What’s Going On Wednesday: April 4, 2018

A little rain, a little warm weather, a little Easter celebration…it all makes for a heart-warming week for Alabama’s cattlemen. We hope you enjoyed Easter festivities with family this past weekend and that spring is bursting out on your farm. We know green grass is a welcomed sight for cattlemen following a long winter of feeding hay! While you enjoy looking out over your pastures, your state staff is looking out over a FULL calendar of events headed our way. Between the Cattlemen’s Bus Tour, the upcoming Bama’s Best Beef contest, BEEF 101 programs, the AJCA Production Field Day and Round-Up events…there’s much to look forward to if you’re part of Alabama’s beef cattle industry. Keep reading to learn more and always feel free to reach out to us with questions!

April BEEF 101 Programs

April is not short on BEEF 101 programs by any means…in fact, there’s SIX throughout the month! This week alone, staffers are spending two days at the Auburn University Beef Unit and Meats Lab to head up BEEF 101 programs with Lawson State Culinary program today and Trenholm State Culinary and Greenville High School Culinary students on Friday. Be sure to check out the May magazine for an update on these programs and big thanks to the cattlemen and meats lab staff who help us make this program a success!




Registration is now available for our upcoming Youth Production Field Day happening at Langley Farms in Chambers County, Alabama on April 21. We’re going to cover a variety of topics using the expertise of Alabama Extension personnel including forages, assisted calving, Beef Quality Assurance and body condition scoring. Following a morning of learning and lunch, attendees will have the opportunity to tour Langley Farms with ACA President-Elect Chris Langley and family.


This event is FREE and open to all Alabama youth. If you have any questions, please contact Michael Agar at (334) 265-1867. To register, visit BamaBeef.org/ProductionFD.



Legislative Session Wrap Up

The legislative session finished last week, and your ACA Executive Vice President and registered lobbyist Erin Beasley spent plenty of time at the Alabama State House where she acted in a watchdog role protecting cattlemens’ interests and your right to farm. Hear more of what Erin had to say about this session by clicking here.



April Magazine In Your Inbox

Screenshot 2018-04-04 13.20.34If you’re a member of the ACA, and you’ve supplied us with your email address, then you should have received your digital copy of the Alabama Cattleman magazine in your email inbox on Tuesday! If you didn’t get that email and would like to receive it each month as part of a perk of your membership, give Jessica Kennedy a call at (334) 265-1867 and make sure she has your email address. If you’re a member and would like access, give Kayla Greer a call at the number above to receive the password to the magazine online!



Young Cattlemen’s Leadership Program Class V

young-cattlemen-logo_websizedThe Alabama Cattlemen’s Association recognizes the need to cultivate our future leaders of the association and industry. The Young Cattlemen’s Leadership Program (YCLP), funded in part by the Alabama State Beef Checkoff, aims to do just that by identifying the state’s top young cattlemen and developing them into leaders of the future.


We are thrilled with all the outstanding applicants for Class V and regret to announce that the application period is now closed for 2018-2019. We’re excited, however, to announce that an invitation to be part YCLP Class V has been extended to 26 young cattlemen from across Alabama, and they’ll gather in Montgomery on May 16-17 for their first session in conjunction with the Spring Board of Directors Meeting. This session will include a day full of farm tours, a cookout social with program alumni leadership training with Dr. Don Mulvaney and an inside peek at what goes on during a Board meeting.

Congratulations to all who have been selected for the 2018-2019 class of the Young Cattlemen’s Leadership Program. If you’d like to get in on next year’s program, contact Michael Agar today!




Thanks to outstanding input from Alabama’s beef cattle producers, the 2018CATTLE CALL_PRODUCER COMM EBLAST HEADER Alabama Beef Checkoff Marketing Plan budgeted for four quarterly producer communications pieces to be generated and email blasted to members’ inboxes throughout this year. Last week, we emailed the first edition of the Cattle Call out to over 10,000 inboxes. This newsletter takes important tidbits from the Bama Beef Blog that highlight overall activities from the first few months of 2018 and summarize them in an easy-to-read format that can be read on your phone, tablet or desktop computer!


This is just one more way we are keeping Alabama’s cattle producers connected to their state association. We want you to be informed because there is as much strength in knowledge as there is in numbers! If you want to be sure you’re on the list to receive this newsletter next time, send ACA Director of Social Media & Communications Kayla Greer your preferred email address today!




Facebooklogo_homepageACA Membership Coordinator Jessica Kennedy is hard at work inputting membership. Her stack is growing- which is a great problem to have- but county secretaries can help out by calling her at 334-265-1867 and scheduling a webinar so they can learn how to input county information! This will help greatly as we approach our Over the Top deadline which is APRIL 15! Yes, the deadline has been extended!




MOOseum COLOR logoAs spring arrives, school groups are heading out to enjoy the beautiful weather in downtown Montgomery. With that comes a full scene  at The MOOseum! County chapters- we encourage you all to reach out to local fourth grade classes and sponsor their trip to The MOOseum. It’s free to attend, but some assistance in gas costs could go a long way toward teaching our young people about Alabama’s very important beef cattle industry! We’d even love to see you tag along on their trip and enjoy a day with us. To learn more about The MOOseum, visit BamaBeef.org/TheMOOseum!




Thanks for reading this week’s post! Until we post again next week , we want to remind you that you can stay in touch with us by following us on FacebookTwitter or Instagram.


What’s Going On Wednesday: March 28, 2018

Just like that, the busy month of March is quickly riding off into the beautiful springtime sunset and making room for April. It’s an exciting time of year for your state staff as we are getting geared up to put your checkoff dollars to extra hard work. With the Bama’s Best Beef contest, a slew of springtime BEEF 101 programs, Junior Cattlemen events and online promotion, we’ve got quite the lineup of checkoff-funded programs coming in hot! While we’re busy promoting our favorite protein, you’re going to be busy producing it and the forages they need to thrive throughout the year. We know the bold green landscapes that are covering Alabama are a welcomed sight for you producers, and we hope you know how much we appreciate your hard work and involvement in Alabama’s beef cattle industry. Keep reading to learn more about what’s going on in Montgomery…


Good Friday HOLIDAY

The Alabama Cattlemen’s Association and The MOOseum will be closed this5235635 - white easter lily flowers in a garden, shallow dof Friday, March 30 in observance of the Good Friday holiday. State staff will observe the religious holiday from home among family and appreciate your willingness to allow us to do so. While the phones will be down, our emails are always up…or you can give us a call as of normal business hours on Monday, April 2. We hope your family has a blessed Easter weekend. Don’t forget to add some beef to that Sunday dinner spread!



Youth Production Field Day


Registration is now available for our upcoming Youth Production Field Day happening at Langley Farms in Chambers County, Alabama on April 21. We’re going to cover a variety of topics using the expertise of Alabama Extension personnel including forages, assisted calving, Beef Quality Assurance and body condition scoring. Following a morning of learning and lunch, attendees will have the opportunity to tour Langley Farms with ACA President-Elect Chris Langley and family.


This event is FREE and open to all Alabama youth. If you have any questions, please contact Michael Agar at (334) 265-1867. To register, visit BamaBeef.org/ProductionFD.



PRoducer news- coming to an inbox near you!

Thanks to outstanding input from Alabama’s beef cattle producers, the 2018CATTLE CALL_PRODUCER COMM EBLAST HEADER Alabama Beef Checkoff Marketing Plan budgeted for four quarterly producer communications pieces to be generated and email blasted to member’s inboxes throughout this year. We’re very excited to have the first of these producer communication newsletters in production, and we are even more excited that it will be sending out soon. This newsletter takes important tidbits from the Bama Beef Blog that highlight overall activities from the first few months of 2018 and summarize them in an easy-to-read format that can be read on your phone, tablet or desktop computer!


This is just one more way we are keeping Alabama’s cattle producers connected to their state association. We want you to be informed because there is as much strength in knowledge as there is in numbers! If you want to be sure you’re on the list to receive this newsletter, send ACA Director of Social Media & Communications Kayla Greer your preferred email address today!

A Watchdog For You

As the legislative session wraps up, your ACA Executive Vice President and registered lobbyist Erin Beasley has been spending ample time at the Alabama State House where she is acting in a watchdog role protecting cattlemens’ interests and your right to farm. She has worked closely with agricultural industry stakeholders throughout this session to protect cattle producers, with the largest win being that of a national ELD mandate extension, which was lobbied extensively for among the Alabama government.


Should you have any questions regarding legislative happenings and their effects on the cattle industry, don’t hesitate to contact Erin Beasley by calling (334) 265-1867.




Facebooklogo_homepageAfter recovering from convention wrap-up, ACA Membership Coordinator Jessica Kennedy is back at her desk and hard at work inputting membership. Her stack is growing- which is a great problem to have- but county secretaries can help out by calling her at 334-265-1867 and scheduling a webinar so they can learn how to input county information! This will help greatly as we approach our Over the Top deadline which is APRIL 15! Yes, the deadline has been extended!


