Bama Beef Blog Update | April 6, 2022

Welcome to the Bama Beef Blog, where you can check out the latest news from the Alabama Cattlemen’s Association, the Alabama Beef Checkoff Program and the Southeastern Livestock Expo. Keep reading for more info!


Alabama farm and forestry organizations debuted a yearlong public education campaign — Down to Earth: Agriculture Sustains Alabama — during a campaign launch event in Pike Road on March 31, 2022. 

At an afternoon press conference, Gov. Kay Ivey proclaimed March 31 Down To Earth Day. Ivey, whose rural roots run deep, lauded the collaborative campaign, which will showcase sustainable, high-tech and efficient techniques farmers and forest landowners have followed for decades.

Ivey’s remarks followed a fun-filled field trip for Pike Road School System fourth-graders at the Pike Road Agriculture, Recreation and Performing Arts Center (ARPAC). Through hands-on activities at a dozen stations, over 200 students learned about Down to Earth’s Big 6 topics — carbon emissionsanimal and plant efficiencydata and technologyconserving natural resourcessmart land use; and sustaining for the future.

Down to Earth Co-chair Kayla Greer said her group’s goal is to reach at least 1 million consumers with Down to Earth messages. “At the end of the day, we want people to know sustainability isn’t about the size of the farm or the commodity produced,” said Greer, who serves as campaign co-chair along with Caleb Hicks. “It’s about using the land in smart ways and protecting our natural resources so we can produce food, timber and fiber for people now and long into the future.”

Following the field trip and press conference, hundreds of locals flocked to the Pike Road ARPAC. A bevy of booths educated the public about sustainability, farm life, Alabama forestland and efficient, high-tech farm practices.

Meanwhile, five teams of media personalities participated in a competition featuring common agricultural tasks. The contest included a rural relay, where participants roped a calf, donned a poultry biosecurity suit and measured feed; raking a fire break to slow a forest fire; and Rural Jeopardy! featuring questions about Down to Earth’s Big 6 topics.

Down to Earth partners include the Alabama Agribusiness Council, Alabama Association of RC&D Councils, Alabama Cattlemen’s Association, Alabama Cooperative Extension System, Alabama Department of Agriculture & Industries, Alabama Farmers Federation, Alabama Forestry Commission, Alabama Poultry & Egg Association and Sweet Grown Alabama. 

Over the year, the Down to Earth message will be shared online at as well as through social media ads, events and bimonthly press releases. FFA groups, 4-H clubs and civic organizations will help share Down to Earth’s sustainability message. Down to Earth was also Alabama Farm-City’s 2021 theme.

Interact with @DowntoEarthAL on FacebookInstagram and Twitter.

Spring Junior Cattlemen’s Field Day

Spring Junior Cattlemen’s Field Day is NEXT WEEK— Thursday, April 14! The Alabama Beef Checkoff Program is providing youth with an educational opportunity to learn about beef cattle judging, soil sampling, hay sampling, public speaking, and pasture to plate story. We look forward to welcoming youth from all across the state. This field day was planned during the week to accommodate FFA and 4-H chapters/clubs. If the participants need a school excuse it can be found on the field day weblink below. Registration closes Friday April 8. Please visit to register and learn more!

Legislative Update

The legislature is expected to conclude the session this week. Today marks day 28 of the session leaving only two more possible days. Lawmakers are working out details of several bills including concurrence on the Education Trust Fund. Three bills related to agriculture are on the House special order calendar today. They include the “Sweet Grown Alabama” bill (SB274) which exempts sales tax on value added products, a raise for the Commissioner of Agriculture and Industries (SB319) and SB 317 related to agricultural authorities. A recap of the session will be provided in next weeks blog.

Speaking of policy, Tuesday night, the ACA attended the Montgomery City Council meeting as proposed changes to the city’s animal ordinance was on the agenda. The item was carried over until the next meeting in two weeks which will give time for comments and changes to be submitted to the proposal. For any questions about this matter, contact Erin at the office.


Coming up this Saturday on April 9, the Alabama Beef Checkoff, FCCLA, and Alabama CattleWomen’s Association will be hosting the Alabama Jr. and Sr. High School Beef Cook-off competition. We are excited to host students from all of the state at Jefferson State Community College where they will present creative and delicious beef dishes for our judges. Winners will win money as well as the notoriety of being a Beef Cook-off Champion. While judges are tasting, the students, teachers, and parents will be participating in educational programs from chefs from Jefferson State Community College, Registered Dietitian Elesha Ergle, and they will get to see ultrasound tech, Amanda Engle, ultrasound the ribeye area of a calf.

YCLP Update

The Young Cattlemen’s Leadership Program Class IX will be announced on social media by April 15. Stay tuned to learn who is in the new class! 

YCLP Alumni, registration the 2nd Annual YCLP Alumni Reunion is now live! If you are an Alumni of the program, join us May 20 & 21 at Kick Back Ranch for a weekend full of education, catching up with your classmates, and meeting new alumni! We look forward to seeing YCLP Alumni and their families this summer. To register and see the weekends schedule please visit the link below! Registration »


The 2022 membership year has officially kicked off, and we are headed boldly in the direction of 10,000 members! Many counties are hosting annual meetings. Please, contact Jessica Kennedy at our office to let her know about county meeting dates and leadership changes OR complete this online form to notify us of your meeting, assign a mailout, and request a guest speaker. As always, leaders, we encourage you to enter new members and renewals by the 15th of each month to guarantee they stay on the magazine distribution list and to deposit checks in a timely manner. Also, PLEASE send county leader updates to the state office so we can update them for future mailings, emails, etc. Contact Jessica to let her know who your county officers are!


Speaking of youth, the Alabama Junior Cattlemen’s Board of Directors will meet Saturday April 9 for their spring board meeting. The juniors will discuss upcoming details for the 2022 Round-Up, review plan for Spring Field Day, and focus on their goals for second half of the year. If you have any topic you wish for the board to discuss please contact AJCA President Corley Williams at

Thanks for reading this week’s post! Until we post again, we want to remind you that you can stay in touch with us by following us on Facebook or Instagram.

Bama Beef Blog Update | March 30, 2022

Bama Beef Blog Update | March 30, 2022

Welcome to the Bama Beef Blog, where you can check out the latest news from the Alabama Cattlemen’s Association, the Alabama Beef Checkoff Program and the Southeastern Livestock Expo. Keep reading for more info!


Sustainability is a buzzword that has captured the attention of producers and consumers alike, and agricultural communicators from across the state are taking on the buzz. In March 2021, communications staff from commodity representatives and trade organizations across the agricultural sector began meeting to discuss how to tackle this topic. The result of almost a year of conversations— Down to Earth: Agriculture Sustains Alabama.

This yearlong public education campaign is a collaborative communications effort designed to be a voice for agricultural stakeholders in Alabama to promote the sustainable, conservation-minded practices farmers and ranchers are already doing. The goal is to reach 1 million Alabama consumers to influence their beliefs by promoting the work of farmers and ranchers across the state— to tell YOUR story. We know your goal is to create as much output with as little input, all while protecting the environment for future generations, and it is now time we, as communicators, do a better job of telling that story. To do that, the group has broken down the sustainability topic into six main points: Carbon Emissions, Animal & Plant Efficiency, Data & Technology, Conserving Natural Resources, Smart Land Use and Sustaining for the Future. We will be extending this campaign via digital advertising, broadcast news, print media, and a video campaign. The 2021 Farm-City theme also reflected this concept, which served as an excellent soft launch and way to introduce this tricky topic in an interactive way to school children across the state. 

Working group members include the Alabama Cattlemen’s Association, the Alabama Farmers Federation, Alabama Poultry & Egg Association, Alabama Agribusiness Council, Alabama Department of Agriculture and Industries, Sweet Grown Alabama, the Alabama Commission, Simply Southern and the Alabama Cooperative Extension System. ACA’s Kayla Greer is a co-chair to this statewide, collaborative effort alongside Caleb Hicks of AP&EA. 

