you that you can stay in touch with us by following us on FacebookTwitter or Instagram. Paid for by Alabama Beef Farmers. 

What’s Going On Wednesday: May 30, 2018

Ok, Alberto. You can leave now.

While we appreciate the rain you left behind, an excess of 5″ in some areas is a little much. That being said, we are mindful of how fortunate we are to have rain; however in the midst of the heavy rainfall over the past few days, we must keep our friends in the west/central parts of Alabama in our thoughts and prayers today as they experience severe flash flooding. Our friends and neighbors in Marion, AL experienced 3″ of rain in just one hour’s time this morning leaving their hometown in the wake of heavy flood waters. Please pause today to say a prayer for our fellow cattlemen who are in the midst of weather-born crisis. 

Though the rain falls, your state staff remains busy in good ole’ Montgomery town as we prepare for a busy week and summer season ahead. Keep reading to learn more…


Membership Update

With 9,595 members for the 2018 year, we are SO CLOSE to reaching our membership goal of 10,000 members. Help us keep the grassroots effort strong by getting involved in your county. To gently nudge those who haven’t joined or renewed their membership in 2018, ACA Membership Coordinator Jessica Kennedy is getting ready to kick start her cold calling campaign where she will individually call each non-renewed member to request their renewal. This campaign has been a success for us in the past, so we are going to give it another try. Want to join in on the effort? Give Jessica an email or call at (334) 265-1867 to obtain a list of cattlemen from your area who might like to hear from you!

Bama’s Best Beef- Winner Announced!

From the press release sent to the Pelham Reporter:

winner_meme-01The Filet Kabobs dish from Smiley Brothers Specialty Foods, Pelham, has been named Bama’s Best Beef in a contest sponsored by the Alabama Cattlemen’s Association and the Alabama Beef Checkoff Program.


The contest, driven by fan interaction on Facebook, seeks out a unique beef dish served at an Alabama restaurant or food truck. Upon its nomination in the “Variety” category of the contest, the Filet Kabobs went head-to-head in a series of bracket challenges to earn their way to the title of Bama’s Best Beef. During the first week of photo challenges, the dish earned a win over “Roast” category finalist, Claunch Café’s (Tuscumbia) Roast Beef Sandwich. After securing their spot in the final round, the kabobs sat out a week as “Brisket” finalist, Big D’s Butts N’ Stuff’s (Monroeville) Brisket Panini, battled it out against “Steak” finalist, SALT at San Roc Cay’s (Orange Beach) 45-Day House Dry-Aged Mishima Reserve Wagyu Tomahawk Ribeye. After the Brisket Panini earned its spot in the final round, the Variety and Brisket representatives battled it out for the title, and after falling behind the Brisket Panini in reactions (votes), the Filet Kabobs came back late in the week and won by nearly 400 votes.


Following the first round of photo challenges, the team at Smiley Brothers Specialty Foods wrote on their Facebook page, “We are so humbled and thankful for such [amazing] and positive support from our community and friends! There were votes on both pictures from all over the country and even around the world. What a positive thing for Alabama to draw so much attention to local businesses across the state!”


Throughout the lifetime of the contest, the four finalists received extensive exposure on social media as the contest reached over 454,500 Facebook users, garnered 211 nominations, over 29,000 reactions, comments and shares and earned over 14,500 photo clicks.


The restaurant— new to the Pelham dining scene after Criss Smiley recently retired from 35 years in national food and beverage industry— focuses on food and family. On the restaurant’s “About Us” webpage it reads, “In this family, a passion for food is basically genetic. We aim to provide our customers with the highest quality food and a staff that is knowledgeable and passionate about amazing food.” Others on the team at the specialty butcher shop and deli which offers meats, cheeses and ready-to-heat meals are Executive Sous Chef Joshua Swinford and Sous Chef Jon Green.


“The edge Smiley Brothers has is their locally-sourced beef and aging process to give you a mouth-watering bite time after time with every cut of their meat,” said personality behind Dining Out With Comedienne Joy and Birmingham food critic Joy King.



Beef for Father’s Day

Today we are joined by the lovely leaders of the Alabama CattleWomen’s Association as we take a trip to Capitol Hill to visit with Gov. Kay Ivey. While visiting, we will present the governor with steaks and watch as she signs an official State of Alabama proclamation stating BEEF is what’s for Father’s Day. This tradition is over 50 years old as it began in the days of Mrs. E.H. (Louise) Wilson, and we’re proud to continue the effort of promoting beef on a statewide level.




33362104_1690357047752123_5461200721028317184_nWe are excited to present the 2nd annual Slim’s Summer Picnic happening at The MOOseum on June 15 from 11 AM – 2 PM. The MOOseum Coordinator Kara Harden has been hard at work lining up events for little buckaroos to enjoy, and she’s excited to announce that Lil Boots Rodeo will be here hosting all their fun Western-themed games and activities. We’ll also be grilling burgers and having a fun competition for whoever brings the biggest crowd! If you’ve got little ones that want to enjoy the cowboy fun, give Kara a call at (334) 265-1867!




Are you ready to rock?! Registration for the 12th annual AJCA Round-Up, 32681109_1641942122589358_6681310864357720064_ohappening July 19-22 is now open online at BamaBeef.org/Round-Up. Also on that site, you’ll find contest and show rules, a schedule of events and 2018-2019 AJCA director applications. The Round-Up is more than just a calf show! If you don’t show cattle, that’s okay! The great news about the Round-Up is that there’s a contest for anyone and everyone. Check it out:

  • Photography
  • Ad Design
  • Record Book
  • Poster
  • Essay
  • Public Speaking
  • Skill-A-Thon
  • Career Development
  • Volleyball
  • Carne Fiesta (Cooking Competition)
  • Sales Talk
  • Cattle Judging
  • Team Grooming
  • Showmanship
  • Prospect Market Show
  • Breeding Heifer Show


Don’t miss out on all the fun and awesome prizes! Join us in Montgomery to show what you know and make lifelong friends.


AJCA membership is required to participate in the AJCA Round-Up. If membership is not current by July 15, your credit card will be charged the membership fee of $15.


You can view the 2018 contest rules, a schedule of events or the director application by clicking the links below. Registration is now available online and closes June 29 at 11:55 p.m.




Speaking of Junior Pasture to Rail, learn more about the program today by visiting www.BamaBeef.org/JP2R. The 2018 Junior Pasture to Rail program will be managed through the AJCA in conjunction with the current Alabama Cooperative Extension System (ACES) Pasture to Rail program. Youth will learn how to retain ownership on their cattle and how to market cattle on the grid. There will be four (4) educational programs beginning in fall 2018 to educate the participating youth about the cattle industry from pasture to plate.



Cattle will be gathered at central locations around Alabama and shipped to Hy-Plains Feedlot in Montezuma, KS. Ear notches will be pulled for BVD-PI testing and calves will be tagged, weighed and graded at that time (frame/muscle score, BCS). Data/results will be provided at the awards presentation for the 2018 Pasture to Rail program. Awards will be given to the top three (3) youth based on profitability in two categories: individual profitability of one (1) calf and the average profitability of a pen of three (3) calves.


Data provided will include carcass data as well as feedlot performance, medical expenses, feed costs, etc.


Program Requirements:

  • Youth must be of age 21 or younger by January 1, 2018 to participate
  • Youth must be an AJCA, FFA or 4-H member
  • Steers are preferred, heifers can be entered but will be at a disadvantage for the program.
  • Cattle must be 600-lbs. at minimum on the day of shipment, be weaned and pre-conditioned for 60 days (castrated, dehorned and healed, dewormed) and be vaccinated/boostered for Blackleg, PI3, BVD, BSRV and IBR (modified live).
  • A $200 participation fee will be incurred for pens of three (3) or less. A $75/head fee will be added for additional entries.
  • Youth must attend a minimum of three (3) of four (4) educational programs to be eligible for any awards.


Calves will be shipped at specified dates between August 2018 to March 2019. In order to ship, calves must meet the aforementioned pre-conditioning requirements. Ship dates and locations as well as educational programs will be communicated as determined.


Registration will close August 31 at midnight.
This program is sponsored by the Alabama Beef Checkoff Program.