MOOseum COLOR logoAs spring arrives, school groups are heading out to enjoy the beautiful weather in downtown Montgomery. With that comes a full scene  at The MOOseum! County chapters- we encourage you all to reach out to local fourth grade classes and sponsor their trip to The MOOseum. It’s free to attend, but some assistance in gas costs could go a long way toward teaching our young people about Alabama’s very important beef cattle industry! We’d even love to see you tag along on their trip and enjoy a day with us. To learn more about The MOOseum, visit BamaBeef.org/TheMOOseum!



Thanks for reading this week’s post! Until we post again next week , we want to remind you that you can stay in touch with us by following us on FacebookTwitter or Instagram.

What’s Going On Wednesday: March 21, 2018

Welcome back! After a few busy week’s here in our home office, we’re excited to be back at blogging to keep our cattlemen and leaders informed about all that’s happening at the ACA. Saddle up for a big read this week as we’ve got LOTS to report on and even more to look forward to as we head into spring! Before we get started on all the news, we’d like to pause momentarily to say- from the bottom of our hearts- thank you for the involvement and passion you bring our association. Our staff has been humbled by the outpouring of support in the wake of a very busy season, and so we tip our hat to each of you for simply being you.

Now, let’s get to the meat of the matter…


We Hoof’d It in Huntsville!

Logo w Alabama Cattlemens Assc_75th Annual_Convention & Trade show_DatesWhere to even begin with convention? Wow what a wonderful time of fellowship, updates, education, family fun and networking we had in Huntsville. From the changing of the guard to dancin’ at the Blue Jeans Ball we covered a lot of ground at the 75th annual Convention & Trade Show. After an outstanding year of leadership, Richard Meadows has officially become an “x,” as the past presidents jokingly refer to themselves, and Limestone Countian Jack Batts has officially taken his seat as the 74th president of the Alabama Cattlemen’s Association. Serving in supporting state officer roles are President-Elect Chris Langley, Chambers County; Vice President Larry Reeves, Coffee County, and Executive Vice President Erin Beasley, Macon County. We also installed three new regional vice presidents to serve a three-year term- Thornton Stanley, Rodney Logan and Ronnie Joe Jordan- and one to fulfill a one-year term, Jim Miller. For an updated list of the counties they cover, visit BamaBeef.org/RVP. We were also proud to install Washington County cattleman Tommy Fuller as a lifetime director of our association. Congrats to all of our outstanding leaders!


Besides the many important business matters handled at convention, we 29025657_1240228982779769_4240282080540860888_nhad lots of fun and received great education. Over 600 cattlemen hoof’d it to Huntsville to enjoy over 90 trade show vendors, four Zoetis Cattlemen’s Colleges, two general sessions, a PAC auction and our annual awards banquet where over 70 students were awarded over $75,000 in scholarships by the Alabama Cattlemen’s Foundation. We were also pleased to celebrate the induction of Dallas County cattleman and national Livestock Market Association President Jerry Etheredge and Limestone County cattleman and ACA Past President Donna Jo Curtis to the Alabama Livestock Hall of Fame. Last but certainly not least, we also awarded Booger Brown, Bubba Thompson and Cody Harris of INSP’s Cowboy Way: Alabama with “TV Personality of the Year” awards for their outstanding portrayal of the cowboy lifestyle and family values on a national television show.


Whew- if that only began to cover it! But it doesn’t, and that’s because we cannot seem to type out the fun, passion and genuine goodness of our cattlemen. HUGE thanks to all who joined us and helped make the 75th annual convention and trade show one of the best yet! Now, grab your pen and mark your calendars for Feb. 15-16, 2019 at the Birmingham Jefferson Civic Center for the 76th annual Convention & Trade Show! We’ll see y’all there!!



SLE Rodeo Rides Away

Just like the convention, the 2018 SLE Rodeo has also ridden off into the 29366345_1852722491404488_2473832898285797376_nsunset for another year. It doesn’t head out without leaving a mark, though, as we celebrate increased attendance, big laughs and a great show with high-caliber competition! Special thanks to all who came out, attended and helped make our 61st consecutive rodeo a success.


Photo: Jeff Helms, Alabama Farmers Federation

We also celebrate a great week of spotlighting Alabama’s youth in livestock. From an outstanding showing at the 2018 Jr. Beef Expo to awarding scholarships to two youth in each of Alabama’s 67 counties, we are so proud of our next generation! Special thanks tot he Alabama Farmers Federation and Beef Commodity Director Nate Jeager for putting on an excellent state show, and congratulations to Limestone County Junior Cattleman and Grand Champion Market Steer exhibitor Ashlyn Ruf and Coffee County Junior Cattleman and Grand Champion Heifer exhibitor Dow Boyd on two fine animals you raised!


We’d also like to offer a very special thanks to the Poarch Band of Creek Indians (PBCI) who do so much to support our youth in livestock. Each year, two young people from each of Alabama’s 67 counties are awarded a scholarship from the PBCI to aid in future participation in youth livestock events or further education during the Jr. Beef Expo. We proudly presented those scholarships at a Saturday luncheon and are now working to spread the news through statewide press releases in our home office!



Membership Update

Facebooklogo_homepageComing off the heels of convention and rodeo, ACA Membership Coordinator Jessica Kennedy is back at her desk and hard at work inputting membership. Her stack is growing- which is a great problem to have- but county secretaries can help out by calling her at 334-265-1867 and scheduling a webinar so they can learn how to input your county’s information! This will help greatly as we approach our Over the Top deadline which is MARCH 31!



Cattlemen Praise ELD Mandate Extension

U.S. Department of Transportation announced that the Electronic Logging TRUCKSDevice (ELD) mandate will be delayed another 90 days for agricultural haulers:

“This is obviously good news for America’s cattle haulers and producers, and it will provide FMCSA (the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration) more time to educate our livestock haulers on the ELDs while industry works on solutions to the current Hours of Service rules that simply do not work for those hauling live animals. We would like to thank Transportation Secretary Elaine L. Chao and FMCSA Administrator Ray Martinez for listening to our concerns and working with us to find a permanent, workable solution.”

Now we continue in our efforts to find a commonsense approach to fix this problem that could have detrimental effects on the livestock sector.



Spring BEEF 101s Firing Up

IMG_5778_WEBWith the arrival of spring comes a new set of BEEF 101 programs held in conjunction with the staff at the Auburn University Meats Lab and Beef Teaching Unit, sponsored by the Alabama Beef Checkoff. While this is being typed, a big group from McAdory Middle School Family and Consumer Sciences and Agriscience programs are enjoying a pasture to plate experience at our first of SIX spring programs!


Are you interested in joining in on this program? Give us a call at (334) 265-1867 or email us to see how you can get involved and learn more at BamaBeef.org/Beef101.



Youth Production Field Day

If BEEF 101 doesn’t sound exciting enough, then keep reading! We are 21740525_1410882059028700_8897799717074976797_nexcited to host a Youth Production Field Day at Langley Farms in Camp Hill, AL on April 21 from 9 AM- 3PM. Educational topics will include body condition scoring, forages, Beef Quality Assurance, assisted calving and even a farm tour of President-Elect Langley’s farm! This event is FREE and open to all Alabama youth. We invite you to register now at BamaBeef.org/ProductionFD. If you have any questions or would like more information, call ACA Director of Industry Relations and Youth Programs Michael Agar at (334) 265-1867 or email him today!




young-cattlemen-logo_websizedThe Alabama Cattlemen’s Association recognizes the need to cultivate our future leaders of the association and industry. The Young Cattlemen’s Leadership Program (YCLP), funded in part by the Alabama State Beef Checkoff, aims to do just that by identifying the state’s top young cattlemen and developing them into leaders of the future.

The three primary goals of the YCLP are:

  • Provide participants with a “pasture to plate” experience of Alabama’s beef industry
  • Equip participants with the tools necessary to become an effective leader and to share their beef story with their peers
  • Create a network of young cattlemen who the ACA can depend on to help with beef promotion and issues management as well as become industry leaders in the future

The YCLP consists of six meetings dispersed across Alabama over the course of a year. The class will be selected by a committee based on applications submitted. Preference will be given to those nominees who are between the ages of 20 & 40, but do not be discouraged to nominate yourself or someone else who falls out of that range.

If you’re interested in the program or would like to nominate someone, find the form in the December issue of the Alabama Cattleman magazine or print the application.



Visit The MOOseum

MOOseum COLOR logoAs spring arrives, school groups are heading out to enjoy the beautiful weather in downtown Montgomery. With that comes a full scene  at The MOOseum! County chapters- we encourage you all to reach out to local fourth grade classes and sponsor their trip to The MOOseum. It’s free to attend, but some assistance in gas costs could go a long way toward teaching our young people about Alabama’s very important beef cattle industry! We’d even love to see you tag along on their trip and enjoy a day with us! To learn more about The MOOseum, visit BamaBeef.org/TheMOOseum!



