Bama Beef News | May 2024

Welcome to the Bama Beef Blog, where you can check out the latest monthly news from the Alabama Cattlemen’s Association, the Alabama Beef Checkoff Program and the Southeastern Livestock Expo. Keep reading for more info!


The 2024 Regional Cattlemen’s Cookouts are rapidly approaching! In addition to dinner and a state office update, this year’s events will feature Livestock Marketing Association’s Producer Profitability Initiative, a grassroots movement started and led by cattle producers who have a vision to create a sustainable future for the American livestock industry. 

Meeting dates and locations include:

Goosepond Civic Center, Scottsboro, Alabama – June 11

Oxford Civic Center, Oxford, Alabama – June 20

The Greensboro Armory, Greensboro, Alabama – June 25

Wetumpka Civic Center, Wetumpka, Alabama – June 27

A.W. Todd Center, Russellville, Alabama – July 16

The Warehouse, Ozark, Alabama – July 23

Grace Fellowship Church, Atmore, Alabama *IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE GULF COAST CATTLEMEN’S CONFERENCE* – August 9 

Learn more about the meetings:

Meals are FREE to current ACA members. Guest plates are $25/adult, $15/child. RSVP now at or by calling (334) 265-1867.


After a gauntlet of a session, the Alabama Legislature adjourned sine die on May 9th, completing all 30 days of the session. In a session that amassed hundreds of bills and several large items at play, including gaming, school choice, and the Working for Alabama workforce package, the association had a very successful session. To begin, no legislation was passed that would negatively impact the beef cattle industry, which is always the first goal of the session.  

Additionally, several positive pieces of legislation passed that affect our industry.  

  • The association’s priority bill to exempt fencing materials for livestock from sales tax received final passage. Sponsored by Sen. Jack Williams and Rep. Danny Crawford, the bill was amended before passage to have a gross sales cap of $25,000 annually per livestock producer. This will go into effect on October 1, 2024.  
  • The property tax cap bill, sponsored by Sen. David Sessions and Rep. Phillip Pettus, passed, and will provide a 7% cap on annual property tax reappraisals.  
  • The bovine liability bill, sponsored by Senator Randy Price, passed. This bill provides producers hosting independent activities, like sales and field days, on their farm general liability coverage should something happen to an attendee.  
  • A bill banning the sale and distribution of lab-grown proteins (also known as “fake meat”), sponsored by Sen. Jack Williams and carried by Rep. Danny Crawford in the house, passed. 
  • The legislation to establish the board for the Alabama Farm Center, sponsored by Sen. Shay Shelnutt and Rep. Danny Crawford, received final passage.  
  • Several budgetary items in the education trust fund passed, including new funding for junior cattlemen’s educational activities, and continued funding for FFA memberships, the Auburn University livestock judging coach, and a youth livestock specialist. 
  • In the general fund, the Alabama Department of Agriculture and Industries received additional funding for the animal disease and diagnostics office.  


The USDA recently released a much-anticipated final rule for animal disease traceability. The USDA final traceability rule amends a previous 2013 rule that requires sexually intact cattle 18 months of age or older – specifically rodeo, exhibition, and dairy cattle – moving interstate to have an official form of animal identification. The 2013 rule, which cattle producers already comply with, instituted visual ID tags for interstate movement. The new final rule switches producers to electronic identification (EID) tags, which are easier to read and would yield a faster traceability response during a foreign animal disease outbreak. This rule has no bearing on feeder calf movement. For years, Alabama has been preparing for this rule change that moves to utilize EID tags. The state veterinarian’s office has been working with stockyards in the state to use EID tags provided for free on required cattle. The association has been committed to ensuring that the use of these tags will not be set on the backs of cow-calf producers or slow down the speed of commerce. There is funding secured in both the state and federal budgets to allow tags to be given free of charge for cattle that require official animal identification. 


On Friday, May 3, the Alabama Cattlemen’s Foundation (ACF) awarded over $113,000 to 110 deserving students from across Alabama. These scholarships would not be possible without those who have purchased the Cowboy vanity car tag and the generous endowment families. We wish these students the best in their future endeavors and appreciate the involvement of their parents or grandparents in our association, which is a requirement for qualification for an ACF scholarship award! 


The Alabama Junior Cattlemen’s Association (AJCA) held its second and final Spring Field Day for 2024 on Wednesday, May 8 at the Covington Center Arena in Andalusia. Youth attendees enjoyed a BQA certification course, a roping demonstration and hands-on herd health activities.

AJCA Round-up registration is open

The Alabama Junior Cattlemen’s Association is hosting its 18th Annual Round-Up, July 18-21, 2024, in Montgomery! This Alabama Beef Checkoff-funded event features 14 youth cattle shows and contests— including a heifer show, steer show, bull show, showmanship, cattle judging, skill-a-thon, salesmanship, photography, poster, golden pitchfork, record book, ad design, battle of the beef, and team grooming. Additionally, author, speaker, and rancher Amanda Radke will be speaking at the AJCA Membership Meeting on July 19th. Registration closes July 3. For more information or to register, visit


ACA staff will be participating in the FFA Career Expo June 5-6 as a part of the State FFA Convention. Any students or teachers wishing to learn about the educational resources and opportunities offered by the ACA and the Beef Checkoff Program are welcome to come by our booth.


Young Cattlemen’s Leadership Program (YCLP) Class XI kicked the year off in May in conjunction with the Spring Board of Directors Meeting. The crew of young leaders spent time with our volunteer leaders from across the state to learn more about the association’s involvement and membership recruitment. Following, they toured the Alabama Department of Agriculture and Industries and Alabama Farmers Federation facilities before wrapping up the evening with beef education at BBQ Hill in Pike Road. The next day, they traveled to Auburn to participate in a leadership training session with Dr. Adam Cletzer, followed by a tour of the Auburn University Lambert-Powell Meats Laboratory. To learn more about this year’s class, visit


The Garrett Coliseum has experienced personnel changes within the last year. Bill Hardin (Coliseum Manager) passed away in July 2023, and Connie Luckie (Coliseum Office Manager) retired in May 2024. Two new employees are now in place, so SLE and ACA invited the new Garrett Coliseum staff to the Cattlemen’s building for lunch in May. This was a great opportunity to get to know our new colleagues and discuss ideas for future improvements throughout the Coliseum grounds. They were open to suggestions of how to make the facilities more usable during the SLE Rodeo & Livestock Week and the AJCA Round-Up. This was a very positive meeting, and we look forward to working with them on future events.


The ACA is aiming to go Over the Top again in 2024— help us get over 10,000 members! We are proud to report that we currently represent 9,341 members. We are grateful for the grassroots efforts of our county organizations and look forward to another year of membership advocacy alongside you! 

Membership Deadlines to Remember

Remember, the Over the Top County Chapter deadline to earn your president a coveted ACA red coat is June 30. Membership must be in the office or entered in the database by June 30. Congratulations to the counties who have already gone Over the Top in 2024 – Bibb, Franklin, Geneva, Hale, Henry, Madison, Mobile, and Sumter counties!

County Meetings

As most counties across Alabama have held local chapter membership meetings, we encourage county leaders to send in updated officer information following the meeting. Submit the names and contact information of your county president and secretary to Jessica Kennedy so they can be added to our correspondence list for upcoming meetings and pertinent membership information!


The Spring Board of Directors Meeting was held in May, welcoming several new county presidents to the ACA headquarters building. At the meeting, board members heard an extensive report from Associate State Veterinarian Dr. Misty Edmondson about the Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) situation in dairy cattle and the newly released USDA final rule for animal disease traceability. Following updates from association staff about the legislative session and spring beef checkoff programming, members were engaged by ACA President Terry Slaten regarding membership growth. During this discussion, information was shared about retaining members, recruiting new members and how county chapters already do activities in their communities. The board meeting also included the new Young Cattlemen’s Leadership Program (YLCP) class as they learned about association business. Thank you to everyone who attended, and we look forward to seeing you in August!


Livestock producers experiencing depredation from black vultures may now apply for a no cost Black Vulture Depredation Sub-Permit through the Alabama Department of Agriculture & Industries. All approved applicants will be allowed to take up to three black vultures as long as the statewide take number has not exceeded 500. If 500 vultures are harvested in the state, applicants will receive an email notifying them that no more vultures may be taken during the permit period. For more information, visit


The Alabama Agricultural Development Authority (AADA) is now accepting applications for low interest loans intended to support meat and poultry processing businesses in Alabama. Loans can be used to purchase or construct new facilities, expand existing facilities, purchase new equipment, cover start-up costs and hire additional employees. 

Phase II applications are now open and will close June 14. For more information and loan application details, visit


In January of this year, the Cattle Connect podcast hit streaming platforms to launch the 2024 season, and it airs weekly on Friday mornings at 7AM. Listen is as staff discusses beef industry news and explores the many facets of the ACA! This podcast is available on Apple Podcast, Spotify, YouTube and at So far, this season has featured information on the history of the ACA, The MOOseum, ACA’s 2024 Legislative Priorities and recap, a convention recap, the SLE Rodeo’s unique mission, Spring culinary activities, youth event highlights and introductions to some of our association leaders. Tune in on your favorite streaming platform today to catch up on the first 16 episodes and subscribe to get notifications when a new episode airs! 


The Bama Beef Events Calendar ( is filling up with county cattlemen’s, youth and Extension activities as we look toward the summer months. Check it daily to make sure you don’t miss an event near you!

Thanks for reading this month’s post! Until we post again, we want to remind you that you can stay in touch with us by following us on Facebook or Instagram.

Bama Beef News | April 2024

Welcome to the Bama Beef Blog, where you can check out the latest monthly news from the Alabama Cattlemen’s Association, the Alabama Beef Checkoff Program and the Southeastern Livestock Expo. Keep reading for more info!

Alabama Legislative Session Update

April held two key events for the association as it pertains to the legislature. First, on April 9, members of the Alabama BEEF PAC Club gathered for our 2024 “Steak & Spirits” Legislative Reception. A great turnout from both the House and Senate, the night buzzed with great fellowship between cattlemen and lawmakers. Then, in the morning hours of April 24, the Legislative Breakfast hosted a crowd for beef tenderloin prepared by ACA, omelets whipped up by our friends at Alabama Poultry & Egg Association, homemade biscuits by Sen. Gerald Allen and pancakes by Sen. Jack Williams and Sen. David Sessions.

Now, with only six more days to convene in the 2024 Alabama Legislative Session, here are some updates on legislation your ACA governmental affairs team has been following.

Livestock Fencing Tax Exemption

SB 73— which would exempt fencing materials purchased with the intent to contain livestock from sales and use taxes— has received final passage and is headed across the street to the Governor’s office for signature into law. The bill made it through the process with a few friendly amendments. Those amendments would (1) require purchasers to sign an affidavit at the time of sale verifying they are, in fact, livestock owners (2) cap gross sales to $25,000 per livestock owner annually and (3) place a sunset on the bill to review its overall impact in five fiscal years and either continue its function or “sunset it.” Thank you to our bill sponsors for their effort to see this through! They were Sen. Jack Williams in the Senate and Rep. Danny Crawford in the House.

Carcass Disposal

SB 202, sponsored by Sen. Josh Carnley, has moved quickly through the hallways of the State House. The legislation would amend disposal laws relating to deceased livestock to allow the Department of Agriculture and Industries Board to adopt rules for disposal as new technologies— such as composting and incineration— emerge. The Senate version now awaits a pick on the House Special Order Calendar, while its companion (HB 297 sponsored by Rep. Matthew Hammett) has also passed House Ag Committee and is awaiting its time on the House floor.

Livestock Liability

SB 164 sponsored by Sen. Randy Price would provide protections against liability for cattle producers who host events on their farm and opt to display defined signage, in the event of an accident. SB 164 has passed through the Senate and is moving through the House.

Real Property Tax Assessment

Rep. Phillip Pettus’ HB 73 and Sen. David Sessions’ companion bill, SB 110, are designed to cap ad valorem tax hikes on Class III (agricultural) properties in a given year during the county reappraisal process. Originally written with a 3% cap on Class III properties, a House floor amendment raised the cap to 7%, and it passed out of the House. Work is being done to negotiate amendments that would make this legislation more friendly to property owners.