The campaign officially launches TOMORROW  March 31, 2022 with an event called “Down to Earth Day” in Pike Road, AL. It will include an educational field trip portion, public education event, and a media conference with elected officials as our special guests. This is YOUR campaign, so if you want to be part of it as a spokesperson, event volunteer, or just learn more about how to help spread the message, contact Kayla Greer at (334) 265-1867 or email her. Otherwise, please help us spread the Down to Earth message on social media beginning March 31, 2022 on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Scholarship Banquet This Friday

On Friday night, the Alabama Cattlemen’s Foundation Scholarship Banquet will be held at the Wetumpka Civic Center. The foundation is awarding over $80,000 this year to deserving students from across the state! The foundation is funded through sales of the Cowboy Tag, so go buy you one today. Several scholarships are also available through the generous endowments from families in the state.


The 2022 membership year has officially kicked off, and we are headed boldly in the direction of 10,000 members! May counties are hosting annual meetings. Please, contact Jessica Kennedy at our office to let her know about county meeting dates and leadership changes OR complete this online form to notify us of your meeting, assign a mailout, and request a guest speaker. As always, leaders, we encourage you to enter new members and renewals by the 15th of each month to guarantee they stay on the magazine distribution list and to deposit checks in a timely manner. Also, PLEASE send county leader updates to the state office so we can update them for future mailings, emails, etc. Contact Jessica to let her know who your county officers are!

As a reminder, the deadline for the Membership Cash drawing is March 31. Get membership in before that date in order to make the drawing!

Legislative Update

The legislature is back to town this week after taking a week off for spring break. Today marks the 25th day of the session, which means things are in crunch mode. Both budgets still need final passage and are working their way through committee action this week. The ACA is keeping a check on several budget items and also monitoring bills through this home stretch. The senate ag committee meets this afternoon before legislators go into session for the day. 

It’s cook-off time!

Coming up on April 9, the Alabama Beef Checkoff, FCCLA, and Alabama CattleWomen’s Association will be hosting the Alabama Jr. and Sr. High School Beef Cook-off competition. We are excited to host students from all of the state at Jefferson State Community College where they will present creative and delicious beef dishes for our judges. Winners will win money as well as the notoriety of being a Beef Cook-off Champion. While judges are tasting, the students, teachers, and parents will be participating in educational programs from chefs from Jefferson State Community College, Registered Dietitian Elesha Ergle, and they will get to see ultrasound tech, Amanda Engle, ultrasound the ribeye area of a calf.

SLE Rodeo Recap

Thank you to everyone who came to the 2022 SLE Rodeo and Livestock Week! This was an incredibly successful event on all fronts. We are thrilled to see the youth programs growing each year.

In 2022, the Southeastern Livestock Exposition was able to support 350+ youth rodeo competitors, 200+ junior beef and swine exhibitors, and 300+ youth competed in the 7th annual SLE Livestock Judging Contest including not only 4H and FFA, but also 16 collegiate teams from across the country! We are thankful for the support from the Poarch Band of Creek Indians. With their help, we were able to give over $75,000 in scholarships to Alabama’s youth in agriculture. Our charitable efforts don’t stop there. The SLE also donated $8,300 to a special group in 2022: The Alabama Sheriffs Youth Ranches. Girls from the Tallapoosa County Ranch even volunteered their time to help with the 2022 Miracle Rodeo, and they (along with ~140 other people) also joined us for our first ever Cowboy Church in the Teague Arena on March 20.

Not only are we proud of the joint efforts we receive to promote and support our youth, but we are also proud to have had a sold-out rodeo on March 19! The SLE Rodeo is part of the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association (PRCA) NFR Playoff Series. Thanks to this great accomplishment, we welcomed a number of world champions to Montgomery, AL!

We hope to see this event continue to grow, so save the dates for next year and tell your friends: the SLE Rodeo will bring the best in bucking stock and the best cowboys back to the Garrett Coliseum to compete again March 17-19, 2023. We look forward to seeing you there!


The SLE Rodeo hosted the 2nd Annual Bama-Q SLE Rodeo Steak Championship. We had two winners for the steak championship, Steak A & B winners were Jeff Moody and Marty Plute. This competition saw 48 contestants from all across the country, and we even had one participant come all the way from New Zealand. Troy Bilbrough flew in from New Zealand to compete for the Steak Cookoff Association World Championship in Fort Worth, TX the week before and then made the trip to Alabama for the Bama-Q SLE Rodeo Steak Championship. A special congratulations also goes also to Catherine Noble who won the Hot Dog Ancillary competition!

YCLP Council elected and set to meet

The Young Cattlemen’s Leadership Program Council will be meeting tomorrow. They will elect a YCLP Council Chairman, vote on incoming YCLP Class IX seats, discuss the YCLP Alumni Reunion and other business. We look forward to the first meeting of newly elected council. 

The newly elected council members are:

  • Class 2 – Will Gotcher – Colbert County – 2022-2024
  • Class 3 – Katie Sowell – Madison County – 2022-2024
  • Class 4 – Ryan Kennedy – Colbert County – 2021-2023
  • Class 5 – William Morgan – Crenshaw County – 2022-2024
  • Class 6 – Logan Whatley – Montgomery County – 2022-2024
  • Class 7 – Will Bullen – Clay County – 2021-2023
  • Class 8 – David Daniel, Jr. – Dallas County – 2022-2024

AJCA Field Day- April 14

The Alabama Junior Cattlemen’s Association welcomes youth from Alabama to join in on a day FULL of educational opportunities. Juniors from all over the state will meet in Fayette, Alabama for the 2022 Spring Field Day. Youth will be able to participate in a judging clinic, forage clinic and professional development clinic. To register or learn more please visit


  • 8:30 – 9:00 am Check-In and Registration
  • 9:00 – 11:00 am Judging Clinic – Cattle provided by Triple T Brangus
  • 11:00 am – 11:30 Rotational Group 1
  • 11:30 – 11:40 Rotate
  • 11:40 – 12:10 Rotational Group 2
  • 12:15 – 1:00 pm Lunch – provided by Fayette County Cattlemen’s
  • 1:00 – 2:00 pm Pasture to Plate Story

Thanks for reading this week’s post! Until we post again, we want to remind you that you can stay in touch with us by following us on Facebook or Instagram.

Bama Beef Blog Update | February 16, 2022

Bama Beef Blog Update | February 16, 2022

Welcome to the Bama Beef Blog, where you can check out the latest news from the Alabama Cattlemen’s Association, the Alabama Beef Checkoff Program and the Southeastern Livestock Expo. Keep reading for more info!


Join us in Mobile, AL at the Mobile Convention Center on March 4-5 for the largest cattle industry trade show and educational event in Alabama. ACA Convention & Trade Show registration will close next week! Walk-in registration is welcome, but meals will not be guaranteed. Grab your seat at the table by getting registered today. Keynote speakers include John Driscoll of the Mobile Port Authority and Kevin Good of CattleFax. As always, we’ll host a trade show with more than 75 vendors full of equipment, feed, animal health, retail and breed representatives. The event will also feature Cattlemen’s Colleges, Youth Contests, our annual BEEF PAC Auction, and incredible meals. Learn more about our Schedule of Events and Register Now


The countdown is on for the 65th annual SLE Rodeo as we are only 30 days away from the greatest show on dirt! The Southeastern Livestock Exposition (SLE) is proud to be nationally-televised on The Cowboy Channel thanks to being named a 2022 NFR Play-Off Series Rodeo by the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association (PRCA). 

As an official NFR Playoff Series rodeo, will have the top professional ProRodeo cowboys and cowgirls competing against the best livestock in the business during four performances from March 18-20, 2022. We will also have live performances from World Champion Western Entertainer and Trick Roper Rider Kiesner, a PowWow performance by the Poarch Band of Creek Indians, B-K Ranch Fighting Bulls, and more! Buy your tickets now by visiting Tickets & Deals ( so you don’t miss out on any of the action! 

We’re proud to announce new changes coming in 2022 as we shift from a Thursday-Saturday event to a Friday-Sunday show. The show order is as follows: Friday, March 18 (7PM); Saturday, March 19 (1PM); Saturday, March 19 (7PM); and Sunday, March 20 (2PM). Also new in 2022 is the addition of WPRA Breakaway Roping, live at each event! Learn more about all the family fun on our Events Calendar and stay tuned to social media for event announcements, ticket giveaways and all the news the SLE Rodeo has to bring! 