33427279_1291610117641655_7030586693019238400_nLast week’s membership drawing giveaway winner was Lynn Lambeth of Escambia County. Lynn is amping up her “grilliance” with a package that includes an ACA Tervis Tumbler, an “I Love Beef” apron and a Beef. It’s What’s For Dinner. silicon oven mitt. This week’s contest will feature an ACA ball cap, a Beef. It’s What’s For Dinner. bumper sticker, mug, pop socket and koozie and an ACA iwallet. Those interested can enter the drawing by joining or renewing their membership throughout the week. The winner will be drawn Tuesday, June 5 during the lunch hour.



Thanks for reading this week’s post! Until we post again next week , we want to remind you that you can stay in touch with us by following us on FacebookTwitter or Instagram. Paid for by Alabama Beef Farmers. 

What’s Going On Wednesday: May 23, 2018

Rain has finally graced our pastures, which seems like a foreign concept from the past month, but more along the lines of normal- things are staying busy as usual at the ACAl. With a big Memorial Day Weekend coming up, we can already hear the sound of the sizzle as steaks, burgers and bbq hit the grill. We hope you and your family enjoy a safe, long weekend full of delicious beef and family fun. We also want to take a minute to tip our hat to the soldiers who died protecting our many rights and freedoms. While they are gone from this life, they are never forgotten. We are humbled by their courage and sacrifice.

Keep reading to learn more about what’s happening at the ACA this week.


Board Meeting Wrap-Up & Membership Update

After a busy and successful Board of Directors meeting last Thursday, we are THRILLED to announce we had 45 counties represented and had an excellent meeting with many great questions asked and information taken back home. We were proud to have the opportunity to award 26 “Over the Top” county presidents with a commemorative padfolio, while the grand prize of a Priefert squeeze chute rolled home behind the leadership from Escambia County. Congrats to Escambia, and big thanks to Fuller Supply and Priefert Ranch Equipment for their generous support of our incentive programs.


Another major topic of business discussed at last week’s meeting was membership year dates. For 2018, the membership year ends June 30.  The 2019 membership year changes to January through December in 2019.  All membership entered after July 1 will be “grandfathered into” that transition period.  Secretaries and recruiters- continue your work as normal and ACA Membership Coordinator Jessica Kennedy will work on the transition at the state office to soften the impact of the transition. Our goal is for the counties to not feel any heat from the transitional period!  To help questions along the way, the state office developed a County Leader Handbook, which was passed out to presidents and secretaries at last week’s meeting. If you did not receive one, or should you need additional copies, you can email Jessica or call her at (334) 265-1867.


Membership total for the day is 9,514. Cold calling from the state office begins on June 1. Leaders- let us know if you’d like a list of numbers so you can join in on this initiative!



Policy Update

Policy work is always on task. This week,  the transportation bill to address hours of service for livestock haulers looks to drop in Senate. We are working to get a co-sponsor on House side from Alabama delegation.



Stockyard Visits

This week, ACA Director of Industry Relations & Youth Programs Michael file-1Agar was joined at Clay County Livestock by ACA President-Elect Chris Langley and Regional Vice President Jim Jordan. The trio enjoyed lunch with market owner Tad Eason who kindly took time out of his day to visit with the group. Clay County can take pride in having a great, well-kept facility to market their cattle as well as an owner who wants to help them do that best. Pictured are ACA President-Elect Chris Langley, AJCA District 3 Director Chelsea Langley, Agar, Clay County Livestock Owner Tad Eason and two of his children, Clay County Cattlemen’s Association Vice President Mike Morrison and  Regional Vice President Jim Jordan.


On Thursday, Michael will travel to South Alabama Livestock in Brundidge to visit with market owner Ed Jones. This leaves Michael with only one more market to visit in the state before he wraps up his first full year on the job at the beginning of June. Visiting each of Alabama’s stockyards at least once annually is an initiative of Michael’s, and we are proud to see him reach his first-year goal!




Bama’s Best Beef- Finalists Announced!

websitehomepage_bbbeef_voting-01(2)We’re in the final round of the 3rd annual Bama’s Best Beef contest, sponsored by the Alabama Beef Checkoff Program! Our two finalists, Smiley Brothers Specialty Foods (Pelham) “Filet Kabobs” and Big D’s Butts ‘N Stuff  (Monroeville) “Brisket Panini” need your vote to help them earn the title of Bama’s Best Beef! To date the contest has reached over 335,700 people and garnered over 22,900 reactions, comments and shares. These are great numbers!


The winner we be announced on Tuesday, May 29.



On the Search for Associate Dean of Extension

ACA Executive Vice President Erin Beasley is participating in a seminar today with a candidate for associate dean of Extension at Auburn. This candidate has a strong beef cattle background. We will participate in one more seminar next week.



Slim’s Summer Picnic

33362104_1690357047752123_5461200721028317184_nWe are excited to present the 2nd annual Slim’s Summer Picnic happening at The MOOseum on June 15 from 10 AM – 2 PM. The MOOseum Coordinator Kara Harden has been hard at work lining up events for little buckaroos to enjoy, and she’s excited to announce that Lil Boots Rodeo will be here hosting all their fun Western-themed games and activities. We’ll also be grilling burgers and having a fun competition for whoever brings the biggest crowd! If you’ve got little ones that want to enjoy the cowboy fun, give Kara a call at (334) 265-1867!




Are you ready to rock?! Registration for the 12th annual AJCA Round-Up, 32681109_1641942122589358_6681310864357720064_ohappening July 19-22 is now open online at BamaBeef.org/Round-Up. Also on that site, you’ll find contest and show rules, a schedule of events and 2018-2019 AJCA director applications. The Round-Up is more than just a calf show! If you don’t show cattle, that’s okay! The great news about the Round-Up is that there’s a contest for anyone and everyone. Check it out:

  • Photography
  • Ad Design
  • Record Book
  • Poster
  • Essay
  • Public Speaking
  • Skill-A-Thon
  • Career Development
  • Volleyball
  • Carne Fiesta (Cooking Competition)
  • Sales Talk
  • Cattle Judging
  • Team Grooming
  • Showmanship
  • Prospect Market Show
  • Breeding Heifer Show


Don’t miss out on all the fun and awesome prizes! Join us in Montgomery to show what you know and make lifelong friends.


AJCA membership is required to participate in the AJCA Round-Up. If membership is not current by July 15, your credit card will be charged the membership fee of $15.


You can view the 2018 contest rules, a schedule of events or the director application by clicking the links below. Registration is now available online and closes June 29 at 11:55 p.m.




Speaking of Junior Pasture to Rail, learn more about the program today by visiting www.BamaBeef.org/JP2R. The 2018 Junior Pasture to Rail program will be managed through the AJCA in conjunction with the current Alabama Cooperative Extension System (ACES) Pasture to Rail program. Youth will learn how to retain ownership on their cattle and how to market cattle on the grid. There will be four (4) educational programs beginning in fall 2018 to educate the participating youth about the cattle industry from pasture to plate.



Cattle will be gathered at central locations around Alabama and shipped to Hy-Plains Feedlot in Montezuma, KS. Ear notches will be pulled for BVD-PI testing and calves will be tagged, weighed and graded at that time (frame/muscle score, BCS). Data/results will be provided at the awards presentation for the 2018 Pasture to Rail program. Awards will be given to the top three (3) youth based on profitability in two categories: individual profitability of one (1) calf and the average profitability of a pen of three (3) calves.


Data provided will include carcass data as well as feedlot performance, medical expenses, feed costs, etc.


Program Requirements:

  • Youth must be of age 21 or younger by January 1, 2018 to participate
  • Youth must be an AJCA, FFA or 4-H member
  • Steers are preferred, heifers can be entered but will be at a disadvantage for the program.
  • Cattle must be 600-lbs. at minimum on the day of shipment, be weaned and pre-conditioned for 60 days (castrated, dehorned and healed, dewormed) and be vaccinated/boostered for Blackleg, PI3, BVD, BSRV and IBR (modified live).
  • A $200 participation fee will be incurred for pens of three (3) or less. A $75/head fee will be added for additional entries.
  • Youth must attend a minimum of three (3) of four (4) educational programs to be eligible for any awards.


Calves will be shipped at specified dates between August 2018 to March 2019. In order to ship, calves must meet the aforementioned pre-conditioning requirements. Ship dates and locations as well as educational programs will be communicated as determined.


Registration will close August 31 at midnight.
This program is sponsored by the Alabama Beef Checkoff Program.