Thanks for reading this week’s post! Until we post again next week , we want to remind you that you can stay in touch with us by following us on FacebookTwitter or Instagram.




What’s Going On Wednesday: February 21, 2018

The Good Lord has blessed us this week with some beautiful sunshine, warm temperatures and the first sight of spring as trees begin to flower and rye grass bursts out of the ground. Cattlemen…and their cattle…are proud for a break in the rain and feed bills and schedules. While you’re enjoying life on the farm, your state staff is busy at work planning our many upcoming events, being a watchdog for you in the legislative session and scheduling several upcoming beef promotion programs. Keep reading to learn more and stay up to date with the ACA! 



Logo w Alabama Cattlemens Assc_75th Annual_Convention & Trade show_DatesHoof It to Huntsville for the 75th annual ACA Convention! We’ve got a record number of pre-registrants, almost 70 and counting vendors for the trade show and the Embassy is booked full. (Keep reading for hotel information!)

This year’s convention schedule is packed with great speakers, an engaging and interactive trade show, junior cattlemen activities and live entertainment. Here’s the run down!

AshleyGrantOn Friday, March 9, get ready to kick off the convention with Cattlemen’s College 1 which is all about “Cattle Handling and Disease Prevention,” followed by our Opening General Session led by Ranch House Designs Chief Marketing Officer and Alabama-native Ashley Grant. After that, grab your dancing’ boots and head on over to the trade show where Tim Tyler’s Piano Experience will bring the toe-tapping tunes, and we’ll have a delicious menu ready for you to graze around. During that nightly social, we’ll also host our annual PAC Auction with some awesome items including a 2-day, 2-night hunt at “The Swamp Whitetails,” a Winchester Commemorative leaver action rifle, a black baldy oil painting, bull credits, a registered Brangus bull, Stetson boots and SO many more neat items you’ll want to take home! If you’re interested in donating an item to the PAC Auction, give Erin Beasley a call at (334) 265-1867.


Now that’s just the Friday fun. Saturday will bring a whole host of exciting Kevin Good_2016educational events starting with the ACA Annual Membership Meeting where you’ll elect your new state officers. After the changing of the guard, Cattlefax Senior Market Analyst Kevin Good will lead our General Session 2 as he discusses market, weather and import/export outlooks. After the Cattlemen’s Luncheon with featured speaker Gov. Kay Ivey, the trade show- with over 75 vendors- will open up and our afternoon of Cattlemen’s Colleges will commence. Topics include estate planning, pasture management and nutrition and information on Extension’s “Pasture to Rail” retained ownership program. Last but certainly not least on the convention agenda is our awards banquet where we’ll induct new members to the Alabama Livestock Hall of Fame and award over $65,000 in scholarships to deserving students. Following the awards banquet, grab those dancin’ boots again as the Rexton Lee Band amps up our Blue Jeans Ball!


Junior Cattlemen are not left out of the fun. Your checkoff staff has made up an elaborate and educational scavenger hunt for those junior cattlemen to enjoy and build those teamwork skills. They’ll also have their own speaker and get to participate in leadership games and activities with ACA Director of Industry Relations & Youth Programs Michael Agar.


We sure hope you’ll Hoof It to Huntsville to the 75th annual ACA Convention & Trade Show! It’s sure to be a great time of education, networking and getting involved with your association.


Click Here to Register Now! Or call us at (334) 265-1867 to register by phone. The Embassy Suites is BOOKED full. We have an Alabama Cattlemen’s Association block at the neighboring Homewood Suites. Click here or call 256.539.1445 to book your room at the Homewood Suites by Hilton Huntsville Downtown.



Trade Show Vendors- The list keeps growing!

We’re bringing you the BEST trade show we’ve ever had to offer at the 75th annual ACA Convention and Trade Show! Check out this list of vendors now!

  • ABS Global Inc.
  • ADM Animal Nutrition
  • Agri-AFC, LLC
  • Alabama Ag Credit/Alabama Farm Credit
  • Alabama BCIA
  • Alabama Beef Systems Extension
  • Alabama CattleWomen’s Association
  • Alabama Department of Agriculture & Industries
  • Alabama Farmers Cooperative
  • Alabama Soil & Water Conservation Committee
  • Allflex USA, Inc.
  • American Angus Association
  • AU College of Agriculture
  • Bayer
  • Bayer Animal Health
  • Boehringer Ingelheim
  • Burns Farms
  • Cargill
  • Cargill/SSC Feeds
  • Cavenders Western Outfitter
  • CK Cattle
  • CK Cattle Equipment
  • Datamars, Inc.
  • Deep South Livestock Equipment
  • DowDupont Agrosciences
  • EZ T Post
  • First South Farm Credit
  • Genex
  • Haney Equipment Co.
  • Huntsville Tractor & Equipment
  • Hy Plains Feedyard
  • Kilgro & Associates, Inc.
  • Lake Majestik Farms
  • Landers McLarty Chysler Dodge Jeep Ram
  • MERCK Aniimal Health
  • Mix 30 by Agridyne
  • NCBA
  • No Bull Enterprises
  • NuTech Biosciences
  • OreGro Seeds
  • Peachtree Planning
  • PNC Bank
  • Premier Angus Genetics
  • Ridley Block Operations
  • Smoky Mountain Cattle Co.
  • Southeast Select Sires, Inc.
  • Southeastern Land Group, Inc.
  • Southern Silage Supply
  • Stay Tuff Wire
  • StockAde/Schwarz Equipment Co.
  • Stocker Supply, LLC
  • Sumner AG Services, Inc.
  • Tennessee Livestock Producers
  • The Richadson Agency
  • The Wax Company
  • TMKE LLC/Hapy Feet USA
  • Town Creek Farm
  • TriGreen Equipment
  • VitaFerm
  • Walter Moss Seed Co.
  • Westway Feed Products
  • Zoetis
  • Alabama Cattlemen’s Association
  • Graham Livestock Systems
  • Art by Allie
  • Postive Feed
  • Ag-Pro Companies
  • Woody Anderson Ford
  • Alabama Senepol Breeders Association
  • Alabama Charolais Association
  • Pennington Seed Inc.
  • Will Ainsworth for Lt. Governor
  • Small & Rural Services
  • SweetPro Premium Feed Supplements
  • Giant Rubber Water Tanks, Inc.
  • Tucker Milling, LLC
  • Genetix Cattle Plus



SLE RODEO TICKETS ON SALE NOW- Media luncheon this week!

The 61st annual SLE Rodeo is coming to town March 15-17 at Garrett sle-logoColiseum. PRCA 2017 Stock Contractor of the Year Frontier Rodeo Company’s elite bucking stock, PRCA Xtreme Bullfights and hometown funny man Trent McFarland are sure to combine to make one excellent show for the whole family! Kids events will be available where your little buckaroo can play in the dirt like a real rodeo cowboy. SLE Rodeo tickets are on sale now! Call us at 888-2RODEO2 or visit us online to order tickets to the show and to learn more about the 2018 SLE Rodeo!


Speaking of the rodeo, we’ll host Montgomery’s most-loved media personalities at the Cattlemen’s Building this Thursday for the annual SLE Rodeo Media Luncheon. There, the media will get a flavor for what the rodeo is bringing to town while enjoying a delicious steak lunch. This is always a fun event and a great way to inform the media about our upcoming show!



Policy Update, Rep. Mike Rogers & PAC Reception

TRUCKSThe association is continuing to work on the national level regarding the Electronic Logging Device (ELD) law. This past week, a petition was submitted to the DOT in Washington D.C. outlining the concerns for livestock haulers and was signed by organizations that make up the Ag Coalition in Alabama. Additionally, the ACA submitted a letter before the comment deadline signed by a majority of county cattlemen’s associations. Thank you for engaging on this issue. We are continuing to look for solutions to the law as the March 18 deadline for exemption approaches.


Also in the world of politics, the Alabama BEEF PAC Club hosted its annual 28162295_1228963393906328_6213200549282671033_oPAC Reception last evening at the Cattlemen’s Building in downtown Montgomery. BEEF PAC Club members welcomed legislators for a night of good fellowship and, of course, beef. We were also pleased to host Congressman Mike Rogers at our building for a luncheon yesterday as he gave an update from his office in D.C. and offered insight on federal policy coming down the pipeline.



The MOOseum Welcomes all

MOOseum COLOR logoWhat we’re hearing from The MOOseum Coordinator Kara Harden downstairs is that The MOOseum has attracted quite a diverse audience as of late. Our children’s educational center has had an increase of out-of-state traffic and even had a family from Australia visit while they were touring around downtown Montgomery. We’re excited to welcome out-of-towners in to learn about Alabama’s beef cattle industry. Just today, we are expecting over 100 kiddos from Sylvania Elementary School.