Our rodeo committee is also looking for volunteers for the weekend of the rodeo. If you are available to offer your time, please complete the form on this website: Volunteer at the Rodeo ( We are looking forward to three action-packed days of good, clean family fun, and we hope to see you there. 

If you need to book a room, check out the Homewood Suites for a 10% discount if you plan to attend the show! Just call 334-272-3010, ask for the SLE Rodeo rate and tell them Ray sent you!

Legislative Update

There is a lot going on in the legislative world as session days tick away. The legislature is expected to go three days a week until the end of February which will put them over halfway through the session by the end of the month. A package of broadband bills passed the Senate last week to promote high speed expansion. We are continuing to monitor bills that are dropped. To date there are over 350 house bills and over 230 senate bills introduced. Today, the Cattlemen’s building will host a large number of legislators for the “Sweet Grown Alabama” luncheon. The event will highlight the work that Sweet Grown Alabama does to connect local farmers to consumers. The ACA is a partner with Sweet Grown and looks forward to hosting this event. Tomorrow, a fundraiser will be held at the Cattlemen’s building for Congressman Mike Rogers. This is an annual event and a time for Congressman Rogers to share an update on D.C. issues with local associations and lobbyists.

Beef. It’s What’s For Dinner 300

Ali Cantrell will travel to Daytona SuperSpeedway this weekend to help our national Beef Checkoff team in efforts to promote the Beef. It’s What’s for Dinner 300 race. Last year, Florida Beef Council led the charge with NCBA to promote beef at the race, and the message reached 1.9 billion people both from tv, radio, online services and in person interactions in the stadium. This all happened with a reduced amount of people allowed in the stadium due to the COVID pandemic. We are excited to see the results after this race weekend! The BIWFD 300 is February 19 in Daytona, Florida. Race week has multiple events that will be highlighting beef with celebrities, a cook-off and live behind the scenes action!


Submission Deadline: February 20, 2022

We’re on the hunt for farm lifestyle photography featuring cattle for the March 2022 issue of the Alabama Cattleman magazine, and we need your help to capture it! Check out the entry rules at 

To enter, email up to five  photos to and kgreer@bamabeef.orgFile attachments or links to online gallery downloads are acceptable. Links or tags on social media albums will not be accepted. Submissions should include photographer’s name, hometown, county and farm name in order to give proper credit to the photographer.

Entry Requirements:

  • Submissions must not feature posed family portraits. Visible faces are not preferred.
  • Submissions must be high resolution (300dpi minimum)
  • Submissions must be portrait oriented.
  • Submissions must leave ample space for the publication masthead.
  • Submissions must feature Alabama cattle farm scenery or lifestyle
  • Submissions must be seasonal to the publication date (early spring).
  • Submissions must not be overly-edited and may not include a watermark.
  • Submissions may not be used previously by another publication or company.
  • Submissions must be captured by an Alabama resident & member of the ACA.


The 2022 membership year has officially kicked off, and we are headed boldly in the direction of 10,000 members! As we approach late winter/early spring, many counties will host annual meetings. Please, contact Jessica Kennedy at our office to let her know about county meeting dates and leadership changes OR complete this online form to notify us of your meeting, assign a mailout, and request a guest speaker. As always, leaders, we encourage you to enter new members and renewals by the 15th of each month to guarantee they stay on the magazine distribution list and to deposit checks in a timely manner. Also, PLEASE send county leader updates to the state office so we can update them for future mailings, emails, etc. Contact Jessica to let her know who your county officers are!


Next week, the Alabama Beef Checkoff will sponsor the FCCLA culinary competition at Jefferson State Community College. It will next Wednesday, February 25, and the students will be challenged to cook a petite tenderloin. Beef will be provided by the Beef Checkoff and staffer Ali Cantrell will be a judge that day. We are very excited to sponsor an event that will challenge such talented students.

Young Cattlemen’s Leadership Program

Young Cattlemen’s Leadership Program (YCLP) Class VIII will graduate at the ACA Convention Awards Banquet. We are looking forward to seeing these 23 young leaders grow in our organization and as industry advocates. With one class graduating, that calls for another class incoming. Applications for YCLP Class IX are now open! This program is for young cattlemen who are looking to build on their leadership skills, network with producers from across the state, and gain deeper industry knowledge. If you want to learn more about this program or apply please visit These applications will close March 15, 2022 and will be passed on to the YCLP Council for the selection process to take place.

YCLP Council will meet tomorrow to discuss YCLP Reunion dates and location, select YCLP Council 2022-2024, and prepare for YCLP Alumni meeting at Convention. If you are an alumni of YCLP please join us at ACA Convention on Saturday, March 5 at 3:00pm for an alumni meeting. At this meeting you will be introduced to the new YCLP council, graduating class, and hear about upcoming alumni opportunities. New to convention this year, we are inviting all YCLP alumni to join the graduating class at an alumni reception. Saturday March 5 at 8:30 grab your plus one and join us for drinks, music, and networking to celebrate Young Cattlemen’s Leadership Program Class 8 sponsored by Alabama Farm Credit!

Junior Cattlemen Update

The Alabama Junior Cattlemen’s Association (AJCA) will be hosting youth career-centered contests at the ACA Convention and Trade Show! Join the AJCA Board of Directors, Saturday March 5 in Mobile for public speaking, career development, and quiz bowl competitions. All contests will be sponsored by Beef Checkoff and are FREE for all youth to enter. Each contest holds great scholarships opportunities! Here’s some more dates to mark on your calendar:

Saturday, March 5: Youth Contests at the ACA Convention (Register Now)

Thursday, April 14: Spring Youth Production Field Day (Vista Farms- Fayette)

July 14-17, 2022: AJCA Round-Up ( Montgomery, AL)

Saturday, September 17: Fall Youth Production Field Day (Location TBD)


Sustainability is a buzzword that has captured the attention of producers and consumers alike, and agricultural communicators from across the state are taking on the buzz. In March 2021, communications staff from commodity representatives and trade organizations across the agricultural sector began meeting to discuss how to tackle this topic. The result of almost a year of conversations— Down to Earth: Agriculture Sustains Alabama.

This yearlong public education campaign is a collaborative communications effort designed to be a voice for agricultural stakeholders in Alabama to promote the sustainable, conservation-minded practices farmers and ranchers are already doing. The goal is to reach 1 million Alabama consumers to influence their beliefs by promoting the work of farmers and ranchers across the state— to tell YOUR story. We know your goal is to create as much output with as little input, all while protecting the environment for future generations, and it is now time we, as communicators, do a better job of telling that story. To do that, the group has broken down the sustainability topic into six main points: Carbon Emissions, Animal & Plant Efficiency, Data & Technology, Conserving Natural Resources, Smart Land Use and Sustaining for the Future. We will be extending this campaign via digital advertising, broadcast news, print media, and a video campaign. The 2021 Farm-City theme also reflected this concept, which served as an excellent soft launch and way to introduce this tricky topic in an interactive way to school children across the state. 

Working group members include the Alabama Cattlemen’s Association, the Alabama Farmers Federation, Alabama Poultry & Egg Association, Alabama Agribusiness Council, Alabama Department of Agriculture and Industries, Sweet Grown Alabama, the Alabama Commission, Simply Southern and the Alabama Cooperative Extension System. ACA’s Kayla Greer is a co-chair to this statewide, collaborative effort alongside Caleb Hicks of AP&EA. 

The campaign officially launches on March 31, 2022 with an event called “Down to Earth Day” in Pike Road, AL. It will include an educational field trip portion, public education event, and a media conference with elected officials as our special guests. This is YOUR campaign, so if you want to be part of it as a spokesperson, event volunteer, or just learn more about how to help spread the message, contact Kayla Greer at (334) 265-1867 or email her.Otherwise, please help us spread the Down to Earth message on social media beginning March 31, 2022 on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Thanks for reading this week’s post! Until we post again, we want to remind you that you can stay in touch with us by following us on Facebook or Instagram.

Bama Beef Blog Weekly Update | January 26, 2022

Bama Beef Blog Weekly Update | January 26, 2022

Welcome to the Bama Beef Blog, were you can check out the latest in news from the Alabama Cattlemen’s Association, the Alabama Beef Checkoff Program and the Southeastern Livestock Exposition. Keep reading for more info!