Bama Beef Membership Giveaway

33427279_1291610117641655_7030586693019238400_nLast week’s membership drawing giveaway winner was Daniel Wilhite of Cullman County. Daniel is the lucky winner of an ACA cap, a BEEF tag and an NCBA pocket knife. This week’s drawing features a prize package sure to amp up your “grilliance” this summer grilling season. The package includes  an ACA Tervis Tumbler, an “I Love Beef” apron and a Beef. It’s What’s For Dinner. silicon oven mitt. Those interested can enter the drawing by joining or renewing their membership throughout the week. The winner will be drawn Tuesday, May 29 during the lunch hour.



Thanks for reading this week’s post! Until we post again next week , we want to remind you that you can stay in touch with us by following us on FacebookTwitter or Instagram. Paid for by Alabama Beef Farmers. 

What’s Going On Wednesday: May 15, 2018

FINALLY SOME RAIN! We’re not so sure about you, but here in the central region of the state, this is one welcomed rainy day! That dry, cracked ground is drinking it each drop so it can nourish crops and forages and restock ponds as farmers across the state so desperately need. This rainy weather is not slowing us down any at the ACA. We’ve got a busy, busy week ahead, so keep reading to learn more about what’s happening around 201 S. Bainbridge.


Board Meeting Tomorrow

We’re excited to welcome over 150 attendees to the Spring Board of Screenshot 2018-05-15 16.28.54Directors Meeting tomorrow where we will be conducting a business meeting as well as offering breakout sessions to helping “Steer County Leaders Toward Success.” Breakout topics include an i4a membership software training demo with Jessica Kennedy, a policy update with Erin Beasley, information on youth programs with Michael Agar and tips to expand your county communications with Kayla Greer.


It’s a sure day of learning, networking and learning to be the best leader you can be! We look forward to having such a large crowd joining us. Don’t forget to bring your questions!



Young Cattlemen’s Leadership Program Welcomes Class V

young-cattlemen-logo_websizedWe’re proud to announce the 25 members of the Young Cattlemen’s Leadership Program Class V, which kicks off today with farm tours in the Montgomery area. Tours include visits to Lane Cattle Company, McLane-Garrett Cattle Company and Montgomery Stockyards.  The day will be topped off with a tour and social event, which welcomes officers and alumni of the program, at CK Cattle. On Thursday, the class will receive leadership training with Dr. Don Mulvaney and attend an ACA Board of Directors Meeting where the class will be formally introduced and learn about the role of the state association.



Members of Class V are:

Ida Agee, Shelby

Chase Anthony, Chambers

Brooke Bailey, Shelby

John Christopher Batts, Limestone

Tyler Bozeman, Lowndes

Hassey Brooks, Montgomery

Christina Brown, Geneva

Jensen Burt, Lee

Alex Crawford, Greene

Denzil Dees, Sumter

Ginger Gaines, Dale

John Glover, Hale

Cody Horton, Baldwin

Tyler Long, Conecuh

William Morgan, Crenshaw

TJ. Riner, Colbert

Charles Robbins, Washington

Lonnie Sigler, Lowndes

Cody Smith, Cullman

Zane Troxtel, DeKalb

Paul Vining, Lauderdale

Aubree White, Limestone

Jacob Whitfield, Barbour

Bart Williams, Autauga



Round-Up Registration Now Open

Are you ready to rock?! Registration for the 12th annual AJCA Round-Up, 32681109_1641942122589358_6681310864357720064_ohappening July 19-22 is now open online at BamaBeef.org/Round-Up. Also on that site, you’ll find contest and show rules, a schedule of events and 2018-2019 AJCA director applications. The Round-Up is more than just a calf show! If you don’t show cattle, that’s okay! The great news about the Round-Up is that there’s a contest for anyone and everyone. Check it out:

  • Photography
  • Ad Design
  • Record Book
  • Poster
  • Essay
  • Public Speaking
  • Skill-A-Thon
  • Career Development
  • Volleyball
  • Carne Fiesta (Cooking Competition)
  • Sales Talk
  • Cattle Judging
  • Team Grooming
  • Showmanship
  • Prospect Market Show
  • Breeding Heifer Show


Don’t miss out on all the fun and awesome prizes! Join us in Montgomery to show what you know and make lifelong friends.


AJCA membership is required to participate in the AJCA Round-Up. If membership is not current by July 15, your credit card will be charged the membership fee of $15.


You can view the 2018 contest rules, a schedule of events or the director application by clicking the links below. Registration is now available online and closes June 29 at 11:55 p.m.




Bama’s Best Beef- Round 2 Now Live

Unknown-2The first round of Facebook photo challenges- which put Claunch Cafe’s (Tuscumbia) “Roast Beef Sandwich” up head-to-head with Smiley Brothers Speciality Food’s (Pelham) “Filet Kabobs”- resulted in a win for the kabobs. It was a close fight, and we congratulate Claunch Cafe on a battle well-fought, but Smiley Brother’s extra 100 votes secured their spot in the final round. Now, round two of photo challenges have kicked off as our Brisket category finalist, Big D’s Butts N’ Stuff’s (Monroeville) “Brisket Panini,” and Steak category finalist, SALT at San Rock Cay’s (Orange Beach) “45-Day House Dry-Aged Mashimi Reserve Wagyu Tomahawk Ribeye” are battling it out for their spot in the final round. So far, our Brisket dish is winning by around 80 votes but there are many days left to vote!


Head on over to the contest where you can submit your vote with a LIKE on 32336969_1283108195158514_3738041541017468928_oyour favorite photo. Also, enjoy this great feedback to their fans on Facebook from our friends and contest finalists at Smiley Brothers Specialty Foods in Pelham on their win last week:

“Because of you and your votes, Smiley Brothers Specialty Foods has been selected as the winner of the first round of the Bama’s Best Beef competition from the Alabama Cattlemen’s Association! We are so humbled and thankful for such AMAZING and positive support from our community and friends! There were votes on both pictures from all over the country and even around the world. What a positive thing for Alabama to draw so much attention to local businesses across the state!

Congratulations to Claunch Cafe for winning the “Roast” category and if you are in the Tuscumbia area, make sure to stop by and try their roast beef sandwich. We know we will!

We will have this week off from the competition while the “Brisket” and “Steak” entries compete and then next week we will face off against the winner. Thank you again and we hope you will consider voting for us next week!

The Smiley Brothers Team”




Speaking of Junior Pasture to Rail, learn more about the program today by visiting www.BamaBeef.org/JP2R. The 2018 Junior Pasture to Rail program will be managed through the AJCA in conjunction with the current Alabama Cooperative Extension System (ACES) Pasture to Rail program. Youth will learn how to retain ownership on their cattle and how to market cattle on the grid. There will be four (4) educational programs beginning in fall 2018 to educate the participating youth about the cattle industry from pasture to plate.



Cattle will be gathered at central locations around Alabama and shipped to Hy-Plains Feedlot in Montezuma, KS. Ear notches will be pulled for BVD-PI testing and calves will be tagged, weighed and graded at that time (frame/muscle score, BCS). Data/results will be provided at the awards presentation for the 2018 Pasture to Rail program. Awards will be given to the top three (3) youth based on profitability in two categories: individual profitability of one (1) calf and the average profitability of a pen of three (3) calves.


Data provided will include carcass data as well as feedlot performance, medical expenses, feed costs, etc.


Program Requirements:

  • Youth must be of age 21 or younger by January 1, 2018 to participate
  • Youth must be an AJCA, FFA or 4-H member
  • Steers are preferred, heifers can be entered but will be at a disadvantage for the program.
  • Cattle must be 600-lbs. at minimum on the day of shipment, be weaned and pre-conditioned for 60 days (castrated, dehorned and healed, dewormed) and be vaccinated/boostered for Blackleg, PI3, BVD, BSRV and IBR (modified live).
  • A $200 participation fee will be incurred for pens of three (3) or less. A $75/head fee will be added for additional entries.
  • Youth must attend a minimum of three (3) of four (4) educational programs to be eligible for any awards.


Calves will be shipped at specified dates between August 2018 to March 2019. In order to ship, calves must meet the aforementioned pre-conditioning requirements. Ship dates and locations as well as educational programs will be communicated as determined.


Registration will close August 31 at midnight.
This program is sponsored by the Alabama Beef Checkoff Program.