As 2024 Alabama Legislative Session Sine Die approaches, the ACA governmental affairs team will have an eye on these pieces of legislation, and others, to protect the business climate of the beef industry in Alabama. If you ever have questions or concerns, please call our office and ask to speak with Erin Beasley or Kayla Greer.

BEEF 101

Beef 101 was attended by almost 100 high school students from seven different schools across Alabama during April! During this one-day, free class (thanks to the Alabama Beef Checkoff Program), attendees learn about beef production from pasture to plate, current industry hot topics and the role the cattle industry plays in Alabama’s economy. Additionally, a carcass fabrication demonstration educated students and teachers about where beef cuts come from and how to prepare them correctly. If you are a teacher or parent interested in bringing a group during the fall 2024 semester, please contact Director of Consumer Outreach Josie Jones at or (334)265-1867 to get on the waitlist for fall dates.


The ACA is aiming to go Over the Top again in 2024— help us get over 10,000 members! We are proud to report that as of today, we represent 8,647 members. We are grateful for the grassroots efforts of our county organizations and look forward to another year of membership advocacy alongside you! 

Membership Deadlines to Remember

Remember, the Over the Top County Chapter deadline to earn your president a coveted ACA red coat is June 30. Also, the Spring Board is May 9. Board members, be sure to RSVP by May 3 to Director of Membership Jessica Kennedy.

County Meetings

As most counties across Alabama have held local chapter membership meetings, we encourage county leaders to send in updated officer information following the meeting. Submit the names and contact information of your county president and secretary to Jessica Kennedy so they can be added to our correspondence list for upcoming meetings and pertinent membership information!

Membership Mail Outs

The second (of three) membership remittance mail outs has hit mailboxes! County secretaries are encouraged to be on the lookout for those coming in and input them promptly to ensure that members continue to receive their exclusive benefits without lapse! 

NCBA Legislative Conference

Cattlemen leaders trekked to our nation’s Capitol this week to attend the 2024 National Cattlemen’s Beef Association Legislative Conference and participate in federal advocacy efforts. While on the Hill, ACA officers Dr. Terry Slaten, Keith Glover and Wyatt Sasser joined staffer Erin Beasley and NCBA/ACA member Jim Riddle on office visits with Sen. Katie Britt, Sen. “Coach” Tommy Tuberville, Rep. Mike Rogers, Rep. Gary Palmer, Rep. Robert Aderholt, and the staffs of Rep. Terri Sewell and Rep. Barry Moore. While visiting, ACA leaders discussed current funding packages, Farm Bill priorities and tax policies important to cattlemen.

Alabama Junior and Senior High School BEEF COOK-OFF

20 students from across Alabama gathered to represent their counties during the 2024 Alabama Junior and Senior High School Beef Cook-off at the Riverchase Career Connection Center on April 12. While the judges sampled dishes, participants enjoyed two educational sessions pertaining to the beef industry. Chef Kenneth Moore of Jefferson State Culinary Institute welcomed students to the kitchen as he demonstrated methods of preparing a beef tenderloin while Regional Extension Agent Ali Gotcher gave a Pasture to Plate Beef Industry Overview. Jacob Fales of Fairview High School in Cullman County took home the Overall Best In Beef award with his dish – Best Filet Mignon.

Congratulations to all of our winners! If you are interested in hosting a county contest to determine a representative for the 2025 contest, please contact Director of Consumer Outreach Josie Jones at or (334) 265-1867 for more information and resources.

2024 Regional Cattlemen’s Cookouts

Save the date for 2024 Regional Cattlemen’s Cookouts, coming to a location near you this summer! In addition to dinner and a state office update, this year’s events will feature Livestock Marketing Association’s Producer Profitability Initiative, a grassroots movement started and led by cattle producers who have a vision to create a sustainable future for the American livestock industry. Learn more and find the meeting nearest you:

Meals are FREE to current ACA members. Guest plates are $25/adult, $15/child. RSVP now at or by calling (334) 265-1867.

Southeast Alabama Agriculture Career Expo

Over 600 high school students from Geneva, Coffee, Houston, Dale, Covington, Crenshaw, Barbour, Henry, and Pike counties learned about the many occupations within the cattle industry and had the opportunity to discuss the importance of beef with an ACA representative as a part of the Southeast Alabama Agriculture Career Expo hosted by the Alabama Cooperative Extension System at Landmark Park in Dothan on April 18.


The Alabama Beef Checkoff Council gathered for their first meeting of 2024 on April 4. During this meeting, council members learned more about the function of the national and state beef checkoff programs and received an update from staffers on the programs approved for 2024.  

Youth Production Field Days

The Alabama Junior Cattlemen’s Association (AJCA) held its North Alabama Spring Field Day on Wednesday, April 10 at the North Alabama Agri-Plex in Rainsville. Youth attendees enjoyed a BQA certification course, a roping demonstration and hands-on herd health activities. The south Alabama version of that same field day will be held in Andalusia on May 8 at the Covington Center Arena. Hop online and and get registered today!

Extension Workshops & Updates

Our friends at the Alabama Cooperative Extension System have quite the lineup of springtime and summer workshops. The East Alabama Beef and Forage Field Day will be held May 3 at EV Smith. This program is sponsored by the Alabama Beef Checkoff and will feature topics such as Cool Season Annual Ryegrass, Forage Variety Testing, Herbicide Options for Pastures and Hayfields, Weaning Research, Drought Monitoring for Cattlemen, and Invasive Wildlife. 

On April 18th, ACA hosted the Southeast Beef Quality Assurance “Train the Trainer” event. Extension educators from five states and Puerto Rico came to the ACA building for lectures, followed by a trip to CK Cattle for training on teaching BQA. 


Livestock producers experiencing depredation from black vultures may now apply for a no cost Black Vulture Depredation Sub-Permit through the Alabama Department of Agriculture & Industries. All approved applicants will be allowed to take up to three black vultures as long as the statewide take number has not exceeded 500. If 500 vultures are harvested in the state, applicants will receive an email notifying them that no more vultures may be taken during the permit period. For more information, visit


The Alabama Agricultural Development Authority (AADA) is now accepting applications for low interest loans intended to support meat and poultry processing businesses in Alabama. Loans can be used to purchase or construct new facilities, expand existing facilities, purchase new equipment, cover start-up costs and hire additional employees. 

Phase II applications are now open and will close June 14. For more information and loan application details, visit


The Cattle Connect podcast is proud to report that in less than 10 episodes, it has more than 1,000 listens! In January of this year, the Cattle Connect podcast hit streaming platforms to launch the 2024 season, and it airs weekly on Friday mornings at 7AM. Listen is as staff discusses beef industry news and explores the many facets of the ACA! This podcast is available on Apple Podcast, Spotify, YouTube and at So far this season has featured information on the history of the ACA, The MOOseum, ACA’s 2024 Legislative Priorities, a convention recap, the SLE Rodeo’s unique mission, Spring culinary activities, youth event highlights and introductions to some of our association leaders. Tune in on your favorite streaming platform today to catch up on the first 12 episodes and subscribe to get notifications when a new episode airs! 


The Bama Beef Events Calendar ( is beginning to fill up with county cattlemen’s, youth and Extension activities as we look toward the spring months. Check it daily to make sure you don’t miss an event near you!

Thanks for reading this month’s post! Until we post again, we want to remind you that you can stay in touch with us by following us on Facebook or Instagram.

Bama Beef News | March 2024

Welcome to the Bama Beef Blog, where you can check out the latest monthly news from the Alabama Cattlemen’s Association, the Alabama Beef Checkoff Program and the Southeastern Livestock Expo. Keep reading for more info!

Alabama Cattlemen’s Foundation Report: Hay for Texas

Thanks to the generosity of individuals and county chapters, the Alabama Cattlemen’s Foundation (ACF) was able to send a monetary donation in the amount of $25,000 to a fund stood up by the Texas Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association to assist cattlemen in the Texas Panhandle who have recently experience catastrophe in the wake of the largest wildfire this nation has ever seen. The path of devastation burned more than 1.5 million acres, with early reports indicating a loss of more than 7,000 cattle.

Following, on March 19, a partnership between the ACF, the Alabama Department of Agriculture & Industries (ADAI) and Alabama Tucking Association (ATA) launched an effort to supply hay to Panhandle cattlemen in desperate need. With logistics being handled by ADAI and trucking services offered by members of the ATA, we set out to find hay— and WOW what a response! With 15-20 loads donated thus far, we are proud to report that as of today, four loads hauling 105 round bales of donated have already made the 1,000-mile trip to Borger, TX. Our hats off to, Alabama cattlemen. Thank you for your generosity! If you would like to learn more or donate, visit

Upcoming Junior Cattlemen Activities

The Alabama Junior Cattlemen’s Association (AJCA) will hold its North Alabama Spring Field Day on Wednesday, April 10 at the North Alabama Agri-Plex in Rainsville. Registration for that event is now live on the website— youth will enjoy a BQA certification course, a roping demonstration and hands-on herd health activities. Right on its heels will be the south Alabama version of that same field day in Andalusia on May 8 at the Covington Center Arena. Hop online and learn more about those events and get registered today! Register for the north Alabama event here:

Cattle Connect Podcast, Tune in Today! 

The Cattle Connect podcast is proud to report that in less than 10 episodes, it has more than 1,000 listens! In January of this year, the Cattle Connect podcast hit streaming platforms to launch the 2024 season, and it airs weekly on Friday mornings at 7AM. Listen is as staff discusses beef industry news and explores the many facets of the ACA! This podcast is available on Apple Podcast, Spotify, YouTube and at So far this season has featured information on the history of the ACA, The MOOseum, ACA’s 2024 Legislative Priorities, a convention recap, the SLE Rodeo’s unique mission, Spring Culinary activities, and this week will feature information on upcoming youth activities. Tune in on your favorite streaming platform today to catch up on the first nine episodes and subscribe to get notifications when a new episode airs! 

Membership Report

The ACA is aiming to go Over the Top again in 2024— help us get over 10,000 members! We are proud to report that as of today, we represent 8,312 members, and growing more with each county annual meeting that takes place. We are grateful for the grassroots efforts of our county organizations and look forward to another year of membership advocacy alongside you! 

Membership Deadlines to Remember

Remember, the Over the Top County Chapter deadline to earn your president a coveted ACA red coat is June 30. And believe us when we say that will be here before we know it! 

County Meetings

As most counties across Alabama have held local chapter membership meetings, we encourage county leaders to send in updated officer information following the meeting. Submit the names and contact information of your county president and secretary to Jessica Kennedy so they can be added to our correspondence list for upcoming meetings and pertinent membership information!

Membership Mail Outs

The second (of three) membership remittance mail outs will hit mailboxes in April. County secretaries are encouraged to be on the lookout for those coming in and input them promptly to ensure that members continue to receive their exclusive benefits without lapse! 

2024 Alabama Legislative Session Report

With more than half of the 30 legislative days burned, there are a number of hard-hitting topics that have made big movements through the 2024 Alabama Legislative Session, while several other high-importance packages, such as budgets, remain in the works. Below are status reports of bills that directly impact cattle producers and private landowners. Read more in the April edition of the Alabama Cattleman magazine.

Livestock Fencing Tax Exemption

SB 73 sponsored by Sen. Jack Williams would exempt fencing materials purchased with the intent to contain livestock from sales and use taxes, adding these materials to the expansive list of agricultural exemptions in the state such as feed, seed and fertilizer. With a goal of alleviating input costs on producers and joining the states around Alabama who have already enacted this legislation, the Senate version of the bill has passed out of its chamber, while the House version (HB 124) carried by Rep. Danny Crawford awaits its time in the House Ways and Means Education Committee.

Carcass Disposal

Conversations began in February among ACA and the Department of Agriculture and Industries about the current state law for approved dead animal disposal. From those conversations, Sen. Josh Carnley and Rep. Matthew Hammett were willing to carry legislation (SB 202 and HB 297, respectively) on the not-so-glamourous topic. The legislation would amend the existing code to allow the Department of Agriculture and Industries board to adopt rules for disposal. As it currently stands, burning and burial are the only approve means of carcass disposal in the state. Each bill has passed out of its respective committee and is up for pick on the special order calendar. 