ACA Convention & Trade Show registration is now live! Join us in Mobile, AL at the Mobile Convention Center on March 4-5 for the largest cattle industry trade show and educational event in Alabama. Keynote speakers include John Driscoll of the Mobile Port Authority and Kevin Good of CattleFax. As always, we’ll host a trade show full of equipment, feed, animal health, retail and breed representatives. The event will also feature Cattlemen’s Colleges, Youth Contests, our annual BEEF PAC Auction, and incredible meals. Learn more about our Schedule of EventsBook Your Hotel Room, or Register Now

If you are interested in having a booth at our trade show in Mobile, please contact Ali Cantrell. The early bird pricing will end on February 1, 2022! You can also register online, or you can visit our Convention Website.

Head on Down to Houston

Speaking of convention, ACA staff and officers will be in Houston next week to attend the NCBA Annual Meeting. Alabama will carry votes in both policy and federation meetings. These meetings help set direction for the upcoming year for NCBA policy and programming for the National Beef Checkoff program. We expect to see a large number of producers in attendance for the event and hope that any Alabamians will make their way to the ACA booth in the trade show, which will sprawl over 7 acres!

Talking Beef

ACA Director of Education and Outreach Ali Cantrell is hosting a booth at the Associated Grocers of the South, Inc Food Show. She will be meeting with independent grocers across the state to talk about promoting beef in the retail case and offering educational programs to their employees.

On Thursday, Ali will attend the Huntsville Trash Pandas Business Mixer where she will have the opportunity to visit with businesses from across the state. As a 2022 sponsor of the minor league team, the Alabama Cattlemen’s Association will have a booth to visit with attendees and raffle off a beef gift bag at the end of the night. With this sponsorship, fans will see BEEF on the Jumbotron at home games throughout the season.

2022 Cover Contest

Submission Deadline: February 20, 2022

We’re on the hunt for farm lifestyle photography featuring cattle for the March 2022 issue of the Alabama Cattleman magazine, and we need your help to capture it! Check out the entry rules at

To enter, email up to five  photos to and File attachments or links to online gallery downloads are acceptable. Links or tags on social media albums will not be accepted. Submissions should include photographer’s name, hometown, county and farm name in order to give proper credit to the photographer.

Entry Requirements:

  • Submissions must not feature posed family portraits. Visible faces are not preferred.
  • Submissions must be high resolution (300dpi minimum)
  • Submissions must be portrait oriented.
  • Submissions must leave ample space for the publication masthead.
  • Submissions must feature Alabama cattle farm scenery or lifestyle
  • Submissions must be seasonal to the publication date (early spring).
  • Submissions must not be overly-edited and may not include a watermark.
  • Submissions may not be used previously by another publication or company.
  • Submissions must be captured by an Alabama resident & member of the ACA.


The countdown is on for the 65th annual SLE Rodeo as we are only 51 days away from the greatest show on dirt! The Southeastern Livestock Exposition (SLE) is proud to be nationally-televised on The Cowboy Channel thanks to being named a 2022 NFR Play-Off Series Rodeo by the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association (PRCA). 

Our show will have the top professional rodeo cowboys and cowgirls competing against the best livestock in the business during four performances from March 18-20, 2022. We will also have live performances from World Champion Western Entertainer and Trick Roper Rider Kiesner, a PowWow performance by the Poarch Band of Creek Indians, B-K Ranch Fighting Bulls, and more! Buy your tickets now by visiting Tickets & Deals ( so you don’t miss out on any of the action! 

We’re proud to announce new changes coming in 2022 as we shift from a Thursday-Saturday event to a Friday-Sunday show. The show order is as follows: Friday, March 18 (7PM); Saturday, March 19 (1PM); Saturday, March 19 (7PM); and Sunday, March 20 (2PM). Also new in 2022 is the addition of WPRA Breakaway Roping, live at each event! Learn more about all the family fun on our Events Calendar and stay tuned to social media for event announcements, ticket giveaways and all the news the SLE Rodeo has to bring! 

Our rodeo committee is also looking for volunteers for the weekend of the rodeo. If you are available to offer your time, please complete the form on this website: Volunteer at the Rodeo ( We are looking forward to three action-packed days of good, clean family fun, and we hope to see you there.

If you need to book a room, check out the Homewood Suites for a 10% discount if you plan to attend the show! Just call 334-272-3010, ask for the SLE Rodeo rate and tell them Ray sent you!


The 2022 membership year has officially kicked off, and we are headed boldly in the direction of 10,000 members! As we approach late winter/early spring, many counties will host annual meetings. Please, contact Jessica Kennedy at our office to let her know about county meeting dates and leadership changes OR complete this online form to notify us of your meeting, assign a mailout, and request a guest speaker. As always, leaders, we encourage you to enter new members and renewals by the 15th of each month to guarantee they stay on the magazine distribution list and to deposit checks in a timely manner. Also, PLEASE send county leader updates to the state office so we can update them for future mailings, emails, etc. Contact Jessica to let her know who your county officers are!


Young Cattlemen’s Leadership Program (YCLP) Class VIII will graduate at the ACA Convention Awards Banquet. We are looking forward to seeing these 23 young leaders grow in our organization and as industry advocates. With one class graduating, that calls for another class incoming. Applications for YCLP Class IX are now open! This program is for young cattlemen who are looking to build on their leadership skills, network with producers from across the state, and gain deeper industry knowledge. If you want to learn more about this program or apply please visit These applications will close March 15, 2022 and will be passed on to the YCLP Council for the selection process to take place.

Speaking of YCLP Council, those applications are also now open. If you are a YCLP Alumni and would like to serve on the YCLP Council, please visit to learn more about the roles the Council serves and to apply. Those elected will serve a two-year term beginning March 2022. Open seats are available in Classes 2 (2015-2016), 3 (2016-2017), 5 (2018-2019), 6 (2019-2020) and 8 (2021-2022). Applications for YCLP Council close February 15, 2022.


The Annual Alabama Jr. & Sr. High School Beef Cook-Off will be on April 9 at Jefferson State Community College. If your county has hosted a local beef cook-off, be sure to get your winners registered on our website at by March 21! This event will be held at Health Sciences and Culinary Institute building at Jefferson State, and registration is FREE! Please contact Ali Cantrell on our staff if you have any questions. 


The Alabama Junior Cattlemen’s Association (AJCA) will be hosting youth career-centered contests at the ACA Convention and Trade Show! Join the AJCA Board of Directors, Saturday March 5th in Mobile for public speaking, career development, and quiz bowl competitions. All contests will be sponsored by Beef Checkoff and are FREE for all youth to enter. Each contest holds great scholarships opportunities! Here’s some more dates to mark on your calendar:

Saturday, March 5: Youth Contests at the ACA Convention (Register Now)

Thursday, April 14: Spring Youth Production Field Day (Vista Farms- Fayette)

July 14-17, 2022: AJCA Round-Up ( Montgomery, AL)

Saturday, September 17: Fall Youth Production Field Day (Location TBD)


Sustainability is a buzzword that has captured the attention of producers and consumers alike, and agricultural communicators from across the state are taking on the buzz. In March 2021, communications staff from commodity representatives and trade organizations across the agricultural sector began meeting to discuss how to tackle this topic. The result of almost a year of conversations— Down to Earth: Agriculture Sustains Alabama.

This yearlong public education campaign is a collaborative communications effort designed to be a voice for agricultural stakeholders in Alabama to promote the sustainable, conservation-minded practices farmers and ranchers are already doing. The goal is to reach 1 million Alabama consumers to influence their beliefs by promoting the work of farmers and ranchers across the state— to tell YOUR story. We know your goal is to create as much output with as little input, all while protecting the environment for future generations, and it is now time we, as communicators, do a better job of telling that story. To do that, the group has broken down the sustainability topic into six main points: Carbon Emissions, Animal & Plant Efficiency, Data & Technology, Conserving Natural Resources, Smart Land Use and Sustaining for the Future. We will be extending this campaign via digital advertising, broadcast news, print media, and a video campaign. The 2021 Farm-City theme also reflected this concept, which served as an excellent soft launch and way to introduce this tricky topic in an interactive way to school children across the state. 