Bama Beef Giveaway Drawing- Week 1 Winner

32650033_1283718348430832_7655103104253165568_nWe’ve started a series of giveaways on the ACA Facebook page to encourage cattlemen who need to join or renew to do so soon! This week, our giveaway package includes an ACA cap, a BEEF tag and a NCBA pocket knife. The giveaway is now open for entry, and the contest winner will be drawn during the lunch hour on Tuesday, May 22. Anyone who joins or renews now through Tuesday at noon will be entered to win!


Last week’s winner was  Greg Jones of Blount County. Greg earned an ACA tumbler, cap and a BEEF tag. CONGRATS!



Thanks for reading this week’s post! Until we post again next week , we want to remind you that you can stay in touch with us by following us on FacebookTwitter or Instagram. Paid for by Alabama Beef Farmers. 

What’s Going On Wednesday: May 9, 2018

Fire up the grill and get ready to spoil your favorite mama this weekend as May brings all sorts of exciting events to celebrate. What are we talking about, you ask? Well, not only is this Sunday Mother’s Day (*hint hint gentlemen*), but May is also National Beef Month, National BBQ Month and National Hamburger Month. That’s four wonderful reasons to break out the grill and enjoy delicious, nutritious beef. Aside from what’s for dinner, Alabama’s cattlemen have a lot going on as we all begin to gear up for hay cutting season. Mother Nature has turned up the heat, and that green grass is soaking up the sunshine and growing taller and more nutritious with each passing day. We hope that while you’re taking a water break, you’ll enjoy catching up with your Cattlemen’s Association and getting the update about all that’s happening this week. Keep reading to learn more…


We all know that behind every successful farmer is a hardworking farm wife who can fix a mean fence, tenderly care for a bottle calf and toss square bales with the best of ’em. We all know that behind every kid in the show ring is a mama who is beaming with pride, covered in manure and has a hide comb in her back pocket and a halter in her hand. We all know that behind every delicious dinner is a fine, well-tuned home cook who not only grew the vegetables in the side dishes from her very own garden but also masterfully prepared them to fill you up each night.


We all know that a mother is irreplaceable, unforgettable and undeniably passionate about her family and its well-being. So to all our farm moms out there, our hats off to you. Thank you for the fine example of love, hard work and passion you display and gently sow into the next generation. Happy Mothers Day!


And for all you guys out there who may have forgotten, it’s not too late…breakfast in bed is as easy as it is delicious when you use these prepare recipes from BeefItsWhatsForDinner.com.




save the dateCounty presidents and secretaries be sure to SAVE THE DATE for May 17 as we’ll be meeting up in Montgomery for an engaging, interactive Board meeting we’ve entitled: “Building the Brand: Steering County Leaders Toward Success.” We’re excited to have over 100 registrants for this event! It is sure to be a great day of learning, networking and having all your association questions answered. RSVP to attend by clicking here. Further, let Jessica know who will be attending her i4a membership software training so she can make arrangements for that presentation! 


ACA Membership Coordinator Jessica Kennedy is updating county contact information for mailouts and emails. County leaders, please visit BamaBeef.org/CountyChapters today to double check your information. If you find something is incorrect, please call or email Jessica at the office- (334) 265-1867. Information needed includes mailing address, phone number and an email address, with emphasis on the email!


The final renewal notices for 2018 have gone out. If you need help figuring out how to enter memberships in your county, contact Jessica to schedule your i4a training. She will absolutely work around your schedule, day or night, to get you trained! We really need more county participation on the membership entering effort. The quicker county secretaries can learn to enter, the quicker your membership will get entered into the system and start receiving their magazines. We certainly don’t want anyone missing out on those!!


We want to continue to shoutout our Over the Top counties as we are extremely proud of their hard work and true, grassroots efforts. Over the Top counties include Bibb, Butler, Choctaw, Clay, Coffee, Colbert, Conecuh, Covington, Cullman, Dale, Escambia, Greene, Jackson, Jefferson, Lamar, Lauderdale, Lawrence, Limestone, Madison, Marshall, Morgan, Perry, Russell, Sumter, Washington and Winston counties! Now, this means there will be a very special presentation made at the August Board Meeting…you guessed it…RED COATS! County presidents- if you went Over the Top and do not already have a red coat, we cannot stress enough the importance of going to get fitted for your coat and sending the suggest size into Jessica. The reason why it’s so important you get fitted is because (1) we can’t return the coats should they not fit and (2) we cannot re-order your correct size until the next year…which means you’ll be without for another year!! (Our orders are set at a minimum volume, and we are unable to order just one or two coats at a time.) We know you want that coat just as much as we want to give it to you, so please get sized! P.S. if you’re planning to attend the Board Meeting on May 17, Jessica has a few limited sizes you may try on if you’d like 🙂 Please, send your coat size to Jessica asap! 


Speaking of Junior Pasture to Rail, learn more about the program today by visiting www.BamaBeef.org/JP2R. The 2018 Junior Pasture to Rail program will be managed through the AJCA in conjunction with the current Alabama Cooperative Extension System (ACES) Pasture to Rail program. Youth will learn how to retain ownership on their cattle and how to market cattle on the grid. There will be four (4) educational programs beginning in fall 2018 to educate the participating youth about the cattle industry from pasture to plate.



Cattle will be gathered at central locations around Alabama and shipped to Hy-Plains Feedlot in Montezuma, KS. Ear notches will be pulled for BVD-PI testing and calves will be tagged, weighed and graded at that time (frame/muscle score, BCS). Data/results will be provided at the awards presentation for the 2018 Pasture to Rail program. Awards will be given to the top three (3) youth based on profitability in two categories: individual profitability of one (1) calf and the average profitability of a pen of three (3) calves.


Data provided will include carcass data as well as feedlot performance, medical expenses, feed costs, etc.


Program Requirements:

  • Youth must be of age 21 or younger by January 1, 2018 to participate
  • Youth must be an AJCA, FFA or 4-H member
  • Steers are preferred, heifers can be entered but will be at a disadvantage for the program.
  • Cattle must be 600-lbs. at minimum on the day of shipment, be weaned and pre-conditioned for 60 days (castrated, dehorned and healed, dewormed) and be vaccinated/boostered for Blackleg, PI3, BVD, BSRV and IBR (modified live).
  • A $200 participation fee will be incurred for pens of three (3) or less. A $75/head fee will be added for additional entries.
  • Youth must attend a minimum of three (3) of four (4) educational programs to be eligible for any awards.


Calves will be shipped at specified dates between August 2018 to March 2019. In order to ship, calves must meet the aforementioned pre-conditioning requirements. Ship dates and locations as well as educational programs will be communicated as determined.


Registration will close August 31 at midnight.
This program is sponsored by the Alabama Beef Checkoff Program.



Executive Committee Called Upon by President Batts

The ACA Executive Committee will gather at the Cattlemen’s Building on Thursday to prepare for next week’s Board of Directors meeting, discuss upcoming programs and handle other association business. The ACA Executive Committee is comprised of the five state officers, five past presidents and the four outgoing regional vice presidents. The Executive Committee will issue a report at next week’s Board meeting!



We’ve started a series of giveaways on the ACA Facebook page to encourage cattlemen who need to join or renew to do so soon! This week, our giveaway package includes an ACA tumbler, cap and one of those beloved BEEF tags. The giveaway is now open for entry, and the contest winner will be drawn during the lunch hour on Tuesday, May 15. Anyone who joins or renews now through Tuesday at noon will be entered to win!


Visit our Facebook page and share this giveaway opportunity! Who knows…you may just see several of these throughout May and June…??




Have you ever tried an unforgettable beef dish served at an Alabama Screenshot 2018-04-18 09.32.14restaurant or food truck? You’re not alone if you answered yes because the 3rd annual Bama’s Best Beef contest, which seeks out unique beef dishes in Alabama, brought in over 200 nominations representing restaurants from the Gulf Coast to the Tennessee line and everywhere in between. Our contest committee proudly unveiled our “Roast” and “Variety” finalists this week who are now competing head-to-head in a Facebook photo challenge. In the “Roast” corner is Claunch Cafe of Tuscumbia, AL’s Pot Roast Sandwich, while the “Variety” finalist is Pelham-based Smiley Brothers Speciality Foods’ Filet Kabobs. So far, the Filet Kabobs are taking the lead with 785 votes vs 367 votes on the Pot Roast Sandwich. Contest participants are encouraged to vote for their favorite dish by “Liking” its photo on our Facebook page now through Sunday, May 13 at midnight.

Thanks for reading this week’s post! Until we post again next week , we want to remind you that you can stay in touch with us by following us on FacebookTwitter or Instagram. Paid for by Alabama Beef Farmers. 