Facebooklogo_homepageAs ACA Membership Coordinator Jessica Kennedy works diligently to put in county memberships, we encourage county leaders to help her out by setting aside 30-45 minutes to complete a training webinar for the new membership software, i4a. Software training webinars are still happening! If you have not signed up for training please send Jessica the days that are best for you and if you want a 12pm, 3pm, or 7pm slot.  Please choose multiple times and days of availability.  If you’re not a big emailer, give her a call at (334) 265-1867.


On that note, we also want to encourage you to keep an eye out for renewal notices as the second renewal mailout is hitting mailboxes this month! Be sure to get those memberships sent to the state office. Over the Top deadline is set for March 31st.



Stay updated with the “when” and “where” of upcoming educational events and meetings by visiting our Cattlemen’s Calendar. If you’re county annual meeting isn’t on the list, be sure to send that information to Jessica.


Jessica is also anxiously awaiting your county leadership updates and county annual meeting photos. She needs the names and contact information of the newest county leaders in order to organize the updating of the magazine and website as well as provide the correct correspondence for important letters and emails pertaining to Board Members. Please send those updates to Jessica! She is also looking out for information on your upcoming county meetings. Send those dates, times and locations her way to get them included on our online calendar and to line up a state representative to attend the event. If you’d like a county meeting mailout done, please give Jessica TWO WEEKS notice. Those mailouts take a good bit of time to design, print and label, so please give us plenty of notice to do a clean, thorough job for your county.




young-cattlemen-logo_websizedThe Alabama Cattlemen’s Association recognizes the need to cultivate our future leaders of the association and industry. The Young Cattlemen’s Leadership Program (YCLP), funded in part by the Alabama State Beef Checkoff, aims to do just that by identifying the state’s top young cattlemen and developing them into leaders of the future.

The three primary goals of the YCLP are:

  • Provide participants with a “pasture to plate” experience of Alabama’s beef industry
  • Equip participants with the tools necessary to become an effective leader and to share their beef story with their peers
  • Create a network of young cattlemen who the ACA can depend on to help with beef promotion and issues management as well as become industry leaders in the future

The YCLP consists of six meetings dispersed across Alabama over the course of a year. The class will be selected by a committee based on applications submitted. Preference will be given to those nominees who are between the ages of 20 & 40, but do not be discouraged to nominate yourself or someone else who falls out of that range.

If you’re interested in the program or would like to nominate someone, find the form in the December issue of the Alabama Cattleman magazine or print the application.


Thanks for reading this week’s post! Until we post again next week , we want to remind you that you can stay in touch with us by following us on FacebookTwitter or Instagram.


What’s Going On Wednesday: February 14, 2018

bamabeefblogheaderHappy Valentine’s Day! Your state staff sure LOVES Alabama’s beef cattle industry and all its wonderful cattlemen!! We’re closing in on a busy season here at the ACA as convention, SLE Rodeo, the legislative session and springtime beef promotions head our way at lightning speed. There’s lots to do and little time, but we’re excited for next month and all that comes with it. Keep reading to learn more and stay up to date with your ACA. 



Logo w Alabama Cattlemens Assc_75th Annual_Convention & Trade show_DatesHoof It to Huntsville for the 75th annual ACA Convention! We’ve got a record number of pre-registrants, almost 70 and counting vendors for the trade show and the Embassy is booked full. (Keep reading for hotel information!)

This year’s convention schedule is packed with great speakers, an engaging and interactive trade show, junior cattlemen activities and live entertainment. Here’s the run down!

AshleyGrantOn Friday, March 9, get ready to kick off the convention with Cattlemen’s College 1 which is all about “Cattle Handling and Disease Prevention,” followed by our Opening General Session led by Ranch House Designs Chief Marketing Officer and Alabama-native Ashley Grant. After that, grab your dancing’ boots and head on over to the trade show where Tim Tyler’s Piano Experience will bring the toe-tapping tunes, and we’ll have a delicious menu ready for you to graze around. During that nightly social, we’ll also host our annual PAC Auction with some awesome items including a 2-day, 2-night hunt at “The Swamp Whitetails,” a Winchester Commemorative leaver action rifle, a black baldy oil painting, bull credits, a registered Brangus bull, Stetson boots and SO many more neat items you’ll want to take home! If you’re interested in donating an item to the PAC Auction, give Erin Beasley a call at (334) 265-1867.


Now that’s just the Friday fun. Saturday will bring a whole host of exciting Kevin Good_2016educational events starting with the ACA Annual Membership Meeting where you’ll elect your new state officers. After the changing of the guard, Cattlefax Senior Market Analyst Kevin Good will lead our General Session 2 as he discusses market, weather and import/export outlooks. After the Cattlemen’s Luncheon with featured speaker Gov. Kay Ivey, the trade show- with over 75 vendors- will open up and our afternoon of Cattlemen’s Colleges will commence. Topics include estate planning, pasture management and nutrition and information on Extension’s “Pasture to Rail” retained ownership program. Last but certainly not least on the convention agenda is our awards banquet where we’ll induct new members to the Alabama Livestock Hall of Fame and award over $65,000 in scholarships to deserving students. Following the awards banquet, grab those dancin’ boots again as the Rexton Lee Band amps up our Blue Jeans Ball!


Junior Cattlemen are not left out of the fun. Your checkoff staff has made up an elaborate and educational scavenger hunt for those junior cattlemen to enjoy and build those teamwork skills. They’ll also have their own speaker and get to participate in leadership games and activities with ACA Director of Industry Relations & Youth Programs Michael Agar.


We sure hope you’ll Hoof It to Huntsville to the 75th annual ACA Convention & Trade Show! It’s sure to be a great time of education, networking and getting involved with your association.


Click Here to Register Now! Or call us at (334) 265-1867 to register by phone. The Embassy Suites is BOOKED full. We have an Alabama Cattlemen’s Association block at the neighboring Homewood Suites. Click here or call 256.539.1445 to book your room at the Homewood Suites by Hilton Huntsville Downtown.




The 61st annual SLE Rodeo is coming to town March 15-17 at Garrett sle-logoColiseum. PRCA 2017 Stock Contractor of the Year Frontier Rodeo Company’s elite bucking stock, PRCA Freestyle Bullfighting and hometown funny man Trent McFarland are sure to combine to make one excellent show for the whole family! Kids events will be available where your little buckaroo can play in the dirt like a real rodeo cowboy. SLE Rodeo tickets are on sale now! Call us at 888-2RODEO2 or visit us online to order tickets to the show and to learn more about the 2018 SLE Rodeo!



Playing Watchdog

While the legislature is heating up in Montgomery, your Cattlemen’s lobbyist Erin Beasley has been spending time at the State House and planning our upcoming PAC Reception and reception for Congressman Mike Rogers. She is on the forefront of the discussions about the impending ELD extension expiration and is fighting to protect Alabama’s cattle producers from the effects of mandatory electronic logging devices. Learn more in here column in the upcoming March magazine!



ACA FIeld Man hits southwest corner

ACA Director of Industry Relations and Youth Programs Michael Agar has a busy week happening in southwest Alabama. Today, he headed down to start his journey with his first destination at Frisco City Livestock Market where he attended the sale, visited with owner and operator Michael Jordan and presented Beef. It’s What’s For Dinner. checkoff signage and ACA sorting flags. The rest of the week has him visiting the Baldwin, Jackson and Choctaw counties annual meetings before he heads back north to Montgomery.




Facebooklogo_homepageAs ACA Membership Coordinator Jessica Kennedy works diligently to put in county memberships, we encourage county leaders to help her out by setting aside 30-45 minutes to complete a training webinar for the new membership software, i4a. Software training webinars are still happening! If you have not signed up for training please send Jessica the days that are best for you and if you want a 12pm, 3pm, or 7pm slot.  Please choose multiple times and days of availability.  If you’re not a big emailer, give her a call at (334) 265-1867.


On that note, we also want to encourage you to keep an eye out for renewal notices as the second renewal mailout is hitting mailboxes this month! Be sure to get those memberships sent to the state office. Over the Top deadline is set for March 31st.



Stay updated with the “when” and “where” of upcoming educational events and meetings by visiting our Cattlemen’s Calendar. If you’re county annual meeting isn’t on the list, be sure to send that information to Jessica.


Jessica is also anxiously awaiting your county leadership updates and county annual meeting photos. She needs the names and contact information of the newest county leaders in order to organize the updating of the magazine and website as well as provide the correct correspondence for important letters and emails pertaining to Board Members. Please send those updates to Jessica! She is also looking out for information on your upcoming county meetings. Send those dates, times and locations her way to get them included on our online calendar and to line up a state representative to attend the event. If you’d like a county meeting mailout done, please give Jessica TWO WEEKS notice. Those mailouts take a good bit of time to design, print and label, so please give us plenty of notice to do a clean, thorough job for your county.




young-cattlemen-logo_websizedThe Alabama Cattlemen’s Association recognizes the need to cultivate our future leaders of the association and industry. The Young Cattlemen’s Leadership Program (YCLP), funded in part by the Alabama State Beef Checkoff, aims to do just that by identifying the state’s top young cattlemen and developing them into leaders of the future.