Ban on Cell-Cultured Food Products

Now passed out of the Senate and House committee and awaiting its turn on the House special order calendar, SB 23 by Sen. Jack Williams would outright ban the manufacturing, sale or distribution of cell cultured food products in Alabama. Note: this does not pertain to plant-based protein products, only those products which are derived from the cells of animals. 

Real Property Tax Assessment

Private landowners rejoice at the notion of capping property tax hikes on reappraisal, which is the goal of Rep. Phillip Pettus’ HB 73 and Sen. David Sessions’ companion bill, SB 110. As originally written, these bills put a 3% cap on ad valorem tax hikes on Class III (agricultural) properties in a given year during the county reappraisal process; however, in committee, an amendment raised that percentage to 5% and was favorably passed. The House version of the bill now awaits its time on the House special order calendar, while a public hearing in Senate committee— where ACA’s Erin Beasley testified in favor of the proposed legislative— awaits favorable passage and time on the Senate floor. 

As we turn our eyes to the second half of the 2024 Alabama Legislative Session, the ACA governmental affairs team will have an eye on these pieces of legislation, and many others. If you have questions or concerns, please call our office and ask to speak with Erin Beasley or Kayla Greer.

Other Legislative Activities: FFA Day on the Hill and Tour of Mason Hills Farm

On March 19, more than 200 Alabama FFA Association members gathered in downtown Montgomery for FFA Day on the Hill. The ACA had the pleasure to host 75 of those students for a program at the Cattlemen’s Building. Guest speakers included Attorney General Steve Marshall, Sen. Josh Carnley, Sen. Donnie Chesteen, Rep. Jamie Kiel and Rep. Van Smith, as well as several stakeholder partners. 

Then on March 26, during the 2024 Alabama Legislative Session Spring Break, lawmakers joined ACA and Department of Ag staff in Grand Bay, AL (Mobile County) for a unique opportunity! The group enjoyed a tour of Mason Hills Farm and Processing Facility, complete with a local beef lunch. Joining us for the tour was Sen. David Sessions, Rep. Chip Brown, Sen. Jack Williams and Rep. Jennifer Fidler. Special thanks to Mason Hills owner Joey Mason for his hospitality and for sharing his story with lawmakers! 

2024 Alabama Junior & Senior High School Beef Cookoff

The 2024 Alabama Junior & Senior High School Beef Cook-off will take place on Friday, April 12, at the Culinary Arts and Hospitality Academy at Riverchase Career Connection Center (RC3) in Birmingham, AL. In order to qualify for the state competition, contestants must have won a county competition. Please contact ACA Director of Consumer Outreach Josie Jones if you are interested in hosting a county beef cook-off. More information, including rules and registration, can be found by clicking here.

Spring Culinary & Nutrition Season

ALDA Conference

The Alabama Beef Checkoff Program partnered with the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association through their Nutrition Seminar Program to sponsor Melissa Joy Dobbins as a guest speaker for the annual Alabama Dietetic Association’s Annual Meeting in Montgomery, March 20-22, 2024. She is an active advocate for the agriculture industry and guilt-free food consumption in many nutrition spaces, particularly through her well-known podcast, Sound Bites. Her participation in Montgomery allowed nutritionists to practice their critical thinking skills, specifically pertaining to agriculture-related food safety conversations. She also hosted a workshop for dietetic students to practice their communication skills. 


Thanks to the Alabama Beef Checkoff Program, Alabama Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) was able to utilize beef as the entrée feature for its 2024 Culinary Arts Contest. The Checkoff Program also provided a sponsorship for the Food Innovations and Leadership competitions in Montgomery during the Alabama FCCLA State Leadership Conference March 7-8. 

ProStart Invitational

The Alabama Restaurant & Hospitality Association hosted its annual ProStart Invitational in Orange Beach March 3-4. The Alabama Beef Checkoff Program presented the Best Beef Dish award to Gulf Shores High School. Attendees also had the opportunity to learn more about beef production and create their own steak rub for use in the classroom. 

BEEF 101

Beef 101 slots are full for the Spring 2024 semester! If you are a teacher or parent interested in bringing a group during the Fall 2024 semester, please contact Director of Consumer Outreach Josie Jones at or (334)265-1867 to get on the waitlist for Fall dates. Beef 101 is an educational program hosted at Auburn University and sponsored by the Alabama Beef Checkoff Program. During the one-day, free class, attendees will hear from producers, veterinarians, and meat lab employees during pasture to plate, animal care, and carcass fabrication demonstrations. It is open to high school culinary and agriculture programs, collegiate culinary programs, homeschool groups or anyone else looking to learn more about the beef industry and the steps required to take cattle from the pasture to the plate. 

Beef. It’s What’s For Dinner. Steak Cookoff

The inaugural Beef It’s What’s For Dinner Steak Cookoff was held at BBQ-Hill in Pike Road on March 23. Competitors traveled from across the United States and several other countries to compete in this Alabama Cattlemen’s Association and Alabama Beef Checkoff Program sponsored event. Divisions included biscuits, all-beef hotdogs, meatballs, steak A and steak B.

2024 SLE Rodeo Recap

The 2024 SLE Rodeo & Livestock Week was incredibly successful and even larger than before! The Southeastern Livestock Exposition (SLE) exists to support youth who are involved in agriculture. Thanks to the tremendous support from the Poarch Band of Creek Indians (PBCI), the SLE was able to make an impact on countless youth through its scholarship program for young rodeo athletes and agriculturally driven students.

After the Saturday night rodeo performance, the SLE teamed up with Wind Creek and gave the chance for one cowboy to earn $10,000 in 8 seconds. If he could ride his bounty bull until the buzzer, he would get to go home with the cash. Unfortunately for him, he was not able to cover the bull. Wind Creek still had $10,000 to give and made the decision to donate it to support the beneficiary of our 2024 SLE Miracle Rodeo: MANE (Montgomery Area Nontraditional Equestrians)!

Over 430 FFA, 4-H, and Collegiate students traveled from Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi, Georgia, Florida, and across Alabama to mark their cards during the 9th Annual SLE Youth Livestock Judging Contest at the Garrett Coliseum! To view a full list of winners, visit:

Nearly 250 exhibitors brought their best to the show ring for the Junior Livestock Expo which featured dairy, beef, and swine! A special thanks goes out to our friends at the Alabama Farmers Federation for producing an outstanding show for these young people to be a part of. To view the full list of winners, visit:

The SLE kicked off the Youth Rodeo Weekend by welcoming the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association (PRCA) ProStaff in on Friday morning to host a free Rodeo Skills Camp for anyone ages 8-18 to attend. After that, almost 300 youth rodeo athletes showed up to compete at the 2024 SLE Youth Rodeo Showdown. This was three days full of youth rodeo in the Garrett Coliseum! To view the all-around winners, visit:

New to the schedule this year was the SLE 4-H Horse Quiz Bowl, Speech, and Presentation Contest! The SLE was proud to offer trophy buckles to the winners of each division! These young people did an outstanding job demonstrating their knowledge of horses while speaking to a large audience. The future of agriculture is a bright one! Thank you to Alabama 4-H Horse Project, ACES and the Alabama Department of Agriculture & Industries for partnering with us to provide this opportunity.

The SLE also kept the W.O. Crawford Arena busy during the SLE Rodeo & Livestock Week with a three-day team roping produced by Allen’s Roping Productions, a Cowboy Stock Horse Show produced by the Alabama Stock Horse Association, and a Ranch Horse Jackpot produced by Benson Performance Horses.

This year, the SLE Rodeo celebrated 10 years with Frontier Rodeo Company as the stock contractor! They currently hold the tile of 9X PRCA Stock Contractor of the Year, and SLE was thrilled to welcome them back into the arena! They drew top talent to the 2024 SLE Rodeo such as Statler, Spencer, Stuart, and Rusty Wright (saddle bronc) and also countless NFR rough stock qualifiers like Chase Brooks, (saddle bronc), Wyatt Casper (saddle bronc),  Sage Newman (saddle bronc), Tanner Aus (bareback), and Ernie Courson (bull riding). Other NFR qualifiers who competed include Joe Beaver (team roper), Sherry Cervi (barrel racing), Sissy Winn (barrel racing), Margo Crowther (barrel racing), Kyle Irwin (steer wrestling), Will Lummus (steer wrestling), Marcus Theriot (tie-down roping), Macon Murphy (tie-down roping), among many others. We are so proud to bring you the best in ProRodeo right here in Montgomery, AL! To view the complete list of winners, visit:

Thank you to all who had a hand in making this event possible, and thank you to all who attended to enjoy the show! Your participation is key in supporting our mission: to support youth involved in agriculture.

Black Vulture Depredation Sub-Permit

Livestock producers experiencing depredation from black vultures may now apply for a no cost Black Vulture Depredation Sub-Permit through the Alabama Department of Agriculture & Industries. All approved applicants will be allowed to take up to three black vultures as long as the statewide take number has not exceeded 500. If 500 vultures are harvested in the state, applicants will receive an email notifying them that no more vultures may be taken during the permit period. For more information, visit

Bama Beef Events Calendar

The Bama Beef Events Calendar ( is beginning to fill up with county cattlemen’s, youth and Extension activities as we look toward the spring months. Check it daily to make sure you don’t miss an event near you!

Thanks for reading this month’s post! Until we post again, we want to remind you that you can stay in touch with us by following us on Facebook or Instagram.


Welcome to the Bama Beef Blog, where you can check out the latest monthly news from the Alabama Cattlemen’s Association, the Alabama Beef Checkoff Program and the Southeastern Livestock Expo. Keep reading for more info!

81st Annual ACA Convention & Trade Show Recap

If you joined us in Huntsville last weekend, you were one of 810 attendees who experienced the Bama Beef Meet in person, and we want to say thank you for coming! The event hosted an excellent trade show, exceptional guest speakers, important business, delicious food, a grand ole time, and a moment to pause and honor our past while celebrating the future! Keep reading for the complete rundown. 

Friday’s events kicked off with a Board of Directors Meeting, followed by a luncheon keynoted by Secretary of State Wes Allen. After lunch, the trade show opened its doors as attendees flooded the exhibit space. Then later in the afternoon, we welcomed quite the crowd to General Session 1 as we heard from Dr. Josh Clevenger with the HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology. We then shifted gears into the evening entertainment as a Happy Hour prepared guests for an evening of fun at the Buckles & Bids Banquet featuring the 2024 Alabama BEEF PAC Auction where our generous buyers, donors, auctioneer Cracker Johnson and hardworking ringmen raised more than $31,400 to benefit pro-agriculture candidates in Alabama’s legislature. It was quite the night! 

The fun didn’t stop there as Saturday kicked off bright and early with a Sunrise Breakfast, followed by the Annual Membership Meeting. At that meeting, we honored outgoing Regional Vice Presidents (RVPs) Don Lyles, Wyatt Sasser, Joe Sellers and Bill Walding for their three years of outstanding service; and we welcomed four new RVPs into the role. They are David Walker, Marshall County; Charlie Whetzel, Bullock County; Jamar Ivey, Houston County; and Ray Hilburn, Crenshaw County. In addition to RVPs, Joe Bradley of Randolph County was named an Honorary Lifetime Director, while a new slate of officers was brought forth by the nominating committee and elected without a dissenting vote from the membership. They are Dr. Terry Slaten of Cullman County, president; Keith Glover of Hale County, president-elect; Wyatt Sasser, vice president; and Richard Meadows of Houston County, treasurer. 

Following the Annual Membership Meeting, members settled into their seats to enjoy a federal update from NCBA Chief Counsel Mary-Thomas Hart, followed by a trip to the trade show. At noon, the annual Cattlemen’s Luncheon welcomed Lt. Gov. Will Ainsworth to the podium as he updated the crowd about initiatives out of his office. Then the afternoon boasted more time in the trade show, two excellent Zoetis Cattlemen’s Colleges and some networking time among cattlemen. To wrap up the weekend, the 2024 Cattlemen’s Heritage Banquet honored our past while celebrating the future. In addition to graduating the tenth class of Young Cattlemen’s Leadership Program (YCLP) students and hosting a Changing of the Guard officer ceremony, the Alabama Livestock Hall of Fame also inducted two new members into its ranks. They are Dave Maples, executive vice president of the Kentucky Cattlemen’s Association who hails from Maples Stock Farm in Elkmont, AL, and Tim Whitley of Whitley Red Angus in Horton, AL. The Alabama CattleWomen’s Association also honored Shelby Easterling as their 2024 ACWA Hall of Honor Inductee. Congratulations to all! 