What’s Going On Wednesday: May 2, 2018

May has arrived, and it has brought some right warm weather along with it. Green grass has painted Alabama’s landscapes, and cattle can be seen grazing pastureland while cattlemen enjoy the view from inside the cab of a tractor as they prepare for hay cutting and mowing season. It’s a busy time for Alabama’s cattlemen…but when is it not? The same can be said for your association, so keep reading to learn more about all that’s happening at the ACA this week.

Membership & Board Reminders

save the dateCounty presidents and secretaries be sure to SAVE THE DATE for May 17 as we’ll be meeting up in Montgomery for an engaging, interactive Board meeting we’ve entitled: “Building the Brand: Steering County Leaders Toward Success.” 


ACA Membership Coordinator Jessica Kennedy is updating county contact information for mailouts and emails. County leaders, please visit BamaBeef.org/CountyChapters today to double check your information. If you find something is incorrect, please call or email Jessica at the office- (334) 265-1867. Information needed includes mailing address, phone number and an email address, with emphasis on the email!


The final renewal notices for 2018 went out last week. If you need help figuring out how to enter memberships in your county, contact Jessica to schedule your i4a training. We really need more county participation on the membership entering effort! The quicker county secretaries can learn to enter, the quicker your membership will get entered into the system and start receiving their magazines. We certainly don’t want anyone missing out on those!!


We want to continue to shoutout our Over the Top counties as we are extremely proud of their hard work and true, grassroots efforts. Over the Top counties include Bibb, Butler, Choctaw, Clay, Coffee, Colbert, Conecuh, Covington, Cullman, Dale, Escambia, Greene, Jackson, Jefferson, Lamar, Lauderdale, Lawrence, Limestone, Madison, Marshall, Morgan, Perry, Russell, Sumter, Washington and Winston counties! Now, this means there will be a very special presentation made at the August Board Meeting…you guessed it…RED COATS! County presidents- if you went Over the Top and do not already have a red coat, we cannot stress enough the importance of going to get fitted for your coat and sending the suggest size into Jessica. The reason why it’s so important you get fitted is because (1) we can’t return the coats should they not fit and (2) we cannot re-order your correct size until the next year…which means you’ll be without for another year!! (Our orders are set at a minimum volume, and we are unable to order just one or two coats at a time.) We know you want that coat just as much as we want to give it to you, so please get sized! P.S. if you’re planning to attend the Board Meeting on May 17, Jessica has a few limited sizes you may try on if you’d like 🙂 Please, send your coat size to Jessica asap! 


Colbert County Youth Programs- Coming Soon!

This Thursday, ACA Director of Industry Relations & Youth Programs Michael Agar will travel to the Colbert County Extension office to meet with Ag teachers and youth industry leaders in the area about 4-H animal science projects and the newly-founded Colbert County Junior Cattlemen’s Association. Statewide Junior Cattlemen programs such as Round-Up and Junior Pasture to Rail Program will also be discussed.



Junior Pasture to Rail Program- Registration Now Open

Speaking of Junior Pasture to Rail, learn more about the program today by visiting www.BamaBeef.org/JP2R. The 2018 Junior Pasture to Rail program will be managed through the AJCA in conjunction with the current Alabama Cooperative Extension System (ACES) Pasture to Rail program. Youth will learn how to retain ownership on their cattle and how to market cattle on the grid. There will be four (4) educational programs beginning in fall 2018 to educate the participating youth about the cattle industry from pasture to plate.


Cattle will be gathered at central locations around Alabama and shipped to Hy-Plains Feedlot in Montezuma, KS. Ear notches will be pulled for BVD-PI testing and calves will be tagged, weighed and graded at that time (frame/muscle score, BCS). Data/results will be provided at the awards presentation for the 2018 Pasture to Rail program. Awards will be given to the top three (3) youth based on profitability in two categories: individual profitability of one (1) calf and the average profitability of a pen of three (3) calves.


Data provided will include carcass data as well as feedlot performance, medical expenses, feed costs, etc.


Program Requirements:

  • Youth must be of age 21 or younger by January 1, 2018 to participate
  • Youth must be an AJCA, FFA or 4-H member
  • Steers are preferred, heifers can be entered but will be at a disadvantage for the program.
  • Cattle must be 600-lbs. at minimum on the day of shipment, be weaned and pre-conditioned for 60 days (castrated, dehorned and healed, dewormed) and be vaccinated/boostered for Blackleg, PI3, BVD, BSRV and IBR (modified live).
  • A $200 participation fee will be incurred for pens of three (3) or less. A $75/head fee will be added for additional entries.
  • Youth must attend a minimum of three (3) of four (4) educational programs to be eligible for any awards.


Calves will be shipped at specified dates between August 2018 to March 2019. In order to ship, calves must meet the aforementioned pre-conditioning requirements. Ship dates and locations as well as educational programs will be communicated as determined.
Registration will close August 31 at midnight.
This program is sponsored by the Alabama Beef Checkoff Program.



County Activities & A Photo Shoot at Lake Majestik Farm

31416727_1273041809498486_8230701407147738410_nMichael has been burning up the roads of north Alabama along with ACA Director of Social Media & Communications Kayla Greer. Last week, Michael traveled to Dekalb County to attend the county annual meeting where he enjoyed visiting with President Zane Troxel and northeast Alabama cattlemen. He then headed south to Thorsby in Chilton County where he had a beef by-products booth at the Thorsby High School Farm Day. Kayla then joined him on Saturday for a trip north to the Crimson Classic Santa Gertrudis female sale at Cullman Stockyard.

The duo then headed north again on Monday afternoon to visit with Nic Cornelison of Flat Rock, owner of Lake Majestik Farm and purchaser of the 2018 PAC auction July cover of the Alabama Cattleman magazine. The pair enjoyed spending time with Nic and touring his scenic farm and seeing some big-name bulls in the Brangus breed including Foundation, Beacon, Legacy and Xerox. Be looking out for a black-hided bovine to grace the July cover!



Professional Development Workshop

This week ACA Executive VP Erin Beasley has been at the Professional Development Workshop in Chicago with fellow state association executives. This conference is a collaborative conference to discuss policy issues, checkoff information, best management practices for associations and other topics to help state affiliates.



Ag Issues Luncheon in Northwest Alabama

Erin won’t get back home before she hits the road again, but this time she will be staying within state lines. On Thursday, she is looking forward to a big day as she is joined by Regional Vice President Jay Buckley of Colbert Co., Colbert County President Will Gotcher and Franklin County President Steven Smith to participate in an ag issues luncheon hosted by Congressman Robert Aderholt. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue will be a special guest of the congressman and will visit with the ag community on policy issues we are facing.



Bama’s Best Beef Contest

Have you ever tried an unforgettable beef dish served at an Alabama Screenshot 2018-04-18 09.32.14restaurant or food truck? You’re not alone if you answered yes because the 3rd annual Bama’s Best Beef contest, which seeks out unique beef dishes in Alabama, brought in over 200 nominations representing restaurants from the Gulf Coast to the Tennessee line and everywhere in between. Our contest committee is in review now mulling through the many nominations in the brisket, steak, roast and variety categories and looks forward to unveiling the first to finalist to Facebook fans on Monday as we launch our first round of photo challenges where contest participants vote for their favorite dish by “Liking” its photo on our social media platform.


The nominations portion of the contest did not disappoint as it reached over 65,038 Alabamians, gained over 6,600 reactions, including likes, shares and comments, and resulted in almost 200 new page likes. Additionally, as a direct result of the Facebook ad, over 460 Facebook users clicked to the contest page on BamaBeef.org, gaining traffic for the association website. We look forward to bigger results as we move into photo challenges! Stay tuned for our category finalists…

Thanks for reading this week’s post! Until we post again next week , we want to remind you that you can stay in touch with us by following us on FacebookTwitter or Instagram. Paid for by Alabama Beef Farmers. 

What’s Going On Wednesday: April 25, 2018

April has flown right past us, and now we are staring a busy month of May in the face! When in the world did that happen? Just as we’ve started to enjoy springtime and all the green grass that comes with it, and now we are quickly shifting our sites toward summertime and hay cutting season. While you work hard in the field, your ACA staff is hard at work in Montgomery protecting your best interests, building a magazine, entering membership, attending meetings, holding beef promotions, educating consumers….whew…and the list goes on. Keep reading to learn all about what’s happening at the ACA this week.