The three primary goals of the YCLP are:

  • Provide participants with a “pasture to plate” experience of Alabama’s beef industry
  • Equip participants with the tools necessary to become an effective leader and to share their beef story with their peers
  • Create a network of young cattlemen who the ACA can depend on to help with beef promotion and issues management as well as become industry leaders in the future

The YCLP consists of six meetings dispersed across Alabama over the course of a year. The class will be selected by a committee based on applications submitted. Preference will be given to those nominees who are between the ages of 20 & 40, but do not be discouraged to nominate yourself or someone else who falls out of that range.

If you’re interested in the program or would like to nominate someone, find the form in the December issue of the Alabama Cattleman magazine or print the application.



Valentine’s Day Inspiration

If you need just the right thing to post on your social media for Valentine’s Day, here’s a few beefy options!





Thanks for reading this week’s post! Until we post again next week , we want to remind you that you can stay in touch with us by following us on FacebookTwitter or Instagram.

What’s Going On Wednesday: February 7, 2018

Ok, ok. This weather is truly out of hand. In true Alabama fashion, the weather has us on a roller coaster ride. Sub-freezing temps to mid-70s in February to “drought” conditions and heavy rainstorms that leave us cattlemen in mud up to our knees. The rye grass is coming in slow while the feed sacks are emptying fast. It’s wintertime in Alabama (we think?) and as temperatures are looking to turn north, so are we as we prepare for our biggest event of the year. Keep reading to get an update on Convention and to learn more about what’s going on at the ACA this week. 



Logo w Alabama Cattlemens Assc_75th Annual_Convention & Trade show_DatesHoof It to Huntsville for the 75th annual ACA Convention! We’ve got a record number of pre-registrants, almost 70 and counting vendors for the trade show and the Embassy is booked full. (Keep reading for hotel information!)

This year’s convention schedule is packed with great speakers, an engaging and interactive trade show, junior cattlemen activities and live entertainment. Here’s the run down!

AshleyGrantOn Friday, March 9, get ready to kick off the convention with Cattlemen’s College 1 which is all about “Cattle Handling and Disease Prevention,” followed by our Opening General Session led by Ranch House Designs Chief Marketing Officer and Alabama-native Ashley Grant. After that, grab your dancing’ boots and head on over to the trade show where Tim Tyler’s Piano Experience will bring the toe-tapping tunes, and we’ll have a delicious menu ready for you to graze around. During that nightly social, we’ll also host our annual PAC Auction with some awesome items including a 2-day, 2-night hunt at “The Swamp Whitetails,” a Winchester Commemorative leaver action rifle, a black baldy oil painting, bull credits, a registered Brangus bull, Stetson boots and SO many more neat items you’ll want to take home! If you’re interested in donating an item to the PAC Auction, give Erin Beasley a call at (334) 265-1867.


Now that’s just the Friday fun. Saturday will bring a whole host of exciting Kevin Good_2016educational events starting with the ACA Annual Membership Meeting where you’ll elect your new state officers. After the changing of the guard, Cattlefax Senior Market Analyst Kevin Good will lead our General Session 2 as he discusses market, weather and import/export outlooks. After the Cattlemen’s Luncheon with featured speaker Gov. Kay Ivey, the trade show- with over 75 vendors- will open up and our afternoon of Cattlemen’s Colleges will commence. Topics include estate planning, pasture management and nutrition and information on Extension’s “Pasture to Rail” retained ownership program. Last but certainly not least on the convention agenda is our awards banquet where we’ll induct new members to the Alabama Livestock Hall of Fame and award over $55,000 in scholarships to deserving students. Following the awards banquet, grab those dancin’ boots again as the Rexton Lee Band amps up our Blue Jeans Ball!


Junior Cattlemen are not left out of the fun. This week, your checkoff staff has been working on an elaborate and educational scavenger hunt for those junior cattlemen to enjoy and build those teamwork skills. They’ll also have their own speaker and get to participate in leadership games and activities with ACA Director of Industry Relations & Youth Programs Michael Agar.


We sure hope you’ll Hoof It to Huntsville to the 75th annual ACA Convention & Trade Show! It’s sure to be a great time of education, networking and getting involved with your association.


Click Here to Register Now! Or call us at (334) 265-1867 to register by phone. The Embassy Suites is BOOKED full. We have an Alabama Cattlemen’s Association block at the neighboring Homewood Suites. Click here or call 256.539.1445 to book your room at the Homewood Suites by Hilton Huntsville Downtown.




The 61st annual SLE Rodeo is coming to town March 15-17 at Garrett sle-logoColiseum. PRCA 2017 Stock Contractor of the Year Frontier Rodeo Company’s elite bucking stock, PRCA Freestyle Bullfighting and hometown funny man Trent McFarland are sure to combine to make one excellent show for the whole family! Kids events will be available where your little buckaroo can play in the dirt like a real rodeo cowboy. SLE Rodeo tickets are on sale now! Call us at 888-2RODEO2 or visit us online to order tickets to the show and to learn more about the 2018 SLE Rodeo!




Facebooklogo_homepageAs ACA Membership Coordinator Jessica Kennedy works diligently to put in county memberships, we encourage county leaders to help her out by setting aside 30-45 minutes to complete a training webinar for the new membership software, i4a. Software training webinars are still happening! If you have not signed up for training please send Jessica the days that are best for you and if you want a 12pm, 3pm, or 7pm slot.  Please choose multiple times and days of availability.  If you’re not a big emailer, give her a call at (334) 265-1867.


On that note, we also want to encourage you to keep an eye out for renewal notices as the second renewal mailout is hitting mailboxes this month! Be sure to get those memberships sent to the state office. Over the Top deadline is set for March 31st.



County annual meetings are in full swing, and your state staff is excited to buzz all around visiting those meetings. If a state staffer isn’t in attendance, then one of our outstanding officers are. This week alone we’ve hit Clarke, Henry, Pickens and Crenshaw counties. Stay updated with the “when” and “where” of meetings by visiting our Cattlemen’s Calendar. If you’re meeting isn’t on the list, be sure to send that information to Jessica.


Jessica is also anxiously awaiting your county leadership updates and county annual meeting photos. She needs the names and contact information of the newest county leaders in order to organize the updating of the magazine and website as well as provide the correct correspondence for important letters and emails pertaining to Board Members. Please send those updates to Jessica! She is also looking out for information on your upcoming county meetings. Send those dates, times and locations her way to get them included on our online calendar and to line up a state representative to attend the event. If you’d like a county meeting mailout done, please give Jessica TWO WEEKS notice. Those mailouts take a good bit of time to design, print and label, so please give us plenty of notice to do a clean, thorough job for your county.



Scholarship Notification

If you’re favorite student applied for an Alabama Cattlemen’s Foundation tag-_scholarship_apply_copy_web(3)(2)(2)scholarship, be on the look out for a letter and an email THIS WEEK. We’re proud to award over $60,000 in scholarships this year to deserving students across the state. This year’s applicant pool was extraordinary as we had a plethora of students with superb grades and loads of agricultural involvement.


We are thrilled to award scholarships to Alabama’s finest cattle kids!



Hosting Large Animal Bovine Vet Students

The ACA is looking forward to hosting Dr. Misty Edmondson’s large animal bovine veterinarian students this Friday at the ACA building. While visiting along with State Veterinarian Dr. Tony Frazier, the students will tour our building, enjoy lunch and learn more about Alabama’s beef cattle industry and our association. This group stops by for a visit each year, and we appreciate the leadership of Dr. Edmondson to introduce her students to our association.



AL Cattlemen Blazed a Trail to Phoenix

27540764_1216722671797067_1299927422476780477_nAlabama Cattlemen’s had quite the showing at the 2018 Cattle Industry Convention and Trade Show in Phoenix last week. Your state officers, collegiate cattlemen and others had a successful trip out west to visit the largest industry trade show in the nation and participate in all the meetings and events! We’re proud to announce that ACA Past President Jimmy Holliman was elected to serve as your Region II policy vice president where he’ll represent the Southeast at the policy roundtable.


We’re already looking forward to a trip to the bayou next year as convention comes to New Orleans!



Staffers Head North

ACA staffers Michael Agar and Kayla Greer enjoyed the opportunity to travel 27355700_1216307228505278_4542735662446832632_oacross north Alabama last week to visit with and present the owners at Tennessee Valley Livestock, Fort Payne Stockyard and Sand Mountain Stockyard and with BEEF signage and ACA sorting flags. They also stopped by former Regional Vice President Clay Kennamer’s operation in Hollywood, Alabama and ACA President-Elect Jack Batts’ homeplace in Athens.  We appreciate the hospitality shown and the time everyone took to meet with us. Look for more in the March issue of the Alabama Cattleman magazine. Great sales, fine facilities and nice folks along the way!