With a very tired- yet fulfilled- staff, we headed back to Montgomery on Sunday after enjoying an excellent weekend with members from each of Alabama’s 67 counties! Thanks to all who joined us and be sure to save the dates for 2025— February 21-22,m— in Birmingham, AL. We can’t wait to see you there!

For an overview of what was said at the mic by Secretary Allen, Lt. Gov. Ainsworth, and Mary-Thomas Hart, be sure to tune into the Cattle Connect podcast this Friday, March 1 as they’ll recap their discussions in-studio with host Kayla Greer. 

2024 SLE Rodeo, Coming to Town!

The SLE Rodeo and Livestock Week officially kicks off next week! For a full rundown of all events happening on the Garrett Coliseum grounds, please visit Make plans to join us for the ProRodeo March 15-17! Be sure to purchase your tickets in advance so you can skip the long lines and move right on inside to visit with vendors and grab a bite to eat before the rodeo performance begins. Ticketing information is outlined on We can’t wait to see you there!

Cattle Connect Podcast, Tune in Today! 

In January, the Cattle Connect podcast hit airwaves to launch the 2024 season, so tune in weekly on Friday mornings at 7AM as staff discusses beef industry news and explores the many facets of the ACA! This podcast is available on Apple Podcast, Spotify, YouTube and at So far this season has featured information on the history of the ACA, The MOOseum, ACA’s 2024 Legislative Priorities, and this week, we will highlight our convention speakers as they re-hash their convention discussions in studio with host Kayla Greer. 

Membership Report

The ACA is aiming to go Over the Top again in 2024— help us get over 10,000 members! As we have entered a new membership year, we are proud to report that as of February 28, we represent 7,508 members and growing more with each county annual meeting that takes place. We are grateful for the grassroots efforts of our county organizations and look forward to another year of membership advocacy alongside you! 

Membership Deadlines to Remember

Remember, the Over the Top County Chapter deadline to earn your president a coveted ACA red coat is June 30. And believe us when we say that will be here before we know it! 

Membership Prizes Awarded

At Convention, we were thrilled to award our 2023 Top Hand recruitment prizes. The top recruiter was Dr. Terry Slaten of Cullman County, and was awarded ten 12’ Priefert panels, donated by our friends at Fuller Supply Company and Priefert Ranch Equipment. The winner of the John Deere Gator was Johnathan Underwood of Colbert County— congrats on your new ride! Also, all 35 counties who went Over the Top by the end of 2023 were in a drawing for the Priefert Squeeze Chute, also donated by Fuller Supply and Priefert Ranch Equipment. The winner of that chute was Conecuh County, who by a major stroke of good luck and hard work was also the winner of the Priefert Head Gate for the highest percentage increase of members in 2023. What a haul!!

County Meetings

We need to know about your county meetings in more ways than one. First, we need to know when it will be! Please send the date, time, and location information to ACA Director of Membership Jessica Kennedy so we can list your upcoming meeting in the magazine and on our online events calendar. Second, following the meeting, we need to know about leadership changes. Submit the names and contact information of your county president and secretary also to Jessica Kennedy so they can be added to our correspondence list! 

2024 Alabama Legislative Session

The 2024 Alabama Legislative Session gaveled in on Tuesday, February 6, kicking off the busiest 105 days in downtown Montgomery. While big topics such as school choice, gambling and workforce development have ruled the hallways of the State House, the ACA’s legislative priorities will remain on task. ACA’s team of lobbyists will be focused on budget priorities in both the General Fund and Education Trust Fund (ETF) relating to animal disease traceability and youth livestock programs as well as working to pass a sales tax exemption on livestock fencing materials. Keep reading to get a look into bills of interest so far this session, but first let’s look at a few of the packages that are taking up a lot of attention in the State House.


A comprehensive gaming package landed in the House right out of the gate. This included a Constitutional Amendment (HB151) and the enabling legislation (HB152), which—as introduced— would make way for a statewide lottery, the licensing of casinos and the legalization of sports betting on smartphones. The constitutional amendment required a three-fifths vote out of each chamber— which has been achieved in the House— to pass. The package came up in Senate committee this week and was carried over for a vote at a later time. The ACA does not have policy to support a position on gaming, so monitoring the movement and conversation around this legislation is our only objective.  

School Choice

No stranger to the State House— especially after the 2023 Legislative Session— the topic of school choice is back for another round as a priority of the Governor’s office and has been coined the CHOOSE Act. Like gaming, the ACA has no policy on the matter of school choice and is not engaging.

Now let’s move into topics that directly impact the livestock sector.

Livestock Fencing Tax Exemption

Moving into the agriculture-specific bills, the first in the hopper for the ACA is SB73, which is being carried by Sen. Jack Williams in the Senate with a companion bill being carried in the House by Rep. Danny Crawford. This bill would exempt fencing materials— wooden posts, T-posts, barbed wire, net wire, etc.— purchased for the purpose of holding livestock from sales and use taxes. If passed, this piece of legislation would add those materials to the list of pre-existing ag exemptions in the state such as feed, seed and fertilizer. As of Wednesday, Feb. 28, the bill received a favorable committee report and is awaiting the opportunity to come up on the Senate floor. 

Cell-Cultured Food Products Ban

Also pertinent to the agricultural industry is SB23 carried by Sen. Jack Williams. If passed, this bill would outright ban the manufacturing, sale or distribution of cell cultured food products. On Feb. 15, this bill has passed overwhelmingly out of the Senate and was brought up for discussion in today’s House Health Committee.

Property Tax Caps on Reappraisal

Linked directly to landownership, Rep. Phillip Pettus is carrying HB73 and Senator David Sessions with the Senate version, SB 110. These bills, put a 3% cap on ad valorum tax hikes in a given year on Class III (agricultural) properties during the county reappraisal process. As of today, Rep. Pettus’ version has been discussed in committee and was carried over for a vote to be held next week.

While this does not cover all the ACA governmental affairs team is watching— such as budget line items in both the General Fund and Educational Trust Fund pertaining to agriscience education, animal disease traceability, and conservation programs— the aforementioned pieces of legislation are spiking highest on the radar at the session kickoff. If you have questions or concerns, please call our office and ask to speak with Executive Vice President Erin Beasley or Director of Communications and Legislative Affairs Kayla Greer. 

Young Cattlemen’s Leadership Program Class XI- Apps Now Open! 

Young Cattlemen’s Leadership Program (YCLP) Class XI applications are now available online and will close March 17. The YCLP is funded by the Alabama Beef Checkoff and serves to develop young leaders in the state cattle industry. There will be six (6) YCLP sessions for a select group of young cattlemen between the ages of 22 and 40 looking to take on more leadership and responsibility within the Alabama Cattlemen’s Association and its county affiliates. Participants will network with other young cattlemen, tour diverse cattle operations, and develop advocacy and leadership skills as it relates to beef cattle production— all while learning more about the industry we represent. Applications and additional program details can be found at, or by contacting YCLP Coordinator Reid McGuire at 334-265-1867.

At Convention, the YCLP Advisory Council welcomed new council members to the leadership team. They are:

Class 4: John Gibson, Choctaw County

Class 5: William Morgan, Coffee County

Class 6: Chris Bell, Monroe County

Class 7: Daniel Adams, Bullock County

Class 8: Michael Smith, Shelby County

Class 9: Shelby Marsh, Hale County

Class 10: Aisling Walding, Dale County


The 2024 Alabama Junior & Senior High School Beef Cook-off will take place on Friday, April 12, at the Culinary Arts and Hospitality Academy at Riverchase Career Connection Center (RC3) in Birmingham, AL. In order to qualify for the state competition, contestants must have won a county competition. Please contact ACA Director of Consumer Outreach Josie Jones if you are interested in hosting a county beef cook-off. Registration for the statewide cook-off closes March 4. More information, including rules and registration, can be found by clicking here.

Upcoming Junior Cattlemen Events

The Alabama Junior Beef Expo will be held March 14-16 in conjunction with the SLE Rodeo. Junior cattlemen from across the state will come to Montgomery to exhibit their projects. More information on the show can be found online at

Registration is also open for the 9th Annual Southeastern Livestock Exposition Youth & Collegiate Livestock Judging Contest on Wednesday, March 6 in Montgomery, AL. Interested teams can learn more and register online here:

Register for Beef 101

There are still spots available in the Beef 101 program this semester! Beef 101 is an educational program hosted at Auburn University and sponsored by the Alabama Beef Checkoff Program. During the one-day, free class, attendees will hear from producers, veterinarians, and meat lab employees during pasture to plate, animal care, and carcass fabrication demonstrations. It is open to high school culinary and agriculture programs, collegiate culinary programs, homeschool groups or anyone else looking to learn more about the beef industry and the steps required to take cattle from the pasture to the plate. Click here to learn more or register. 

ALDA Conference

The Alabama Beef Checkoff Program is working with the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association through their Nutrition Seminar Program to sponsor Melissa Joy Dobbins as a guest speaker for the annual Alabama Dietetic Association’s Annual Meeting in Montgomery, March 20-22, 2024. She is an active advocate for the agriculture industry and guilt-free food consumption in many nutrition spaces, particularly through her well-known podcast, Sound Bites. Her participation in Montgomery will allow nutritionists and dieticians from across Alabama to learn about the role of lean beef in a healthy diet. 

Black Vulture Depredation Sub-Permit

Livestock producers experiencing depredation from black vultures may now apply for a no cost Black Vulture Depredation Sub-Permit through the Alabama Department of Agriculture & Industries. All approved applicants will be allowed to take up to three black vultures as long as the statewide take number has not exceeded 500. If 500 vultures are harvested in the state, applicants will receive an email notifying them that no more vultures may be taken during the permit period. For more information, visit

Bama Beef Events Calendar

The Bama Beef Events Calendar ( is beginning to fill up with county cattlemen’s, youth and Extension activities as we look toward the spring months. Check it daily to make sure you don’t miss an event near you!

Bama Beef News | January 2024

Welcome to the Bama Beef Blog, where you can check out the latest monthly news from the Alabama Cattlemen’s Association, the Alabama Beef Checkoff Program and the Southeastern Livestock Expo. Keep reading for more info!

81st Annual ACA Convention & Trade Show

Make plans to join us for the 81st annual ACA Convention & Trade Show February 23-24, 2024 at the Von Braun Center in Huntsville, AL. In addition to vast networking opportunities, banquets featuring delicious beef meals and the Alabama beef industry’s largest trade show, the event will provide educational workshops, youth competitions and industry meetings. This year’s featured speakers include Lieutenant Governor Will Ainsworth, who will keynote the Cattlemen’s Luncheon, as well as Mary-Thomas Hart, who serves as Chief Counsel for the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association. Mary-Thomas is a litigation warhorse for NCBA, taking on some of our industry’s toughest challenges such as the Clean Water Act, the Clean Air Act, voluntary conservation issues and, most recently, Waters of the U.S. (WOTUS). Also joining us will be Secretary of State Wes Allen and Dr. Josh Clevenger of the HudsonAlpha Institute of Biotechnology. 

While the 2024 event will bring back old favorites, it also welcomes some *NEW* features to the event, including: a Friday Evening Happy Hour, a Saturday Sunrise Breakfast Buffett, a Junior Do-It-All Registration option, Youth Scholarship Competitions on FRIDAY instead of Saturday, and more! Get registered today at Last but not least, if you’d like to be a trade show vendor, get more information here »

We’ll see you in the Rocket City on Feb. 23-24, 2024! 

Cattle Connect Podcast, Tune in Today! 