Working group members include the Alabama Cattlemen’s Association, the Alabama Farmers Federation, Alabama Poultry & Egg Association, Alabama Agribusiness Council, Alabama Department of Agriculture and Industries, Sweet Grown Alabama, the Alabama Commission, Simply Southern and the Alabama Cooperative Extension System. ACA’s Kayla Greer is a co-chair to this statewide, collaborative effort alongside Caleb Hicks of AP&EA. 

The campaign officially launches on March 31, 2022 with an event called “Down to Earth Day” in Pike Road, AL. It will include an educational field trip portion, public education event, and a media conference with elected officials as our special guests. This is YOUR campaign, so if you want to be part of it as a spokesperson, event volunteer, or just learn more about how to help spread the message, contact Kayla Greer at (334) 265-1867 or email her.Otherwise, please help us spread the Down to Earth message on social media beginning March 31, 2022 on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Thanks for reading this week’s post! Until we post again, we want to remind you that you can stay in touch with us by following us on Facebook or Instagram.

Bama Beef Blog Weekly Update | January 19, 2022

We are halfway through January and have already got all sorts of events, programs and business in the works. There’s nothing like staying busy! Keep reading to learn more about what’s happening in our office this week and stay in touch with your Cattlemen’s Association.


ACA Convention & Trade Show registration is now live! Join us in Mobile, AL at the Mobile Convention Center on March 4-5 for the largest cattle industry trade show and educational event in Alabama. Keynote speakers include John Driscoll of the Mobile Port Authority and Kevin Good of CattleFax. As always, we’ll host a trade show full of equipment, feed, animal health, retail and breed representatives. The event will also feature Cattlemen’s Colleges, Youth Contests, our annual BEEF PAC Auction, and incredible meals. Learn more about our Schedule of EventsBook Your Hotel Room, or Register Now

If you are interested in having a booth at our trade show in Mobile, please contact Ali Cantrell. The early bird pricing will end on February 1, 2022! You can also register online, or you can visit our Convention Website.


The countdown is on for the 65th annual SLE Rodeo as we are only 58 days away from the greatest show on dirt! The Southeastern Livestock Exposition (SLE) is proud to be nationally-televised on The Cowboy Channel thanks to being named a 2022 NFR Play-Off Series Rodeo by the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association (PRCA). 

Our show will have the top professional rodeo cowboys and cowgirls competing against the best livestock in the business during four performances from March 18-20, 2022. We will also have live performances from World Champion Western Entertainer and Trick Roper Rider Kiesner, a PowWow performance by the Poarch Band of Creek Indians, B-K Ranch Fighting Bulls, and more! Buy your tickets now by visiting Tickets & Deals ( so you don’t miss out on any of the action! 

We’re proud to announce new changes coming in 2022 as we shift from a Thursday-Saturday event to a Friday-Sunday show. The show order is as follows: Friday, March 18 (7PM); Saturday, March 19 (1PM); Saturday, March 19 (7PM); and Sunday, March 20 (2PM). Also new in 2022 is the addition of WPRA Breakaway Roping, live at each event! Learn more about all the family fun on our Events Calendar and stay tuned to social media for event announcements, ticket giveaways and all the news the SLE Rodeo has to bring! 

Our rodeo committee is also looking for volunteers for the weekend of the rodeo. If you are available to offer your time, please complete the form on this website: Volunteer at the Rodeo ( We are looking forward to three action-packed days of good, clean family fun, and we hope to see you there. Let’s rodeo!


Sustainability is a buzzword that has captured the attention of producers and consumers alike, and agricultural communicators from across the state are taking on the buzz. In March 2021, communications staff from commodity representatives and trade organizations across the agricultural sector began meeting to discuss how to tackle this topic. The result of almost a year of conversations— Down to Earth: Agriculture Sustains Alabama.

This yearlong public education campaign is a collaborative communications effort designed to be a voice for agricultural stakeholders in Alabama to promote the sustainable, conservation-minded practices farmers and ranchers are already doing. The goal is to reach 1 million Alabama consumers to influence their beliefs by promoting the work of farmers and ranchers across the state— to tell YOUR story. We know your goal is to create as much output with as little input, all while protecting the environment for future generations, and it is now time we, as communicators, do a better job of telling that story. To do that, the group has broken down the sustainability topic into six main points: Carbon Emissions, Animal & Plant Efficiency, Data & Technology, Conserving Natural Resources, Smart Land Use and Sustaining for the Future. We will be extending this campaign via digital advertising, broadcast news, print media, and a video campaign. The 2021 Farm-City theme also reflected this concept, which served as an excellent soft launch and way to introduce this tricky topic in an interactive way to school children across the state.

Working group members include the Alabama Cattlemen’s Association, the Alabama Farmers Federation, Alabama Poultry & Egg Association, Alabama Agribusiness Council, Alabama Department of Agriculture and Industries, Sweet Grown Alabama, the Alabama Commission, Simply Southern and the Alabama Cooperative Extension System. ACA’s Kayla Greer is a co-chair to this statewide, collaborative effort alongside Caleb Hicks of AP&EA.

The campaign officially launches on March 31, 2022 with an event called “Down to Earth Day” in Pike Road, AL. It will include an educational field trip portion, public education event, and a media conference with elected officials as our special guests. This is YOUR campaign, so if you want to be part of it as a spokesperson, event volunteer, or just learn more about how to help spread the message, contact Kayla Greer at (334) 265-1867 or email her. Otherwise, please help us spread the Down to Earth message on social media beginning March 31, 2022 on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.


The 2022 membership year has officially kicked off, and we are headed boldly in the direction of 10,000 members! As we approach late winter/early spring, many counties will host annual meetings. Please, contact Jessica Kennedy at our office to let her know about county meeting dates and leadership changes OR complete this online form to notify us of your meeting, assign a mailout, and request a guest speaker. As always, leaders, we encourage you to enter new members and renewals by the 15th of each month to guarantee they stay on the magazine distribution list and to deposit checks in a timely manner. 


Gov. Ivey called a special session on Tuesday, putting on hold lawmakers’ regular law-making session to focus on the massive federal influx of funds. Lawmakers will begin work today focused on spending $772 million in American Rescue Plan Act Funds. A spending bill hasn’t been made public, but the talk is that priority spending for broadband internet, assisting hospitals and nursing homes and building out water and sewer infrastructure in communities where service lacks.


Young Cattlemen’s Leadership Program(YCLP) Class VIII will graduate at the ACA Convention Awards Banquet. We are looking forward to seeing these 23 young leaders grow in our organization and as industry advocates. With one class graduating, that calls for another class incoming. Applications for YCLP Class IX are now open! This program is for young cattlemen who are looking to build on their leadership skills, network with producers from across the state, and gain deeper industry knowledge. If you want to learn more about this program or apply please visit These applications will close March 15, 2022 and will be passed on to the YCLP Council for the selection process to take place.

Speaking of YCLP Council, those applications are also now open. If you are a YCLP Alumni and would like to serve on the YCLP Council, please visit to learn more about the roles the Council serves and to apply. Those elected will serve a two-year term beginning March 2022. Open seats are available in Classes 2 (2015-2016), 3 (2016-2017), 5 (2018-2019), 6 (2019-2020) and 8 (2021-2022). Applications for YCLP Council close February 15, 2022.


The Distinguished Young Women of Alabama will visit the Cattlemen’s building on Thursday for a steak lunch and tour of The MOOseum. We are looking forward to having these young people who are competing in the state contest after winning their county competitions. If you have a daughter or granddaughter participating in the competition, be sure to tell them to come say hi when they’re here and let us know who they are!


The Annual Alabama Jr. & Sr. High School Beef Cook-Off will be on April 9 at Jefferson State Community College. If your county has hosted a local beef cook-off, be sure to get your winners registered on our website at by March 21! This event will be held at Health Sciences and Culinary Institute building at Jefferson State, and registration is FREE! Please contact Ali Cantrell on our staff if you have any questions. 


The Alabama Junior Cattlemen’s Association (AJCA) will be hosting youth career-centered contests at the ACA Convention and Trade Show! Join the AJCA Board of Directors, Saturday March 5th in Mobile for public speaking, career development, and quiz bowl competitions. All contests will be sponsored by Beef Checkoff and are FREE for all youth to enter. Each contest holds great scholarships opportunities! Here’s some more dates to mark on your calendar:

Saturday, March 5: Youth Contests at the ACA Convention (Register Now)

Thursday, April 14: Spring Youth Production Field Day (Vista Farms- Fayette)

July 14-17, 2022: AJCA Round-Up ( Montgomery, AL)

Saturday, September 17: Fall Youth Production Field Day (Location TBD)

Thanks for reading this week’s post! Until we post again, we want to remind you that you can stay in touch with us by following us on Facebook or Instagram.