Legislature Heating Up

While the legislature is heating up in Montgomery, your Cattlemen’s lobbyist Erin Beasley has been spending time at the State House and planning our upcoming PAC Reception and reception for Congressman Mike Rogers. She is on the forefront of the discussions about the impending ELD extension expiration and is fighting to protect Alabama’s cattle producers from the effects of mandatory electronic logging devices.




young-cattlemen-logo_websizedThe Alabama Cattlemen’s Association recognizes the need to cultivate our future leaders of the association and industry. The Young Cattlemen’s Leadership Program (YCLP), funded in part by the Alabama State Beef Checkoff, aims to do just that by identifying the state’s top young cattlemen and developing them into leaders of the future.

The three primary goals of the YCLP are:

  • Provide participants with a “pasture to plate” experience of Alabama’s beef industry
  • Equip participants with the tools necessary to become an effective leader and to share their beef story with their peers
  • Create a network of young cattlemen who the ACA can depend on to help with beef promotion and issues management as well as become industry leaders in the future

The YCLP consists of six meetings dispersed across Alabama over the course of a year. The class will be selected by a committee based on applications submitted. Preference will be given to those nominees who are between the ages of 20 & 40, but do not be discouraged to nominate yourself or someone else who falls out of that range.

If you’re interested in the program or would like to nominate someone, find the form in the December issue of the Alabama Cattleman magazine or print the application.



Thanks for reading this week’s post! Until we post again next week , we want to remind you that you can stay in touch with us by following us on FacebookTwitter or Instagram.

What’s Going On Wednesday: January 24, 2018

After a bitter cold week, who all is enjoying these warmer temperatures!? Cattle…and cattlemen…across the state are getting the opportunity to thaw out and accomplish tasks on the farm in preparation for the spring months that are quickly headed our way! Now, that’s something to be excited out! Speaking of spring, our spring calendar is filling up quick. The two most important events are the ACA Convention & Trade Show and the SLE Livestock Week. Be sure to keep reading to learn more about these events and get important deadline information! 


ACA Convention & Trade Show- Early Bird Ends Next Week!

First thing’s first. If you want to attend convention AND save $20/ Logo w Alabama Cattlemens Assc_75th Annual_Convention & Trade show_Datesattendee, be sure to get registered by NEXT WEDNESDAY! Beginning February 1, Do-It-All and One-Day Package pricing will increase by $20/attendee. No exceptions! Also be sure to get your room at the Embassy booked by visiting this link or calling (256) 327-7838 and giving the block code “ACA.”  This will ensure you get a room on the Cattlemen’s Block!


Click Here to Register Now! Or call us at (334) 265-1867 to register by phone.


Now- for the fun stuff. This year’s convention schedule is packed with great speakers, an engaging and interactive trade show, junior cattlemen activities and live entertainment. Here’s the run down!

AshleyGrantOn Friday, get ready to kick off the convention with Cattlemen’s College 1 which is all about “Cattle Handling and Disease Prevention,” followed by our Opening General Session led by Ranch House Designs Chief Marketing Officer and Alabama-native Ashley Grant. After that, grab your dancing’ boots and head on over to the trade show where Tim Tyler’s Piano Experience will bring the toe-tapping tunes, and we’ll have a delicious menu ready for you to graze around. During that nightly social, we’ll also host our annual PAC Auction with some awesome items including a 2-day, 2-night hunt at “The Swamp Whitetails,” a Winchester Commemorative leaver action rifle, a black baldy oil painting, bull credits, a registered Brangus bull, Stetson boots and SO many more neat items you’ll want to take home! If you’re interested in donating an item to the PAC Auction, give Erin Beasley a call at (334) 265-1867.


Now that’s just the Friday fun. Saturday will bring a whole host of exciting Kevin Good_2016educational events starting with the ACA Annual Membership Meeting where you’ll elect your new state officers. After the changing of the guard, Cattlefax Senior Market Analyst Kevin Good will lead our General Session 2 as he discusses market, weather and import/export outlooks. After the Cattlemen’s Luncheon with featured speaker Gov. Kay Ivey, the trade show- with over 75 vendors- will open up and our afternoon of Cattlemen’s Colleges will commence. Topics include estate planning, pasture management and nutrition and information on Extension’s “Pasture to Rail” retained ownership program. Last but certainly not least on the convention agenda is our awards banquet where we’ll induct new members to the Alabama Livestock Hall of Fame and award over $55,000 in scholarships to deserving students. Following the awards banquet, grab those dancin’ boots again as the Rexton Lee Band amps up our Blue Jeans Ball!


Junior Cattlemen are not left out of the fun. This week, your checkoff staff has been working on an elaborate and educational scavenger hunt for those junior cattlemen to enjoy and build those teamwork skills. They’ll also have their own speaker and get to participate in leadership games and activities with ACA Director of Industry Relations & Youth Programs Michael Agar.


We sure hope you’ll Hoof It to Huntsville to the 75th annual ACA Convention & Trade Show! It’s sure to be a great time of education, networking and getting involved with your association.




The 61st annual SLE Rodeo is coming to town March 15-17 at Garrett sle-logoColiseum. PRCA 2017 Stock Contractor of the Year Frontier Rodeo Company’s elite bucking stock, PRCA Freestyle Bullfighting and hometown funny man Trent McFarland are sure to combine to make one excellent show for the whole family! Kids events will be available where your little buckaroo can play in the dirt like a real rodeo cowboy. If you’re in the market for an awesome stocking stuffer idea, you’re in luck. SLE Rodeo tickets are on sale now! Call us at 888-2RODEO2 or visit us online to order tickets to the show and to learn more about the 2018 SLE Rodeo!




Facebooklogo_homepageAs ACA Membership Coordinator Jessica Kennedy works diligently to put in county memberships, we encourage county leaders to help her out by setting aside 30-45 minutes to complete a training webinar for the new membership software, i4a. Software training webinars are still happening! If you have not signed up for training please send Jessica the days that are best for you and if you want a 12pm, 3pm, or 7pm slot.  Please choose multiple times and days of availability.  If you’re not a big emailer, give her a call at (334) 265-1867.


On that note, we also want to encourage you to keep an eye out for renewal notices as the second renewal mailout is hitting mailboxes this month! Be sure to get those memberships sent to the state office.



County annual meetings are in full swing, and your state staff is excited to buzz all around visiting those meetings. If a state staffer isn’t in attendance, then one of our outstanding officers are. This week alone we’ve hit (or will hit!) Shelby, Jefferson, Tallapoosa, Lee and Colbert counties. Stay updated with the “when” and “where” of meetings by visiting our Cattlemen’s Calendar. If you’re meeting isn’t on the list, be sure to send that information to Jessica.


Jessica is also anxiously awaiting your county leadership updates and county annual meeting photos. She needs the names and contact information of the newest county leaders in order to organize the updating of the magazine and website as well as provide the correct correspondence for important letters and emails pertaining to Board Members. Please send those updates to Jessica! She is also looking out for information on your upcoming county meetings. Send those dates, times and locations her way to get them included on our online calendar and to line up a state representative to attend the event. If you’d like a county meeting mailout done, please give Jessica TWO WEEKS notice. Those mailouts take a good bit of time to design, print and label, so please give us plenty of notice to do a clean, thorough job for your county.



International Army Wives Visits aca

We had an interesting group stop by The MOOseum this week. The Screenshot 2018-01-24 11.51.35Maxwell AFB International Officer Wives, a group representing over 50 ladies, stopped by to learn more about the beef cattle industry. What’s interesting about this group is that they’re from all over the world. Group members from Romania, Egypt, Brazil, India and even the U.S. brought great questions to their tour. They and their little ones enjoyed exploring The MOOseum, and they even got to visit the Alabama Livestock Hall of Fame and donor booths on the third floor. We had the unique opportunity to answer their many questions about beef and cattle production while touring. We appreciate this group stopping by to learn about an industry that’s so  important in our home state.


young-cattlemen-logo_websizedThe Alabama Cattlemen’s Association recognizes the need to cultivate our future leaders of the association and industry. The Young Cattlemen’s Leadership Program (YCLP), funded in part by the Alabama State Beef Checkoff, aims to do just that by identifying the state’s top young cattlemen and developing them into leaders of the future.

The three primary goals of the YCLP are:

  • Provide participants with a “pasture to plate” experience of Alabama’s beef industry
  • Equip participants with the tools necessary to become an effective leader and to share their beef story with their peers
  • Create a network of young cattlemen who the ACA can depend on to help with beef promotion and issues management as well as become industry leaders in the future

The YCLP consists of six meetings dispersed across Alabama over the course of a year. The class will be selected by a committee based on applications submitted. Preference will be given to those nominees who are between the ages of 20 & 40, but do not be discouraged to nominate yourself or someone else who falls out of that range.