The ACA is proud to bring its newest membership communication tool to life, a podcast! On January 19, the Cattle Connect podcast hit airwaves to launch the 2024 season, so tune in weekly on Friday mornings at 7AM as staff discusses beef industry news and explores the many facets of the ACA! This podcast is available on Apple Podcast, Spotify, YouTube and at

Membership Report

The ACA is aiming to go Over the Top again in 2024— help us get over 10,000 members! As we have entered a new membership year, we are proud to report that as of January 31, we represent 6,437 members and growing more with each county annual meeting that takes place. We are grateful for the grassroots efforts of our county organizations and look forward to another year of membership advocacy alongside you! 

Membership Deadlines to Remember

Remember, the Over the Top County Chapter deadline to earn your president a coveted ACA red coat is June 30. And believe us when we say that will be here before we know it! We are also looking forward to awarding our 2023 Top Hand recruitment prizes during the upcoming ACA Convention & Trade Show. The top recruiter will be awarded ten 12″ Priefert panels, donated by our friends at Fuller Supply Company and Priefert Ranch Equipment. New members and their recruiter’s name will go into the drawing for a John Deere Gator, and all 35 counties who went Over the Top by the end of 2023 are in a drawing for the Priefert Squeeze Chute, also donated by Fuller Supply and Priefert Ranch Equipment. Remember, a representative from the winning county must be present at the drawing in order to win. If there is no representation present at the meeting, another county will be drawn. Stay tuned for our winners!

County Meetings

We need to know about your county meetings in more ways than one. First, we need to know when it will be! Please send the date, time, and location information to ACA Director of Membership Jessica Kennedy so we can list your upcoming meeting in the magazine and on our online events calendar. Second, following the meeting, we need to know about leadership changes. Submit the names and contact information of your county president and secretary also to Jessica, so they can be added to our state correspondence list.

Young Cattlemen’s Leadership Program Class XI- Apps Now Open! 

Young Cattlemen’s Leadership Program (YCLP) Class XI applications are now available online and will close March 17. The YCLP is funded by the Alabama Beef Checkoff and serves to develop young leaders in the state cattle industry. There will be six (6) YCLP sessions for a select group of young cattlemen between the ages of 22 and 40 looking to take on more leadership and responsibility within the Alabama Cattlemen’s Association and its county affiliates. Participants will network with other young cattlemen, tour diverse cattle operations, and develop advocacy and leadership skills as it relates to beef cattle production— all while learning more about the industry we represent. Applications and additional program details can be found at, or by contacting YCLP Coordinator Reid McGuire at 334-265-1867.

The YCLP Advisory Council is also accepting applications for alumni of classes 5, 6, 8 and 10. The application and further information can be found at


The Alabama Junior & Senior High School Beef Cook-off is in the works! The 2024 state contest will take place on Friday, April 12 at the Culinary Arts and Hospitality Academy at Riverchase Career Connection Center (RC3) in Birmingham, AL. In order to qualify for the state competition, contestants must have won a county competition. Please contact ACA Director of Consumer Outreach Josie Jones if you are interested in hosting a county beef cook-off. Registration for the statewide cook-off closes March 4. More information, including rules and registration, can be found by clicking here.

Upcoming Junior Cattlemen Events

Registration is now open for Youth Scholarship Contests at the 81st Annual ACA Convention & Trade Show on Friday, February 23 at the Von Braun Center in Huntsville, AL. Contest entry is FREE, and scholarship prizes will be awarded for winners in Public Speaking, Career Development and Quiz Bowl competitions. Interested youth ages 9-21 can learn more and register online or on-site at the convention in Huntsville. The 2024 Youth Scholarship Contests are sponsored by the Alabama Beef Checkoff Program.

Registration is also open for the 9th Annual Southeastern Livestock Exposition Youth & Collegiate Livestock Judging Contest on Wednesday, March 6 in Montgomery, AL. Interested teams can learn more and register online here

2024 Alabama Legislative Session

The 2024 Alabama Legislative Session will gavel in on Tuesday, February 6, kicking off the busiest 105 days in downtown Montgomery. While big topics such as school choice, gambling and workforce development will rule the chambers of the State House, the ACA’s legislative priorities will remain on task. ACA’s team of lobbyists will be focused on budget priorities in both the General Fund and Education Trust Fund (ETF) relating to animal disease traceability and youth livestock programs as well as working to pass a sales tax exemption on livestock fencing materials. This bill is prefiled in the 2024 Session as SB6 and is sponsored by Sen. Jack Williams of Mobile County. Tune into the Cattle Connect next Friday, February 9 as Erin Beasley and Kayla Greer will discuss these priorities more in depth. 

Register for Beef 101

Beef 101 Registration for Spring 2024 is open! This program is sponsored by the Alabama Beef Checkoff and offers free industry educational sessions at the Auburn University Beef Teaching Unit and Meats Lab for high school and college culinary students, high school agriculture groups, and influential culinary individuals. To learn more or register, please visit

2024 SLE Rodeo, Coming to Town!

The SLE Rodeo is right around the corner! Join us at the Garrett Coliseum March 15-17 for the SLE PRCA Rodeo. The SLE has countless other events happening on the grounds that we would love for you to be a part of (especially our three-day team roping, ranch horse weekend, cowboy church, and free country concert). We also hope to see ACA families on site to compete in and support the Junior Livestock Exposition. Check out the event schedule on for complete details of the SLE Rodeo and Livestock Week. We can’t wait to see you there!


The ACA welcomed the 2024 competitors of the Distinguished Young Women (DYW) of Alabama program to the ACA building in January. Each year, we introduce the young ladies to our state’s beef cattle industry through a delicious beef meal, brief educational discussion and a tour of The MOOseum. Special thanks to these ladies, and the DYW state committee, for stopping by!

Bama Beef Events Calendar

The Bama Beef Events Calendar ( is beginning to fill up with county cattlemen’s, youth and Extension activities as we look toward the spring months. Check it daily to make sure you don’t miss an event near you!

Thanks for reading this week’s post! Until we post again, we want to remind you that you can stay in touch with us by following us on Facebook or Instagram or tune into the Cattle Connect Podcast.

Bama Beef News | December 2023

Welcome to the Bama Beef Blog, where you can check out the latest monthly news from the Alabama Cattlemen’s Association, the Alabama Beef Checkoff Program and the Southeastern Livestock Expo. Keep reading for more info!


Make plans to join us for the 81st annual ACA Convention & Trade Show February 23-24, 2024 at the Von Braun Center in Huntsville, AL. In addition to vast networking opportunities, banquets featuring delicious beef meals and the Alabama beef industry’s largest trade show, the event will provide educational workshops, youth competitions and industry meetings. This year’s featured speakers include Lieutenant Governor Will Ainsworth, who will keynote the Cattlemen’s Luncheon, and Mary-Thomas Hart, who serves as Chief Counsel for the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association. Mary-Thomas is a litigation warhorse for NCBA, taking on some of our industry’s toughest challenges including the Clean Water Act, the Clean Air Act, voluntary conservation issues and, most recently, Waters of the U.S. (WOTUS). Also joining the General Session speaker lineup is Dr. Josh Clevenger, a researcher at the HudsonAlpha Institute of Biotechnology.

While the 2024 event will bring back old favorites, it also welcomes some *NEW* features to the event, including: a Friday Evening Happy Hour, a Saturday Sunrise Breakfast Buffet, a Junior Do-It-All Registration option, Youth Scholarship Competitions on FRIDAY instead of Saturday, and more!

Get registered today at and find lodging information at Last but not least, if you’d like to be a trade show vendor, get more information here »

We’ll see you in the Rocket City on Feb. 23-24, 2024! 

YCLP Council Advocates in DC

Members of the Young Cattlemen’s Leadership Program (YCLP) Council joined ACA staff for an advocacy trip to Washington DC earlier in the month. While in town, council members enjoyed a tour of Capitol Hill lead by Heather Moore, wife of Congressman Barry Moore, and an issues briefing with the staff at the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association Center for Public Policy.

Following, the young leaders took to the Hill for visits with Sen. Tommy Tuberville, Sen. Katie Britt, Rep. Mike Rogers, Rep. Barry Moore, Rep. Dale Strong, Rep. Robert Aderholt, Rep. Jerry Carl and Rep. Terri Sewell. Advocacy efforts included encouraging continued funding for voluntary conservation and risk management programs in the Farm Bill and widened allowances for black vulture depredation. The crew also advocated against the importation of fresh beef product from Paraguay— as the country does not uphold scientifically-based standards for containing Foot-and-Mouth Disease (FMD)— as well as the use of agricultural land in permanent land conversation efforts.

In addition to the advocacy efforts, council members also enjoyed networking with young cattlemen from Mississippi, who joined the crew in DC.

2024 Beef Checkoff Marketing Plan Approved

The 2024 Beef Checkoff Marketing Plan was approved by the Beef Checkoff Council in December, outlining priorities for funding for the upcoming year. The program areas include consumer outreach, producer programs, youth development and operations. As Beef Checkoff collections remain strong— due to drought and pricing— the council approved a budget of $595,000  for National Checkoff programs and $658,500  for State Beef Checkoff programs.

Beef Checkoff dollars are collected on a $1/head basis at the point of sale for all cattle. These funds are then executed across a variety of program areas (listed above) to increase beef demand, educate producers and youth, and fund industry-driven research. The marketing plan can be accessed on the website by visiting


The ACA is Over the Top in 2023! Representing more than 10,100 members, we are grateful for the grassroots efforts that got us to our goal of 10,000 members. 

Membership Deadlines to Remember

The membership recruitment deadline is December 22, this Friday! The top recruiter will be awarded ten 12″ Priefert panels, donated by our friends at Fuller Supply Company and Priefert Ranch Equipment. Also, new members recruited will go into the drawing for a John Deere Gator and your name will be entered for each new member you recruit. Don’t forget, all counties who go Over the Top by year end will go into the drawing for the Priefert Squeeze Chute, also donated by Fuller Supply and Priefert Ranch Equipment. Get those memberships entered or sent to the office by the deadline to count!

County Meetings

We need your county meeting dates ASAP if you would like them to run in the magazine. This is the easiest way to get the word out to your members! Send the date, time, and location information to ACA Director of Membership Jessica Kennedy. We’ve already received a long list of upcoming county meetings! Check it out here.

NCBA Launches Estate Tax Survey for Cattle Producers

NCBA is launching a survey of our members and affiliates to gather information on the impact of the federal estate tax, also known as the Death Tax, and other certain tax provisions used in their estate planning and business operations. While some cattle producers receive relief from the estate tax and certain businesses tax provisions secured in the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, that relief is not permanent. Beginning in 2026, only estates valued less than $5 million (adjusted for inflation) will be exempt from the federal estate tax, exposing many producers to greater risks of facing the 40% estate tax. Likewise, many of the business tax provisions NCBA advocated for in 2017 are set to expire at the end of 2025. NCBA will conduct the tax survey through the end of 2023 and use the survey information to advocate for tax relief for the next two years leading up to the scheduled tax hikes. 

In addition to your participation in the tax survey, NCBA is also seeking your personal stories detailing issues with the Death Tax and highlighting some of the problems you have faced with other sections of the tax code. In the lead up to the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, NCBA launched the Cattlemen for Tax Reform campaign which included stories about how harmful the Death Tax can be. These stories helped secure estate tax relief for our members, and NCBA is using the same strategy again as we fight the estate tax and push for greater relief. Cattle producers face different tax burdens than the average American family, and we need your assistance with these stories so we can show Congress once again, how burdensome the estate tax can be to farmers and ranchers.

You can fill out the survey by clicking here.

YCLP Class XI— Apps Open Soon!

Online applications will open in January for those interested in participating the Young Cattlemen’s Leadership Program (YCLP) Class XI. Created for young cattlemen ages 22-40, the program is designed to give a deeper understanding of the association, the various industry sectors, and personal leadership skills— all while networking with colleagues from across the state. More information about the program and the application will be available online at


December was a busy month for the Southeastern Livestock Exposition (SLE)! Leadership flew out to Las Vegas for the PRCA Convention prior to the National Finals Rodeo (NFR) where they networked with others in the industry and were recognized by the Women’s Professional Rodeo Association (WPRA) for winning 2nd Place in the Southeastern Circuit for the Justin Best Footing Award. This award is voted on by the WPRA to celebrate rodeo committees that go above and beyond to ensure safe and consistent ground for the cowgirls to compete on.