BAMA’S BEST BEEF- Nominations closing soon!

Screenshot 2018-04-18 09.32.14Have you ever tried an unforgettable beef dish served at an Alabama restaurant or food truck? We’re excited to learn about all the unique beef dishes served up at local dives across our state, and the kick off of our 3rd annual Bama’s Best Beef contest has not disappointed in its short lifetime thus far. The contest kicked off on Monday, April 16 with a Facebook, Twitter and Instagram announcement and in just over a week’s time, the post has already brought in over 100 nominations, reached over 58,300 Alabamians on Facebook and garnered over 122 new likes on our page. We’re very excited about some of nominations we have received in each of the categories as they are truly mouth-watering sounding! Stay tuned for more as nominations close this Sunday at midnight!



If your local diner is home to a DELICIOUS beef dish, be sure to visit BamaBeef.org/BestBeef to submit your nomination today. We also challenge you to share the contest on your social platforms and learn more about by listening to our Southeast AgNet release with Randall Weiseman or visiting the contest webpage. This contest is your checkoff dollars at work, cattlemen. Let’s get the biggest bang for our buck and work together to promote it!



Youth Production Field Day SUCCESS!

Success is the word to sum up this past Saturday’s Youth Production Field 31131530_1619787168138187_6482191210694050817_nDay at Langley Farms in Camp Hill, AL. Beautiful weather, gorgeous scenery, interactive lessons on forages, the seven quality cow checks and assisted calving followed by a delicious brisket lunch and tour of Langley Farms made for a successful day of Alabama Beef Checkoff dollars at work! Over 35 youth were in attendance and enjoyed a day of interactive, hands-on learning.


Special thanks to Chris & Elizabeth Langley and family for their generous hospitality, Dr. Soren Rodning, Sarah Dickinson and Caroline Nichols for their expertise, the Auburn Collegiate Cattlemen and CattleWomen for their catering services and all who joined us to make this event a success.



Membership updates

ACA Membership Coordinator Jessica Kennedy is updating county contact information for mailouts and emails. County leaders, please visit BamaBeef.org/CountyChapters today to double check your information. If you find something is incorrect, please call or email Jessica at the office- (334) 265-1867. Information needed includes mailing address, phone number and an email address, with emphasis on the email!


Speaking of mailing address, Jessica is also working to get the final membership renewal mailout sent to the printer for next week. Remember to get your memberships entered because 100% of the dues from this mailout will come back to the state office otherwise. Need helping figuring out how to enter your membership? Contact Jessica to schedule your i4a training. We really need more county participation on the membership entering effort! The quicker county secretaries can learn to enter, the quicker your membership will get entered into the system and start receiving their magazines. We certainly don’t want anyone missing out on those!!


We want to continue to shoutout our Over the Top counties as we are extremely proud of their hard work and true, grassroots efforts. Over the Top counties include Bibb, Butler, Choctaw, Clay, Coffee, Colbert, Conecuh, Covington, Cullman, Dale, Escambia, Greene, Jackson, Lamar, Lauderdale, Lawrence, Limestone, Madison, Marshall, Morgan, Perry, Russell, Sumter, Washington and Winston counties! Now, this means there will be a very special presentation made at the August Board Meeting…you guessed it…RED COATS! County presidents- if you went Over the Top and do not already have a red coat, we cannot stress enough the importance of going to get fitted for your coat and sending the suggest size into Jessica. The reason why it’s so important you get fitted is because (1) we can’t return the coats should they not fit and (2) we cannot re-order your correct size until the next year…which means you’ll be without for another year!! (Our orders are set at a minimum volume, and we are unable to order just one or two coats at a time.) We know you want that coat just as much as we want to give it to you, so please get sized! P.S. if you’re planning to attend the Board Meeting on May 17, Jessica has a few limited sizes you may try on if you’d like 🙂 Please, send your coat size to Jessica asap! 


save the date…speaking of…county presidents and secretaries be sure to SAVE THE DATE for May 17 as we’ll be meeting up in Montgomery for an engaging, interactive Board meeting we’ve entitled: “Building the Brand: Steering County Leaders Toward Success.” 



Ag Commissioner Forum

On Thursday, the ACA will be represented at the Ag Commissioners Forum hosted by the Alabama Agribusiness Council in Auburn. The panel will be made up of Rick Pate, Sen. Gerald Dial, T.O. Crane and Cecil Murphy who are all running for commissioner of Ag and Industries. They will discuss their vision surrounding several topics related to agriculture and how they would operate as commissioner.



Spring Beef 101- That’s a Wrap!

Today marks the last of six spring BEEF 101 programs held at the Auburn University Beef Teaching Unit and Meats Lab. Throughout the month of April over 200 participants from culinary arts programs across Alabama will have joined us on a beef journey from pasture to plate. Your checkoff went to work as we hosted programs for McAdory High School, Greenville High School, Central High School and Columbus (GA) High School FACS students as well as Lawson State Community College, Trenholm State Community College, Coastal Alabama Community College and Drake State Community College culinary arts programs. This is big news as these future chefs and foodservice representatives will head into their careers with a thorough knowledge of beef cattle production told straight from the cattlemen…and veterinarian…and meat scientist’s mouth! Big thanks to all who have joined us to help put on these many programs.



County Activities Happening Across Alabama

County activities are are on the rise as warmer weather means less time spent feeding thanks to green grass and more bearable temperatures…so long snow and ice! This past weekend, ACA staffer Michael Agar enjoyed a trip to the Clay County Cattlemen’s Association Spring Meeting while ACA Executive VP Erin Beasley attended a successful Lauderdale County Field Day at Hamner Farm in Killen with 50 other producers. The Greene County Cattlemen’s Association also held a successful Weed Control and Calibration Field Day at Eutaw City Park! Looking ahead, Michael Agar is excited to head to the Dekalb County Cattlemen’s Annual Meeting on Thursday night followed by a trip to Thorsby for a Farm City event on Friday, while Erin Beasley is pleased to spend her last Saturday in April with the Butler County Cattlemen’s Association at their annual meeting. The Mobile County Cattlemen will gather at Freeland Farm for their Spring Meeting on Saturday, and further up the interstate, the BEEF Truck will be hauling Michael Agar and Kayla Greer north to Cullman for the Crimson Classic Sale. A few other events to look out for are the Pike County Invitational Steer & Heifer Show (rules and registration now posted here), the Cattlemen’s Bus Tour (register here) and all kinds of educational Extension events, which can be found here.



Producer Event At Tuskegee U

Last but not least, on Tuesday the ACA was involved in a conference aimed at small producers hosted by Tuskegee University. Along with a policy update for attendees, information was shared about how small producers can use the association as a resource for their operation.




FORM & FEE DUE MAY 1, 2018

Join us on a 3-day, 2-night tour of the beef cattle industry across Georgia, Cattlemens Bus Tour_LowFlorida and Alabama! This tour is a true “pasture to plate” experience as it starts off with a tour of Golden State Foods in Opelika where McDonalds burger patties are produced followed by a stop at Buckhead Beef in Atlanta, Georgia where wholesale beef cuts are further processed into cut steaks ready for the restaurant.

After learning what happens to beef once it leaves the farm, we’ll stop for a visit at the Georgia Cattlemen’s Association and then tour Chatel Farms, an FPL feeding facility, in Reidsville, Georgia. We will then head south to tour the Georgia Museum of Agriculture & Historic Village at ABAC, wake up to tour the North Florida Research & Education Center and round out the tour at Southern Cattle Company in Marianna, Florida.



Thursday, May 31
-Depart from Montgomery at 8 a.m.
-Tour of Golden State Foods in Opelika
See how a McDonald’s burger patty is produced
-Tour of Buckhead Beef in College Park, GA
Explore how beef is further processed into retail cuts
-Bunk in Macon, GA
Friday, June 1
-Start the Day at 7:30 a.m.
-Breakfast at the Georgia Cattlemen’s Association
-Tour of Chatel Farms in Reidsville, GA
Explore this FPL feeding facility in person
– Dinner and tour of the Georgia Museum of Agriculture & Historic Village at ABAC in Tipfton, GA
– Bunk in Bainbridge, GA
Saturday, June 2
– Tour of North Florida Research & Education Center at 8:30 a.m.
– Head out for Marianna, FL at 9:30 a.m.
– Tour Southern Cattle Company in Marianna, FL
SCC is a large-scale operation that has a hand in multiple
segments of the industry!
– Return to Montgomery, AL
Seats will be filled on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Deposits are non-refundable.
For more information, contact Michael Agar at (334) 265-1867 or magar@bamabeef.org.