If you’re interested in the program or would like to nominate someone, find the form in the December issue of the Alabama Cattleman magazine or print the application.



Alabama Junior Cattlemen Pacific Tour 2018

Lauderdale County Cattleman Brian Smith and his county Junior Unknown-2Cattlemen are at it again as they headed west on their Alabama Junior Cattlemen Pacific Tour 2018! While on this trip, they visited with the California Cattlemen’s Association located in Sacramento, Cal. and visited the ranch of Tim Koopman where they learned about his California cattle operation and his efforts in environmental management. Look out for more information in the February issue of the “Alabama Cattleman” magazine.



Thanks for reading this week’s post! Until we post again next week , we want to remind you that you can stay in touch with us by following us on FacebookTwitter or Instagram.

What’s Going On Wednesday: January 17, 2018

This cold weather is NOT playing around today, folks. We hope you’re able to stay safe and warm while caring for your cattle in these unforgiving conditions. After the hay is put out and the water troughs are busted out and you’re back in the house thawing out, take time to read about what’s happening at the Cattlemen’s Building this week. You’ll even get a checklist of reminders to help you stay on top of all the events and programs soon happening across the state. Your state staff is always just a phone call away, so stay warm and always remember that we are here to help you be the best cattleman you can be. 

ACA Office Closed- It’s a Snow Day!

The Alabama Cattlemen’s Association office is closed today due to road conditions. State staff is available by email throughout the day and will return to the office when safe passage can be guaranteed.


We hope you stay safe and warm while taking care of your cattle, and if you’re fingers aren’t too cold, be sure to snap a few photos and post them to our Facebook page or tag us on Instagram or Twitter at @alcattlemen. Click here to post your photos now!

Membership Update

Facebooklogo_homepageTo date, we are at 5,700 members and counting! As ACA Membership Coordinator works diligently to put in county memberships, help her out by setting aside 30-45 minutes to complete a training webinar for the new membership software, i4a. Software training webinars are still happening! If you have not signed up for training please send Jessica the days that are best for you and if you want a 12pm, 3pm, or 7pm slot.  Please choose multiple times and days of availability.  If you’re not a big emailer, give her a call at (334) 265-1867.


On that note, we also want to encourage you to keep an eye out for renewal notices as the second renewal mailout is hitting mailboxes this month! Be sure to get those memberships sent to the state office.



County Meetings Happening Across Alabama

County annual meetings are in full swing, and your state staff is excited to buzz all around visiting those meetings. If a state staffer isn’t in attendance, then one of our outstanding officers are. This week alone we’ve hit (or will hit!) Cullman, Marshall, Hale, Houston, Mobile, Franklin, Coffee and Russell counties. Stay updated with the “when” and “where” of meetings by visiting our Cattlemen’s Calendar.


Jessica Kennedy is anxiously awaiting your county leadership updates and county annual meeting photos. She needs the names and contact information of the newest county leaders in order to organize the updating of the magazine and website as well as provide the correct correspondence for important letters and emails pertaining to Board Members. Please send those updates to Jessica! She is also looking out for information on your upcoming county meetings. Send those dates, times and locations her way to get them included on our online calendar and to line up a state representative to attend the event. If you’d like a county meeting mailout done, please give Jessica TWO WEEKS notice. Those mailouts take a good bit of time to design, print and label, so please give us plenty of notice to do a clean, thorough job for your county.




AshleyGrantKevin Good_2016We hope you’ll “Hoof It to Huntsville” on March 9-10 to join us at the 75th annual ACA Convention & Trade Show. Featured speakers include Ashley Culpepper Grant, chief marketing officer at Ranch House Designs, Inc., CattleFax Senior Market Analyst Kevin Good and Wilcox County native Gov. Kay Ivey herself. We will also have the largest cattle industry trade show in the state, Cattlemen’s Colleges featuring a variety of educational topics related to the beef cattle industry, our annual awards banquet and fun for the whole family. (Junior Cattlemen events are also scheduled!)  Registration, a schedule of events and hotel information is now available at www.BamaBeef.org/Convention or by calling (334) 265-1867. Early Bird Pricing ends Jan. 31! DON’T MISS OUT!


Logo w Alabama Cattlemens Assc_75th Annual_Convention & Trade show_DatesCheck out your January Alabama Cattleman magazine for more information, including a schedule of events and a mail-in registration form! P.S.- Early Bird Prices are good though January 31. Don’t miss out!



Consumer Newsletter Hit Inboxes

Beef. A Pleasurable Protein., the first of many consumer newsletters blasted out to over 10,000 IMG_5979recipients last week. This month’s edition featured lean beef as part of a healthy lifestyle to fulfill those new year resolutions! An article by beef checkoff contract dietician Jessica Ivey, a recipe collection featuring well-balanced meals on the Beef. It’s What’s For Dinner. website, cuts information and a recipe for a protein-packed breakfast are just a few of the highlights of the January newsletter. We hope this year to send 12 consumer newsletters highlighting everything from summertime grilling, to tailgating with beef and even how to create some flavorful infusions. Stay tuned, and if you’re interested in receiving these newsletters, visit our website homepage and fill out the “Get Updates” box in the top, right corner!




The 61st annual SLE Rodeo is coming to town March 15-17 at Garrett sle-logoColiseum. PRCA 2017 Stock Contractor of the Year Frontier Rodeo Company’s elite bucking stock, PRCA Freestyle Bullfighting and hometown funny man Trent McFarland are sure to combine to make one excellent show for the whole family! Kids events will be available where your little buckaroo can play in the dirt like a real rodeo cowboy. If you’re in the market for an awesome stocking stuffer idea, you’re in luck. SLE Rodeo tickets are on sale now! Call us at 888-2RODEO2 or visit us online to order tickets to the show and to learn more about the 2018 SLE Rodeo!




young-cattlemen-logo_websizedThe Alabama Cattlemen’s Association recognizes the need to cultivate our future leaders of the association and industry. The Young Cattlemen’s Leadership Program (YCLP), funded in part by the Alabama State Beef Checkoff, aims to do just that by identifying the state’s top young cattlemen and developing them into leaders of the future.

The three primary goals of the YCLP are:

  • Provide participants with a “pasture to plate” experience of Alabama’s beef industry
  • Equip participants with the tools necessary to become an effective leader and to share their beef story with their peers
  • Create a network of young cattlemen who the ACA can depend on to help with beef promotion and issues management as well as become industry leaders in the future

The YCLP consists of six meetings dispersed across Alabama over the course of a year. The class will be selected by a committee based on applications submitted. Preference will be given to those nominees who are between the ages of 20 & 40, but do not be discouraged to nominate yourself or someone else who falls out of that range.

If you’re interested in the program or would like to nominate someone, find the form in the December issue of the Alabama Cattleman magazine or print the application.




Thanks for reading this week’s post! Until we post again next week , we want to remind you that you can stay in touch with us by following us on FacebookTwitter or Instagram.

What’s Going On Wednesday- January 3, 2018

Happy New Year! We hope this post finds you well-rested after a busy and full holiday season. We also hope it finds you warm as Mother Nature has really turned down the thermostat in our home state…BUUURRRR. With unseasonably cold temperatures getting cattlemen out early in the mornings to feed hay and bust frozen water troughs, it’s these conditions that make our passion and animal husbandry shine. As we enter into the new year (Geez, 2018 already?!), your Alabama Cattemen’s staff resolves to work harder, promote heavier and go the extra yard for our cattlemen even more so in 2018 than in 2017. What did your New Year Resolutions include? 

The New Year brings a new calendar full of events, new programs in the Beef Checkoff Marketing Plan to accomplish and a legislative session to monitor. Keep reading to learn about all that’s happening this first week of 2018. 


January Magazine- Coming to a Mailbox Near You!

Boy, oh boy, do we have a treat for you! We’re not gonna say much, but be on the lookout for the January issue of the Alabama Cattleman magazine. They should be in your mailbox very soon…:)



Membership Report

ACA Membership Coordinator Jessica Kennedy is anxiously awaitingFacebooklogo_homepage your county leadership updates and county annual meeting photos. She needs the names and contact information of the newest county leaders in order to organize the updating of the magazine and website as well as provide the correct correspondence for important letters and emails pertaining to Board Members. Please send those updates to Jessica! She is also looking out for information on your upcoming county meetings. Send those dates, times and locations her way to get them included on our online calendar and to line up a state representative to attend the event. If you’d like a county meeting mailout done, please give Jessica TWO WEEKS notice. Those mailouts take a good bit of time to design, print and label, so please give us plenty of notice to do a clean, thorough job for your county.


Also- keep an eye out for renewal notices as the second renewal mailout is hitting mailboxes this month.