As the week progressed, more SLE membership arrived to the bright lights of Las Vegas – including Miss SLE Rodeo Ada Grace Stacey. Ada Grace attended the Miss Rodeo America pageant to cheer on Miss Rodeo Alabama Ashton Libel. Ada Grace was dressed in title and therefore selected to assist the state queens on stage during the Miss Rodeo America Bucks for Bags Auction. Both queens represented our state well!

Another big accomplishment for the SLE is their deeper involvement with the PRCA. SLE sponsored one round of contestant hospitality at the NFR which provided the chance to network one on one with contestants in hopes of drawing more “big names” to Montgomery in March.

After wrapping up in Vegas, the SLE joined together once more to watch the final round of the NFR at the Wetumpka Civic Center at the first ever SLE NFR Watch Party! We are proud to say that several of those who were named world champions that night have graced the dirt in Montgomery! 

For your chance to see the top talent in the PRCA right here at the Garrett Coliseum, be sure to snag your tickets to the SLE Rodeo by visiting Don’t forget to check out the event schedule on the website so you don’t miss out on any opportunities during the SLE Rodeo & Livestock Week. We hope to see you at the SLE Rodeo March 15-17, 2024! Until then, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from your friends at the SLE!

black vulture legislation IN congress

This month, the Black Vulture Relief Act of 2023 was introduced in Congress and was co-sponsored by Alabama Senators Katie Britt and Tommy Tuberville. This act aims to allow farmers and ranchers the right to protect their newborn livestock from black vultures without burdensome government interference. The legislation provides regulatory relief by allowing farmers and ranchers to take black vultures any time the birds threaten their livestock without a depredation permit. Currently, the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (FWS) operates a pilot program that allows state entities, including Alabama, to register for a master permit and disburse sub-permits to livestock producers to safely depopulate black vultures, but this practice creates a patchwork of state regulations whereas a federal permit program would streamline program ease and transparency for producers.

Livestock producers experiencing depredation from black vultures may now apply for a no cost Black Vulture Depredation Sub-Permit through the Alabama Department of Agriculture & Industries. All approved applicants will be allowed to take up to three black vultures as long as the statewide take number has not exceeded 500. If 500 vultures are harvested in the state, applicants will receive an email notifying them that no more vultures may be taken during the permit period. For more information, visit

Merry Christmas

The Alabama Cattlemen’s Association and The MOOseum will be closed Monday, December 25- Tuesday, January 2 to observe the holidays. From all of the herd here at the ACA, we hope you and your family have a very blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Thanks for reading this month’s post! Until we post again, we want to remind you that you can stay in touch with us by following us on Facebook or Instagram.

Bama Beef News | November 2023

Welcome to the Bama Beef Blog, where you can check out the latest monthly news from the Alabama Cattlemen’s Association, the Alabama Beef Checkoff Program and the Southeastern Livestock Expo. Keep reading for more info!

Convention Registration Now Open

Make plans to join us for the 81st annual ACA Convention & Trade Show February 23-24, 2024 at the Von Braun Center in Huntsville, AL. In addition to vast networking opportunities, banquets featuring delicious beef meals and the Alabama beef industry’s largest trade show, the event will provide educational workshops, youth competitions and industry meetings. This year’s featured speakers include Lieutenant Governor Will Ainsworth, who will keynote the Cattlemen’s Luncheon, and Mary-Thomas Hart, who serves as Chief Counsel for the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association. Mary-Thomas is a litigation warhorse for NCBA, taking on some of our industry’s toughest challenges including the Clean Water Act, the Clean Air Act, voluntary conservation issues and, most recently, Waters of the U.S. (WOTUS).

While the 2024 event will bring back old favorites, it also welcomes some *NEW* features to the event, including: a Friday Evening Happy Hour, a Saturday Sunrise Breakfast Buffett, a Junior Do-It-All Registration option, Youth Scholarship Competitions on FRIDAY instead of Saturday, and more!

Get registered today at and find lodging information at Last but not least, if you’d like to be a trade show vendor, get more information here »

We’ll see you in the Rocket City on Feb. 23-24, 2024! 

Christmas From Cowboys

What do you get the person that has everything? The ACA has just what you need! This year, you can gift your friends or colleagues a membership to the Alabama Cattlemen’s Association. For $50, the person who receives your gifted membership will receive all of the member benefits, including 12 issues of the Alabama Cattleman magazine. The promotion will run through December 22 as a way to garner new membership for the association. To learn more and get to gifting, visit or call our office at (334) 265-1867.

Membership Report

The ACA is Over the Top in 2023! Representing more than 10,100 members, we are grateful for the grassroots efforts that got us to our goal of 10,000 members. 

Membership Deadlines to Remember

The membership year-end deadline is December 22. We are in the last stretch to recruit new members for Top Hand prizes. The top recruiter will be awarded ten 12″ Priefert panels, donated by our friends at Fuller Supply Company and Priefert Ranch Equipment. Also, new members recruited will go into the drawing for a John Deere Gator and your name will be entered for each new member you recruit. Don’t forget, all counties who go Over the Top by year end will go into the drawing for the Priefert Squeeze Chute, also donated by Fuller Supply and Priefert Ranch Equipment. Get those memberships entered or sent to the office by the deadline to count!

County Meetings

We need your county meeting dates ASAP if you would like them to run in the magazine. This is the easiest way to get the word out to your members! Send the date, time, and location information to ACA Director of Membership Jessica Kennedy. 

Elmore County Named “Cattlemen of Beef Month”

Elmore County Cattlemen were crowned the 2023 Cattlemen of Beef Month, thanks to their fantastic programs aimed at supporting beef and their local community during October Beef Month. Their festivities included a community October Beef Month Kickoff event, 29 visits to local elementary classes for Cowboys In The Classroom, 130 social media posts promoting beef, several local fundraiser collaborations and more. Congratulations, Elmore County! 

2023 Digital Advertising Report  

In 2023, digital advertising was purchased through Alabama Media Group (AMG) to display beef promotional information on This included display advertisements on pages with normal content, mobile full-page ads (similar in style to an Instagram post for more organic interaction), an article written by AMG educating consumers on October Beef Month and its importance, and four email newsletters to consumers across the state that are not beef producers. Additionally, a sports partnership with AMG included a video sponsorship for SEC basketball in the spring; Alabama and Auburn football graphics; and a weekly Head2Head update on Alabama and Auburn featuring sports analyst Simone Eli, former Alabama player Mike McCoy, and former Auburn player Cole Cubelic. Investment pricing and impacts are listed with results measuring from January 1, 2023, to October 31, 2023, unless otherwise noted. Total spent for these assets is $70,990 with a total impact of almost 16 MILLION consumers! 

Display Advertisements (Investment $14,740, for January to December): Total Impressions -2,327,710 Total Exposure Time – 10,087 Hours, 55 Minutes, 43 Seconds or the equivalent of over 1.21 million (30-second) TV or radio ad spots. 

Mobile Full-Page Ads (August to December asset) (Investment $6,300): Total Impressions – 296,925 Total Exposure Time – 382 Hours, 44 Minutes, 42 Seconds, or the equivalent of over 45,840 (30-second) TV/Radio ads. 

October Beef Month article (Investment $3,000): Total Impressions – 120,001 .

Three Email Newsletters (throughout the year) (2 delivered to 35,000 recipients, 1 delivered to 60,000 recipients) (Investment $8,950): Total Interactions – 48,645.

SEC Basketball Video Sponsorship (February to April) (Investment $6,000): Total Impressions – 1,997,654 .

Alabama and Auburn Football Graphics (July to November) (Investment $12,000): Total Impressions – 10,833,585.

Head2Head Weekly Updates (August to November) (Investment $20,000): Total Views (23 videos shared) – 284,301.

Alabama Beef Checkoff Task Force Gathers to Plan

Alabama industry professionals, cattlemen, and supporting partners of the Beef Checkoff Program gathered in Montgomery on November 2nd for the Checkoff Task Force Meeting. This time was spent reviewing the effectiveness of this year’s programming and brainstorming new ideas for 2024.  


During November, YCLP Class X had their fourth session of the year. This session brought them to Northwest Alabama, where tour stops included Golden Farms, Daily Farms, Reeder Cattle Co., and Williams Farms. The class also participated in leadership training and learned about market reports and Livestock Risk Protection. Thanks to all of our hosts and speakers, as well as the Franklin and Lawrence County Cattlemen for providing meals.

Broadcast Cooking Segments

ACA’s Josie Jones and Kathy Adams Phillips of Kathy’s Southern Kitchen visited Cooking with John in Mobile to share some great holiday beef recipes. Be sure to check them out on WKRG December 21 and 28! 

Youth Programs

ACA Director of Field Services Reid McGuire attended the Wallace Community College “Tools of the Trade” Career day in November. This event saw over 1,000 youth come to learn about different career paths in trades. Youth that stopped by the ACA booth got to learn about careers within the beef industry, BQA, and did an interactive puzzle to learn about the cuts of beef.

AISA All-Stars

The 2023 Alabama Independent School Association (AISA) All-Star Football players gathered at the ACA for a steak dinner ahead of their final game on the gridiron. While at the ACA, the young men learn more about our association, enjoyed fellowship and fueled up with plenty of protein prior to the big game.

Black Vulture Depredation Sub-Permit

Livestock producers experiencing depredation from black vultures may now apply for a no cost Black Vulture Depredation Sub-Permit through the Alabama Department of Agriculture & Industries. All approved applicants will be allowed to take up to three black vultures as long as the statewide take number has not exceeded 500. If 500 vultures are harvested in the state, applicants will receive an email notifying them that no more vultures may be taken during the permit period. For more information, visit

Thanks for reading this month’s post! Until we post again, we want to remind you that you can stay in touch with us by following us on Facebook or Instagram.

Bama Beef News | October 2023

Welcome to the Bama Beef Blog, where you can check out the latest monthly news from the Alabama Cattlemen’s Association, the Alabama Beef Checkoff Program and the Southeastern Livestock Expo. Keep reading for more info!

October Is Beef Month in Alabama

The month-long celebrations are making waves across Alabama! County Cattlemen’s Chapters have SHOWN OUT as they have activated promotions in their local communities, and we could not be more proud of the creative, fun and educational opportunities they have designed to promote October Beef Month. Check out all that’s been happening from the state office and across Alabama’s 67 counties.

State Office Promotions

  • Kathy Adams Phillips of Kathy’s Southern Kitchen was featured on WSFA in Montgomery, WBRC in Birmingham, Cooking with John on WKRG in Mobile and WTVY in Dothan to celebrate October Beef Month and promote beef across the state through cooking segments.  
  • ACA Director of Consumer Outreach Josie Jones was featured weekly on Talk of The Valley on WHNT in Huntsville to promote October Beef Month and share simple, family-friendly beef recipes. She also did a feature on Cooking with John on WKRG in Mobile.
  •  AJCA President Alyvia Watson joined Cooking with John on WKRG in Mobile to share a beef tailgating favorite.  
  • ACA employees donned their cowboy hats and joined the crowd outside The MOOseum for the Joy to Life Foundation’s annual Walk of Life – a 5k honoring those who have fought breast cancer and their families.  
  • Beef took on Talladega for the YellaWood500 on October 1 to kick off October Beef Month and show appreciation for race fans, who are a known loyal beef consumer group. 
  • ACA and Beef. It’s What’s For Dinner partnered with Bama-Q and BBQ Hill in Perry Hill to host two beef cooking classes. The focus was steaks, prime rib and brisket dishes, along with recommended pairings.
  •  Beef was at the center of the plate during three Alabama National Fair adult and youth cooking contests. Categories included appetizers, meatloaf and five-ingredient dishes.   

County Activities

Chambers County

Members read to K4 and K5 students at Wadley High School as part of the Cowboys in the Classroom Program. 

Cherokee County

Cherokee County Cattlemen hosted a steak sandwich sale. 

Clay County

Clay County Cattlemen cooked steaks for the FACS Fall Festival and the Millerville Car Show, read to 52 elementary school classes across their county during their Cowboys in the Classroom program, hosted a youth Beef Cookoff, shared about October Beef Month during a community luncheon, and cooked for their local high school band before a Friday night football performance. 