Thanks for reading this week’s post! Until we post again next week , we want to remind you that you can stay in touch with us by following us on FacebookTwitter or Instagram. Paid for by Alabama Beef Farmers. 

What’s Going On Wednesday: April 18, 2018

Happy Wednesday! It’s a warm, beautiful, springy day here in our great state which means you are probably out getting your hands dirty. We sure hope so as it is your work that keeps the world fed and makes it go round, but when you decide to sit down this evening and enjoy some dinner and rest up for more work this afternoon, we hope this gives you some quality reading material and helps you stay connected with your state Cattlemen’s Association. Spring is a time when beef promotion really amps up, membership deadlines hit and field days jump on the scene. Keep reading to learn what all that means for you as a cattleman…


Bama’s Best Beef Kicks Off

Screenshot 2018-04-18 09.32.14Have you ever tried an unforgettable beef dish served at an Alabama restaurant or food truck? We’re excited to learn about all the unique beef dishes served up at local dives across our state, and the kick off of our 3rd annual Bama’s Best Beef contest has not disappointed in its short lifetime thus far. The contest kicked off on Monday, April 16 with a Facebook, Twitter and Instagram announcement and in just two short days the post has already brought in over 35 nominations and reached over 21,700 Alabamians on Facebook alone. This contest has garnered excellent reach and some pretty great feedback as nominations include tasty-sounding dishes and conversations around the contest are all beef-positive.


An added bonus to the 3rd annual Bama’s Best Beef  is that YOUR VOICE was heard in building the structure of this checkoff-funded contest. What does that mean? Well, as a direct result of cattlemen requests, the contest categories are featuring popular beef cuts including brisket, roasts and steak. This request came about at the 2018 Marketing Plan Task Force Meeting held October 2017.


If your local diner is home to a DELICIOUS beef dish, be sure to visit BamaBeef.org/BestBeef to submit your nomination today. We also challenge you to share the contest on your social platforms and learn more about by listening to our Southeast AgNet release with Randall Weiseman or visiting the contest webpage. This contest is your checkoff dollars at work, cattlemen. Let’s get the biggest bang for our buck and work together to promote it!



Youth Production Field Day- This Weekend


We are looking forward to our upcoming Youth Production Field Day happening at Langley Farms in Chambers County, Alabama this Saturday. We’ve got 44 young people registered and a variety of topics to cover using the expertise of Alabama Extension personnel. Topics include forages, assisted calving, Beef Quality Assurance and body condition scoring. Following a morning of learning and lunch, attendees will have the opportunity to tour Langley Farms with ACA President-Elect Chris Langley and family.


It’s not too late to come if you missed registration. Just contact Michael Agar at (334) 265-1867. More information can be found at BamaBeef.org/ProductionFD.



Hip Hip Hooray for Over the Top Counties

The Over the Top deadline has come and gone, and ACA Membership Coordinator Jessica Kennedy is hard at work inputting stacks and stacks of membership. We are SO PROUD to report that we have over 9,000 members in the system to date and 25 counties have gone Over the Top!! Excellent work to all our county chapters on their hard work and true, grassroots efforts!


Over the Top counties include Bibb, Butler, Choctaw, Clay, Coffee, Colbert, Conecuh, Covington, Cullman, Dale, Escambia, Greene, Jackson, Lamar, Lauderdale, Lawrence, Limestone, Madison, Marshall, Morgan, Perry, Russell, Sumter, Washington and Winston counties!


Now, this means there will be a very special presentation made at the August Board Meeting…you guessed it…RED COATS! County presidents- if you went Over the Top and do not already have a red coat, we cannot stress enough the importance of going to get fitted for your coat and sending the suggest size into Jessica. The reason why it’s so important you get fitted is because (1) we can’t return the coats should they not fit and (2) we cannot re-order your correct size until the next year…which means you’ll be without for another year!! (Our orders are set at a minimum volume, and we are unable to order just one or two coats at a time.) We know you want that coat just as much as we want to give it to you, so please get sized! P.S. if you’re planning to attend the Board Meeting on May 17, Jessica has a few limited sizes you may try on if you’d like 🙂


save the date…speaking of…county presidents and secretaries be sure to SAVE THE DATE for May 17 as we’ll be meeting up in Montgomery for an engaging, interactive Board meeting we’ve entitled: “Building the Brand: Steering County Leaders Toward Success.” 



National Checkoff Program Audit Underway

Every five years, the Cattlemen’s Beef Board (CBB) visits to do an audit Checkoff_Funded by Beef Farmers and Ranchersspecifically for the national checkoff program. This week the ACA has welcomed Dean Oyster from Colorado to the building to conduct this audit. Once the audit is complete, CBB will issue a report that includes recommendations to our office similar to how the annual audit is done with our third party auditor.



April BEEF 101 Programs Wrapping Up

30705078_1265073736961960_3276197742717795694_nThe last of six spring BEEF 101 programs will complete next week, and we’re thrilled to announce that throughout the month of April over 200 participants from culinary arts programs across Alabama will have joined us on a beef journey from pasture to plate. Your checkoff went to work as we hosted programs for McAdory High School, Greenville High School, Central High School and Columbus (GA) High School FACS students as well as Lawson State Community College, Trenholm State Community College, Coastal Alabama Community College and Drake State Community College culinary arts programs. This is big news as these future chefs and foodservice representatives will head into their careers with a thorough knowledge of beef cattle production told straight from the cattlemen…and veterinarian…and meat scientist’s mouth! Big thanks to all who have joined us to help put on these many programs.




FORM & FEE DUE MAY 1, 2018

Join us on a 3-day, 2-night tour of the beef cattle industry across Georgia, Cattlemens Bus Tour_LowFlorida and Alabama! This tour is a true “pasture to plate” experience as it starts off with a tour of Golden State Foods in Opelika where McDonalds burger patties are produced followed by a stop at Buckhead Beef in Atlanta, Georgia where wholesale beef cuts are further processed into cut steaks ready for the restaurant.

After learning what happens to beef once it leaves the farm, we’ll stop for a visit at the Georgia Cattlemen’s Association and then enjoy a tour of Chatel Farms, an FPL feeding facility, in Reidsville, Georgia, and Southern Cattle Company in Marianna, Florida.



Thursday, May 31
-Depart from Montgomery at 8 a.m.
-Tour of Golden State Foods in Opelika
See how a McDonald’s burger patty is produced
-Tour of Buckhead Beef in College Park, GA
Explore how beef is further processed into retail cuts
-Bunk in Macon, GA
Friday, June 1
-Start the Day at 7:30 a.m.
-Breakfast at the Georgia Cattlemen’s Association
-Tour of Chatel Farms in Reidsville, GA
Explore this FPL feeding facility in person
-Bunk in Bainbridge, GA
Saturday, June 2
– Tour of North Florida Research & Education Center at 8:30 a.m.
– Head out for Marianna, FL at 9:30 a.m.
– Tour Southern Cattle Company in Marianna, FL
SCC is a large-scale operation that has a hand in multiple
segments of the industry!
– Return to Montgomery, AL
Seats will be filled on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Deposits are non-refundable.
For more information, contact Michael Agar at (334) 265-1867 or magar@bamabeef.org.



BEEF PAC discusses primaries

The BEEF Political Action Committee (PAC) held a conference call Tuesday night to discuss upcoming primary races. Several candidates in both House and Senate races will receive contributions from the PAC to help support their campaigns. Candidates continue to call and request visits with the association to discuss issues concerning cattlemen which is keeping ACA lobbyist Erin Beasley busy. If you’re interested in joining the BEEF PAC Club, contact Erin at the office by calling (334) 265-1867.



April Consumer Newsletter Coming Your Way Soon

APRIL_HEADER_Reaching consumers with news about beef’s bold flavor, big nutrition and bursting variety is an important initiative in the 2018 Alabama Beef Checkoff Marketing Plan. To amp up consumer education on the digital front…in addition to our work on social media…we’ve decided to implement email campaigns from our state office. So far in 2018, we’ve sent a consumer e-newsletter out each month highlighting timely information about beef. For instance, in January we highlighted lean beef for all those New Year Resolutions, while in February we promoted serving beef to your Valentine. The April newsletter is highlighting beef’s global footprint as we promote the ethnic variety of beef and how you can serve it to your family for a nutritious and educational family dinner! We do this through an article by Alabama Beef Checkoff Contract Dietician Jessica Ivey, recipes, links to information about how beef can be incorporated into the Mediterranean diet and a guide to marinating the right cuts in the perfect sauce to achieve ethnic flavors!