Last but certainly not least, the i4a membership software training webinars are still happening! If you have not signed up for training please send Jessica the days that are best for you and if you want a 12pm, 3pm, or 7pm slot.  Please choose multiple times and days of availability.  If you’re not a big emailer, give her a call at (334) 265-1867.



Legislative Session Kicks Off Next Week

The 2018 Alabama Legislative Session begins on January 9. ACA Executive Vice President Erin Beasley is ready to strap on her lobbyist boots and hike over to the State House to play a watchdog role for Alabama’s cattle producers. Leading up to the session, Erin will be participating in legislative seminars this week to gather insight into the upcoming session and meet with legislators on topics of interest to Alabama’s beef cattle industry. Stay tuned for any important updates.




FB BannerWe hope you’ll “Hoof It to Huntsville” on March 9-10 to join us at the 75th annual ACA Convention & Trade Show. We’ve got a great lineup of speakers, fun events and the Alabama cattle industry’s largest industry trade show in the works. Registration is now open at BamaBeef.org/Convention. Be on the look out in your January Alabama Cattleman magazine for more information, including a schedule of events! P.S.- Early Bird Prices are good though January 31. Don’t miss out!




The 61st annual SLE Rodeo is coming to town March 15-17 at Garrett sle-logoColiseum. PRCA 2017 Stock Contractor of the Year Frontier Rodeo Company’s elite bucking stock, PRCA Freestyle Bullfighting and hometown funny man Trent McFarland are sure to combine to make one excellent show for the whole family! Kids events will be available where your little buckaroo can play in the dirt like a real rodeo cowboy. If you’re in the market for an awesome stocking stuffer idea, you’re in luck. SLE Rodeo tickets are on sale now! Call us at 888-2RODEO2 or visit us online to order tickets to the show and to learn more about the 2018 SLE Rodeo!




young-cattlemen-logo_websizedThe Alabama Cattlemen’s Association recognizes the need to cultivate our future leaders of the association and industry. The Young Cattlemen’s Leadership Program (YCLP), funded in part by the Alabama State Beef Checkoff, aims to do just that by identifying the state’s top young cattlemen and developing them into leaders of the future.

The three primary goals of the YCLP are:

  • Provide participants with a “pasture to plate” experience of Alabama’s beef industry
  • Equip participants with the tools necessary to become an effective leader and to share their beef story with their peers
  • Create a network of young cattlemen who the ACA can depend on to help with beef promotion and issues management as well as become industry leaders in the future

The YCLP consists of six meetings dispersed across Alabama over the course of a year. The class will be selected by a committee based on applications submitted. Preference will be given to those nominees who are between the ages of 20 & 40, but do not be discouraged to nominate yourself or someone else who falls out of that range.

If you’re interested in the program or would like to nominate someone, find the form in the December issue of the Alabama Cattleman magazine or print the application.



Resolve to Eat Lean Beef

The new year often comes with resolutions associated with losing weight, eating healthier or changing your lifestyle altogether. Beef is just what you need to power through those resolutions without sacrificing flavor or fullness. Check out this recipe:




Thanks for reading this week’s post! Until we post again next week , we want to remind you that you can stay in touch with us by following us on FacebookTwitter or Instagram.

What’s Going On Wednesday: December 20, 2017

As the year comes to a close, and we all settle in our homes to enjoy the Christmas season with friends and family, your Alabama Cattlemen’s Association staff wanted to provide you with one, last update for 2017 and take the opportunity to wish you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. We hope you are blessed this Christmas and that the new year brings all the prosperity we hope for in our resolutions. We appreciate each of you for your membership, your involvement and the role you play in Alabama’s beef cattle industry.

Until 2018, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! 

HOliday Hours

With the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, your ACA staff will be taking a break to enjoy time with friends and family. The office will be closed Monday, Dec. 25- Monday, January 1. We will resume normal office hours on Tuesday, January 2 and appreciate the time granted to prepare for a busy start to 2018. Many of us, however, won’t get out of work as we will be taking on the life of a full-time cattleman as we trade our business slacks for blue jeans and enjoy a week on the farm. If you should need us, shoot us an email. We will be monitoring our emails throughout the week to provide continued attention to our cattlemen and members.



FB BannerWe hope you’ll “Hoof It to Huntsville” on March 9-10 to join us at the 75th annual ACA Convention & Trade Show. We’ve got a great lineup of speakers, fun events and the Alabama cattle industry’s largest industry trade show in the works. Registration is now open at BamaBeef.org/Convention. Be on the look out in your January Alabama Cattleman magazine for more information, including a schedule of events! P.S.- Early Bird Prices are good though January 31. Don’t miss out!




The 61st annual SLE Rodeo is coming to town March 15-17 at Garrett sle-logoColiseum. PRCA 2017 Stock Contractor of the Year Frontier Rodeo Company’s elite bucking stock, PRCA Freestyle Bullfighting and hometown funny man Trent McFarland are sure to combine to make one excellent show for the whole family! Kids events will be available where your little buckaroo can play in the dirt like a real rodeo cowboy. If you’re in the market for an awesome stocking stuffer idea, you’re in luck. SLE Rodeo tickets are on sale now! Call us at 888-2RODEO2 or visit us online to order tickets to the show and to learn more about the 2018 SLE Rodeo!



AJCA Directors Gather in Montgomery

AJCA President Cassidy Catrett and AJCA Adviser Michael Agar are excited to host the Alabama Junior Cattlemen’s Association 2017-2018 Board of Directors in Montgomery this week for their annual planning meeting. Th object of today and tomorrow’s meeting is to plan the 2018 Round-Up as well as discuss several ways to increase membership and make the AJCA more attractive to all youth interested in Alabama’s beef cattle industry.



Tax Bill Working Its Way to the Oval Office

The massive tax reform bill is well on its way to getting through final passage after the Senate approved the final version early this morning. The bill is now headed to the House for one more vote before it will make its way to President Trump’s office. This tax reform bill will have significant impact on small business and agriculture, including changes to the death tax. Stay tuned for updates on final version of the bill!



YCLP Class V Applications Now Available

young-cattlemen-logo_websizedThe Alabama Cattlemen’s Association recognizes the need to cultivate our future leaders of the association and industry. The Young Cattlemen’s Leadership Program (YCLP), funded in part by the Alabama State Beef Checkoff, aims to do just that by identifying the state’s top young cattlemen and developing them into leaders of the future.

The three primary goals of the YCLP are:

  • Provide participants with a “pasture to plate” experience of Alabama’s beef industry
  • Equip participants with the tools necessary to become an effective leader and to share their beef story with their peers
  • Create a network of young cattlemen who the ACA can depend on to help with beef promotion and issues management as well as become industry leaders in the future

The YCLP consists of six meetings dispersed across Alabama over the course of a year. The class will be selected by a committee based on applications submitted. Preference will be given to those nominees who are between the ages of 20 & 40, but do not be discouraged to nominate yourself or someone else who falls out of that range.

If you’re interested in the program or would like to nominate someone, find the form in the December issue of the Alabama Cattleman magazine or print the application.


Membership Update

ACA Membership Coordinator Jessica Kennedy is anxiously awaitingFacebooklogo_homepage your county leadership updates and county annual meeting photos. She needs the names and contact information of the newest county leaders in order organize the updating of the magazine and website as well as provide the correct correspondence for important letters and emails pertaining to Board Members. Please send those updates to Jessica!


Also- i4a membership software training webinars have begun! If you have not signed up for training please send Jessica the days that are best for you and if you want a 12pm, 3pm, or 7pm slot.  Please choose multiple times and days of availability.  She will be doing webinars while the office is closed next week and will be available via email as well. If you’re not a big emailer, give her a call at (334) 265-1867.



MOOey Christmas Was Udderly Holly Jolly

25188893_1185942548208413_4990884592713265915_oLast week’s 2nd annual MOOey Christmas event was great success! We had a pile of children through The MOOseum to enjoy cookies, cattle and a sit on Cowboy Santa’s lap. The MOOseum Coordinator Kara Harden wants to thank our Cowboy Santa, Bill Lipscomb, Cassidy and Perry Catrett for bringing up cattle for the kids to see, Jason King with Priefert for providing panels for a pen, the Lee County Cattlemen’s Association for the use of their cow barrels and all the schools that came out. We were proud to host Azalea Training Center’s special needs group, United Christian Academy, Carver Pre-K, and Maxwell AFB’s Wilson Elementary.



Holiday Recipe Inspiration

Need a quick idea for a meal centerpiece? What about a delicious and filling finger food or appetizer for one of the many holiday parties you’ll attend? Beef. It’s What’s for Dinner. has got your back with this Holiday Entertaining recipe collection. View it and enjoy Christmas with family, friends and beef! View the Collection 








Here are a Few Handy Links You May Enjoy:


Thanks for reading this week’s post! Until we post again next week , we want to remind you that you can stay in touch with us by following us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.