Colbert County

Colbert County Cattlemen’s Association and Farm-City partnered with five of their local Foodlands to showcase two local cattle producers during October. Signs were placed at the meat case in each location highlighting those producers and the content will be featured on social media. They also hosted a steak sandwich sale and had a great turnout. 

Cullman County

Cullman County Cattlemen and Cullman Mayor Woody Jacobs proclaimed October to be Beef Month in the City of Cullman. County Cattlemen also worked with their local news to produce an article about October Beef Month and beef production in their county. Read the article here.

Elmore County

Elmore County Cattlemen hosted an October Beef Month kickoff October 1 that included campfire cooking demonstrations, steaks hot off the grill and beef cattle trivia. Then they read agriculture-focused books in 19 classrooms across the county for Cowboys in the Classroom, sponsored a Keenagers lunch for 60 people, hosted a program at a local assisted living facility where they cooked steaks for the residents and employees, and entertainment was provided by their cattlemen and local youth. County Cattlemen also worked with Allyson Andrews of Wildly Blessed to promote beef on Elmore Co TV, worked with Stanhope-Elmore FFA to host a steak sandwich fundraiser, and donated beef for two events happening in their community. 

Geneva County

Geneva County Cattlemen’s Association promoted Beef Month at the Geneva Rotary Club meeting and hosted their county’s youth leadership group for a farm tour. The students learned about beef production, including feeder and cow calf operations.

Houston County

Houston County Cattlemen passed out beef samples and information at their county’s Farm-City festivities.

Lauderdale County

Lauderdale County Cattlemen served beef and provided agriculture exposure at their local October Fest. They also participated in Cowboys in the Classroom in 45 elementary school classrooms, and hosted a steak sandwich and hamburger sale to promote beef. 

Lee County

Lee County Cattlemen had great day at the Syrup Sopping Festival where they sold raffle tickets for beef gift certificates, passed out jerky samples, hosted a kids’ corner, and networked with the community.They also participated in Cowboys in the Classroom with local schools.

Limestone County

Limestone County Cattlemen cooked steak sandwiches at the Tennessee Valley Old Time Fiddlers Convention in Athens, AL.

Madison County

Madison County Cattlemen provided lunch for ENABLE – Madison County’s annual clay shoot fundraiser.

Morgan County

Morgan County Cattlemen sold steak sandwiches at the Falkville Fall Festival.

Montgomery County

Montgomery County read to second and third grade classes at Macon East Montgomery Academy as part of the Cowboys in the Classroom program.

Shelby County

Shelby County Cattlemen visited a local school to teach family and consumer science students about beef production and provide steak samples. The students responded with sweet thank-you notes for their time!

St. Clair County

St. Clair County Cattlemen served steak sandwiches at the Ashville Stockyard.

Sumter County

Sumter County Cattlemen fundraised for their county scholarship and passed out educational materials at the University of West Alabama Rodeo.

Walker County

Walker County Cattlemen held their annual Youth Beef Cook-off.

Washington County

Washington County Cattlemen sold hamburgers and hotdogs at the Chatom Homecoming parade.

Don’t see your county’s activity listed, but you held a promotion? Be sure to submit it to Josie Jones by October 31 to receive your Cattlemen of Beef Month points and get a social media shoutout! 


Alabama Cattlemen’s Foundation Scholarships are now open for application, brought to you by the Cowboy vanity car tag and many, generous endowment families! Opportunities are available for all stages of postsecondary education— from incoming freshmen to doctoral candidates who are members, or whose parents or grandparents are members, for at least two consecutive years. Explore these many opportunities and APPLY today at Applications close Sunday, November 5.

Christmas from Cowboys

What do you get the person that has everything? The ACA has just what you need! This year, you can gift your friends or colleagues a membership to the Alabama Cattlemen’s Association. For $50, the person who receives your gifted membership will receive all of the member benefits, including 12 issues of the Alabama Cattleman magazine. The promotion will run from October-December and is a great way to get a new member into the organization. To learn more and get to gifting, visit

Rebates Available on Livestock and Grazing Practices!

Alabama’s Soil and Water Conservation Districts are reminding cattle producers that application sign-up for the Alabama Conservation Incentive Program (CIP) has begun! CIP supports several conservation practices for livestock and grazing including watering facilities, exclusion and cross fencing and herd health.  New to the program this year are corral systems and feed troughs. Eligible applicants can receive a 75 percent rebate on the cost of installation. Check with your local soil and water conservation district for price caps and application deadlines. For more information, visit

Membership Report

We are proud to announce that the ACA has gone OVER THE TOP in 2023! Representing more than 10,000 members, we are grateful for the grassroots efforts that got us to this point, with time to spare in the membership year! 

Membership Deadlines to Remember

The membership year-end deadline is December 22. We are in the last stretch to recruit new members for Top Hand prizes. The top recruiter will be awarded ten 12″ Priefert panels. Also, new members recruited will go into the drawing for a John Deere Gator and your name will be entered for each new member you recruit. Don’t forget, all counties who go Over the Top by year end will go into the drawing for the Priefert Squeeze Chute. Get those memberships entered or sent to the office by the deadline to count!

County Meetings

We need your county meeting dates ASAP if you would like them to run in the magazine. This is the easiest way to get the word out to your members! Send the date, time, and location information to ACA Director of Membership Jessica Kennedy. 

Magazine Deadlines for County Meetings

December Magazine

Meetings on or before December 10 – Send information by Nov 5 for the magazine

January Magazine

Meeting dates on or before January 10 – Need information by Nov 5 for the December magazine

Meeting dates after January 10 – Need information by December 5 for the January magazine

February Magazine

Meeting dates on or before February 10 – Need information by Dec 5 for the January magazine

Meeting dates after February10 – Need information by January 5 for the February magazine

ACA at ACES Field Day

The Alabama Beef Checkoff sponsored the Tennessee-Valley Beef and Forage Field Day in Belle Mina, where ACA Director of Field Services Reid McGuire updated producers on ACA activities. Congratulations to the ACES Animal Sciences and Forages team on a great turnout! Be sure to check the ACA calendar for more producer education programs near you.

Alabama National Fair

On October 7-8, junior showmen from across Alabama gathered on the fairgrounds of the Garrett Coliseum in Montgomery to compete in the Alabama National Fair Youth Beef Show. Showmanship, a heifer show and a market show filled the weekend as junior cattlemen brought their best to the show ring to exhibit not only for friends and family, but also for the thousands of visitors who make an annual trip to the “10 Best Days of Fall” at the Alabama National Fair. Congratulations to all youth exhibitors on an excellent show weekend and for their high-quality beef cattle projects, which were on display for the public throughout the show weekend.

Also, on October 10, the ACA hosted a booth in the agricultural barn at the Alabama National Fair. We welcomed hundreds of school children as they spun a wheel to get a BEEF prize and learned about about beef cattle in Alabama.


The 2023 Sunbelt Ag Expo in Moultrie, GA is in the books, and all Alabamians can be proud of how our state’s great agricultural industry was represented in the Spotlight State Barn! 

Engaging activities and snappy swag abounded as nearly 10,000 visitors learned about Alabama’s diverse agricultural landscape— including agritourism, catfish, cattle, corn, cotton, dairy, forestry, greenhouse products, peaches, peanuts, pecans, poultry, sod, soybeans, strawberries and sweet potatoes. The exhibit received high praise from visitors and Sunbelt Ag Expo leaders alike!  

Numerous Alabama agricultural organizations and businesses worked tirelessly to support the Sweet Grown Alabama mission and produce a worthy Spotlight State exhibit. At the cattle exit, visitors played “Pin the Cut on the Cow” as they learned about beef carcass anatomy and walked away with beef cuts sheets and a beef recipe card!


Invitations to participate in the Beef Checkoff Task Force meeting are going out soon. At this meeting attendees from the beef cattle industry will work to develop ideas and programs for FY24 utilizing beef checkoff dollars. Any cattlemen is welcome to attend but we do need to know you are coming so we can make sure to have enough lunch. The meeting will take place at 10:00AM at the Cattlemen’s building on November 2. This is the best way to have a direct voice in how beef checkoff dollars are spent in the upcoming year. Please let us know if you would like to attend by contacting Erin at the office,


In late August, masters students at Auburn University launched a survey intended to assess the extent of use of byproduct feeds (and supplemental feed, in general) in beef herds across the southern United States. As part of the survey, Auburn also began collecting samples of various byproduct feedstuffs to build updated nutrient analysis tables for use in Extension publications across the region. Researchers have seen a good response to the survey so far, but they wanted to widen the sample population. If time allows, please complete the survey here:

Thanks for reading this month’s post! Until we post again, we want to remind you that you can stay in touch with us by following us on Facebook or Instagram.


Welcome to the Bama Beef Blog, where you can check out the latest monthly news from the Alabama Cattlemen’s Association, the Alabama Beef Checkoff Program and the Southeastern Livestock Expo. Keep reading for more info!


Alabama Cattlemen’s Foundation Scholarships are now open for application, brought to you by the Cowboy vanity car tag and many, generous endowment families! Opportunities are available for all stages of postsecondary education— from incoming freshmen to doctoral candidates who are members, or whose parents or grandparents are members, for at least two consecutive years. This year’s program features one new award, the Butch and Lisa Smathers Scholarship. Special thanks to the Smathers family for their support of the Alabama Cattlemen’s Foundation! Explore these many opportunities and APPLY today at


The Alabama Junior Cattlemen’s Association (AJCA) hosted its annual Fall Field Day September 13th at Lawler Farm in Lee County. Over 85 youth from across the state attended for a cattle judging clinic. Participants learned about EPD’s, beef cattle terminology, and live evaluation. They also learned about note taking and ended the day with an oral reasons workshop. AJCA hosts two field days each year, which are made possible by the Alabama Beef Checkoff. Special thanks to Tillman Dudley for hosting the event and all involved in making it a huge success.


The US Drought Monitor named a few counties in Southwest Alabama as D3 (extreme) drought status. They are Baldwin, Conecuh, Escambia, Mobile, Washington and Monroe. D3 drought triggers producers for eligibility into the Livestock Forage Disaster Program (LFP) which you can sign up for at your local FSA office. LFP provides compensation for grazing loses for covered livestock. 

In light of the ongoing drought conditions across many parts of the state, we encourage producers in need of hay— or those who have ample hay to sell— to visit the Alabama Hay Listing webpage housed by our friends at the Alabama Department of Agriculture & Industries. The hay listing webpage provides Alabama cattle producers a platform to search for hay to purchase or for hay producers to list hay for sale. Through the listings, farmers who have hay available for sale can list available bales under a variety of categories including type, size, quality and quantity available. Farmers in need of hay can search using those categories within their region. Alabama Hay Listing »

Fall Beef 101 Programs

On September 6, culinary classes from Bishop State Community College, Coastal Alabama Community College and Opelika High School attended Beef 101 in Auburn. Students learned about beef production in Alabama, discussed industry hot topics with cattle producers, and watched a carcass fabrication demonstration at the Auburn University Meat Lab. We look forward to a full calendar of Beef 101 programs coming up spring 2024.


To round out the month of September, the Young Cattlemen’s Leadership Program (YCLP) Class X will have its third session in Dekalb County. Tour stops include D&S Quality Beef, Sand Mountain Research Center, and Lake Majestik Farms. Thanks to our tour hosts, and DeKalb County Cattlemen’s for preparing our Friday night supper.


October Beef Month in Alabama kicks off Sunday, and we’ve got a month full of celebrations on the menu! Keep reading to hit some of our promotional highlights and don’t forget that county Cattlemen’s chapters across Alabama are activating locally to join in the celebrations! 

  • BEEF at Talladega Superspeedway on Oct. 1 — Tune into Motor Sports Network to hear the sound of the sizzle and be on the lookout for BEEF signage in the stadium!
  • Checkout your local news station throughout October for Beef Month highlights and fall favorite recipes! We will be featuring delicious chili, tailgate-ready sliders and meatballs, spooky pizzas perfect for trick-or-treating, and nutritious sheet pan meals for the busy family. Be sure to watch WHNT in Huntsville, WKRG in Mobile, WSFA in Montgomery, and WBRC in Birmingham for these beef-tastic segments!
  • The ACA is partnering with Mobtown Burger Week to highlight restaurants serving beef in Mobile Sept. 30 – Oct. 7, so if you would like to get involved in this tasty fundraising event, visit
  • Want to be the king of the tailgate? Look no further! Bama-Q is partnering with the ACA to host two beef-focused grilling classes Oct. 14 and Oct. 28 at BBQ Hill in Pike Road. For more information or to sign up for this great event, please visit

Does your county need last minute supplies for October Beef Month celebrations? Please contact Josie Jones today at or (334)265-1867 for promotional boxes, banners, or Cowboys In The Classroom books. 