Bama Beef Blog Update | January 12, 2022

Bama Beef Blog Update | January 12, 2022

Happy New Year! It has been a few months since we updated our blog. We apologize for that, but the rush at the end of the year made for a wild ride here at ACA. Never fear, we’re back and loaded down with a set of news from our staff to get us moving forward into 2022. Saddle up, we’ve got a lot to unpack!

ACA Convention & trade Show

ACA Convention & Trade Show registration is now live! Join us in Mobile, AL at the Mobile Convention Center on March 4-5 for the largest cattle industry trade show and educational event in Alabama. Keynote speakers include John Driscoll of the Mobile Port Authority and Kevin Goode of CattleFax. As always, we’ll host a trade show full of equipment, feed, animal health, retail and breed representatives. The event will also feature Cattlemen’s Colleges, Youth Contests, our annual BEEF PAC Auction, and incredible meals. Learn more about our Schedule of Events, Book Your Hotel Room, or Register Now.

If you are interested in having a booth at our trade show in Mobile, please contact staffer, Ali Cantrell. The early bird pricing will end on February 1, 2022! You can also register online, or you can visit our Convention Website.


The countdown is on for the 65th annual SLE Rodeo as we are only 65 days away from the greatest show on dirt! The Southeastern Livestock Exposition (SLE) is proud to be nationally-televised on The Cowboy Channel thanks to being named a 2022 NFR Play-Off Series Rodeo by the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association (PRCA). 

Our show will have the top professional rodeo cowboys and cowgirls competing against the best livestock in the business during four performances from March 18-20, 2022. We will also have live performances from World Champion Western Entertainer and Trick Roper Rider Kiesner, a PowWow performance by the Poarch Band of Creek Indians, B-K Ranch Fighting Bulls, and more! Buy your tickets now by visiting Tickets & Deals ( so you don’t miss out on any of the action!

We’re proud to announce new changes coming in 2022 as we shift from a Thursday-Saturday event to a Friday-Sunday show. The show order is as follows: Friday, March 18 (7PM); Saturday, March 19 (1PM); Saturday, March 19 (7PM); and Sunday, March 20 (2PM). Also new in 2022 is the addition of WPRA Breakaway Roping, live at each event! Learn more about all the family fun on our Events Calendar and stay tuned to social media for event announcements, ticket giveaways and all the news the SLE Rodeo has to bring!

Our rodeo committee is also looking for volunteers for the weekend of the rodeo. If you are available to offer your time, please complete the form on this website: Volunteer at the Rodeo ( We are looking forward to three action-packed days of good, clean family fun, and we hope to see you there. Let’s rodeo!


The 2022 membership year has officially kicked off, and we are headed boldly in the direction of 10,000 members! As we approach late winter/early spring, many counties will host annual meetings. Please, contact Jessica Kennedy at our office to let her know about county meeting dates and leadership changes OR complete this online form to notify us of your meeting, assign a mailout, and request a guest speaker. As always, leaders, we encourage you to enter new members and renewals by the 15th of each month to guarantee they stay on the magazine distribution list and to deposit checks in a timely manner.

alabama legislature: back in session

The legislative session began yesterday as both chambers gaveled in. The big talk of the session is how the state will use the remaining amounts of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) money that the state has received. Another big topic is the strong financial position of the budgets of this session. The ACA will be watching carefully through the session and working on legislation that will positively and negatively impact our industry. During the session, the Ag Coalition meets at the Cattlemen’s building on Tuesday mornings to discuss bills and get ready for the legislative week. Other meetings will take place such as caucus meetings and receptions during the session so the building is a huge asset to provide legislators.


The Annual Alabama Jr. & Sr. High School Beef Cook-Off will be on April 9 at Jefferson State Community College. If your county has hosted a local beef cook-off, be sure to get your winners registered on our website at by March 21! This event will be held at Health Sciences and Culinary Institute building at Jefferson State, and registration is FREE! Please contact Ali Cantrell on our staff if you have any questions. 


To kick off 2022, ACA Director of Communications Kayla Greer had the honor to be a guest speaker at the Southeast Regional Fruit and Vegetable Growers Conference in Savannah, GA. More keen on livestock and certainly a “brown thumb,” Kayla didn’t have much to offer in terms of raising fruit and vegetables, but her expertise on social media tools and practices were invaluable to the audience. Kayla joined the conference— which hosted 3,000 farmers from across the Southeast— to speak at a special Social Media Boot Camp session last Thursday. This intimate and interactive deep dive into social media was limited to only 60 guests, but the crew spent the entire day exploring the many tools and features associated with Facebook Business Pages. Kayla specifically spoke on the Facebook Business Suite, Creator Studio and broke down Insights and Analytics that the small businesses could use to leverage audience engagement on their platforms.

A great trip to beautiful Savannah and great way to bring new light to the tasks she does daily, Kayla has already got her wheels spinning for a similar program for cattle producers who utilize social media to market cattle and/or local beef products. Stay tuned!

Junior Cattlemen Update

This past weekend, the AJCA Board Directors gathered in Montgomery for their Winter Planning Meeting. The Board looked into 2022 to plan upcoming events and explored overall goals for the year. A few dates to keep in mind:

Saturday, March 5: Youth Contests at the ACA Convention (Register Now)

Thursday, April 14: Spring Youth Production Field Day (Vista Farms- Fayette)

July 14-17, 2022: AJCA Round-Up ( Montgomery, AL)

Saturday, September 17: Fall Youth Production Field Day (Location TBD)


ACA Director of Field Services Morgan Desselle has been out and about this week. She visited Cullman Stockyards’ weekly sale on Tuesday. While in the neighborhood, she also had a farm visit with Cullman County President Cody Rasco. Today she is stopping by Valley Stockyards in Moulton and catching their weekly sale. Say hi I you see her!

Thanks for reading this week’s post! Until we post again, we want to remind you that you can stay in touch with us by following us on Facebook or Instagram.

Bama Beef Blog Weekly Update: September 29, 2021

September is gone with the wind, which means we’re headed into the busiest month of the year, so saddle up for an update from your state ACA staff! We’ve got sales, meetings, and October Beef Month on the menu. Keep reading to learn more about what’s happening in Montgomery this week!

Cooking Segments Firing Up for Beef Month!

Tomorrow, staffer Ali Cantrell will be recording two cooking segments at Renfroe’s Grocery to air on WSFA during the month of October. Renfroe’s has generously offered to sponsor the ingredients and provide the location for the two segments. Ali will be whipping up some tailgating and fall type beef recipes that will make your mouth water so keep an eye out on during beef month. 

Speaking of local news, you should have seen Ali on your screens today if you’re local to Mobile! WKRG aired their Cooking with John segment and Ali will be guest hosting with a Beef Salad recipe and promoting October Beef Month. Tune in two more weeks on October 14 to watch local Junior Cattlemen, Abbeigh Jo Gibson, cook a brisket in a slow cooker!

Membership Update

The statewide membership number ‘o the day is 9,195 members…but we’re not done yet! Final remittance notices have hit mailboxes. If you haven’t renewed, then now’s the time! We are SO CLOSE to our 10,000 member goal, so help us get there with your membership. Don’t forget- we offer fun prizes for our recruiters, also! If you have any membership questions, feel free to contact Jessica Kennedy in our office.

October Beef Month- Full Steam Ahead!

October Beef Month preparations are in full swing! We have some great events coming up, so please keep up with the Bama Beef Online Events Calendar to get the latest on Beef Month activities. Also, please contact staffer Ali Cantrell if you need any materials for your county chapter to pass out at any local events you may be attending. County Leaders, please do not forget to send us pictures from your event to be featured in our magazine as well as social media. Below is the timeline of state-lead activities for October Beef Month 2021.