The April Consumer Newsletter will hit over 10,000 inboxes on Friday morning, so be on the lookout and learn how you can serve up dishes from around the world!



Gilmore Elementary School Headed to The MOOseum

As spring arrives, school groups are heading out to enjoy the beautiful MOOseum COLOR logoweather in downtown Montgomery. With that comes a full scene at The MOOseum! Today, we’re excited to host Gilmore Elementary School from Jackson County for a day of learning as they come explore The MOOseum. This group features a special little red-headed guest as Maggie Powell is a student in our visiting class. Her teacher, Ms. Cammie Breedlove, gets two thumbs up from us for promoting agriculture in her classroom. She even had former Executive VP Dr. Powell visit to present a beef cattle lesson to her class!


County chapters- we encourage you all to reach out to local fourth grade classes and sponsor their trip to The MOOseum. It’s free to attend, but some assistance in gas costs could go a long way toward teaching our young people about Alabama’s very important beef cattle industry! We’d even love to see you tag along on their trip and enjoy a day with us. To learn more about The MOOseum, visit BamaBeef.org/TheMOOseum!



Extension Workshops,  County Events Firing Up

Extension workshops, county fundraisers and county field days are lining up on our calendar, and we are thrilled to see cattlemen getting out and learning, promoting and networking! If your county has an event coming up, please send it to ACA Membership Coordinator Jessica Kennedy, and she will disperse the info throughout the office to get it on the website, in the magazine and on staff calendars! For instance, Erin Beasley is looking forward to visiting Lauderdale County this weekend as she joins them for their county field day on Saturday!


To stay updated on all that’s happening or to learn about educational events near you, keep an eye out on the Bama Beef Events Calendar on our website, www.BamaBeef.org.



Environmental Management Commission Meeting

ACA Executive VP Erin Beasley will attend the Environmental Management Commission meeting on Friday which includes several associations and groups visiting with the commission. A few seats will be vacant on the commission in the near future and the ACA has been involved in meeting potential candidates to fill these slots. We hope to keep conservative, common sense people on the commission to assist with environmental needs that we may have in the future.



Thanks for reading this week’s post! Until we post again next week , we want to remind you that you can stay in touch with us by following us on FacebookTwitter or Instagram. Paid for by Alabama Beef Farmers. 

What’s Going On Wednesday: April 11, 2018

The sun is shining, the grass is green, cattle are being worked across Alabama, and your Cattlemen’s Association staff is in town at work for you this springtime week. Not only are we working for you in Montgomery, but your state leaders are also on the Hill in Washington D.C. at the NCBA Legislative Conference. Keep reading to learn more and to get an update from your state association this week. 

ACA Leaders Head to D.C.

file-8ACA Executive Vice President Erin Beasley headed north this week alongside ACA President-Elect Chris Langley, NCBA Region II Policy Vice President  Jimmy Holliman and American National CattleWomen’s Vice President Evelyn Greene to the NCBA Legislative Conference in Washington D.C. Today’s agenda consisted of office visits with Alabama’s senators and representatives. This morning, the group met with staff of Sen. Richard Shelby, Sen. Doug Jones and Congresswoman Terry Sewell, and following lunch, they met with Ag Appropriations Chairman Rep. Robert Aderholt and Congressman Mike Rogers, who serves on the Ag Committee, and Rep. Martha Roby.


These visits surely are useful, and when cattlemen bring their #BootsOnTheHill, they always make a statement.




Facebooklogo_homepageACA Membership Coordinator Jessica Kennedy is hard at work inputting membership. Her stack is growing- which is a great problem to have- but county secretaries can help out by calling her at 334-265-1867 and scheduling a webinar so they can learn how to input county information! This will help greatly as we approach our Over the Top deadline which is APRIL 15! Yes, the deadline has been extended!





Registration is now available for our upcoming Youth Production Field Day happening at Langley Farms in Chambers County, Alabama on April 21. We’re going to cover a variety of topics using the expertise of Alabama Extension personnel including forages, assisted calving, Beef Quality Assurance and body condition scoring. Following a morning of learning and lunch, attendees will have the opportunity to tour Langley Farms with ACA President-Elect Chris Langley and family.


This event is FREE and open to all Alabama youth. If you have any questions, please contact Michael Agar at (334) 265-1867. To register, visit BamaBeef.org/ProductionFD.



Cattlemen’s Bus Tour

FORM & FEE DUE MAY 1, 2018

Join us on a 3-day, 2-night tour of the beef cattle industry across Georgia, Cattlemens Bus Tour_LowFlorida and Alabama! This tour is a true “pasture to plate” experience as it starts off with a tour of Golden State Foods in Opelika where McDonalds burger patties are produced followed by a stop at Buckhead Beef in Atlanta, Georgia where wholesale beef cuts are further processed into cut steaks ready for the restaurant.

After learning what happens to beef once it leaves the farm, we’ll stop for a visit at the Georgia Cattlemen’s Association and then enjoy a tour of Chatel Farms, an FPL feeding facility, in Reidsville, Georgia, and Southern Cattle Company in Marianna, Florida.



Thursday, May 31
-Depart from Montgomery at 8 a.m.
-Tour of Golden State Foods in Opelika
See how a McDonald’s burger patty is produced
-Tour of Buckhead Beef in College Park, GA
Explore how beef is further processed into retail cuts
-Bunk in Macon, GA
Friday, June 1
-Start the Day at 7:30 a.m.
-Breakfast at the Georgia Cattlemen’s Association
-Tour of Chatel Farms in Reidsville, GA
Explore this FPL feeding facility in person
-Bunk in Bainbridge, GA
Saturday, June 2
– Tour of North Florida Research & Education Center at 8:30 a.m.
– Head out for Marianna, FL at 9:30 a.m.
– Tour Southern Cattle Company in Marianna, FL
SCC is a large-scale operation that has a hand in multiple
segments of the industry!
– Return to Montgomery, AL
Seats will be filled on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Deposits are non-refundable.
For more information, contact Michael Agar at (334) 265-1867 or magar@bamabeef.org.




Associate Members

ACA Director of Social Media & Communications spent her Wednesday Alfa Logo Master (CMYK C)2morning at the Alabama Farmers Federation where she met with Alfa Insurance PR team leaders to manage the digital services aspects of their 2018 Platinum Level Associate Membership. We appreciate all our many 2018 associate members, and want to make sure you know who they are!


Platinum: Alfa Insurance

Silver: TriGreen Equipment

Silver: Alabama Farmers Cooperative

Silver: Alabama Ag Credit & Alabama Farm Credit

Bronze: Merck Animal Health

Bronze: Mix30 by Agridyne

Bronze: Southeast Select Sires

Bronze: Dow AgroSciences

Bronze: Tucker Milling

Bronze: Lake Majestik

Bronze: Columbiana Tractor, LLC

Bronze: Cavender’s Western Outfitter



Congratulations, O’Neal!

IMG_5750 copyJoin us in celebrating the 22 years of service O’Neal Broaden has given to the Alabama Cattlemen’s Association. On this day in 1996, O’Neal came to the ACA after retiring from the City of Montgomery and has since been keeping our building straight whether he’s setting up the third for for a program, gathering event supplies or helping us keep the office clean. He is a dedicated employee who loves his many, many friends in Alabama’s cattle business. Congratulations on your work anniversary, O’Neal!




MOOseum COLOR logoAs spring arrives, school groups are heading out to enjoy the beautiful weather in downtown Montgomery. With that comes a full scene  at The MOOseum! County chapters- we encourage you all to reach out to local fourth grade classes and sponsor their trip to The MOOseum. It’s free to attend, but some assistance in gas costs could go a long way toward teaching our young people about Alabama’s very important beef cattle industry! We’d even love to see you tag along on their trip and enjoy a day with us. To learn more about The MOOseum, visit BamaBeef.org/TheMOOseum!




Thanks for reading this week’s post! Until we post again next week , we want to remind you that you can stay in touch with us by following us on FacebookTwitter or Instagram.