DON’T FORGET! We need you to submit all photos AND a summary of your county’s October Beef Month events and celebrations throughout the month to Josie Jones at to compete in the 2023 Cattlemen of Beef Month contest. You might also see these pictures featured on our social media pages throughout the month, so be sure to follow!

Membership Update

We are just 83 members away from going Over the Top! The current membership count is 9,921. Remember, each county who goes Over the Top by the end of 2023 will go in the hat for a chance to win the Priefert Squeeze Chute. Also, the county with the highest percentage increase in membership will be awarded the Priefert Head Gate. Not to mention the opportunity to win prizes for recruiting new members!

State Beef Checkoff Supports Research

The Alabama Beef Checkoff Council met in September for its third quarter meeting and spent a large portion of time evaluating research proposals related to the cattle industry. Congratulations to the following researchers on projects receiving funding for the upcoming year. 

1.     Understanding the Digestion of Warm-Season Grass-Legume Mixtures by Micayla West, Dr. Maggie Justice, Dr. Kim Mullenix, Dr. Brandon Smith

2.     Auburn University Variety Selection Platform by Henry Jordan, Joshua Elmore

3.     Evaluating Byproduct Feedstuff Utilized in Alabama to Optimize Their Application in Beef Cattle Production by Dr. Brandon Smith, Dr. Aghata Moreira da Silva, Dr. Kim Mullenix, Dr. Leanne Dillard, Dr. Jose Pereira Neto 

4.     Development of Alabama Representative Farms to Produce Timely Cost Studies for Alabama Cattle Producers (Phase Two) by Ken Kelley, Dr. Max Runge, Dr. Kelly Palmer, Dr. Michelle Elmore, Dr. Adam Rabinowitz, Dr. Windiam Sawadgo

5.     Factors Affecting the Success of Biofertilizers in Bermudagrass Pastures by Dr. David Held, Dr. Tony Adesemoye, Dr. Leanne Dillard

6.     Predicting the Ground Beef Shelf Life From the Initial Microbial Community Profile by Dr. Aeriel Belk, Dr. Jason Sawyer


The Southeastern Livestock Exposition is gearing up for the 2024 SLE Rodeo and Livestock Week! The board of directors met earlier in September to discuss final details of the 2024 event, and the entire membership gathered in Troy this week for the SLE Annual Meeting and Dinner. Big Mike’s Steakhouse provided delicious steaks to enjoy – something our cattlemen friends will be glad to hear! Thank you to Dr. Nealy Barrett, Tina Hammonds and Dr. Doug Smith for three years of outstanding service to the SLE Board of Directors, and congratulations to newly-elected board members— Tommy Fuller, Jim Jordan and William Martin! Also, a special thank you goes to the Pike County Cattlemen’s Association for hosting us for this event.

Speaking of Pike County, the Miss SLE Rodeo Pageant will be held March 2, 2024 at the Pike County Cattleman Park. Applications open October 15 and are due by January 15. Follow the SLE Rodeo Facebook page for more details. (Miss SLE Rodeo age: 17-20, Junior Miss SLE Rodeo age: 13-16).

Sponsorship opportunities for the 2024 SLE Rodeo will open on October 6. If you are interested in details, please contact Sarah Hunter ( Sponsorship packages will be sold first come, first served.

Sunbelt Ag Expo Features a Road Trip through Sweet Grown Alabama 

Make plans to join us at the 2023 Sunbelt Ag Expo October 17-19 in Moultrie, GA as we highlight agriculture in Sweet Grown Alabama! For 2023, Alabama is the expo’s Spotlight State.

Engaging activities and snappy swag abound as visitors learn about Alabama’s diverse agricultural landscape. The bounty includes agritourism, catfish, cattle, corn, cotton, dairy, forestry, greenhouse products, peaches, peanuts, pecans, poultry, sod, soybeans, strawberries and sweet potatoes.

Numerous Alabama agricultural organizations and businesses have worked tirelessly this year to support the Sweet Grown Alabama mission and produce a worthy Spotlight State exhibit. Their employees are the masterminds behind the road trip design of the building, as well as the exhibit’s volunteers, who are all excited to share their expertise about and passion for Alabama’s agricultural industry. Through all its related industries, agriculture has a $70.4 billion economic impact on the state and employs more than 580,000 people. 

The Sunbelt Ag Expo is North America’s Premier Farm Show with more than 1,200 exhibitors on the grounds at Spence Field in Moultrie. The event highlights the latest agricultural technology, research and equipment, which draws thousands of attendees. Learn more at


Invitations to participate in the Beef Checkoff Task Force meeting are going out soon. At this meeting attendees from the beef cattle industry will work to develop ideas and programs for FY24 utilizing beef checkoff dollars. Any cattlemen is welcome to attend but we do need to know you are coming so we can make sure to have enough lunch. The meeting will take place at 10:00AM at the Cattlemen’s building on November 2. This is the best way to have a direct voice in how beef checkoff dollars are spent in the upcoming year. Please let us know if you would like to attend by contacting Erin at the office,

Christmas from Cowboys

What do you get the person that has everything? The ACA has just what you need! This year, you can gift your friends or colleagues a membership to the Alabama Cattlemen’s Association. For $50, the person who receives your gifted membership will receive all of the member benefits, including 12 issues of the Alabama Cattleman magazine. The promotion will run from October-December and is a great way to get a new member into the organization. To learn more and get to gifting, visit or call our office at (334) 265-1867.


Livestock producers experiencing depredation from black vultures may now apply for a no cost Black Vulture Depredation Sub-Permit through the Alabama Department of Agriculture & Industries. All approved applicants will be allowed to take up to three black vultures as long as the statewide take number has not exceeded 500. Approved applicants must report each take within 48 hours. If 500 vultures are harvested in the state, applicants will receive an email notifying them that no more vultures may be taken during the permit period. For more information, visit

Thanks for reading this month’s post! Until we post again, we want to remind you that you can stay in touch with us by following us on Facebook or Instagram.

Bama Beef News | August 2023

Welcome to the Bama Beef Blog, where you can check out the latest monthly news from the Alabama Cattlemen’s Association, the Alabama Beef Checkoff Program and the Southeastern Livestock Expo. Keep reading for more info!

Final ruling on WOTUS

On Tuesday, August 29, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers issued a final rule amending the 2023 definition of “waters of the United States.” The amendments conform with the Supreme Court’s recent decision in Sackett v. EPA. The agencies are committed to following the law and implementing the Clean Water Act, which provides essential protections that safeguard the nation’s waters from pollution and degradation. This action provides the clarity that is needed to advance these goals, while moving forward with infrastructure projects, economic opportunities, and agricultural activities. Specific amendments include:

  1. Eliminates “interstate wetlands” from the list of jurisdictional waters.
  2. Limits jurisdictional tributaries to features “that are relatively permanent, standing or continuously flowing bodies of water.”
  3. Redefines “adjacent” as “having a continuous surface connection.”

The rule wholly removes the significant nexus test from consideration when identifying tributaries and other waters as federally protected.  It also revises the adjacency test when identifying federally jurisdictional wetlands, clarifies that interstate wetlands do not fall within the interstate waters category, and clarifies the types of features that can be considered under the “additional waters” category. It is important to note that this amendment does not affect any other aspects of the 2023 rule, including agricultural exclusions.

Auburn Family Dinner

The ACA had a unique opportunity to provide beef at the center of the plate for the Auburn Football team during the Auburn Family Dinner with Coach Hugh Freeze on August 6.  Thanks to the grilling teams at Elmore and Montgomery County Cattlemen’s, players, coaches and their families enjoyed ribeye steaks. This event was sponsored by the Alabama Beef Checkoff Program and provided an opportunity to showcase beef and share about its nutritional benefits with the AU athletic staff!   

Farm Bill Listening Session

In coordination with Alabama Commissioner of Agriculture and Industries Rick Pate, U.S. Senator Tommy Tuberville spent time in Alabama in early August to hold Farm Bill Listening Sessions with producers. ACA leaders and staff were in attendance for the central Alabama session, which held a focus on the cattle industry. Programs of interest in the Farm Bill for cattlemen include risk management, conservation and programs related to feral hogs. ACA President Chuck Madaris thanked “Coach” for his support of agriculture and the voice he gives Alabama on the Senate Ag Committee.


The Young Cattlemen’s Leadership Program (YCLP) Class X held its second session in west Alabama on August 11-12. Tour stops included CK Cattle in Hope Hull, the Blackbelt Research and Extension Center in Marion Junction, Glover Farms in Greensboro, and Prairie Lakes Farm in Greensboro. Session 3 for the young cattlemen group is coming up soon and will be in DeKalb County September 29-30.

Then, on Thursday, August 24, several past and current YCLP class members promoted beef and the Alabama Cattlemen’s Association during the Trash Pandas vs. Birmingham Barons game in Madison. Thanks to all our young leaders who volunteered to help!

And last but not least, the YCLP Council and Auburn Collegiate Cattlemen will be hosting a tailgate September 16 for Auburn’s Homecoming game against Samford University. All YCLP alumni are invited to come out to Upchurch Hall for food and fellowship before the game!

Beef at the Barons

Speaking of sports, over 400 cheeseburger samples were handed out at the Birmingham Baron’s Ag Night August 4. Jefferson County cattlemen showed up and showed out to promote beef and talk with game attendees about cattle production in Alabama! Special thanks to Jefferson County Cattlemen for helping us making this tabling night a success!

Membership Report

The ACA is proud to represent 9,811 members thus far in 2023, which means we are only 189 members from the state going Over the Top this year!

Don’t forget our recruitment prizes! If you join as a new member of the ACA, your name automatically goes into a drawing for a John Deere Gator, sponsored by John Deere, SunSouth and TriGreen Equipment. But wait! That’s not all. If you are responsible for recruiting a new member, your name also qualifies for the drawing and begins your journey toward joining our Top Hand Club— which awards exclusive prizes to recruiters.. The prize for Top Recruiter is 10 Priefert panels! 

Your membership matters to your county chapter. Each year, one lucky chapter who goes “Over the Top” from the previous membership year qualifies for a drawing to win a Priefert squeeze chute, sponsored by Fuller Supply Co. and Priefert Ranch Equipment. The county chapter with the largest percentage membership growth year over year is awarded a Priefert head gate. Help your local chapter roll home with a tool all members can benefit from!


The AJCA Board of Directors held its first meeting this month. Led by newly elected president Alyvia Watson, the board reviewed the 2023 AJCA Round-Up and made plans for the Fall Field Day. The Fall Junior Cattlemen’s Field Day will be held Wednesday, September 13, at Lawler Farm in Opelika. Participants will learn about beef cattle evaluation from EPDs and performance records to visual appraisal and oral reasons.

The event is free and open to all youth. Register at AJCA Fall Field Day ( by September 6th.


Livestock producers experiencing depredation from black vultures may now apply for a no cost Black Vulture Depredation Sub-Permit through the Alabama Department of Agriculture & Industries. All approved applicants will be allowed to take up to three black vultures as long as the statewide take number has not exceeded 500. Approved applicants must report each take within 48 hours. If 500 vultures are harvested in the state, applicants will receive an email notifying them that no more vultures may be taken during the permit period. For more information, visit


The Alabama Agricultural Development Authority (AADA) is now accepting applications for low interest loans intended to support meat and poultry processing businesses in Alabama. Loans can be used to purchase or construct new facilities, expand existing facilities, purchase new equipment, cover start-up costs and hire additional employees. 

Phase I applications are now open and will close September 14. For more information and loan application details, visit

Thanks for reading this month’s post! Until we post again, we want to remind you that you can stay in touch with us by following us on Facebook or Instagram.