  • September 24: Nominations open for Bama’s Best Beef
  • October 2-9: Burger Week in Mobtown (Premier Sponsor)
  • October 9: Maxwell Fall Fest 
    • Junior Cattlemen will be hosting a booth at the festival to talk about beef cattle and pass out treats! 
  • October 12 – 15: Beef Week
    • October 12: “Beef Up the Blood Supply” by giving blood at Conestoga Steak House in Dothan, AL and receive a $20 gift card to the steak house!
    • October 13: Receive a $2 discount off a Brisket meal at BBQ Stop in Clay, AL
    • October 14: Visit Gather in Atmore, AL and eat a delicious beef meal and receive a free dessert.
    • October 15: Come get some Beef Swag when you buy a hamburger at Hamburger King in Montgomery, AL
  • October 15: Alabama National Fair “Where’s the Beef?” Cook-off 
    • This will take place at 7 p.m. Please visit the Alabama National Fair website to enter.
  • October 16: County Cattlemen’s Association Steak Sandwich Cook-off
  • October 25: Winner for Bama’s Best Beef competition will be announced
  • October 28: Beef Checkoff Task Force Meeting
  • October 29: Beef 101 at Auburn Beef Unit

Mark your calendars and plan to join us for the events that are close to you! 

Beef on the SuperSpeedway

Talladega weekend is on the horizon! If you’re going to be at the race this weekend, keep your eyes on the jumbotron for a Beef. It’s What’s for Dinner. message, and if you listen in over the radio, listen for the sizzle of steak through the Motor Racing Network. ACA has partnered with Georgia Cattlemen’s Association to promote beef throughout the race weekend. ACA staffer Ali Cantrell will also be doing an interview on the Motor Racing Network before the Sunday races to promote October Beef Month and preview Florida Cattlemen’s promotions in Daytona in the spring!

SLE Update

The SLE is excited to be on the search for sponsors for the 2022 rodeo. Thank you to those who have already signed up! If this is something your company may be interested in, please visit the SLE website. This displays every sponsorship package available to you. Don’t hesitate to contact the Director of Rodeo Programs Sarah Hunter if you have any questions!

In other news, SLE Members will gather tomorrow, Thursday, September 30, for the group’s Annual Membership Banquet. It will be great to see returning members, but we also have several new faces that we are excited to welcome! 

The 2022 SLE Rodeo is sure to be a hit of show as many new changes and additions are on the horizon. First, the biggest news, is a shift of dates and times for each of the four PRCA Rodeo Performances. The 2022 show line-up is as follows:

· FRIDAY, March 18, 2022 at 7 PM

· SATURDAY, March 19, 2022 at 1 PM (Matinee)

· SATURDAY, March 19, 2022 at 7 PM

· SUNDAY, March 20, 2022 at 2 PM (Matinee)

The 2022 SLE Rodeo is also proud to feature an added timed event in WPRA Breakaway Roping, and will showcase the trick roping skills of World Champion Western Performer Rider Kiesner, who will also clown the event.

As always, if your county cattlemen’s group is hosting a rodeo, please reach out and let Sarah know what she can do to help!

Field Services

Staffer Morgan Desselle will head to Auburn tomorrow to speak to students on the importance of beef checkoff, the association, and lastly what she does on a day to day basis as the Field Services director. She will talk to the students on how she applied and obtained a job in agriculture and will encourage them to look into jobs in our industry. Friday she will be headed to Uniontown to watch the Heart of Dixie sale! She looks forward to getting out and seeing our cattlemen. Make sure to stop by and say hello if you see her.

With the arrival of fall comes cooler weather and best of all, SALE SEASON! Be sure to keep an eye out on our online calendar to get the latest on upcoming sales in Alabama!

Thanks for reading this week’s post! Until we post again, we want to remind you that you can stay in touch with us by following us on Facebook or Instagram.

Bama Beef Blog Weekly Update | July 7, 2021

Bama Beef Blog Weekly Update | July 7, 2021

Round-Up, Next Week!

With the looks of next week’s forecast, that means one thing… IT’S ROUND-UP WEEK! We look forward to welcoming 118 exhibitors and 170 animals to the 15th Annual Alabama Junior Cattlemen’s Association Round-Up. The weekend is full of livestock shows, family fun and beef industry educational contest. We welcome all to come join us and support the youth of Alabama! Should you wish to see the weekend schedule you can visit

Talkin’ Beef in Greensboro

Last Wednesday ACA Director of Education and Outreach Ali Cantrell traveled to Greensboro to speak to the Greensboro Boys and Girls Club about Alabama’s beef industry and The MOOseum. She told the whole pasture to plate story to 40 students and explained the importance of our industry— all while answering many, eager questions!

Membership Update

The statewide membership number ‘o the day is 8,257 members…but we’re not done yet! We are only halfway through the year, and we’ve got our sites set on 10,000. If you haven’t renewed, join us, and help your county president reach his or her goal and earn their signature ACA red coat. That deadline has been extended, but is coming soon— August 31, 2021. Let’s knock out those goals, cattlemen!

Cattlemen’s Communications Survey

Let’s chat. We want to hear from you!

We are currently reviewing our communication methods regarding membership and association business efforts to ensure that you are able to find the information you need from us in a timely, relevant and accessible way.

We also want to hear from you to learn what our members most value about a membership with the ACA.

We ask that you take a moment to complete this survey, and if you do, you’ll be entered into a drawing to receive one of 3 complimentary trade show passes— valued at $300— to NCBA’s Convention in Nashville, August 10-12, 2021. Please note that you will be contacted by the information you provide below, so ensure a working email and telephone number is entered properly.

Beef 101- Back in Session

Beef 101 programming is back in session! Wallace State Community college will be coming to Auburn on July 22nd to learn more about the pasture to plate story from experts. If you or someone you know would like to attend this session or a later one, or if you would like to schedule your own, please contact Ali Cantrell. The next Beef 101 date will be October 29, but we hope to schedule more between now and then.

ACA at ALMA Annual Meeting

Erin Beasley attended the Livestock Marketing Association summer meeting this week to discuss current cattle industry and association topics with the group which is comprised of auction market owners in the state. The ALMA and ACA work closely through the year to support each other through checkoff programming and policy topics locally and in Washington. Also in attendance was AL State Veterinarian, Dr. Tony Frazier and National LMA staffers, Craig Taylor and Pierce Bennett.

Fired Up for Cattlemen’s Cookouts

If you’re a member of the ACA, you’re invited to join us for a summertime cookout! We hosted our first of five regional cookouts last week at Perdido River Farms in Atmore and WHOA what a turnout! We enjoyed a delicious steak dinner and state update with more than 100 members from Alabama’s southwest corner! ACA officers and staff will be traveling to other parts of the state hosting membership meetings and meals so we can all catch up, also! If you have not renewed your membership, you’re still invited as we will be accepting membership dues on site. Come on out and enjoy an evening of good food and Cattlemen fellowship! The meeting dates and times are as follows:

EAST CENTRAL ALABAMA: July 22 at 5:30 p.m. at Wellborn Musclecar Museum (Alex City, AL)

WEST CENTRAL ALABAMA: August 2 at 5:30 p.m. at Big Mike’s Steakhouse (Moundville)

NORTH ALABAMA: August 3 at 5:30 p.m. at Tennessee Valley REC (Belle Mina)

There is no cost to attend this event. All we ask is that you RSVP with your name and the location of the meeting you would like to attend at least one week prior to the event date. This will ensure that we have enough food for all! Simply call or email us at: (334) 265-1867 or

Summer Grilling Campaign- Cooking Segments

This past Friday, ACA’ Ali Cantrell drove to Limestone County Career Technical Center to film two cooking segments for WAFF with Overall Beef in Beef Cook-off winner, Bethanie Cross. Bethanie was able to shine on camera as she created her winning Steak Frites recipe and talked about her passion for the culinary arts. Ali Cantrell also showcased a recipe called BBQ Beef Biscuit Sliders that will air separately to highlight summer grilling. Bethanie’s segment should air sometime in July, and Ali’s will air later this summer. If you’re in the Huntsville DMA, be on the look out!

Bama Beef Events Calendar

The online Bama Beef Events Calendar is getting a list of new events daily. As Extension begins to normalize, educational programs are popping up across the state. County cattlemen’s chapters are beginning to think about meeting. Sales are lining up. Steak sandwich sales are firing up, and Junior Cattlemen events eyeball those free summer months! Not only that, but summertime means grilling season. We all know that beef is king of the grill, so summer beef promotions are also firing up! Make it a daily task to check out our calendar and keep an eye on events coming near you!

Thanks for reading this week’s post! Until we post again, we want to remind you that you can stay in touch with us by following us on Facebook or Instagram.

Bama Beef Blog Update: December 2, 2020

What a way to welcome in December. Snow in North Alabama, and heavy frost everywhere else! The cold air and the full calendars are a sure sign that the year is coming to an end. Whether the calendar is full with industry events like bull sales and county annual meetings or Christmas events with loved ones, it’s a busy— yet wonderful— time of year! Speaking of wonderful…Alabama’s cattle producers are a pretty wonderful group to work for, so keep reading to learn what your state staff is working on this week.

Young Cattlemen’s Leadership Program Class VIII Apps Now Live

Applications for Class VIII of the Young Cattlemen’s Leadership Program (YCLP) are now live on our website! YCLP is funded in part by the Alabama State Checkoff. This program aims to identify the state’s top young cattlemen and develop them into leaders of our industry. The class will have production and consumer based tours from May 2021 – March 2022. This program provides networking, leadership, and experience to cattlemen ranging in ages 22-40.

We are excited to see this program continue to grow. Last year, we had a record number of applications. To help the committee with selection process we have added a component to the YCLP application. Applicants will now have to submit a letter of recommendation from a YCLP alumni or county cattlemen’s leadership. For all who are interested you can apply here. Applications close January 31, 2021.

Working With Our Friends in Nutrition

On December 1, The MOOseum hosted child nutrition specialists from the Alabama Department of Education. The Department of Education utilized the child-like kitchen facilities of The MOOseum to film a 5-minute video about meal component crediting and how to prepare a healthy meal for youth. We are excited to see our MOOseum featured in a video that will have the potential to educate families on dietary guidelines and the necessity of having great quality protein on your plate!

Membership Update

The 2020 Membership Year will close this Friday, and to date, the ACA is home to 9,601 members. ACA Membership Coordinator Jessica Kennedy will begin work closing out the year in the system on Friday and will notify county leaders when the system is live for the input of 2021 members. Stay tuned for more news from her and don’t forget that giving an ACA membership as a gift this holiday season is a great way to show the cattleman in your life how much you mean to them! Give a membership as a gift at

Social Media Fired Up for Holiday Roasting

Digital ads were flighted this week featuring a variety of topics surrounding holiday roasting. The ads feature roast recipes, roasting hacks and promote the Drool Log. The ads were targeted to Alabama consumers and household decision-makers ages 25-65 who have a positive attitude toward beef. So far the ads are performing excellent and are receiving positive feedback! Be sure to feature the Drool Log on smart screens at your upcoming holiday events, and don’t forget to share The Night Before Beefmas with Your favorite farm kids!

Junior Board Set to Meet

The Alabama Junior Cattlemen’s Board of Directors will have their winter meeting this weekend. Staffer Morgan Pounds will take the juniors south to Andalusia for this meeting. Juniors will work on team bonding Friday and enjoy a steak and some Christmas lights in downtown Andalusia. The board will get to business on Saturday as they discuss upcoming events for youth across Alabama. This year’s AJCA Board would love to come to your county meeting to discuss youth involvement. If you would like a junior board member to speak please let Jessica Kennedy know when you update us on your county meeting details!

Wishes for Warriors in Colbert County

This Saturday, ACA’s Ali Cantrell will be attending the Wishes for Warriors event at Rattlesnake Saloon in Tuscumbia, AL. This is the second year that Colbert County Cattlemen’s Association will be preparing ribeye steak sandwiches for the veterans attending this event. We are excited to meet the veterans and thank them for their service to our country!

Thanks for reading this week’s post! Until we post again, we want to remind you that you can stay in touch with us by following us on FacebookTwitter or Instagram.

Bama Beef Blog Weekly Update: October 28, 2020

What a week! Events, meetings, cancellations and now a hurricane. It has been a little busy around these parts! While October is soon coming to a close, the Beef Month 2020 chapter will close, and will will drift into year-end projects and start rolling on SLE Rodeo. The fun never really stops around here, not even in a year like 2020! Keep reading to learn more.

Checkoff Meeting Postponed

In true 2020 fashion, yet another one of our meetings as been rescheduled! The Checkoff Marketing Plan Task Force meeting that was set to be held tomorrow, October 29 at the ACA building has now been rescheduled for Thursday, November 19. We came to this decision following news of the potential impacts of Hurricane Zeta. If you would like to attend the meeting on November 19 to help us brainstorm ideas for 2021 checkoff programming, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our office at (334) 265-1867.

YCLP Recap

YCLP Class VII spent their weekend in North Alabama for their third session. This year’s class has only two session remaining, believe it or not! They have toured numerous cattle producers all across the state.

This past weekend they toured ACA President-Elect Clay Kennamer’s backgrounding yard and cow-calf operation. They also had the opportunity to tour Lookout Mountain Genetics. We appreciate John Starnes, Stephanie Turner, and Tristan Tilley for being great hosts. The class also stopped by Lake Majestic to catch their cowboy auction sale. Lake Majestic is owned by one of our YCLP alumni, Nic Cornelison. We would like to give a special thanks to Jackson and DeKalb County Cattlemen’s for cooking a steak dinner on Friday night for the group.

The class will graduate at Convention in March. If you are interested in the program or participating next year please contact YCLP Coordinator Morgan Desselle at! Email Marketing

October Beef Month may soon be coming to an end, but our promotions are running strong. This afternoon, we deployed an October Beef Month email marketing campaign through that featured beef imagery, recipes and nutrition information. This email was targeted to nearly 200,000 Alabama parents, the target audience of the checkoff promotion. We are excited to learn the results of this campaign after ample time is allowed for opening!

Membership Update & Board Memo

We have surpassed our membership from last year- YAY! But we still haven’t reached that big 10,000…help us get there! Board members, please RSVP to the upcoming Board meeting to be held November 12 at the RSA Activity center in downtown Montgomery. Send your RSVP to

FACS Advisory Board

ACA Director of Education and Outreach Ali Cantrell was asked this week to sit on the new Family and Consumer Sciences Advisory Board Committee. She attended her first meeting here in Montgomery on Tuesday, October 27 and was included in discussions on how to expand the FACS program and how ACA and the checkoff program can impact the culinary arts. This committee will meet twice a year but will be in close contact throughout the year in order to market different educational programs.

Bull Sale Season

ACA Staff will head to the CK Cattle Headquarters Sale this Friday. Sale Session is in full blast around the state. Head over to our online sale calendar to view the sales going on around the state, you are sure to find one that fits what you are looking for!

ACA Hosts Regional Meeting

ACA will host Region 2 (LA, MS, TN, AL, GA, FL, SC, NC) state executives and leadership next week on November 4-5. The agenda will include policy and beef checkoff topics as well as give states some time to discuss holding events with the challenges of COVID-19. ACA officers will attend the meeting as well as Jimmy Holliman who serves as Region 2 Policy VP and Eric Smith, Region 2 PAC General.

USDA’s CFAP 2 Program

Late in September, the U.S. Department of Agriculture opened application for a second round of COVID assistance relief through the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP), or CFAP 2. Key details include: 

Cattle Payments: The CFAP 2 payment rate for eligible beef cattle is $55 per head. Payments will be based on the maximum owned inventory of eligible livestock, excluding breeding stock, on a date selected by the producer, between Apr. 16, 2020, and Aug. 31, 2020.

Signups will run through December 11, 2020. 

More CFAP 2 details are available on USDA’s website:

Foundation Scholarships : Deadline Soon!

Applications for the 2021-2022 Alabama Cattlemen’s Foundation Scholarships are now open online at The ACF is proud to award over $65,000 in scholarships annually to Alabama’s youth in livestock and those who are the children or grandchildren of longtime members. We offer a variety of scholarships with a range of requirements— there’s truly something to fit any student! We appreciate those who purchase the Cowboy vanity car tag that help fund these scholarships, as well as the generous families who have endowed scholarships through our foundation. Applications CLOSE on November 6 at midnight, so be sure your favorite student(s) submits today!

Thanks for reading this week’s post! Until we post again, we want to remind you that you can stay in touch with us by following us on FacebookTwitter or Instagram.